624K Jobs added over the last 3 months. 2012 revised upward: By 335K.

And unemployment continues upward, debt continues upward, gdp continues at lows, economy shrinks etc.... Things aren't becoming better dude.

Well they are..

The GDP shrunk because of cuts in government spending.

So..this zis the outcome you were hoping for..

Why no champagne?

No, I dont like the conditions we're in but O and company are quadrupling down on ignorance.


Government spending is going down.

Public sector employment is decreasing.


Why aren't you celebrating?
In the private sector.

Public Sector employment continues to collapse.

Employers added 157,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department said, which was right in line with analyst expectations. The brightest news, though, was that revised estimates showed much higher job creation at the end of last year than first reported. The nation added a whopping 247,000 jobs in November and 196,000 in December, a combined 127,000 jobs above earlier estimates.

The January unemployment rate ticked up to 7.9 percent, from 7.8 percent, however, as both the number of people reporting having a job and the number looking for one edged up.

The drivers of job growth were surprisingly consistent. The construction sector added 28,000 jobs, following a 30,000 gain in December, suggesting that as more homes are going up, employers are expanding their construction crews. The retail sector added 33,000 jobs and apparently did pull back on hiring in anticipation of the increase in the payroll tax at the beginning of the year, siphoning money from consumers’ pockets. Two sectors that have been job creation stalwarts over the past three years–professional and business services and health care and education–kept up that steady performance, each adding 25,000 jobs.

Another consistent trend in January: Government employment fell by 9,000, which followed a 9,000 job loss in November and 6,000 job loss in December.
Good news on jobs: Growth was steady to start the year, and 2012 was better than first thought

This is unique. Public sector job growth increased during Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush.

And it adds more credence to the notion that Republicans are actively trying to sabotage the recovery.

its adds what? exactly?

can you even explain why in your own words? I doubt it...

so lets get back to that flimflam artist Jay Carneys comments-

the mouthpiece of the admin. that just dumped its Jobs Council, not that they did much , haven't met in a year, met int fact only 4 times, had a good guffaw over the shovel ready jobs not being so shovel ready, a flip quip that the media would have beat the snot out of Bush for as an out of touch elitist prig if he made it....but I digress;

so Carney said-

White House press secretary Jay Carney laid the blame for a surprise economic contraction squarely at the feet of congressional Republicans Wednesday, saying economic threats during the “fiscal cliff” negotiations had prevented important defense spending. …

Carney said economic observers were “rightly appalled” by the threat of sequestration or default to drive a debt deal, and charged that Republicans were harming the economy to the benefit of the wealthiest Americans.

“It can’t be we’ll let sequester kick in because we insist tax loopholes remain in place for corporate jet-owners,” Carney said.

White House: GOP responsible for contracting economy - The Hill

Ok so, lets go to the tale of the tape-

Liberals were also quick to blame alleged spending cuts. Jared Bernstein — a former Obama economic advisor — complained that "austerity at (a) time when we need a fiscal push" is the problem.

"Congress is applying medieval techniques," he wrote, "bleeding the patient while ignoring the indicators both here and abroad as to how that's working."

An interesting theory. Except that while the BEA says defense spending declined in Q4, overall federal spending was up $31 billion compared with Q4 2011 and up $98 billion compared with Q3 2012, according to monthly spending reports out of the Treasury Department.

And even assuming that the "huge cuts" from the sequester go through, spending this year will be about $570 billion higher than in 2008, and will consume 22.4% of GDP — a level reached only four times in the 63 years before Obama.

So maybe it's the lack of adequate stimulus?

Perhaps, but only if you ignore the Fed's massive ongoing pump-priming efforts, and the fact that the deficit in Q4 alone topped $292 billion — nearly double the deficit for all of 2007.

The lack of good excuses might explain why Obama and Co. are so desperate to put a positive spin on the numbers.

Democratic Party communications director Brad Woodhouse actually tweeted that this was "the best-looking contraction in U.S. GDP you'll ever see."

That's one way of looking at it.

Another is that slow to non-existent growth has become the new normal thanks to Obama's growth-choking policies, with the economy consistently under-performing expectations.

When Obama first took office, he forecast 4% GDP growth for 2011 and 2012, as did most everyone else.

Actual results: 1.8% growth in 2011 and 2.2% in 2012.

Just last summer, Obama was saying that Q4-over-Q4 growth in 2012 would be 2.6%. Actual result: 1.5%.

Read More At IBD: As GDP Drops in Q4, President Obama Is Officially Out of Excuses - Investors.com

Hey Jay Carney....how about Gross Incompetence Jay? That work for you? Thats the reason why we tanked and the media, whorring for obama , never ever made him answer for any of the roadsigns heading this way during the reelection, like stopping Lockheed and a tons of other defense contractors etc. from sending out layoff notices that they were duty bound by law to do.......remember that one?

No, Of course you don't Sallow, you only remember what you are programmed to remember and since the media has zero interest in pursuing even that easy to digest and explain snippet, well, it is what it is, you're a sheep, nothing more.

You see, Obama and his Chicago brood knew this was coming, they just needed time and the media gave it to them.

Same thing as those guys, apparently.

That's a REALTIME quote.


seriously, just because the stock market is doing well? Ever given any thought as to why the markets are doing well while employment declines or stagnates?


The market plunged at the end of the Bush administration..and that was during MASSIVE layoffs.

Seriously you really need to take some economics classes, Sallow.
Another disaster for jobs.

In the private sector.

Public Sector employment continues to collapse.

Employers added 157,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department said, which was right in line with analyst expectations. The brightest news, though, was that revised estimates showed much higher job creation at the end of last year than first reported. The nation added a whopping 247,000 jobs in November and 196,000 in December, a combined 127,000 jobs above earlier estimates.

The January unemployment rate ticked up to 7.9 percent, from 7.8 percent, however, as both the number of people reporting having a job and the number looking for one edged up.

The drivers of job growth were surprisingly consistent. The construction sector added 28,000 jobs, following a 30,000 gain in December, suggesting that as more homes are going up, employers are expanding their construction crews. The retail sector added 33,000 jobs and apparently did pull back on hiring in anticipation of the increase in the payroll tax at the beginning of the year, siphoning money from consumers’ pockets. Two sectors that have been job creation stalwarts over the past three years–professional and business services and health care and education–kept up that steady performance, each adding 25,000 jobs.

Another consistent trend in January: Government employment fell by 9,000, which followed a 9,000 job loss in November and 6,000 job loss in December.
Good news on jobs: Growth was steady to start the year, and 2012 was better than first thought

This is unique. Public sector job growth increased during Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush.

And it adds more credence to the notion that Republicans are actively trying to sabotage the recovery.

its adds what? exactly?

can you even explain why in your own words? I doubt it...

so lets get back to that flimflam artist Jay Carneys comments-

the mouthpiece of the admin. that just dumped its Jobs Council, not that they did much , haven't met in a year, met int fact only 4 times, had a good guffaw over the shovel ready jobs not being so shovel ready, a flip quip that the media would have beat the snot out of Bush for as an out of touch elitist prig if he made it....but I digress;

so Carney said-

White House press secretary Jay Carney laid the blame for a surprise economic contraction squarely at the feet of congressional Republicans Wednesday, saying economic threats during the “fiscal cliff” negotiations had prevented important defense spending. …

Carney said economic observers were “rightly appalled” by the threat of sequestration or default to drive a debt deal, and charged that Republicans were harming the economy to the benefit of the wealthiest Americans.

“It can’t be we’ll let sequester kick in because we insist tax loopholes remain in place for corporate jet-owners,” Carney said.

White House: GOP responsible for contracting economy - The Hill

Ok so, lets go to the tale of the tape-

Liberals were also quick to blame alleged spending cuts. Jared Bernstein — a former Obama economic advisor — complained that "austerity at (a) time when we need a fiscal push" is the problem.

"Congress is applying medieval techniques," he wrote, "bleeding the patient while ignoring the indicators both here and abroad as to how that's working."

An interesting theory. Except that while the BEA says defense spending declined in Q4, overall federal spending was up $31 billion compared with Q4 2011 and up $98 billion compared with Q3 2012, according to monthly spending reports out of the Treasury Department.

And even assuming that the "huge cuts" from the sequester go through, spending this year will be about $570 billion higher than in 2008, and will consume 22.4% of GDP — a level reached only four times in the 63 years before Obama.

So maybe it's the lack of adequate stimulus?

Perhaps, but only if you ignore the Fed's massive ongoing pump-priming efforts, and the fact that the deficit in Q4 alone topped $292 billion — nearly double the deficit for all of 2007.

The lack of good excuses might explain why Obama and Co. are so desperate to put a positive spin on the numbers.

Democratic Party communications director Brad Woodhouse actually tweeted that this was "the best-looking contraction in U.S. GDP you'll ever see."

That's one way of looking at it.

Another is that slow to non-existent growth has become the new normal thanks to Obama's growth-choking policies, with the economy consistently under-performing expectations.

When Obama first took office, he forecast 4% GDP growth for 2011 and 2012, as did most everyone else.

Actual results: 1.8% growth in 2011 and 2.2% in 2012.

Just last summer, Obama was saying that Q4-over-Q4 growth in 2012 would be 2.6%. Actual result: 1.5%.

Read More At IBD: As GDP Drops in Q4, President Obama Is Officially Out of Excuses - Investors.com

Hey Jay Carney....how about Gross Incompetence Jay? That work for you? Thats the reason why we tanked and the media, whorring for obama , never ever made him answer for any of the roadsigns heading this way during the reelection, like stopping Lockheed and a tons of other defense contractors etc. from sending out layoff notices that they were duty bound by law to do.......remember that one?

No, Of course you don't Sallow, you only remember what you are programmed to remember and since the media has zero interest in pursuing even that easy to digest and explain snippet, well, it is what it is, you're a sheep, nothing more.

You see, Obama and his Chicago brood knew this was coming, they just needed time and the media gave it to them.

No one outside your little conservative sphere is attributing the drop to anything other then government spending cuts and the ripple that caused in the private sector.

Your very own candidate for President leveraged government money in HIS OWN BUSINESS VENTURES. Whether that was Bain Capital or the Olympics.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9S2daN0Kn8]Mitt Romney bragging about getting government money in 2002 - YouTube[/ame]
seriously, just because the stock market is doing well? Ever given any thought as to why the markets are doing well while employment declines or stagnates?


The market plunged at the end of the Bush administration..and that was during MASSIVE layoffs.

Seriously you really need to take some economics classes, Sallow.

I worked for the NYSE at the time.


I don't need the classes. I live it.
Well they are..

The GDP shrunk because of cuts in government spending.

So..this zis the outcome you were hoping for..

Why no champagne?

No, I dont like the conditions we're in but O and company are quadrupling down on ignorance.


Government spending is going down.

Public sector employment is decreasing.


Why aren't you celebrating?
1) False.. as already shown just a few posts up
2) As shown in here, by the actual data and not your blog interpretation, FALSE

You don't get to keep repeating it in some hope that magically your bullshit will be deemed as truth
the economy contracted the last quarter


And the main reasons were:

Cuts in Government Spending.
Industries not restocking inventories.


Due to cuts in government spending.

That's a taste of austerity.

Like it?
and why is the government having to make those cut's? Lost revenue? Why the lost revenue?
Because of a failed obama economical policy.
it goes full circle

Adjusted for inflation, revenue peaked in 2007. Obama wasn't president.

Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
No, I dont like the conditions we're in but O and company are quadrupling down on ignorance.


Government spending is going down.

Public sector employment is decreasing.


Why aren't you celebrating?
1) False.. as already shown just a few posts up
2) As shown in here, by the actual data and not your blog interpretation, FALSE

You don't get to keep repeating it in some hope that magically your bullshit will be deemed as truth

Are you denying that public sector employment has declined?

Government spending is going down.

Public sector employment is decreasing.


Why aren't you celebrating?
1) False.. as already shown just a few posts up
2) As shown in here, by the actual data and not your blog interpretation, FALSE

You don't get to keep repeating it in some hope that magically your bullshit will be deemed as truth

Are you denying that public sector employment has declined?

FEDERAL public sector employment is NOT down.. and Obamalama does not control the state, county, city, or local governments
No, I dont like the conditions we're in but O and company are quadrupling down on ignorance.


Government spending is going down.

Public sector employment is decreasing.


Why aren't you celebrating?
1) False.. as already shown just a few posts up
2) As shown in here, by the actual data and not your blog interpretation, FALSE

You don't get to keep repeating it in some hope that magically your bullshit will be deemed as truth

Well no.

And you keep showing your druthers by not answering posts directed at you..opting instead to pick up posts you feel you can sucessfully disparage with bullshit.

It's still bullshit.
1) False.. as already shown just a few posts up
2) As shown in here, by the actual data and not your blog interpretation, FALSE

You don't get to keep repeating it in some hope that magically your bullshit will be deemed as truth

Are you denying that public sector employment has declined?

FEDERAL public sector employment is NOT down.. and Obamalama does not control the state, county, city, or local governments

Spending for all public sector employment comes partially from the Federal government.
Are you denying that public sector employment has declined?

FEDERAL public sector employment is NOT down.. and Obamalama does not control the state, county, city, or local governments

Spending for all public sector employment comes partially from the Federal government.

Ehhh.. wrong answer... The federal government does not control nor dictate public employment at the state, city, county, or local level....

FEDERAL public employment has INCREASED under Obama...

You've been caught.. you just won't admit it

Government spending is going down.

Public sector employment is decreasing.


Why aren't you celebrating?
1) False.. as already shown just a few posts up
2) As shown in here, by the actual data and not your blog interpretation, FALSE

You don't get to keep repeating it in some hope that magically your bullshit will be deemed as truth

Well no.

And you keep showing your druthers by not answering posts directed at you..opting instead to pick up posts you feel you can sucessfully disparage with bullshit.

It's still bullshit.

He just will not accept that his 'assertion' is not in line with the stats actually on the BLS site.... thinks if the blog and he keep repeating it, it will be true

And you keep refusing to answer the question I posed.

That's pretty telling.

Just as your constant gloom and doom predictions.

I heard the EXACT same thing about Clinton by the way from the very same people.

Why are the public sector employment numbers collapsing?

Because the premise of your question is BULLSHIT because the ACTUAL DATA SHOWS OTHERWISE

Answered already.. exposing the flaw in your 'question'
Spending for all public sector employment comes partially from the Federal government.

And it all comes from the involuntary taxation of a man's labor. Immoral, in my opinion.

Free people making free choices in competitive markets always produces a better outcome than central planning. ALWAYS.
Well they are..

The GDP shrunk because of cuts in government spending.

So..this zis the outcome you were hoping for..

Why no champagne?

No, I dont like the conditions we're in but O and company are quadrupling down on ignorance.


Government spending is going down.

Public sector employment is decreasing.


Why aren't you celebrating?

I'll celebrate a smaller, more efficient government any day.

More efficient, as in a better return on investment.

This is how businesses survive. By cutting costs and increasing productivity through efficiency.

Government isn't meant to be a job creator within its own ranks, it should however enact policy that is conducive to job creation within the private sector.

(I hate being ignored) :D
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