624K Jobs added over the last 3 months. 2012 revised upward: By 335K.

Another disaster for jobs.


Your chart seems to indicate that the big plunge occurred almost entirely during the Bush administration but has since managed to level off and stabilize.

Total employment ratio nosedived. No recovery, just crash & burn since Democrats took over after 2006 election.

Another disaster for jobs.


Your chart seems to indicate that the big plunge occurred almost entirely during the Bush administration but has since managed to level off and stabilize.

Total employment ratio nosedived. No recovery, just crash & burn since Democrats took over after 2006 election.


The Democrats didn't take over in 2006.

Stop being an asshole. You people insisting on being assholes is what is ruining this forum.
Your chart seems to indicate that the big plunge occurred almost entirely during the Bush administration but has since managed to level off and stabilize.

Total employment ratio nosedived. No recovery, just crash & burn since Democrats took over after 2006 election.


The Democrats didn't take over in 2006.

Stop being an asshole. You people insisting on being assholes is what is ruining this forum.

LOL, they won the elections in 2006 and took over in jan 2007. You stop being an asshole.
1) False.. as already shown just a few posts up
2) As shown in here, by the actual data and not your blog interpretation, FALSE

You don't get to keep repeating it in some hope that magically your bullshit will be deemed as truth

Are you denying that public sector employment has declined?

FEDERAL public sector employment is NOT down.. and Obamalama does not control the state, county, city, or local governments

There is only a mention of public sector jobs in the post you called false.

So again, are you denying that public sector employment has declined?
Total employment ratio nosedived. No recovery, just crash & burn since Democrats took over after 2006 election.


The Democrats didn't take over in 2006.

Stop being an asshole. You people insisting on being assholes is what is ruining this forum.

LOL, they won the elections in 2006 and took over in jan 2007. You stop being an asshole.

Bush was president until January of 2009.

Name ANYTHING the Democrats did between 2007 and 2009, over the veto of President Bush,

that caused the recession and job loss.

Ummmm I pay $2.96 for a gallon. Better talk to your governor or your local petroleum distributor.

Unemployment up to 7.9. 8,500,000 left the work force. Gas up to over $4.00 a gallon. Yep, the obamaeconomy is working exactly as intended.
FEDERAL public sector employment is NOT down.. and Obamalama does not control the state, county, city, or local governments

Spending for all public sector employment comes partially from the Federal government.

Ehhh.. wrong answer... The federal government does not control nor dictate public employment at the state, city, county, or local level....

FEDERAL public employment has INCREASED under Obama...

You've been caught.. you just won't admit it

Federal government employment is down from January 2009.
Federal government employment is down from January 2009.

Sort of. You're including the Post Office. Total Fed jobs went down 6,000, but Fed jobs minus the Post Office went up 130,000

So he was sort of correct, but only if you ignore the Post Office and all state and local jobs.
Federal government employment is down from January 2009.

Sort of. You're including the Post Office. Total Fed jobs went down 6,000, but Fed jobs minus the Post Office went up 130,000

So he was sort of correct, but only if you ignore the Post Office and all state and local jobs.

I suppose we could ignore the Post Office if people working for the Post Office were not federal government employees.
Federal government employment is down from January 2009.

Sort of. You're including the Post Office. Total Fed jobs went down 6,000, but Fed jobs minus the Post Office went up 130,000

So he was sort of correct, but only if you ignore the Post Office and all state and local jobs.

According to the BLS, January 2009 federal employment was at 2.782 million.

January 2013 est. is 2.766 million.
The Democrats didn't take over in 2006.

Stop being an asshole. You people insisting on being assholes is what is ruining this forum.

LOL, they won the elections in 2006 and took over in jan 2007. You stop being an asshole.

Bush was president until January of 2009.

Name ANYTHING the Democrats did between 2007 and 2009, over the veto of President Bush,

that caused the recession and job loss.



Can anyone help this poster?
Total employment ratio nosedived. No recovery, just crash & burn since Democrats took over after 2006 election.


The Democrats didn't take over in 2006.

Stop being an asshole. You people insisting on being assholes is what is ruining this forum.

LOL, they won the elections in 2006 and took over in jan 2007. You stop being an asshole.

Took over what?

They didn't set policy. Republicans did.
LOL, they won the elections in 2006 and took over in jan 2007. You stop being an asshole.

Bush was president until January of 2009.

Name ANYTHING the Democrats did between 2007 and 2009, over the veto of President Bush,

that caused the recession and job loss.



Can anyone help this poster?

Of course not.

And what happened after 2007 was well forecasted by economists like Paul Krugman.

Bush's policies led to economic disaster.
In the private sector.

Public Sector employment continues to collapse.

This is unique. Public sector job growth increased during Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush.

And it adds more credence to the notion that Republicans are actively trying to sabotage the recovery.

its adds what? exactly?

can you even explain why in your own words? I doubt it...

so lets get back to that flimflam artist Jay Carneys comments-

the mouthpiece of the admin. that just dumped its Jobs Council, not that they did much , haven't met in a year, met int fact only 4 times, had a good guffaw over the shovel ready jobs not being so shovel ready, a flip quip that the media would have beat the snot out of Bush for as an out of touch elitist prig if he made it....but I digress;

so Carney said-

White House press secretary Jay Carney laid the blame for a surprise economic contraction squarely at the feet of congressional Republicans Wednesday, saying economic threats during the “fiscal cliff” negotiations had prevented important defense spending. …

Carney said economic observers were “rightly appalled” by the threat of sequestration or default to drive a debt deal, and charged that Republicans were harming the economy to the benefit of the wealthiest Americans.

“It can’t be we’ll let sequester kick in because we insist tax loopholes remain in place for corporate jet-owners,” Carney said.

White House: GOP responsible for contracting economy - The Hill

Ok so, lets go to the tale of the tape-

Liberals were also quick to blame alleged spending cuts. Jared Bernstein — a former Obama economic advisor — complained that "austerity at (a) time when we need a fiscal push" is the problem.

"Congress is applying medieval techniques," he wrote, "bleeding the patient while ignoring the indicators both here and abroad as to how that's working."

An interesting theory. Except that while the BEA says defense spending declined in Q4, overall federal spending was up $31 billion compared with Q4 2011 and up $98 billion compared with Q3 2012, according to monthly spending reports out of the Treasury Department.

And even assuming that the "huge cuts" from the sequester go through, spending this year will be about $570 billion higher than in 2008, and will consume 22.4% of GDP — a level reached only four times in the 63 years before Obama.

So maybe it's the lack of adequate stimulus?

Perhaps, but only if you ignore the Fed's massive ongoing pump-priming efforts, and the fact that the deficit in Q4 alone topped $292 billion — nearly double the deficit for all of 2007.

The lack of good excuses might explain why Obama and Co. are so desperate to put a positive spin on the numbers.

Democratic Party communications director Brad Woodhouse actually tweeted that this was "the best-looking contraction in U.S. GDP you'll ever see."

That's one way of looking at it.

Another is that slow to non-existent growth has become the new normal thanks to Obama's growth-choking policies, with the economy consistently under-performing expectations.

When Obama first took office, he forecast 4% GDP growth for 2011 and 2012, as did most everyone else.

Actual results: 1.8% growth in 2011 and 2.2% in 2012.

Just last summer, Obama was saying that Q4-over-Q4 growth in 2012 would be 2.6%. Actual result: 1.5%.

Read More At IBD: As GDP Drops in Q4, President Obama Is Officially Out of Excuses - Investors.com

Hey Jay Carney....how about Gross Incompetence Jay? That work for you? Thats the reason why we tanked and the media, whorring for obama , never ever made him answer for any of the roadsigns heading this way during the reelection, like stopping Lockheed and a tons of other defense contractors etc. from sending out layoff notices that they were duty bound by law to do.......remember that one?

No, Of course you don't Sallow, you only remember what you are programmed to remember and since the media has zero interest in pursuing even that easy to digest and explain snippet, well, it is what it is, you're a sheep, nothing more.

You see, Obama and his Chicago brood knew this was coming, they just needed time and the media gave it to them.

No one outside your little conservative sphere is attributing the drop to anything other then government spending cuts and the ripple that caused in the private sector.

Your very own candidate for President leveraged government money in HIS OWN BUSINESS VENTURES. Whether that was Bain Capital or the Olympics.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9S2daN0Kn8]Mitt Romney bragging about getting government money in 2002 - YouTube[/ame]

you have a comprehension problem , but hey, we knew that, you wanted to gut defense, so whats your bitch now dummy? :eusa_whistle:

add to that, 3 years and counting of trillion $$ deficits and all the concomitant regs , epa run amok, obamacare, using federal money to p[ay sate public sector salaries, its all going to start hitting at once, wait till the sequester, the WH's concoction, this won't be shit.

Bain capital...the new "look Bush" cop out, .....pathetic.
Your chart seems to indicate that the big plunge occurred almost entirely during the Bush administration but has since managed to level off and stabilize.

Total employment ratio nosedived. No recovery, just crash & burn since Democrats took over after 2006 election.


The Democrats didn't take over in 2006.

Stop being an asshole. You people insisting on being assholes is what is ruining this forum.

they took over congress dumbass, oh wait when they run Congress its all unicorns and happy time, but when the reps just have the house, Armageddon, you're such a hack, seriously.
Bush was president until January of 2009.

Name ANYTHING the Democrats did between 2007 and 2009, over the veto of President Bush,

that caused the recession and job loss.



Can anyone help this poster?

Of course not.

And what happened after 2007 was well forecasted by economists like Paul Krugman.

Bush's policies led to economic disaster.

right, the same krugman ( Mr. Enron) who thought $600 Billion would be a good stimulus...that one? :lol:

what happened to pelosis 2007 pay-go dopey? any clues?
Total employment ratio nosedived. No recovery, just crash & burn since Democrats took over after 2006 election.


The Democrats didn't take over in 2006.

Stop being an asshole. You people insisting on being assholes is what is ruining this forum.

they took over congress dumbass, oh wait when they run Congress its all unicorns and happy time, but when the reps just have the house, Armageddon, you're such a hack, seriously.

I offered everyone the opportunity to post ANYTHING the Democrats in Congress did in 2007/2008,

over the veto of GW Bush, that caused the recession.

Let's hear it. Rise above the assholes. Un-asshole yourself.

Can anyone help this poster?

Of course not.

And what happened after 2007 was well forecasted by economists like Paul Krugman.

Bush's policies led to economic disaster.

right, the same krugman ( Mr. Enron) who thought $600 Billion would be a good stimulus...that one? :lol:

what happened to pelosis 2007 pay-go dopey? any clues?

Bush let PAYGO expire, that's the only way he could bring back massive deficits via his tax cuts, unfunded wars, and unfunded bigger government.

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