72% say Benghazi panel politically motivated

From FoxNews they use the old "More important than" technique

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON tries to walk a swinging tightrope as House Republicans probing the Benghazi attacks hammer away at her communications with close friend Sidney Blumenthal suggesting she paid more attention to his emails than unanswered pleas from murdered envoy Chris Stevens to increase security in the face of growing terrorist threats.

Is something about this false? Hillary said as much. You might want to get your hearing checked.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
yeah and more than that said the same when democrats were investigating some FBI desk jockey for FIVE YEARS, Valier Plame. Didn't see all you on the left whining then

Democrats investigate the Plame affair for five years?
I didn't know the Grand Jury hearing by a Republican appointed investigator was run by the Dems, during GOP control of Congress.

Lie... It wasn't 5 years... one month over 2 years...

I can't understand how any of the crazies can call Hillary a liar when they have a detached relationship with reality themselves.
From FoxNews they use the old "More important than" technique

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON tries to walk a swinging tightrope as House Republicans probing the Benghazi attacks hammer away at her communications with close friend Sidney Blumenthal suggesting she paid more attention to his emails than unanswered pleas from murdered envoy Chris Stevens to increase security in the face of growing terrorist threats.


It seems they are the only ones seeing this as a real investigation, rather than a political take down.
I'd like Chris Steven's Mom to have an audience with Obama just like he gave to the Junior Jihadists Clock maker
Libyan Ambassador’s Death Not a Political Issue, Says Dad

The father of Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was killed in the attack in Benghazi last month, said his son’s death shouldn’t be politicized in the presidential campaign.

“It would really be abhorrent to make this into a campaign issue,” Jan Stevens, 77, said in a telephone interview from his home

Slain Ambassador's Mom Remembers Her Son

And on the night after her son’s death, President Barack Obama called the Commandays.

The Commandays have no anger toward the Libyan people or government over Stevens’ death, and they remarked at how many Muslims and Arabs have written letters voicing their sadness. The couple said that the largest number of condolence cards that have come into the State Department are from Palestinians

“How can anyone place blame for his death,” Mary Commanday said. “These were circumstances beyond our government’s control. I am perfectly aware that there was danger. But he was a grown man, well-educated and careful. I knew he was out there doing good work. And as a mother, I had to make up my mind to be fine with it.”
From FoxNews they use the old "More important than" technique

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON tries to walk a swinging tightrope as House Republicans probing the Benghazi attacks hammer away at her communications with close friend Sidney Blumenthal suggesting she paid more attention to his emails than unanswered pleas from murdered envoy Chris Stevens to increase security in the face of growing terrorist threats.

Is something about this false? Hillary said as much. You might want to get your hearing checked.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

In order for something to be false there first has to be something to prove wrong.

A suggestion that someone cared more about something over something else doesnt mean anything.

Watch: You seem more interested in replying to me than taking care of your kids.

Now I can reply: Is there something there that is false? Prove it?

And you cant...
They were really butt hurt at the end of the first period, The hapless Dem committee members were having hissy-fits.

That was fun.

Maybe cause they have heard the same thing over and over and over and.....
yeah and more than that said the same when democrats were investigating some FBI desk jockey for FIVE YEARS, Valier Plame. Didn't see all you on the left whining then

Democrats investigate the Plame affair for five years?
I didn't know the Grand Jury hearing by a Republican appointed investigator was run by the Dems, during GOP control of Congress.

Lie... It wasn't 5 years... one month over 2 years...

I can't understand how any of the crazies can call Hillary a liar when they have a detached relationship with reality themselves.

Well, in this case it's Staph, who's probably about the dumbest, unhinged nutbag on here.
So what? It's irrelevant. The questions exist, the lies happened, she must be held accountable.

^^ Just said nothing. Questions always exist, and if thats all you got then its pretty thin

Thin? You're an ass. 4people died, Clinton and others lied about it. Likely there is more to it than that, but you have to ask questions to find out.

Just how fucking stupid are you?
Benghazi hearing: Poll: 3-in-4 say panel is political - CNNPolitics.com

The GOP overreaches on everything. Then they wonder why they keep losing support on the national level.


Picture not big enough for the 100s of thousands Bush got killed...
So what? It's irrelevant. The questions exist, the lies happened, she must be held accountable.

^^ Just said nothing. Questions always exist, and if thats all you got then its pretty thin

Thin? You're an ass. 4people died, Clinton and others lied about it. Likely there is more to it than that, but you have to ask questions to find out.

Just how fucking stupid are you?

They lied how again?
So what? It's irrelevant. The questions exist, the lies happened, she must be held accountable.

^^ Just said nothing. Questions always exist, and if thats all you got then its pretty thin

Thin? You're an ass. 4people died, Clinton and others lied about it. Likely there is more to it than that, but you have to ask questions to find out.

Just how fucking stupid are you?

They lied how again?
The video.
So what? It's irrelevant. The questions exist, the lies happened, she must be held accountable.

^^ Just said nothing. Questions always exist, and if thats all you got then its pretty thin

Thin? You're an ass. 4people died, Clinton and others lied about it. Likely there is more to it than that, but you have to ask questions to find out.

Just how fucking stupid are you?

They lied how again?
The video.


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