6 New Gun Control Laws Pass in California

When Mexico wants California back it can move in confidence that the citizenry will be unarmed and subservient. Nice work liberals.

Provided, of course, anybody pays any attention to those laws. Evidence of recent killings in gun-free zones (legally proclaimed shooting galleries) suggests that attention may be in short supply.
"Police or immediate family members must persuade a judge to sign off on what is called a gun violence restraining order, which lasts up to 21 days, but can be extended."

And by doing so affords the gun owner comprehensive due process rights, in no way ‘violating’ the Second, Fifth, or 14th Amendments to the Constitution.

Anyone who argues otherwise is either a liar or ignorant of the law.
Silly Californians, just more stupidly frivolous gun laws. fucking lemmings
The second amendment says nothing about the right to form a well regulated militia. It does says that it is a right for the PEOPLE to bare arms.

Wrong, Scalia said this in Heller, he also stated the 2nd A. was not an absolute right. Lies by omission are still lies, but you know this! And that makes you a liar.

The 2nd A. wording has been parsed over and over, it what you posted was true, the 2nd would not have included the first two phrases: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"

Please explain why these two phrases were included, if the original intent was solely: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"?

Please explain why these two phrases were included, if the original intent was solely: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"?

Militias were made up from the people, but not all people were eligible to join the militia.

That is not a reasonable explanation.

Yet it does open the question, why were some people not eligible to join the Militia? And why would the States be given the authority the appointment of officers and the training of the Militia - can't we infer that as part of the training some individuals would be unfit, and rejected from service. Such a rejection might have been due to mental illness, drunkenness or loyalty to the British Crown? So, I ask again, why would any sane, sober and responsible community / State / nation allow such persons to own or possess a gun, be it a single action revolver or a Glock 19 with a large capacity magazine?

why were some people not eligible to join the Militia?


In most areas, militia was able bodied men between the ages of 16-45, others, 16-57.

Females were not allowed to join a militia, no matter their age.

Once again, not all men are mentally or physically allowed to be in the Militia. COTUS gives the power to train the Militia under the rules set by the Congress. Has the Congress established such rules? If the State has the authority to appoint officers to train the Militia, which States have done so?

All the pretend constitutional experts abound on 2nd A. threads, so any number of them ought to have the answers to these questions on speed dial.
I await an answer which does not begin, end or include because gun right cannot be infringed. They are, get over it.

The second was put in place so people could form militias independent of the government
The government already had the power to raise an army
When Mexico wants California back it can move in confidence that the citizenry will be unarmed and subservient. Nice work liberals.

Provided, of course, anybody pays any attention to those laws. Evidence of recent killings in gun-free zones (legally proclaimed shooting galleries) suggests that attention may be in short supply.

Another dumb post, ^^^

What do you think a POTUS and a Congress, notwithstanding which party is in power, would do to the Mexican Army within hours of their crossing the border into California?
Wrong, Scalia said this in Heller, he also stated the 2nd A. was not an absolute right. Lies by omission are still lies, but you know this! And that makes you a liar.

The 2nd A. wording has been parsed over and over, it what you posted was true, the 2nd would not have included the first two phrases: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"

Please explain why these two phrases were included, if the original intent was solely: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"?

Please explain why these two phrases were included, if the original intent was solely: "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"?

Militias were made up from the people, but not all people were eligible to join the militia.

That is not a reasonable explanation.

Yet it does open the question, why were some people not eligible to join the Militia? And why would the States be given the authority the appointment of officers and the training of the Militia - can't we infer that as part of the training some individuals would be unfit, and rejected from service. Such a rejection might have been due to mental illness, drunkenness or loyalty to the British Crown? So, I ask again, why would any sane, sober and responsible community / State / nation allow such persons to own or possess a gun, be it a single action revolver or a Glock 19 with a large capacity magazine?

why were some people not eligible to join the Militia?


In most areas, militia was able bodied men between the ages of 16-45, others, 16-57.

Females were not allowed to join a militia, no matter their age.

Once again, not all men are mentally or physically allowed to be in the Militia. COTUS gives the power to train the Militia under the rules set by the Congress. Has the Congress established such rules? If the State has the authority to appoint officers to train the Militia, which States have done so?

All the pretend constitutional experts abound on 2nd A. threads, so any number of them ought to have the answers to these questions on speed dial.
I await an answer which does not begin, end or include because gun right cannot be infringed. They are, get over it.

The second was put in place so people could form militias independent of the government
The government already had the power to raise an army

BULLSHIT! Why do you make stuff up?

Yes, the government could fund an army (Art. I, sec 8, clause 12), no such restriction to State Militias.
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Another dumb post, ^^^

What do you think a POTUS and a Congress, notwithstanding which party is in power, would do to the Mexican Army within hours of their crossing the border into California?

Let's not try to predict the uncertain future - confining ourselves to 2016 (pre-election) reality.

Congress? I would expect a quick motion to declare war on Mexico. Followed hotly by a Democrat sit-in.

"POTUS"? Within the hour Air Farce One lifting off for an apology trip to D.F. Bringing, of course, cash or - if there were time to confiscate enough, gold.
Another dumb post, ^^^

What do you think a POTUS and a Congress, notwithstanding which party is in power, would do to the Mexican Army within hours of their crossing the border into California?

Let's not try to predict the uncertain future - confining ourselves to 2016 (pre-election) reality.

Congress? I would expect a quick motion to declare war on Mexico. Followed hotly by a Democrat sit-in.

"POTUS"? Within the hour Air Farce One lifting off for an apology trip to D.F. Bringing, of course, cash or - if there were time to confiscate enough, gold.

DUMB ^^^
He used the laws that you covet and protect and the NRA pays to keep in place, asshole.

Asswipe......he had the full monty of background checks....asshole....and he still murdered 49 people......they did every single thing you morons want done and he still passed your background check......3 background checks in fact.....and they didn't put him on the no fly list even with that.....but Mrs. Smith...who takes a photo on the airplane will get put on the no fly list because the Air Marshals have to meet a monthly quota of names on that list...

you guys are fucking morons....

The background checks as they stand today are no good, obviously. That flies right over the pin on the top of your head, I understand.


Why are they no good? Have you ever filled one out? Do you think anyone is going to answer "Yes" to these questions? And that these questions asked can be confirmed in just three fucking days when it takes six weeks to get a tax refund?


Over the years, I've probably filled out 2 dozen or more.

You have to show picture ID to the person at the gun store, and they check it against what you wrote.

They call It in, and give name, address, SSN.

Have you ever filled one out?

No, I just look at them online. But I can tell you one thing: it's much harder to get a New Jersey drivers license than it is to get a gun.
Another dumb post, ^^^

What do you think a POTUS and a Congress, notwithstanding which party is in power, would do to the Mexican Army within hours of their crossing the border into California?

Let's not try to predict the uncertain future - confining ourselves to 2016 (pre-election) reality.

Congress? I would expect a quick motion to declare war on Mexico. Followed hotly by a Democrat sit-in.

"POTUS"? Within the hour Air Farce One lifting off for an apology trip to D.F. Bringing, of course, cash or - if there were time to confiscate enough, gold.

DUMB ^^^
"Police or immediate family members must persuade a judge to sign off on what is called a gun violence restraining order, which lasts up to 21 days, but can be extended."

And by doing so affords the gun owner comprehensive due process rights, in no way ‘violating’ the Second, Fifth, or 14th Amendments to the Constitution.

Anyone who argues otherwise is either a liar or ignorant of the law.
Silly Californians, just more stupidly frivolous gun laws. fucking lemmings

^^^^^^ A puppy rolling over and peeing itself.
If more guns makes us safer, why do more of us die by guns than other developed countries?

Your chances of getting shot in the U.S. as opposed to other countries.

View attachment 80245
What a bun ch of stacked deck bullshit. Plenty of other countries exceed US gun death rates, a category that includes everything from gun murders, to self defense kills, to suicides and gang murders.

If Democrats would just stop shooting people we would see a drop of 90% in gun related deaths.

If Republicans would just stop giving the NRA a blowjob we would see a 90% drop in gun related deaths.
Asswipe......he had the full monty of background checks....asshole....and he still murdered 49 people......they did every single thing you morons want done and he still passed your background check......3 background checks in fact.....and they didn't put him on the no fly list even with that.....but Mrs. Smith...who takes a photo on the airplane will get put on the no fly list because the Air Marshals have to meet a monthly quota of names on that list...

you guys are fucking morons....

The background checks as they stand today are no good, obviously. That flies right over the pin on the top of your head, I understand.


Why are they no good? Have you ever filled one out? Do you think anyone is going to answer "Yes" to these questions? And that these questions asked can be confirmed in just three fucking days when it takes six weeks to get a tax refund?


Over the years, I've probably filled out 2 dozen or more.

You have to show picture ID to the person at the gun store, and they check it against what you wrote.

They call It in, and give name, address, SSN.

Have you ever filled one out?

No, I just look at them online. But I can tell you one thing: it's much harder to get a New Jersey drivers license than it is to get a gun.

so you trying to use something as evidence you have no clue about.

Thank you

"Police or immediate family members must persuade a judge to sign off on what is called a gun violence restraining order, which lasts up to 21 days, but can be extended."

And by doing so affords the gun owner comprehensive due process rights, in no way ‘violating’ the Second, Fifth, or 14th Amendments to the Constitution.

Anyone who argues otherwise is either a liar or ignorant of the law.
Silly Californians, just more stupidly frivolous gun laws. fucking lemmings

^^^^^^ A puppy rolling over and peeing itself.
If Democrats would just stop shooting people we would see a drop of 90% in gun related deaths.

If Republicans would just stop giving the NRA a blowjob we would see a 90% drop in gun related deaths.
FACT, most murders in the USA happen in Democrat controlled cities.

FACT most mass gun shootings occur in gun banned zones.

FACT, the Democrats could not care less how many people die as long as they scare enough fools to vote for them in election after election about things that acteually bring more harm to them.
Just w start you dumbass, liberals are never satisfied.

Ah! So those who have shown to be a threat to themselves and others should be allowed to own guns. Omar Mateen loved assholes like you. You made it EASY for him.

Hey asshole.....he had the best background check tax dollars could pay for.....3 interviews with FBI agents, a 10 month surveillance and they threw an under cover agent at him...as well as a full document and social media check.........he loved your gun control...it failed completely......but John Q. Citizen in California can't have 15 rounds in his pistol.....

you guys are fucking morons.

He used the laws that you covet and protect and the NRA pays to keep in place, asshole.

Asswipe......he had the full monty of background checks....asshole....and he still murdered 49 people......they did every single thing you morons want done and he still passed your background check......3 background checks in fact.....and they didn't put him on the no fly list even with that.....but Mrs. Smith...who takes a photo on the airplane will get put on the no fly list because the Air Marshals have to meet a monthly quota of names on that list...

you guys are fucking morons....

The background checks as they stand today are no good, obviously. That flies right over the pin on the top of your head, I understand.

Hey asswipe.....all background checks are going to be no good.......universal background checks will be bypassed the same way current background checks are bypassed.....criminals will use people with clean records to buy their guns, and mass shooters will simply pass any fucking background check you come up with because they too have clean records....like the Orlando shooter who passed 3 different background checks to get his guns....

I know that passes over you pinhead......and no matter how many times we explain it to you....

If you want to stop gun crime...you have to sentence gun criminals...including straw buyers like the gang bangers grandma...to 30 years in prison. That will dry up the straw buyers over night....then you have every warden, in every prison, and every gun store clerk announce to the friends and relatives of criminals...if you buy an illegal gun for a criminal....you are going to jail for 30 years.....

Let me repeat one part.......if you buy a gun for a criminal...if you are buying for someone who is not a criminal there will be no penalty......I know you assholes only care about arresting normal people who don't jump through all of your hoops...we actually care about criminals getting guns...you know...the ones actually using guns to commit crimes.....
My father sold a 12-foot UHaul full of guns a couple of years ago. Ran an ad in a gun magazine and some guys from Ohio showed up, paid cash and took off. Happens all the time. No telling where all those weapons are now.

If anyone used those guns for crimes...and got caught...the system worked....if they are sitting in someone's collection and gathering dust...so what...
Hey asshole.....he had the best background check tax dollars could pay for.....3 interviews with FBI agents, a 10 month surveillance and they threw an under cover agent at him...as well as a full document and social media check.........he loved your gun control...it failed completely......but John Q. Citizen in California can't have 15 rounds in his pistol.....

you guys are fucking morons.

He used the laws that you covet and protect and the NRA pays to keep in place, asshole.

Asswipe......he had the full monty of background checks....asshole....and he still murdered 49 people......they did every single thing you morons want done and he still passed your background check......3 background checks in fact.....and they didn't put him on the no fly list even with that.....but Mrs. Smith...who takes a photo on the airplane will get put on the no fly list because the Air Marshals have to meet a monthly quota of names on that list...

you guys are fucking morons....

The background checks as they stand today are no good, obviously. That flies right over the pin on the top of your head, I understand.


Why are they no good? Have you ever filled one out? Do you think anyone is going to answer "Yes" to these questions? And that these questions asked can be confirmed in just three fucking days when it takes six weeks to get a tax refund?


Moron.....it works because no matter how long you hold it up.....the straw buyers who buy guns for criminals can actually pass the background checks......like all of the mass shooters can......

Background checks don't fucking work....no matter how much pixie dust you sprinkle on them...criminals will get around them......but the normal guy who makes a mistake....you can destroy his life.....since that is all background checks accomplish....
Ah! So those who have shown to be a threat to themselves and others should be allowed to own guns. Omar Mateen loved assholes like you. You made it EASY for him.

Hey asshole.....he had the best background check tax dollars could pay for.....3 interviews with FBI agents, a 10 month surveillance and they threw an under cover agent at him...as well as a full document and social media check.........he loved your gun control...it failed completely......but John Q. Citizen in California can't have 15 rounds in his pistol.....

you guys are fucking morons.

He used the laws that you covet and protect and the NRA pays to keep in place, asshole.

Asswipe......he had the full monty of background checks....asshole....and he still murdered 49 people......they did every single thing you morons want done and he still passed your background check......3 background checks in fact.....and they didn't put him on the no fly list even with that.....but Mrs. Smith...who takes a photo on the airplane will get put on the no fly list because the Air Marshals have to meet a monthly quota of names on that list...

you guys are fucking morons....

The background checks as they stand today are no good, obviously. That flies right over the pin on the top of your head, I understand.

Hey asswipe.....all background checks are going to be no good.......universal background checks will be bypassed the same way current background checks are bypassed.....criminals will use people with clean records to buy their guns, and mass shooters will simply pass any fucking background check you come up with because they too have clean records....like the Orlando shooter who passed 3 different background checks to get his guns....

I know that passes over you pinhead......and no matter how many times we explain it to you....

If you want to stop gun crime...you have to sentence gun criminals...including straw buyers like the gang bangers grandma...to 30 years in prison. That will dry up the straw buyers over night....then you have every warden, in every prison, and every gun store clerk announce to the friends and relatives of criminals...if you buy an illegal gun for a criminal....you are going to jail for 30 years.....

Let me repeat one part.......if you buy a gun for a criminal...if you are buying for someone who is not a criminal there will be no penalty......I know you assholes only care about arresting normal people who don't jump through all of your hoops...we actually care about criminals getting guns...you know...the ones actually using guns to commit crimes.....
You forgot to cite where any of the new laws in California have been ruled un-Constitution by the Supreme Court.

Absent any such rulings, the state measures are perfectly Constitutional, in no way ‘violate’ the rights of gun owners, and are consistent with Second Amendment jurisprudence.

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