7 Reasons Why You Should Home School Your Kids

Tell me, why can't you, as a parent, supplement the teaching going on at public schools in order to prevent the "diamond" from getting lost in the mud?

Why leave it in the mud in the first place? We pulled ours out of the system, and my wife, a certified teacher in one of the better public systems in the country, directed the homeschooling effort, along with others. We were most gratified with the end product.

My strategy, as a parent, was to immediately call bullshit on some of the lame teaching going on in the public school.

Knock yourself out. I myself had neither the time nor the inclination to be a crusader in the mode of Don Quixote, or to provide remedial instruction to assumed professionals, and certainly not free of charge.

And no, extracurricular activities are no more "diverse" than that neighborhood my son lives in. Football players play football and debate team members debate. Do you really thing if your child participated in either activity they would be exposed to diversity?

I surmise that your idea of what constitutes diversity differs from my own.

Poor students can't afford the equipment to play football nor can poor students afford the supplies and travel expenses of a top flight forensics squad. Hell, there are high school debate teams that fly on private jets. You think that is a diverse group of people?

None of that is or was any concern of mine outside charitable efforts. There will always be inequality so long as people are diverse in drive, talents and abilities.

The reason you don't run from the mud,

Life is made up of marble and mud.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

You send your kid to public schools because, at some point, they are going to have to deal with the public. Would you rather them go into the world with damn near zero experience with the public, or with thirteen years of experience? I have never believed in "protecting" or "hiding" my kids from all that is bad in the world. My youngest, a Philosophy major, and I were laughing today about him playing Grand Theft Auto at five.
Team/Reward Concept

The problem is that both homeschooling and contemporary public education isolate each student. There is no grouping, as there is in sports or other social interactions.

Why look up to the pundits? They are the broken products of this same education; they're too dumbed down to offer any effective solutions. In their dim smugness, none of them offer this, which is based on how children normally interact with one another:

Divide the class into teams. Quiz frequently. The highest-scoring team will get Friday off; the lowest one has to come in on Saturday. Top individualist scorers from four grades older will get paid to teach the Saturday class.
Are you for real?
You just have not had homeschooled kids dropped into your high school class without any significant math skills.

I'm sure that happens here and there, but by and large home schooled kids run circles around public school kids.

That's an assumption on your part because there is simply no data to support that they do any better or worse. They should do better considering they often have more direct teacher-student contact, but there again it is an assumption.

My daughter-in-law homeschooled my granddaughter for a while, and did it well.

These stats are reflected in numerous studies.
      • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
      • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
      • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
      • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
      • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
      • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.

Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

Let me explain for about the hundredth time, look at your source. Would you expect them to say anything else?

Also, I have explained self-selection bias so many times, you should know why this data is either made up or bogus.

There is every reason why most homeschool kids SHOULD do better than their public school peers, but don't try to piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Let me explain one time. Numerous sources. Do your homework.
The midshipman isn't big on "facts".
Seven reasons to homeschool

1. Keep your kids from going to school with negroes, Hispanics, Muslims
2. Allows you to pick your kids friends
3. Keeps them from learning about evolution
4. Keeps them from learning that homosexuals are not evil
5 Keeps them away from liberals
6. Enables them to learn that global warming is a myth
7. Allows you to sleep in if you want

LOL I’m friends with a Hispanic family that homeschools their kids, so that busts your racial troll bait right there

Look at me!

I know a Hispanic family

I’m sure your parents are proud
They must be...he still lives in their basement, after all.
Homeschooling also carries another plus!

If you are a moron, it almost guarantees your kids will NOT grow up to be as smart as you are, thus damning them to a life of poverty.

Home schooling is great for those who can do it. I just hate when people claim it is a panacea.

A lot of home schooled kids are schooled with other kids at other homes and groups of parents take turns. It's not just necessarily you and your kid all the time. Every home schooled kid I've met has been far more well rounded than the average brat running around.

You just have not had homeschooled kids dropped into your high school class without any significant math skills.

I've seen a lot more public school kids dropped into college classes without any significant math skills. Would you like to compare notes?

No. Those kids may not be college material but the home schooled kids I see have to get through high school and may have an elementary level set of math skills.
News flash: plenty of public school students are sent to high school with elementary (if that) levels of math skill! Hell, some of them are flat-out illiterate.
I like this trend of conservatives to reject structured schooling and to reject college.

The world needs ditch diggers and burger flippers.

You need to get out more and meet real people. This little bubble of yours is quite restrictive.

At least that's what the voices in your head tell you.
I don't hear voices in my head. Those are all yours. And, BTW,. no one is rejecting structured schooling and college. That's just a figment of your imagination, amplified by the restrictive walls of your little bubble. You know, the one you need to get out of so you can meet real people.

What smart people ARE rejecting is wasted time, money, and effort. Smart people don't want to pay 6 figures for a degree that generates no significant income. Smart people don't want to subject their kids to 12 years of government schooling that barely teaches them to read and understand basic math but allows them to be bullied and deal with gangs and drug dealers all day. But hey, at least they learn how to put a condom on a banana and all about strange sexual practices.

Apparently, there are some not so smart people.
Tell me, why can't you, as a parent, supplement the teaching going on at public schools in order to prevent the "diamond" from getting lost in the mud?

Why leave it in the mud in the first place? We pulled ours out of the system, and my wife, a certified teacher in one of the better public systems in the country, directed the homeschooling effort, along with others. We were most gratified with the end product.

My strategy, as a parent, was to immediately call bullshit on some of the lame teaching going on in the public school.

Knock yourself out. I myself had neither the time nor the inclination to be a crusader in the mode of Don Quixote, or to provide remedial instruction to assumed professionals, and certainly not free of charge.

And no, extracurricular activities are no more "diverse" than that neighborhood my son lives in. Football players play football and debate team members debate. Do you really thing if your child participated in either activity they would be exposed to diversity?

I surmise that your idea of what constitutes diversity differs from my own.

Poor students can't afford the equipment to play football nor can poor students afford the supplies and travel expenses of a top flight forensics squad. Hell, there are high school debate teams that fly on private jets. You think that is a diverse group of people?

None of that is or was any concern of mine outside charitable efforts. There will always be inequality so long as people are diverse in drive, talents and abilities.

The reason you don't run from the mud,

Life is made up of marble and mud.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

You send your kid to public schools because, at some point, they are going to have to deal with the public.

No, we send a child to school for an education.

Ours had plenty of exposure to "the public", both good and bad. The difference was that at the end of the homeschool process, his education was quite deep, he was impervious to the usual indoctrination scams of the public system, and he understood why "the public" behaves as it does.
That's an assumption on your part because there is simply no data to support that they do any better or worse. They should do better considering they often have more direct teacher-student contact, but there again it is an assumption.

My daughter-in-law homeschooled my granddaughter for a while, and did it well.

These stats are reflected in numerous studies.
      • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
      • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
      • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
      • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
      • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
      • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.

Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

Let me explain for about the hundredth time, look at your source. Would you expect them to say anything else?

Also, I have explained self-selection bias so many times, you should know why this data is either made up or bogus.

There is every reason why most homeschool kids SHOULD do better than their public school peers, but don't try to piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Let me explain one time. Numerous sources. Do your homework.

I have a Masters degree in Education. This was one of my areas of concentration. Have a nice day with your bogus sources! There are no sources that definitively prove your theory.

So what you're saying is that you're denigrating his source as biased, while being a biased source yourself?
He is an alleged educator. Next to journalists they are the most ignorant assholes out there.
Team/Reward Concept

The problem is that both homeschooling and contemporary public education isolate each student. There is no grouping, as there is in sports or other social interactions.

Why look up to the pundits? They are the broken products of this same education; they're too dumbed down to offer any effective solutions. In their dim smugness, none of them offer this, which is based on how children normally interact with one another:

Divide the class into teams. Quiz frequently. The highest-scoring team will get Friday off; the lowest one has to come in on Saturday. Top individualist scorers from four grades older will get paid to teach the Saturday class.

Incredibly stupid idea.
I have a Masters degree in Education. This was one of my areas of concentration. Have a nice day with your bogus sources! There are no sources that definitively prove your theory.

So why is education so screwed up if our educational institutions are full of educated people with degrees?

Newsflash: Politicians run the schools. They are local politicians who usually are uneducated peons elected to school boards.

So it is politicians that kids interact with 5 days a week? I went to Catholic schools but I suppose politicians kept the nuns from using the science books they had sitting o a shelf.

I was doing network and wi-fi work at a high school a year ago. It was a charter school. I asked half-a-dozen teachers about Project Gutenberg. Most said they never heard of it. One said she used it. I asked her if she told the students about it and she said no. Some of the books I used for English literature back in the day are now in PG. How do politicians keep teachers from mentioning that to kids?

The curriculums are determined by the politicians. Did you not know this?

Teachers have almost no decisions when it comes down to what to teach because the tests that politicians require to prove the schools accountable require you to teach certain materials and topics.
Parents that home school their children believe it allows them to control their children. But the truth of the matter is those home schooling parents are demonstrating that they have NO control over their children. They are openly admitting they can't prevent their children from being influenced by teachers or other students. To me, it demonstrates a lack of parenting skills. And honestly, it severely limits their child's ability to function in a free and open society. What, are those parents going to control which job their kids get, which church they go to, and what friends they have when they are no longer minors?

Look, you can't send you kids to public school and then go on auto-pilot. You have to be involved. You have to be aware of what they are being taught, aware of what their assignments are, and aware of the influence of both the other students and the teachers. If you can't overpower that influence, then yeah, you probably ought to home school your children. But don't act like that makes you some kind of hero. It makes you a coward.

Most home schooling parents are extremely involved in their children's schooling. That's why home schooled children in general perform so well.

Well DUH!

If I was only teaching one or two kids, I could do a much better job than someone teaching 30-35 kids.
I have a Masters degree in Education. This was one of my areas of concentration. Have a nice day with your bogus sources! There are no sources that definitively prove your theory.

So why is education so screwed up if our educational institutions are full of educated people with degrees?

Newsflash: Politicians run the schools. They are local politicians who usually are uneducated peons elected to school boards.

So it is politicians that kids interact with 5 days a week? I went to Catholic schools but I suppose politicians kept the nuns from using the science books they had sitting o a shelf.

I was doing network and wi-fi work at a high school a year ago. It was a charter school. I asked half-a-dozen teachers about Project Gutenberg. Most said they never heard of it. One said she used it. I asked her if she told the students about it and she said no. Some of the books I used for English literature back in the day are now in PG. How do politicians keep teachers from mentioning that to kids?

The curriculums are determined by the politicians. Did you not know this?

Teachers have almost no decisions when it comes down to what to teach because the tests that politicians require to prove the schools accountable require you to teach certain materials and topics.

All the more reason for parents to take control.
Parents that home school their children believe it allows them to control their children. But the truth of the matter is those home schooling parents are demonstrating that they have NO control over their children. They are openly admitting they can't prevent their children from being influenced by teachers or other students. To me, it demonstrates a lack of parenting skills. And honestly, it severely limits their child's ability to function in a free and open society. What, are those parents going to control which job their kids get, which church they go to, and what friends they have when they are no longer minors?

Look, you can't send you kids to public school and then go on auto-pilot. You have to be involved. You have to be aware of what they are being taught, aware of what their assignments are, and aware of the influence of both the other students and the teachers. If you can't overpower that influence, then yeah, you probably ought to home school your children. But don't act like that makes you some kind of hero. It makes you a coward.

Most home schooling parents are extremely involved in their children's schooling. That's why home schooled children in general perform so well.

Well DUH!

If I was only teaching one or two kids, I could do a much better job than someone teaching 30-35 kids.

Sounds like more parents should do it.
I have a Masters degree in Education. This was one of my areas of concentration. Have a nice day with your bogus sources! There are no sources that definitively prove your theory.

So why is education so screwed up if our educational institutions are full of educated people with degrees?

Newsflash: Politicians run the schools. They are local politicians who usually are uneducated peons elected to school boards.

So it is politicians that kids interact with 5 days a week? I went to Catholic schools but I suppose politicians kept the nuns from using the science books they had sitting o a shelf.

I was doing network and wi-fi work at a high school a year ago. It was a charter school. I asked half-a-dozen teachers about Project Gutenberg. Most said they never heard of it. One said she used it. I asked her if she told the students about it and she said no. Some of the books I used for English literature back in the day are now in PG. How do politicians keep teachers from mentioning that to kids?

The curriculums are determined by the politicians. Did you not know this?

Teachers have almost no decisions when it comes down to what to teach because the tests that politicians require to prove the schools accountable require you to teach certain materials and topics.

All the more reason for parents to take control.

Maybe if you people would elect someone to your local school boards that actually knew anything about education, that would help also. The highest education level of most school board members is an associate's degree from some no-name junior college. It's sad when every teacher in their district outclasses them (pun intended).
These stats are reflected in numerous studies.
      • The home-educated typically score 15 to 30 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests. (The public school average is the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015).
      • Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.
      • Whether homeschool parents were ever certified teachers is not related to their children’s academic achievement.
      • Degree of state control and regulation of homeschooling is not related to academic achievement.
      • Home-educated students typically score above average on the SAT and ACT tests that colleges consider for admissions.
      • Homeschool students are increasingly being actively recruited by colleges.

Research Facts on Homeschooling - National Home Education Research Institute

Let me explain for about the hundredth time, look at your source. Would you expect them to say anything else?

Also, I have explained self-selection bias so many times, you should know why this data is either made up or bogus.

There is every reason why most homeschool kids SHOULD do better than their public school peers, but don't try to piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

Let me explain one time. Numerous sources. Do your homework.

I have a Masters degree in Education. This was one of my areas of concentration. Have a nice day with your bogus sources! There are no sources that definitively prove your theory.

So what you're saying is that you're denigrating his source as biased, while being a biased source yourself?

Educational statistics proves his data is biased. Perhaps if you understood it, you might recognize that you cannot compare apples to oranges and have a valid comparison.

Ahhh, yes. The ever-popular, and terribly impressive, argument of "If you knew as much as me . . ." Handy, if people are dumb enough to just accept your word and a lofty attitude in lieu of proof.
8. Homeschooling reduces the risk that your child will be brain-washed into being a Participation Trophy Craving SFJ Whinging Bully.

What's "whinging"?

It's an English term. Think of it as Whining^2. Or Whining + Cringing.

Are you English or looking for an excuse as to why you spelled it wrong? :D

Or maybe YOU are just looking to cover for the fact that you're not very well-read.
Parents that home school their children believe it allows them to control their children. But the truth of the matter is those home schooling parents are demonstrating that they have NO control over their children. They are openly admitting they can't prevent their children from being influenced by teachers or other students. To me, it demonstrates a lack of parenting skills. And honestly, it severely limits their child's ability to function in a free and open society. What, are those parents going to control which job their kids get, which church they go to, and what friends they have when they are no longer minors?

Look, you can't send you kids to public school and then go on auto-pilot. You have to be involved. You have to be aware of what they are being taught, aware of what their assignments are, and aware of the influence of both the other students and the teachers. If you can't overpower that influence, then yeah, you probably ought to home school your children. But don't act like that makes you some kind of hero. It makes you a coward.

So do you have an actual study or poll to support your confident assertion of "This is what they are thinking", or are you just treating us to your Miss Cleo act and projecting your own biases against homeschoolers onto them? SOMEONE here is in serious denial about the realities of parenting, but it's not the homeschoolers.
Parents that home school their children believe it allows them to control their children. But the truth of the matter is those home schooling parents are demonstrating that they have NO control over their children. They are openly admitting they can't prevent their children from being influenced by teachers or other students. To me, it demonstrates a lack of parenting skills. And honestly, it severely limits their child's ability to function in a free and open society. What, are those parents going to control which job their kids get, which church they go to, and what friends they have when they are no longer minors?

Look, you can't send you kids to public school and then go on auto-pilot. You have to be involved. You have to be aware of what they are being taught, aware of what their assignments are, and aware of the influence of both the other students and the teachers. If you can't overpower that influence, then yeah, you probably ought to home school your children. But don't act like that makes you some kind of hero. It makes you a coward.

Most home schooling parents are extremely involved in their children's schooling. That's why home schooled children in general perform so well.

It's amazing how motivated you can become in your teaching when YOU are actually, personally going to have to support the little snot the rest of his life if you don't do it well.

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