6 things DA Fani thinks are now a conspiracy

Nice to meet you, Your Majesty. How's your evidence of dead voters voting coming along?
Proven and anyone with a working brain can see 2020 was stolen

Are you a plane to Ukraine? Or just high on cocaine Sgt Major Asspain?
You are such a karen :)

You're boring
You are the saddest character I have seen on this forum in a long time.

No wonder you are so easily hoaxed by Trump and the MAGA media.

And even dumber than this idiot. You all really are the perfect example of what the left has become. Fart sniffing brainless morons

Go back to playing vidya games 20 year man lol
They really should require you street shitters to learn to read before immigrating

"A federal court has turned down Benson’s motion to throw out a lawsuit filed against her for refusing to remove almost 26,000 dead voters from Michigan voters rolls
Instead of simply settling the lawsuit and agreeing to finally remove the dead voters, Benson filed a motion to dismiss the case."

DEAD VOTERS you idiot
When they say dead voters they are talking about dead people who are still on voter rolls. The article isn't saying 26,000 dead people voted. Moron.
When they say dead voters they are talking about dead people who are still on voter rolls. The article isn't saying 26,000 dead people voted. Moron.
And if they are DEAD VOTERS why is Michigan and your communist pals fighting to keep them ON the rolls MORON?
And if they are DEAD VOTERS why is Michigan and your communist pals fighting to keep them ON the rolls MORON?
I don't know. I'm not a mind reader. I can hazard a few guesses. Maybe a general principle against purging voter rolls or maybe an unwillingness to take this organization at their word combined with a total lack of interest in verifying their information. The problem with purging voter rolls is that occasionally people who are legally eligible to vote because they share a name with a deceased person or there was a snafu on a change of address, end up getting purged. More Democratic minded election officials are going to err on the side of caution in protecting every citizens right to vote rather than be fearful that a bad actor will try and commit voter fraud.

Now you're free to reject all this but you're not free to make up your own facts and its a fact that you can't find any widespread evidence of voter fraud using dead voters. Moron. Prove me wrong.
I don't know. I'm not a mind reader. I can hazard a few guesses. Maybe a general principle against purging voter rolls or maybe an unwillingness to take this organization at their word combined with a total lack of interest in verifying their information. The problem with purging voter rolls is that occasionally people who are legally eligible to vote because they share a name with a deceased person or there was a snafu on a change of address, end up getting purged. More Democratic minded election officials are going to err on the side of caution in protecting every citizens right to vote rather than be fearful that a bad actor will try and commit voter fraud.

Now you're free to reject all this but you're not free to make up your own facts and its a fact that you can't find any widespread evidence of voter fraud using dead voters. Moron. Prove me wrong.
Thanks for showing you lack common sense but I expected nothing less
Act 6. On or about the 21st day of November 2020, MARK RANDALL MEADOWS sent a text message...

Act 22. On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted...

Act 26. On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted...

Act 27. On or about the 3rd day of December 2020, DONALD JOHN TRUMP caused to be tweeted ...

Act 45. On or about the 8th day of December 2020, MICHAEL A. ROMAN sent a text message...

Act 57. On or about the, 11th day of December 2020, DAVID JAMES SHAFER reserved Room 216...

So tweeting, sending text and reserving a room. And this is what they think will lock up Trump?
It's the contents of these messages, not the messages themselves.

This isn't rocket science.

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