624K Jobs added over the last 3 months. 2012 revised upward: By 335K.

Public Sector employment is collapsing.

One can hope.

Just how much debt should we allow the future to bear so that some unnecessary bureaucrat can keep it's unnecessary job?

The CEO is probably the most "unnecessary" job ever.

The guy working on a sanitation truck performs a useful service. And generally cleans up the crap the the CEO spews.
It is the Republican curtailment of Government spending and Government employment that is holding back the economy
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Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

And workforce participation rate still at historical lows...

I will take that stat over the 'findings' of a blog

The stats are coming from the BLS.

And thus far..in terms of new private sector employment, numbers are better than they were during the Bush administration.

come on Sallow, what have you been smoking?

He just will not accept that his 'assertion' is not in line with the stats actually on the BLS site.... thinks if the blog and he keep repeating it, it will be true
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

And workforce participation rate still at historical lows...

I will take that stat over the 'findings' of a blog

The stats are coming from the BLS.

And thus far..in terms of new private sector employment, numbers are better than they were during the Bush administration.

come on Sallow, what have you been smoking?


Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

13,984.49 123.91(0.89%) 10:44AM EST

Same thing as those guys, apparently.

That's a REALTIME quote.

The stats are coming from the BLS.

And thus far..in terms of new private sector employment, numbers are better than they were during the Bush administration.

come on Sallow, what have you been smoking?

He just will not accept that his 'assertion' is not in line with the stats actually on the BLS site.... thinks if the blog and he keep repeating it, it will be true

And you keep refusing to answer the question I posed.

That's pretty telling.

Just as your constant gloom and doom predictions.

I heard the EXACT same thing about Clinton by the way from the very same people.
Unemployment up to 7.9. 8,500,000 left the work force.
Let me get this straight..you're looking at the increase of those Not in the Labor Force of 8.5 million, you assume there was no change in the population, and state that the Labor force dropped without bothering to look at the actual labor force numbers.

How does that make sense? The Labor Force increased by over a million. More people retired and fewer 16 year olds started looking for work, so NILF went up. Labor force increased, and Unemployed decreased.

Not in Labor Force, Want a Job Now
2000 4.4M
2008 4.9M
2013 6.7M

The stats are there right on BLS.. and the reality is not as rosy as the Obamalama admin states and what the Obamabots try and portray
Let's look at those Not in the Labor Force, Want a job now for Jan 2013:
Did not search for work in previous year: 3,728,000
Leaving 3,053,000 who did look in the last year but not the last 4 weeks.
Of those 610,000 said they could not have started to work if offered a job.
That leaves us with 2,443,000 Marginally Attached: Looked for work in last year but not last 4 weeks, wants to work and could take a job if offerred.
But WHY did they stop looking?
1.6 million stopped looking for personal reasons: family responsibilities, going to school, sick/injured/pregnant, transportation or child care issues....things that have nothing to do with how easy or hard it is to get a job.

804,000 are Discouraged, saying they stopped looking because they didn't think they'd be hired due to discrimination, because they didn't have the education/experience/skills, or because they just didn't think there were any jobs.
The stats are coming from the BLS.

And thus far..in terms of new private sector employment, numbers are better than they were during the Bush administration.

come on Sallow, what have you been smoking?


Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

13,984.49 123.91(0.89%) 10:44AM EST

Same thing as those guys, apparently.

That's a REALTIME quote.


seriously, just because the stock market is doing well? Ever given any thought as to why the markets are doing well while employment declines or stagnates?
come on Sallow, what have you been smoking?

He just will not accept that his 'assertion' is not in line with the stats actually on the BLS site.... thinks if the blog and he keep repeating it, it will be true

And you keep refusing to answer the question I posed.

That's pretty telling.

Just as your constant gloom and doom predictions.

I heard the EXACT same thing about Clinton by the way from the very same people.

Why are the public sector employment numbers collapsing?

Because the premise of your question is BULLSHIT because the ACTUAL DATA SHOWS OTHERWISE
And unemployment continues upward, debt continues upward, gdp continues at lows, economy shrinks etc.... Things aren't becoming better dude.

Well they are..

The GDP shrunk because of cuts in government spending.

So..this is the outcome you were hoping for..

Why no champagne?
come on Sallow, what have you been smoking?


Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

13,984.49 123.91(0.89%) 10:44AM EST

Same thing as those guys, apparently.

That's a REALTIME quote.


seriously, just because the stock market is doing well? Ever given any thought as to why the markets are doing well while employment declines or stagnates?

He's grasping at straws
And unemployment continues upward, debt continues upward, gdp continues at lows, economy shrinks etc.... Things aren't becoming better dude.

Well they are..

The GDP shrunk because of cuts in government spending.

So..this is the outcome you were hoping for..

Why no champagne?

Government spending dropped in Q4, because it spiked in Q3... you neglect to mention that in your spin

Kinda like how Obamalama likes to claim 2T in cuts when it is actually 2T in spread out reductions in future spending (with there still being an increase) while also counting cuts that already happened
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And unemployment continues upward, debt continues upward, gdp continues at lows, economy shrinks etc.... Things aren't becoming better dude.

Well they are..

The GDP shrunk because of cuts in government spending.

So..this zis the outcome you were hoping for..

Why no champagne?

No, I dont like the conditions we're in but O and company are quadrupling down on ignorance.
Public Sector employment is collapsing.

One can hope.

Just how much debt should we allow the future to bear so that some unnecessary bureaucrat can keep it's unnecessary job?

The CEO is probably the most "unnecessary" job ever.

Which the owners of a business get to VOLUNTARILY decide.

The guy working on a sanitation truck performs a useful service.

Which private business could easily provide without stealing from taxpayers. Hey, there's a thought!

And generally cleans up the crap the the CEO spews.

So the garbage man can thank the CEO for his job. Got it.
come on Sallow, what have you been smoking?


Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI)

13,984.49 123.91(0.89%) 10:44AM EST

Same thing as those guys, apparently.

That's a REALTIME quote.


seriously, just because the stock market is doing well? Ever given any thought as to why the markets are doing well while employment declines or stagnates?


The market plunged at the end of the Bush administration..and that was during MASSIVE layoffs.
One can hope.

Just how much debt should we allow the future to bear so that some unnecessary bureaucrat can keep it's unnecessary job?

The CEO is probably the most "unnecessary" job ever.

Which the owners of a business get to VOLUNTARILY decide.

The guy working on a sanitation truck performs a useful service.

Which private business could easily provide without stealing from taxpayers. Hey, there's a thought!

And generally cleans up the crap the the CEO spews.

So the garbage man can thank the CEO for his job. Got it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C31IlOHNzbM](LONG VERSION) Minneapolis Bridge Collapse Minnesota Video - YouTube[/ame]

I-35W Mississippi River bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's what happens when you short the public of needed maintainence and repairs.

13 American citizens died that day.

And it was completely preventable.

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