6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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Well, you ask for it.

I first read of the woes of Christians in Pakistan from a Chapter in a book on persecuted Christians. And I read September 11 was the day that changed their world forever. Not from what happened that day, but from the US unleashing her rage over 9/11 on Afghanistan and the ME. Only then, then, Christians there came under attack.

US invasions and occupations very much have hurt Christians in the Middle East.

Why do we keep hurting Christians this way?

Look at Iraq, what we did to the Christian population there.

LOOK at Syria, what we are doing to Christians there right now.

Look at Lebanon, all we have done to Christians there.

Look at Palestine, supporting ethnic cleansing against Christians there for over 65 years now.
By "we" I assume you mean y'all Islamic terrorists. I agree wholeheartedly.

Read it again, clearly I started out stating the US is who I am speaking of.
September 2013

Alray - Settler runs over Palestinian worker in Bethlehem - Media AgencyGaza, ALRAY - An Israeli settler ran over a Palestinian worker on Sunday morning in the west of Bethlehem southern the West Bank. ALRAY

Palestinian Wounded After Being Hit By Settler's Car Silwan - Occupied Jerusalem, Palestinian medical sources have reported Saturday [September 20, 2013] that a Palestinian man was injured i...IMEMC

Alray - Israeli settler runs over little child in Hebron - Media AgencyGaza, A LRAY - A 6-year-old little child was injured on Thursday after being run over by a settler's car in Hebron in the south of West Bank,ALRAY

Israeli settler runs over a Palestinian family in Bethlehem An Israeli settler has deliberately run over a Palestinian family, consisting of man and two ladies, in Bethlehem, where they were transf...PALESTINE-INFO

When Cars Become Weapons: Settlers Deliberately Wound & Even Kill by Hit & Run Attacks (with images) · occpal · Storify
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September 2013

Alray - Settler runs over Palestinian worker in Bethlehem - Media AgencyGaza, ALRAY - An Israeli settler ran over a Palestinian worker on Sunday morning in the west of Bethlehem southern the West Bank. ALRAY

Palestinian Wounded After Being Hit By Settler's Car Silwan - Occupied Jerusalem, Palestinian medical sources have reported Saturday [September 20, 2013] that a Palestinian man was injured i...IMEMC

Alray - Israeli settler runs over little child in Hebron - Media AgencyGaza, A LRAY - A 6-year-old little child was injured on Thursday after being run over by a settler's car in Hebron in the south of West Bank,ALRAY

Israeli settler runs over a Palestinian family in Bethlehem An Israeli settler has deliberately run over a Palestinian family, consisting of man and two ladies, in Bethlehem, where they were transf...PALESTINE-INFO

When Cars Become Weapons: Settlers Deliberately Wound & Even Kill by Hit & Run Attacks (with images) · occpal · Storify
How about articles when rocks and bricks become weapons. After all, we have seen your Palestinian buddies having such a good time throwing rocks at the Israelis, and just the other day there was in the newspaper a picture of the Egyptians throwing bricks at the Egyptian soldiers. Rocks and bricks do kill, as you know, Frau Sherri. I guess when her Islamist buddies wound and kill others, it is of no consequence to Frau Sherri. If she can't blame something on the U.S., Israel, and the Jews in general, she just ignores what happens.
September 2013

Alray - Settler runs over Palestinian worker in Bethlehem - Media AgencyGaza, ALRAY - An Israeli settler ran over a Palestinian worker on Sunday morning in the west of Bethlehem southern the West Bank. ALRAY

Palestinian Wounded After Being Hit By Settler's Car Silwan - Occupied Jerusalem, Palestinian medical sources have reported Saturday [September 20, 2013] that a Palestinian man was injured i...IMEMC

Alray - Israeli settler runs over little child in Hebron - Media AgencyGaza, A LRAY - A 6-year-old little child was injured on Thursday after being run over by a settler's car in Hebron in the south of West Bank,ALRAY

Israeli settler runs over a Palestinian family in Bethlehem An Israeli settler has deliberately run over a Palestinian family, consisting of man and two ladies, in Bethlehem, where they were transf...PALESTINE-INFO

When Cars Become Weapons: Settlers Deliberately Wound & Even Kill by Hit & Run Attacks (with images) · occpal · Storify
How about articles when rocks and bricks become weapons. After all, we have seen your Palestinian buddies having such a good time throwing rocks at the Israelis, and just the other day there was in the newspaper a picture of the Egyptians throwing bricks at the Egyptian soldiers. Rocks and bricks do kill, as you know, Frau Sherri. I guess when her Islamist buddies wound and kill others, it is of no consequence to Frau Sherri. If she can't blame something on the U.S., Israel, and the Jews in general, she just ignores what happens.

you may not attack sherri's DEEN --- she does not "ignore"---she recognizes murder
murder as WORSHIP
Hossie-----she READ IT IN A BOOK -------BOOK X written by "christian X" in
islamic land X are you not impressed?
Hossie-----she READ IT IN A BOOK -------BOOK X written by "christian X" in
islamic land X are you not impressed?
Sherri never fails to impress me. She's one of a kind alright. (That means the species will go extinct)
Does anyone have a credible news story about the supposed eye injury to a six
year old child-------who was in a moving car ----and deliberately shot from
a distance of 80 METERS ------right thruw the left (or right) eye--(depending on
which islamo nazi shit rag you read? ITS A MIRACLE ----how many markmen
can hit an EYE of a child-----in a moving car at a distance of well over 250 feet?

The mother does report that she actually saw---- at a distance of 250 feet----an israeli
gunman LEVEL HIS GUN right at the eye of her child who was sitting inside a moving car.

Somehow the windows and frame of the car did NOTHING to deflect the speeding
bullet. whoever he was-----that markmen beat out ANNIE OAKLEY.

I have seen lots of lead in heads----and other parts of people------even those shot at
POINT BLANK RANGE-----are not so accurate as UM one-eye claims for the israeli
shooter . I have seen a case of gunshot PRESSED ON THE SKULL OF THE VICTIM---
that ----bounced off the mastoid bone. Does anyone know the CALIBRE of those rubber
coated bullets Very few 22 shots actually kill when ----aimed at the head---(not that I am
endorsing experimentation------just saying) . Sometimes just a richocheted bullet----even
a 22 actually does kill
Israel attacks civilians with chemical weapons.

Sometimes, when their lands are being trespassed on and unlawfully occupied by war criminal IDF and war criminal illegal settlers and their people attacked and unlawfully detained, some will throw rocks!
One posters obsession with one case where Palestinian youth were tortured into making false confessions to the killing of some of the family members of one illegal settler family living in a religious extremist illegal settlement in the West Bank is getting old.

Ruthie Fogel taught little Jewish girls to be terrorists in a religious extremist school it Ithmar. The story Is told in the article Girls Ar War in The Tablet. It is sad her children were killed because she put their lives in danger living as a squatter on stolen Palestinian land in the West Bank.

A sad story, the Fogels story, but certainly no justification for Israels targeting of Palestinian children and civilians in the OPT, no justification for the continuing ethnic cleansing operations. The Fogels thenselves can be seen as themselves victims of Zionist ethnic cleansing, as the illegal settlements are an integral part of Israels ethnic cleansing program in Palestine.

Another Pro Palestinian lie. I read the article and it doesn't say anything about her teaching " terrorism". She claims the thread is about this Palestinian Child but she could still coment on the Israeli Child that was previously mentioned. Her " compassion" must be something that " jesus" taught her. :lol:
Well, you ask for it.

I first read of the woes of Christians in Pakistan from a Chapter in a book on persecuted Christians. And I read September 11 was the day that changed their world forever. Not from what happened that day, but from the US unleashing her rage over 9/11 on Afghanistan and the ME. Only then, then, Christians there came under attack.

US invasions and occupations very much have hurt Christians in the Middle East.

Why do we keep hurting Christians this way?

Look at Iraq, what we did to the Christian population there.

LOOK at Syria, what we are doing to Christians there right now.

Look at Lebanon, all we have done to Christians there.

Look at Palestine, supporting ethnic cleansing against Christians there for over 65 years now.

A Global Slaughter of Christians, but America?s Churches Stay Silent - The Daily Beast

Muslims Want Christians Massacred | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat


#MyJihad in Nigeria: Muslims Slaughter 50 Christians in Easter Attack - Atlas Shrugs

All of a sudden this follower of " jesus" is concerned about the suffering of Christians because she believes WE are responsible? :lol: Too bad she doesn't feel that way about the suffering of Christians at the hands of Muslims ! Above; JUST A FEW EXAMPLES!!!!! :evil:
6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

IDF soldiers shot 6-year-old Musab al-Sarahneh in the eye in al-Fawwar refugee camp south of Hebron early last week, his family reported.*The boy lost his right eye after Israeli forces opened fire on the car he was traveling in with rubber-coated steel bullets, according to the family's account.*At the time, last Friday, Musab was sitting in a car holding his mother's hand as they made their way home, his family says.*As they approached the entrance to al-Fawwar refugee camp, an Israeli soldier opened fire at their car out of nowhere, according to Musab's mother. She said that the Israeli soldier who shot Musab was only about 40 meters from their car. Immediately following the incident, Musab noticed blood flowing from right eye, and was taken to the hospital. One of the rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the Israeli soldier hit Musab straight in the eye.

*6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet | Maan News Agency

Palestinians in Refugee camps in Occupied Palestine are subjected to constant attacks by Israel.

The goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the inhabitants to pressure the inhabitants to leave.

Children often are the victims, as we see in this story of a young child losing an eye .

Israel occupies the West Bank, they owe an obligation to protect civilians, not shoot children in the eyes and cause this horrible injury like this to a child.



I smell bullshit! Palestines and Muslims are good liars. Whether this happened or not is always debatable, but and Israeli firing over nothing and out of no where doesn't happen.
Israel attacks civilians with chemical weapons.

Sometimes, when their lands are being trespassed on and unlawfully occupied by war criminal IDF and war criminal illegal settlers and their people attacked and unlawfully detained, some will throw rocks!
What chemical weapons are we talking about here. Raid? Moth balls.? Fly spray?
Well, you ask for it.

I first read of the woes of Christians in Pakistan from a Chapter in a book on persecuted Christians. And I read September 11 was the day that changed their world forever. Not from what happened that day, but from the US unleashing her rage over 9/11 on Afghanistan and the ME. Only then, then, Christians there came under attack.

US invasions and occupations very much have hurt Christians in the Middle East.

Why do we keep hurting Christians this way?

Look at Iraq, what we did to the Christian population there.

LOOK at Syria, what we are doing to Christians there right now.

Look at Lebanon, all we have done to Christians there.

Look at Palestine, supporting ethnic cleansing against Christians there for over 65 years now.

A Global Slaughter of Christians, but America?s Churches Stay Silent - The Daily Beast

Muslims Want Christians Massacred | Walid ShoebatWalid Shoebat


#MyJihad in Nigeria: Muslims Slaughter 50 Christians in Easter Attack - Atlas Shrugs

All of a sudden this follower of " jesus" is concerned about the suffering of Christians because she believes WE are responsible? :lol: Too bad she doesn't feel that way about the suffering of Christians at the hands of Muslims ! Above; JUST A FEW EXAMPLES!!!!! :evil:

In virtually all lands ----TODAY CALLED "MUSLIM LANDS" ----There were both christian
and jewish populations -----which were DECIMATED BY THE MURDER, RAPE, and
PILLAGE that so excites sherri------including the CESSPIT OF THE TWO MOSQUES---
arabia I am interested ---can anyone name a "muslim land" of today---in which
christians and jews were not subjected to GENOCIDE sometime in the past 1400 years?

over to YOU---SHERRI DEAR.....

Those are cousins of the brides and grooms. The actual wives of these men whom they are getting married to are show right here:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-IqTMRz4Ao]???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]

Yet again another propaganda fail and it's been disproven time and time again.

Israel attacks civilians with chemical weapons.

Sometimes, when their lands are being trespassed on and unlawfully occupied by war criminal IDF and war criminal illegal settlers and their people attacked and unlawfully detained, some will throw rocks!
What chemical weapons are we talking about here. Raid? Moth balls.? Fly spray?

White Phosphorous weapons

Depleted Uranium Weapons, to include D.I.M.E. weapons

Those are cousins of the brides and grooms. The actual wives of these men whom they are getting married to are show right here:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-IqTMRz4Ao]???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]

Yet again another propaganda fail and it's been disproven time and time again.

Israel attacks civilians with chemical weapons.

Sometimes, when their lands are being trespassed on and unlawfully occupied by war criminal IDF and war criminal illegal settlers and their people attacked and unlawfully detained, some will throw rocks!
What chemical weapons are we talking about here. Raid? Moth balls.? Fly spray?

White Phosphorous weapons

Depleted Uranium Weapons, to include D.I.M.E. weapons

Eyes in Gaza

Mads Gilbert(5)**A Rare and Valuable Testimony

By Lauraloo Mattox - September 27, 2010On December 27, 2008 Israel began a 3 week assault on the Gaza Strip. I don't wish to discuss the politics on either side of this long-standing conflict. You can research that for yourself - just please read from multiple sources about both sides of the issue.During the build-up before the initial assault, there were many governments, NGO's and press trying to get some of their people into Gaza, but Israel allowed almost no one in. The Norwegians, however, did manage to get two doctors in. They are the only witnesses many of the Palestinian civilians have of their ordeal. Their story is told chronologically, one day at a time. Through them you learn what happened to the Palestinians on a personal level. They give a face to the many statistics: Israelis killed- 9, Palestinians - 1417; Israeli children killed - 0, Palestinian children killed - 313; UN humanitarian supply depot destroyed denying 750,000 people food and fuel; 21,000 Palestinian houses destroyed, as well as many schools, hospitals and factories.

The doctors were additionally able to provide testimony as to the kinds of weapons being used. Israel at first denied the use of white phosphorus and DIME weapons, but the doctors, who were treating wounds inflicted by these weapons, were able to say otherwise. I commend them for their bravery - they put themselves in harm's way, they defied authorities when necessary, and they helped the many civilians injured (more than 5000) during the conflict. Their day to day existence was full of heartbreak, determination to help, and keeping their wits.Of course there are many books on this topic, told from both sides. And ever since the flotillas attempted to break through the blockades, there has been more press coverage than ever on this region. This book, however, focuses on two doctors trying to help people during one brief period of time. It's a story well told, and following the timeline makes you feel more connected to the events.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/review/070437191X/R235KM9JRN14FB/ref=mw_dp_cr?cursor=1&sort=rd]Amazon:Customer reviews[/ame]

I have not read this book yet, written by doctors who were in Gaza during Cast Lead and treated victims of Israeli attacks using white phosphorous and depleted uranium weapons and document it in this book.

Getting ready to order book now.
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Those are cousins of the brides and grooms. The actual wives of these men whom they are getting married to are show right here:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-IqTMRz4Ao]???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]

Yet again another propaganda fail and it's been disproven time and time again.

Israel attacks civilians with chemical weapons.

Sometimes, when their lands are being trespassed on and unlawfully occupied by war criminal IDF and war criminal illegal settlers and their people attacked and unlawfully detained, some will throw rocks!
What chemical weapons are we talking about here. Raid? Moth balls.? Fly spray?

White Phosphorous weapons

Depleted Uranium Weapons, to include D.I.M.E. weapons

Explain what a depleted uranium weapon is and what affect it has, genius.
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