6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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Forget about Israel being a “light unto the nations” as the seminal early Zionist thinker Ahad HaAm used to say. Think more like Nazi Germany and the Spanish Civil War. Besides an ideological affinity between Franco’s fascists and Hitler, the Fuhrer found that conflict a perfect testing ground for Germany’s new weapons technology. During the Civil War, the Luftwaffe first previewed the new technique of aerial bombardment to devastating effect in places like Guernica. Hitler and Goering got to test all of their new playtoys like the Messerschmitts, Junkers, and anti-tank cannons.It seems that Israel has been using Gazans in precisely the same way since its invasion following the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit.

The weapon it has tested, known by the acronymDIME*(Dense Inert Metal Explosive), works to horrifying effect:An investigative report to be aired on Italian television Wednesday raises the possibility that Israel has used an experimental weapon in the Gaza Strip in recent months, causing especially serious physical injuries, such as amputated limbs and severe burns.Just to be clear about my analogy above (for the sake of the Little Green Footballs harpies among my readers), I did not intend to say that Israel as a whole is like Franco’s Spain or the U.S. like Nazi Germany. I merely meant to make an analogy to the ways in which this particular weapon was developed and possibly “lent out” to the IDF for experimental purposes.

The weapon is similar to one developed by the U.S. military, known as DIME, which causes a powerful and lethal blast, but only within a relatively small radius…The investigation, by*Rai24news, follows reports by Gaza-based doctors of inexplicably serious injuries. The doctors reported an exceptionally large number of wounded who lost legs, of completely burned bodies and injuries unaccompanied by metal shrapnel. Some of the doctors also claimed that they removed particles from wounds that could not be seen in an x-ray machine.Dr. Habas al-Wahid, head of the emergency room at the Shuhada al-Aqsa hospital, in Deir el-Balah, told the reporters that the legs of the injured were sliced from their bodies “as if a saw was used to cut through the bone.” There were signs of heat and burns near the point of the amputation, but no signs that the dismemberment was caused by metal fragments.

Israel Tests New Highly Lethal, Cancer-Causing Tungsten Bomb in Gaza Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-????? ????
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Those are cousins of the brides and grooms. The actual wives of these men whom they are getting married to are show right here:

???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??????? - YouTube

Yet again another propaganda fail and it's been disproven time and time again.

What chemical weapons are we talking about here. Raid? Moth balls.? Fly spray?

White Phosphorous weapons

Depleted Uranium Weapons, to include D.I.M.E. weapons

Explain what a depleted uranium weapon is and what affect it has, genius.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQcCWaLXXJI]Beyond Treason (Depleted Uranium US-WMD Iraq War Veterans Dying 2005).divx2 - YouTube[/ame]

Those are cousins of the brides and grooms. The actual wives of these men whom they are getting married to are show right here:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-IqTMRz4Ao]???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]

Yet again another propaganda fail and it's been disproven time and time again.

Israel attacks civilians with chemical weapons.

Sometimes, when their lands are being trespassed on and unlawfully occupied by war criminal IDF and war criminal illegal settlers and their people attacked and unlawfully detained, some will throw rocks!
What chemical weapons are we talking about here. Raid? Moth balls.? Fly spray?

White Phosphorous weapons

Depleted Uranium Weapons, to include D.I.M.E. weapons

Depleted Uranium rounds aren't a chemical weapon.
10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn't Want You to Talk About

1.*The U.S. Military Dumped 20 Million Gallons of Chemicals on Vietnam from 1962 - 1971

2.*Israel Attacked Palestinian Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2008 - 2009

3.*Washington Attacked Iraqi Civilians with White Phosphorus in 2004

4.*The CIA Helped Saddam Hussein Massacre Iranians and Kurds with Chemical Weapons in 1988

5.*The Army Tested Chemicals on Residents of Poor, Black St. Louis Neighborhoods in The 1950s

6.*Police Fired Tear Gas at Occupy Protesters in 2011

7.*The FBI Attacked Men, Women, and Children With Tear Gas in Waco in 1993

8.*The U.S. Military Littered Iraq with Toxic Depleted Uranium in 2003

9.*The U.S. Military Killed Hundreds of Thousands of Japanese Civilians with Napalm from 1944 - 1945

10.*The U.S. Government Dropped Nuclear Bombs on Two Japanese Cities in 1945

10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn't Want You to Talk About
Italian TV: Israel used new weapon prototype in Gaza Strip*By Meron Rapoport*October 11, 2006

An investigative report to be aired on Italian television today raises the possibility that Israel has used an experimental weapon in the Gaza Strip in recent months, causing especially serious physical injuries, such as amputated limbs and severe burns. The weapon is similar to one developed by the U.S. military called DIME, which causes a powerful and lethal blast, but only within a relatively small radius.*The Italian report is based on the eyewitness accounts of medical doctors in the Strip, as well as tests carried out in an Italian laboratory. The investigative team is the same one that exposed, several months ago, the use by U.S. forces in Iraq of phosphorous bombs, against Iraqi rebels in Faluja.*Israel Air Force Maj.-Gen (res.) Yitzhak Ben-Israel, formerly head of the IDF's weapons-development program, told the Italian reporters that "one of the ideas is to allow those targeted to be hit without causing damage to bystanders or other persons."*The investigation, by Rai24news, follows reports by Gaza-based doctors of inexplicably serious injuries. The doctors reported an exceptionally large number of wounded who lost legs, of completely burned bodies and injuries unaccompanied by metal shrapnel. Some of the doctors also claimed that they removed particles from wounds that could not be seen in an x-ray machine.*According to those who testified, the wounded were hit by munitions launched from drones, most of them in July.*


This link collects multiple articles discussing D.I.M.E and provides links.
Those are cousins of the brides and grooms. The actual wives of these men whom they are getting married to are show right here:

???? ???? ????? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??????? - YouTube

Yet again another propaganda fail and it's been disproven time and time again.

What chemical weapons are we talking about here. Raid? Moth balls.? Fly spray?

White Phosphorous weapons

Depleted Uranium Weapons, to include D.I.M.E. weapons

Depleted Uranium rounds aren't a chemical weapon.

But it's their job as arab propagandists to make outrageous and false declarations to the contrary. You are correct of course, they are not chemical weapons and do not explode. Depleted uranium rounds are tank rounds that are used against enemy armor. They are about a foot long and maybe an inch in diameter and weigh only a few pounds. Almost all countries use depleted uranium as their main tank round, So don't let the terrorist sympathizers fool ya.

The depleted uranium (DU) weaponry that the United States is using in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has used in the former Yugoslavia, is clearly illegal.

This is an essential point that the public, and victims of DU poisoning, including U.S. veterans, need to understand and stress in their arguments against DU weapons.

DU weapons fail the 4 point legal test, as international lawyer Karen Parker describes below:

A weapon is made illegal two ways: (1) by adoption of a specific treaty banning it; and (2) because it may not be used without violating the existing law and customs of war. A weapon made illegal only because there is a specific treaty banning it is only illegal for countries that ratify such a treaty. A weapon that is illegal by operation of existing law is illegal for all countries. This is true even if there is also a treaty on this weapon and a country has not ratified that treaty.

The laws and customs of war (humanitarian law) includes all treaties governing military operations, weapons and protection of victims of war as well as all customary international law on these subjects. In other words, in evaluating whether a particular weapon is legal or illegal when there is not a specific treaty, the whole of humanitarian law must be consulted.

There are four rules derived from the whole of humanitarian law regarding weapons:

(1) Weapons may only be used in the legal field of battle, defined as legal military targets of the enemy in the war. Weapons may not have an adverse effect off the legal field of battle. (The "territorial" test).

(2) Weapons can only be used for the duration of an armed conflict. A weapon that is used or continues to act after the war is over violates this criterion. (The "temporal" test).

(3) Weapons may not be unduly inhumane. (The "humaneness" test).

(4) Weapons may not have an unduly negative effect on the natural environment. (The "environmental" test).

DU weaponry fails all four tests:

(1) It cannot be "contained" to legal fields of battle and thus fails the territorial test.

(2) It continues to act after hostilities are over and thus fails the temporal test.

(3) It is inhumane and thus fails the humaneness test. DU is inhumane because of how it can kill -- by cancer, kidney disease, etc. long after the hostilities are over. DU is inhumane because it causes birth (genetic) defects thus effecting children (who may never be a military target) and who are born after the war is over. The use of DU weapons may be characterized as genocidal by burdening gene pools of future generations.

(4) DU cannot be used without unduly damaging the natural environment and thus fails the environment test.


The depleted uranium (DU) weaponry that the United States is using in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has used in the former Yugoslavia, is clearly illegal.

This is an essential point that the public, and victims of DU poisoning, including U.S. veterans, need to understand and stress in their arguments against DU weapons.

DU weapons fail the 4 point legal test, as international lawyer Karen Parker describes below:

A weapon is made illegal two ways: (1) by adoption of a specific treaty banning it; and (2) because it may not be used without violating the existing law and customs of war. A weapon made illegal only because there is a specific treaty banning it is only illegal for countries that ratify such a treaty. A weapon that is illegal by operation of existing law is illegal for all countries. This is true even if there is also a treaty on this weapon and a country has not ratified that treaty.

The laws and customs of war (humanitarian law) includes all treaties governing military operations, weapons and protection of victims of war as well as all customary international law on these subjects. In other words, in evaluating whether a particular weapon is legal or illegal when there is not a specific treaty, the whole of humanitarian law must be consulted.

There are four rules derived from the whole of humanitarian law regarding weapons:

(1) Weapons may only be used in the legal field of battle, defined as legal military targets of the enemy in the war. Weapons may not have an adverse effect off the legal field of battle. (The "territorial" test).

(2) Weapons can only be used for the duration of an armed conflict. A weapon that is used or continues to act after the war is over violates this criterion. (The "temporal" test).

(3) Weapons may not be unduly inhumane. (The "humaneness" test).

(4) Weapons may not have an unduly negative effect on the natural environment. (The "environmental" test).

DU weaponry fails all four tests:

(1) It cannot be "contained" to legal fields of battle and thus fails the territorial test.

(2) It continues to act after hostilities are over and thus fails the temporal test.

(3) It is inhumane and thus fails the humaneness test. DU is inhumane because of how it can kill -- by cancer, kidney disease, etc. long after the hostilities are over. DU is inhumane because it causes birth (genetic) defects thus effecting children (who may never be a military target) and who are born after the war is over. The use of DU weapons may be characterized as genocidal by burdening gene pools of future generations.

(4) DU cannot be used without unduly damaging the natural environment and thus fails the environment test.


I would be ashamed if all I could do was cut and paste lying propaganda. Off topic propaganda at that. The OP is about a 6 year old losing an eye. Was he shot with a DU round, ShiaSherri?
Another article addressing the illegality of depleted uranium weapons, this is interesting, it involves the testing of the weapons in the San Francisco bay Area. Wow, the use of these weapons is clearly unlawful now, after a specific UN Resolution finding to that effect in 1996, but the US government is still testing the weapons inside the US, putting the lives of Americans in danger in these experiments and testing.

UN Humanitarian Lawyer, Karen Parker, On the Violation of Human Rights in California | U.S. Military |Axisoflogic.com

"The use of Depleted Uranium in combat has been declared illegal under the UN Sub Commission of Human Rights. Its use is also a violation of various treaties, conventions, and international laws.

In order to determine the legality of Depleted Uranium use inside the United States via federal "experimentation" and "testing," I spoke with Karen Parker, JD, founder of the Association Humanitarian Lawyers. The long term proponent of international human rights specializes in humanitarian law and provides expert testimony and legal counsel for the United Nations. In spring, 1996, Parker made a presentation on Depleted Uranium to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.

On the matter of the extent that Depleted Uranium causes harm, Ms. Parker has written, -DU weapons 'kill' in inhumane ways, causing cancers, kidney problems, eye problems, lung diseases, and according to the medical researchers who have investigated it, many other serious conditions. Additionally, DU weapons cause disabilities in the children of those exposed - cranial-facial anomalies, missing limbs, grossly deformed and non-viable infants and the like - so in this sense are teratogenic."

"As these conditions can occur to non-combatants or may arise long after military operations have concluded, DU weapons are necessarily inhumane. The teratogenic nature of DU weapons raises the possibility of a genocidal effect. Finally, DU weapons unduly contaminate the natural environment, including water and agricultural land necessary for the subsistence of the civilian population for beyond the lifetime of that population."

The United Nations Sub-Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human Rights passed a resolution in 1996 finding the use DU weapons "incompatible" with existing humanitarian law. This resolution began a series of initiatives by the Sub-Commission on DU weapons and several other weapons of concern, including fuel-air bombs, cluster bombs and "bunker busters."

Interview With International Human Rights Attorney Karen Parker

Q - In a telephone interview, I asked Ms. Parker, with regard to the UN resolution 1997/36, does this also apply to open air explosions and military training firing of Depleted Uranium used outdoors by the Departments of Energy and Defense within the United States?

KAREN PARKER - "Testing was part of the resolution-including stockpiling and trafficking. It's not actually as clear as actual use in combat, whether the mere presence for instance of a nuclear bomb in your arsenal is a violation and a number of countries have nuclear weapons in their arsenals."

However, explained Parker, the US government �does not view DU subject to test ban treaties and therefore there is no international restriction on the testing.� Ms. Parker continued, "I would argue that there is an inherent violation of human rights if a weapon that releases dangerous substances is tested in an area where there are people who could be negatively affected. From that perspective, carrying out, say, a Depleted Uranium test, open air, in the Bay area is a crime - a violation of international law from the perspective of the right to life, the right to health and those kinds of rights."

Q - Isn�t the explosive testing a violation of humanitarian law?

KAREN PARKER - "It's not so much a violation of humanitarian law, because the weapon isn�t used in combat. The fact that it is a weapon and could be, and is intended to be used in combat doesn�t make a test of it a combat exercise." ...
Israel is using depleted uranium weapons against Palestinians and that includes Palestinian children, that is the relevance of a discussion of depleted uranium weapons in this thread, which is discussing Israel's attacks on Palestinian children in her Occupation in the OPT.

The depleted uranium (DU) weaponry that the United States is using in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has used in the former Yugoslavia, is clearly illegal.

This is an essential point that the public, and victims of DU poisoning, including U.S. veterans, need to understand and stress in their arguments against DU weapons.

DU weapons fail the 4 point legal test, as international lawyer Karen Parker describes below:

A weapon is made illegal two ways: (1) by adoption of a specific treaty banning it; and (2) because it may not be used without violating the existing law and customs of war. A weapon made illegal only because there is a specific treaty banning it is only illegal for countries that ratify such a treaty. A weapon that is illegal by operation of existing law is illegal for all countries. This is true even if there is also a treaty on this weapon and a country has not ratified that treaty.

The laws and customs of war (humanitarian law) includes all treaties governing military operations, weapons and protection of victims of war as well as all customary international law on these subjects. In other words, in evaluating whether a particular weapon is legal or illegal when there is not a specific treaty, the whole of humanitarian law must be consulted.

There are four rules derived from the whole of humanitarian law regarding weapons:

(1) Weapons may only be used in the legal field of battle, defined as legal military targets of the enemy in the war. Weapons may not have an adverse effect off the legal field of battle. (The "territorial" test).

(2) Weapons can only be used for the duration of an armed conflict. A weapon that is used or continues to act after the war is over violates this criterion. (The "temporal" test).

(3) Weapons may not be unduly inhumane. (The "humaneness" test).

(4) Weapons may not have an unduly negative effect on the natural environment. (The "environmental" test).

DU weaponry fails all four tests:

(1) It cannot be "contained" to legal fields of battle and thus fails the territorial test.

(2) It continues to act after hostilities are over and thus fails the temporal test.

(3) It is inhumane and thus fails the humaneness test. DU is inhumane because of how it can kill -- by cancer, kidney disease, etc. long after the hostilities are over. DU is inhumane because it causes birth (genetic) defects thus effecting children (who may never be a military target) and who are born after the war is over. The use of DU weapons may be characterized as genocidal by burdening gene pools of future generations.

(4) DU cannot be used without unduly damaging the natural environment and thus fails the environment test.


It continues to act after hostilities are over and thus fails the temporal test.

How does it act? By being so radioactive?
Israel is using depleted uranium weapons against Palestinians and that includes Palestinian children, that is the relevance of a discussion of depleted uranium weapons in this thread, which is discussing Israel's attacks on Palestinian children in her Occupation in the OPT.

Liar. Op only alleges a 6 year old being shot with a rubber bullet. Which is more than likely more Pallywood propaganda. You think we are gullible enough to believe that Israelis are wasting tank rounds on kids? Is there a shred of honesty under that burqa?
Israel is using depleted uranium weapons against Palestinians and that includes Palestinian children, that is the relevance of a discussion of depleted uranium weapons in this thread, which is discussing Israel's attacks on Palestinian children in her Occupation in the OPT.

Israel does not attack Palestinian children-----the deliberate murder of children is
an ISA/ALLAHUAKBARR custom-----and has cost the lives of hundreds of millions---
beginning with the isa respecting pigs of the contantine variety 1700 years ago---and
since and emulated contiuously by the meccaist variety beginning 1400
years ago. Depleted uranium has never been demonstrated to have a deleterious
effect on environment. Your kith and kin have been mutilating children as an act of 'worship of your depraved deity for ----that 1700 years that I have mentioned----it is
no wonder that you worship those of the meccaist moiety that sneak into houses in order
to slit the throats of infants------in fulfillment of your "religious" beliefs. and disgusting
"replacement" theory. Your filth replaces nothing---it is simply filth piled high
and deep

Children Israel targeted with chemical weapons attacks!

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more Israeli targeting of children in 11/2012!
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The depleted uranium (DU) weaponry that the United States is using in Iraq and Afghanistan, and has used in the former Yugoslavia, is clearly illegal.

This is an essential point that the public, and victims of DU poisoning, including U.S. veterans, need to understand and stress in their arguments against DU weapons.

DU weapons fail the 4 point legal test, as international lawyer Karen Parker describes below:

A weapon is made illegal two ways: (1) by adoption of a specific treaty banning it; and (2) because it may not be used without violating the existing law and customs of war. A weapon made illegal only because there is a specific treaty banning it is only illegal for countries that ratify such a treaty. A weapon that is illegal by operation of existing law is illegal for all countries. This is true even if there is also a treaty on this weapon and a country has not ratified that treaty.

The laws and customs of war (humanitarian law) includes all treaties governing military operations, weapons and protection of victims of war as well as all customary international law on these subjects. In other words, in evaluating whether a particular weapon is legal or illegal when there is not a specific treaty, the whole of humanitarian law must be consulted.

There are four rules derived from the whole of humanitarian law regarding weapons:

(1) Weapons may only be used in the legal field of battle, defined as legal military targets of the enemy in the war. Weapons may not have an adverse effect off the legal field of battle. (The "territorial" test).

(2) Weapons can only be used for the duration of an armed conflict. A weapon that is used or continues to act after the war is over violates this criterion. (The "temporal" test).

(3) Weapons may not be unduly inhumane. (The "humaneness" test).

(4) Weapons may not have an unduly negative effect on the natural environment. (The "environmental" test).

DU weaponry fails all four tests:

(1) It cannot be "contained" to legal fields of battle and thus fails the territorial test.

(2) It continues to act after hostilities are over and thus fails the temporal test.

(3) It is inhumane and thus fails the humaneness test. DU is inhumane because of how it can kill -- by cancer, kidney disease, etc. long after the hostilities are over. DU is inhumane because it causes birth (genetic) defects thus effecting children (who may never be a military target) and who are born after the war is over. The use of DU weapons may be characterized as genocidal by burdening gene pools of future generations.

(4) DU cannot be used without unduly damaging the natural environment and thus fails the environment test.


I would be ashamed if all I could do was cut and paste lying propaganda. Off topic propaganda at that. The OP is about a 6 year old losing an eye. Was he shot with a DU round, ShiaSherri?
The way Sherri carries on you would think the kid was shot in the eye with a Tomahawk missle.
The media’s double standard on child victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Posted by*Annie Robbins

For some reason, the attack on 9 year old Glick offered an opportunity for the media, as well as Israeli politicians, to revisit the peace negotiations.

And the assault that took 6 year old Musab al-Sarahneh’s right eye? Not worthy of even a mention in the western press.

Why? Because they are all to common, and Palestinian life is not valued here like Jewish life.

Child victims of the conflict, and how their assaults impact 'peace negotiations'
I suppose this is supposed to make us all turn against Israel and jump on your jihadist bandwagon? Try again.

I am powerless to give the heartless or soulless hearts and souls .

I wish I could.
Worry about curing your own heart and diseased soul. You're the one who regularly defends Islamic terrorists who stab little 2 year old kids in their sleep.
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