7 Million in Arrears on Student Loans

SO should they stop attempting to improve themselves?? How many more h1b's should we bring into America to do what our people should be doing.
A degree in Political Correctness equals no earning power, debt, no credit rating.......or inotherwords, serfdom. I blame their stoopid parents.
For the last year!..........and, in spite of an improving economy........go figure?............:shock:

7 Million People Haven't Made A Single Student Loan Payment In At Least A Year | Zero Hedge
It will only get worse I am afraid. School is shooting up I costs faster than any product in history. A state school in IL takes you back $40k. With costs shooting up on everything else like food, rent, clothes, healthcare etc and wages being stagnate, default rates are going to go higher!

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(1) 18-year-olds are not mature enough, and don't have enough real-life experience to evaluate the value of a college education versus the cost (in AFTER TAX dollars). This situation is a huge indictment of American parenting. The parents are trying to keep their kids happy and satisfied, rather than giving them valuable guidance on a realistic educational plan.

(2) 18-year-olds are not mature enough to assess the relative value of the various Majors that they might pursue, and the people trying to influence them are also often lacking in real-world experience, or are guided by personal considerations. Hence, we have thousands of students pursuing degrees that not only have no economic value, but could even have a negative economic value, as potential employers will look askance at an applicant who showed such poor judgment in selecting a college major.

(3) Skyrocketing college costs are a crime. If any business spent as much on "overhead" relative to production (education) as a typical university, they would be out of business within a year. And don't get me started on college sports, which are a money drain on 90% of America's colleges.

(4) The cost of everything rises according to the amount of pain involved in paying for it. Fact of life. Auto manufacturers are able to charge more because banks are willing to lend for 6 years on a car. Deferred payments on student loans makes getting them almost completely painless, which is a big factor on why students over-spend on education.

(5) A large percentage of people in college are simply trying to delay their painful entry into responsible adulthood. Truth be known, they are not "college material."

(6) The lousy job market is no one's fault, but it's sure putting the screws to recent grads trying to pay their student loans down.

(7) Our Beloved President's idea to forgive the loans that aren't paid off after 20 years is despicable. He is despicable.
College tuition room and board for out of state students is nothing short of insane. Even in the best case, graduating on-time with a technical degree resulting in a top entry level job and pay you are still looking years of debt. My sons are both in college now and are studying math and engineering. Through the great benefit of AP credits earned in high school and scholarships their costs of attendance were reduced by 80%. I highly recommend anyone considering college to do the following:

1 Weigh carefullly in-state vs out of state college options
2 Take as many AP courses and tests as you can stand
3 Look at college like investing, i.e. what will be your return on investment
4 If you are not truly committed and/or were an average high school student
look at non-college options i.e. Trade schools. College may not be for you
The Baby Boomers can't stop fucking over their kids and grandkids
Back on the education department's payroll after misleading borrowers...

Student loan collection agencies fired for 'misleading' borrowers back in business
March 24, 2016 -- Two Department of Education private collection agencies once blacklisted from collecting student loans are back on the department's payroll, documents show.
Coast Professional and National Recoveries were among the five private collection agencies terminated in February 2015 after they made "materially inaccurate representations" to borrowers in default, the Education Department said. But in the final few months of 2015, Coast Professional was given an additional $863.5 million worth of student loans, and National Recoveries added $679.8 million for collections. So far in 2016, Coast Professional has received $15.3 million and National Recoveries has received $9.3 million for debt collection services.

The department told Inside Higher Ed that Coast Professional and National Recoveries engaged in "corrective action," allowing them to restart student loan collections. "Of the five [private collection agencies] that were found to violate federal consumer protection laws, Coast Professional and National Recoveries addressed those problems and took corrective action to ensure borrowers received accurate information," the department told Inside Higher Ed. "As a result, pursuant to federal procurement law, those companies became eligible to continue competing for department contracts."


The other three companies have not received new accounts but continue to do multi-billion dollar business with the department since the beginning of 2016. The department has paid Enterprise Recovery $15.1 million and Pioneer Credit Recovery $10.3 million so far this year. There is no data for West Asset Management. The department said it has kept borrowers with the agencies for consistency while they progress through loan rehabilitation programs. Of the $1.3 trillion in unpaid student loan debt, about $121 billion is in default. The department currently uses 25 agencies to collect on that debt. With college costs rising, experts predict student loan debt will become the next financial crisis to pound the United States.

When the department announced it was severing ties with the companies early last year, Under Secretary Ted Mitchell appeared to be protecting borrowers, something consumer advocacy groups and lawmakers had demanded. The companies were found to have given "inaccurate information at unacceptably high rates" and gave borrowers "misleading information about the benefits to the borrowers' credit report and about the waiver of certain collection fees."

"Federal student aid borrowers are entitled to accurate information as they make critical choices to manage their debt," Mitchell said at the time. "Every company that works for the department must keep consumers' best interests at the heart of their business practices by giving borrowers clear and accurate guidance. It is our responsibility – and our commitment -- to uphold the highest standards of service for America's student borrowers and consumers." In April, a federal judge dismissed a consolidated lawsuit from Coast Professional, National Recoveries, Enterprise Recovery Systems and Pioneer Credit Recovery protesting the department's ending of their contracts. An appeal is pending.

Student loan collection agencies fired for 'misleading' borrowers back in business
Wow, 7 million in arrears in student loans? What a surprise. I have an advice for you baby boomers. Now that you have enslaved the clueless, start also criminalizing them. Otherwise, what if you will have to actually print the money for your fixed income 401k annuities? Hehehe.
You should work your way up...even though there is no way to do this...NO WAY.
Well, work generates wealth. Now the baby boomers have figured out how to corner away all that generated wealth into their annuities, and leave not only zero, but actually a huge negative to those who actually do the work. So much for capitalism. The communist in the Soviet Union would never have dreamt of doing it better.

Become a plumber or electrician and make some real money with little to no debt

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