6.4 mag earthquake in S. Ca.

Shoot. Them falling into the ocean would give us twice as much reason for July 4th to be Independence Day.
You'd be surprised how many conservatives live in Ca. Get rid of the illegals and Ca. is a red state.
The geo. lady said another big one is coming.

No she didn't. Do you ever tire of lying? We Californian's know the Big One will come, some day. The Hayward Fault is the one which has had no BIG ONE since 1868, studies by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates there is a one in three chance a 6.7-magnitude earthquake or greater will shake the Hayward fault in the next 30 years. The last BIG ONE on the San Andreas was in 1906, the one before that was in 1857.
Why did it have to happen on the 4th. Liberals do anything to destroy Trumps 4th day celebrations. Hear all msm networks are refusing to televised it.
Aftershocks seemed to go off daily for 2-3 weeks after Loma Prieta 6.9 in 1989. Big ones, but never as big as the first one. Maybe 5.4? Until you forgot about it?
This quake was so far off the reall world plantation it really don't make shit bit of difference. I want my rock and roll here in the bay area!
Shoot. Them falling into the ocean would give us twice as much reason for July 4th to be Independence Day.

Careful what you wish for, your wine, fruit and veggies, nuts and rice will be much more costly.
You know that the only part of California on the pacific plate is from Santa Cruz to Inverness. The rest of the state is on the stable side.
Shoot. Them falling into the ocean would give us twice as much reason for July 4th to be Independence Day.

Careful what you wish for, your wine, fruit and veggies, nuts and rice will be much more costly.
You know that the only part of California on the pacific plate is from Santa Cruz to Inverness. The rest of the state is on the stable side.
I wonder if Trump will consider you part of the USA when you beg for help.

I think California is on his shit list
6.4 magnitude earthquake in Southern California
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A large earthquake has rattled a large swath of Southern California. There are no immediate reports of damage.

Oh well happens all the time lol

Yeah, it does. Especially in that area. There are three major faults lines that pass very close to each other in that region. Big earthquakes are common. Not that a 6.4 is a big one. It's a moderate sized quake.
The geo. lady said another big one is coming.

No she didn't. Do you ever tire of lying? We Californian's know the Big One will come, some day. The Hayward Fault is the one which has had no BIG ONE since 1868, studies by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates there is a one in three chance a 6.7-magnitude earthquake or greater will shake the Hayward fault in the next 30 years. The last BIG ONE on the San Andreas was in 1906, the one before that was in 1857.

I hate to break it to ya cupcake, but the San Andreas in the Bay Area hasn't experienced its Big One either. The 1906 Quake was up in Mendocino. The San Andreas is locked and loaded for a huge quake. Best get your earthquake kit ready.
Shoot. Them falling into the ocean would give us twice as much reason for July 4th to be Independence Day.

Careful what you wish for, your wine, fruit and veggies, nuts and rice will be much more costly.
You know that the only part of California on the pacific plate is from Santa Cruz to Inverness. The rest of the state is on the stable side.

California is made up of a multitude of miniature plates. Tectono Stratigraphic Terranes is what they are called. There IS no stable part of California.
The trampling of tens of thousands of Illegal immigrants feet set off the earthquakes
I'll bet you and your fellow "Christian" nutters were praying for a high death count among brown and black skinned people, along with all registered democrats when you first heard the news.
Do you ever take a break from your trolling?
Someone has to stay on top of putting the nitwits in their place.
The trampling of tens of thousands of Illegal immigrants feet set off the earthquakes
I'll bet you and your fellow "Christian" nutters were praying for a high death count among brown and black skinned people, along with all registered democrats when you first heard the news.
Just Democrat voters.
Come on now, there is no need to lie. You're an anonymous person on an Internet message board, no need to be afraid.

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