60% Disapproval and Rising

Look at the disaster trump has created. That issue means very little to me. Right now I’ve no idea if my kids will even be able to go school. Our pandemic response is the worst
Why are you afraid? Ewwwwwwe
No... sorry... we're being told Trump has no chance now just like we were told Trump had no chance in 2016. The stories are the same that Trump is going to lose, and our response is the same. Nothing has changed.

Trump had not botched his COVID response in 2020
What's really scary Azog is 4 more years of this sicko trump without him worrying about an election You think the 1st 4 were bad ,,,,You ain't seen nothing yet The Mafia President thinks he's above the law
Yeah you only care about people who never lived. The living can die....
Oh, you just do not understand, I am very pro-choice, I just happen to believe that every precious human baby be given its chance to improve the earth and life upon it, however, when confronted by black hearted sociopathic evil, such as your own, a retro-abortion is the only possible way! You had your chance, you pissed not just upon your chance, but upon those 60-80 million other chances, you used your chance to exterminate their chances, that is evil, you and all like you are monsters...
The United States is #1 and we can't celebrate it as an achievement in regards to how the leader of the free world has handled the Covid 19 pandemic.

Even McConnell is giving up on Trump's re-election bid. He knows the loss is coming and he could care less. In his sick political mind Mitch McConnell would rather see Biden win. That way the GOP can hold the new President in charge with the mess and put the blame into the Democrats hands while nothing gets done between now and 2021.

"New polling released Friday revealed that 60% of Americans disapprove of President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, a finding that comes hours after the U.S. reported a record-shattering 75,600 new coronavirus infections on Thursday alone."

"The Washington Post/ABC News poll found that just 38% percent of Americans approve of Trump’s handling of the pandemic, down from 51% in March. Disapproval of the president’s performance has risen 15 percentage points since March, with 52% of Americans now “strongly” disapproving of Trump’s handling of the crisis."

“This is where we are now because of Trump,” Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) tweeted late Thursday. “The Republican Party isn’t just unfit to govern but a threat to your life and the lives of your family.”

38% approval, 60% disapproval

Compared to Obama at this same point in his presidency...

48% approval, 49% disapproval
All the dead babies that come from planned parenthood! You think because they didn’t have a name they weren’t alive? Hahaha hahaha how sad a human you are
You can’t name one? You guys have lost the pro life card. You put the economy ahead of lives. You fight masks. You won’t do anything against gun violence. You are a joke.
Babies are alive, there’s that. You’re fked in the head! Abortion is killing babies. You stop a heart that’s beating
You humpers have a serious defect. Swaying off onto other than the topic is called an attempt to derail.
Does that include you? Of course it does.
Trump is leaving this country in despair without a plan to keep people from getting sick and the possibility to die.
Are you on his side with that?
What ever helps you sleep at night. You guys are acting just like the Hillary supporters were in 2016. There was no way they could lose. They had it in the bag. You'll be crying like them too on Election night and blaming fraud and illegal aliens voting as the reason you lost.

Different ballgame than 2016. He was the outsider. Running against an unpopular candidate. You know, the guy who was going to drain the swamp? Even then, he squeaks by with a barely 77K vote margin victory across three states. But this, year, Trump has a record to run on. And after absolutely nothing getting done the first two years (with a Republican majority), then the debacle of Mueller and impeachment, the cherry on top of the shit sundae is 3.4 million virus cases, 138K+ dead (and counting), and almost 15% unemployment....all on his watch.

Yeah, something tells me this year is gonna be slightly different.
The pandemic has NOTHING to do with president Trump. It isn't HIS FAULT, and neither is all the ANARCHIST RIOTING.

In midterms, historically, presidents ALWAYS lose seats. Obama lost FOUR TIMES as many Trump did. Trump actually lost very few.

You're starting to sound like just as big an IDIOT as these radical leftists ass clowns. You must be a slimy little city slicker without much of a back bone giving into all the leftist HYPE. You're weak and pathetic.
The disease isn't his fault but the response is. There were 121 countries yesterday which recorded zero deaths. While we had the second highest of any country with almost a thousand.

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