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What you call whining is actually constructive criticism.....especially since the effects of mishandling can cause me to not only lose working hours, as I already have, but possibly loose everything, my job, my pension, and my business.

Wanting the government to be in good hands because I work for it isn't biting the hand that feeds it. If the retards that are currently running it are incompetent that is especially worrisome for a government employee.

But being a lib you would never understand that concept.

COnstructive Criticism would actually involve offering a solution.

All you do is whinge about how the government spends too much (but never on you, as someone who works for EASILY the most wasteful government agency).

Sorry, man, I remember $200.00 hammers and $600.00 toilet seats and planes that a single copy of cost more than the whole government subsidy of PBS.

Replacing waste with even more waste isn't a solution.

Also, real solutions have been offered and ignored.
Runaway Joe, runaway.... Lol

Actually, I'd normally be at work right now...

But I had a sick day today, because I'm fighting the cold from hell.

Zicam, chicken-soup, Grapefruit-juice heated in a microwave, stay away from caffeine. Take a hot bath to sweat some if the poison out. Lemon-juice mixed with olive-oil to cleanse the liver.
the left will blame it on Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

When they can't blame it on these guys......


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