60 Russian diplomats expelled by the Trump administration

If I colluded with Russians and Mueller investigation was making me sweat I too would be quietly going along with what my foreign policy advisers put on the table...except if they say that I DO NOT CONGRATULATE PUTIN ON HIS NON-COMPETITIVE WIN - that's just barbaric!
Typical. When things go well it's all thanks to Obama or someone else. When things go bad it's all Trump.

What the hell are you talking about? What things did I say are going or not going well? Obama?
Reread your own post. Good grief

I did, don't know what the fuck you are saying.

Trump did the right thing to check Russian aggression (this time) - does it mean he didn't collude with them during election? Of course not.
You claimed trump was quietly going along with his advisers. As if it wasn't his choice. Truth is you have no idea how he came to that decision

Of course it wasn't his idea. HIS ideas he boasts about from the rooftops and loves to beat the official news with tweets.

This is his idea of dealing with Russians:


"Guys I gotta telly you -I just fired that crazy FBI Director, that was giving me tough time about Russia things!...want to hear some classified Israeli shit?"
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He had no choice - it was done with a wink and a nod.

Now he'll use it to claim "See Mueller? No collusion, no obstruction - Trump TOUGH on Russia!"

Just how many Russians have we got crawling around in this country, anyway?
Did they get rid of Kislyak yet?

Hell, TONS of Russians. Spies who were sanctioned and not supposed to be here were even invited to the White House.

What Was Russia’s Spy Chief Doing in Washington Last Week? Probably Playing the Trump Administration ... Again.
He had no choice - it was done with a wink and a nod.

Now he'll use it to claim "See Mueller? No collusion, no obstruction - Trump TOUGH on Russia!"

Thanks for your siggie

Welcome! I saw that sign in the crowd and thought it was pretty spot on.

Lyric is from the Neil Young Tune "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World"
Granny says, "Eh, dat's right - tell `em don't let the storm door hit ya onna butt onna way out...

Trump administration to expel 60 Russian diplomats and close Seattle consulate
Mar 26, 2018 | WASHINGTON — The Trump administration expelled 60 Russian diplomats on Monday and ordered Russia’s consulate in Seattle to close, as the United States and European nations sought to jointly punish Moscow for its alleged role in poisoning an ex-spy in Britain.
Senior Trump administration officials said all 60 Russians were spies working in the U.S. under diplomatic cover, including a dozen at Russia’s mission to the United Nations. The officials said the administration was taking the action to send a message to Russia’s leaders about the “unacceptably high” number of Russian intelligence operatives in the U.S. The expelled Russians will have seven days to leave the U.S, said the officials. They weren’t authorized to be identified by name and requested anonymity. They added that the Seattle consulate is a counter-intelligence concern because of its proximity to a U.S. Navy base.

The move was one of the most significant actions President Donald Trump’s administration has taken to date to push back on Moscow and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Less than a week ago, Trump congratulated Putin by phone for his re-election but didn’t raise the spy case, renewing questions about whether the U.S. president is too soft on the Kremlin. The U.S. actions came as more than a dozen nations, including those in Russia’s neighborhood, were expected to announce similar steps to reduce Russia’s diplomatic presence in their countries or other actions to punish Moscow. Poland summoned Russia’s ambassador for talks, and its foreign ministry was among several in Europe planning news conferences later Monday.

Last week, EU chief Donald Tusk predicted that member states would introduce measures against Moscow over its suspected role in the spy poisoning case. Britain has already expelled 23 Russian diplomats, accusing them of being undeclared intelligence agents, which led Russia to expel the same number of British diplomats. The European Union has already recalled its ambassador to Russia. Britain has accused Moscow of perpetrating the attack. The U.S., France and Germany have agreed it’s highly likely that’s the case.

Trump administration to expel 60 Russian diplomats and close Seattle consulate

See also:
Canada joins U.S., European nations and expels Russian diplomats
Mar 26, 2018 - Canada says it is expelling four Russian diplomats in solidarity with Britain.
Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland says the nerve agent attack carried out on the soil of Canada’s close ally is despicable and potentially endangered the lives of hundreds of people. Canada also says three applications by the Russian government for additional diplomatic staff will now be denied.


Russian President Vladimir Putin stands on the stage as he addresses the Federal Assembly, including the State Duma parliamentarians, members of the Federation Council, regional governors and other high-ranking officials, in Moscow, Russia March 1, 2018.​

The four being expelled have been identified as intelligence officers or individuals who have used their diplomatic status to “undermine Canada’s security or interfere in our democracy.” They are at the embassy in Ottawa and the consulate in Montreal.

Meanwhile, Romania’s foreign ministry says it is expelling one Russian diplomat, calling the poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal “a threat to collective security and international law.” The ministry says it agrees with Britain’s assessment that Russia likely was responsible for the attack.

Canada joins U.S., European nations and expels Russian diplomats


Russian ambassador says U.S. expulsion of his nation’s diplomats is ill-considered
Mar 26, 2018 - Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. says Washington’s decision to expel 60 Russian diplomats over the poisoning of an ex-Russian spy in Britain is destroying what is left of Russia-U.S. ties.
Anatoly Antonov denounced the U.S. move as ill-considered and provocative and said in remarks carried by Russian news agencies that Moscow will make an “adequate” response. He said Monday that the U.S. is “ruining what is left of Russian-U.S. ties,” adding that Washington will bear responsibility for the consequences.


Russian Deputy Defence Minister Anatoly Antonov attends a 2015 news conference in Moscow,​

Britain has blamed Russia for the March 4 poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, accusations Moscow has fiercely denied. In a show of solidarity with Britain, the U.S. and the EU have announced expulsions of Russian diplomats.

Russian ambassador says U.S. expulsion of his nation's diplomats is ill-considered

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