73% of Americans say Biden's economy is worse than Trump's

anyone with a brain knows people are suffering under the Big Guys economy ! and his war on fossil fuel is causing higher prices at more places than the pump !
Remember Biden told all of us (especially the big oil companies!!!)

According to Biden "I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

So this economic idiot, told everyone especially oil companies..."I guarantee to put you out of business!"
Consequently the oil companies now had a perfect storm... perfect reasons to raise prices!
"Hey the president guarantees we're going out of business... we need to get it NOW while we can!"

And the the banking community taking Joe at his guarantee...see another way to get more profits!
Oil companies are having a harder time finding finance as questions about climate and future oil demand increase. ." Increasing questions around the future of oil demand are making it harder and harder for oil companies to secure financing from banks and other large investors for drilling projects.

As governments move to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the expansion of electric vehicles, some financial institutions are becoming wary about investing in oil projects that take years to develop when demand could be substantially lower once production begins.
As a result, the cost of securing capital through loans and selling stock is expected to double for oil companies in the years ahead,
making projects more expensive and less desirable to investors, said Jim Burkhard, head of oil markets research at S&P Global.
The investment threshold for investing in new oil is higher today, he said.

This is the result! The Proof! And today? $3.712/gal up from June $3.684, up from May $3.666 and so on a steady climb all because Joe Guarantees fossil fuel companies will be "rid of fossil fuels"... out of business in other words!
according to : U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

You STILL won't answer my question: is the economy better or worse than it was 5 years ago?

"No" isn't an answer, it's not a yes or no question.

Go on, you can say it...
No it's not as good now as it was when Obama was president, or in Trump's first 2 years. But the economy today is better than it was Trump's last year in office. It's why he's a one term president. One of the reasons anyways.

Was the economy as good Trump's last year in office as it was his second year in office? A simple yes or no is all I will accept. Please don't try to explain.
Worse. Why? Inflation? Gouging? Russia?

Do you realize that the Feds are purposely slowing the economy to fix inflation? It's going to cause some pain until it's completely fixed. They are already fixing it so no need for Trump to come back. And do what?
Get the economy booming again.
The Biden cult is shrinking every day.

When it comes to the 2024 presidential election, in a hypothetical horserace between President Biden and former President Donald Trump, the race is too close to call, with 33% of Americans saying they would vote for Joe Biden and 35% saying they would vote for Donald Trump.

Trump gave us the lowest unemployment since JFK and a booming economy.
Democrats and Covid unraveled it all
Trump gave us the lowest unemployment since JFK and a booming economy.
Democrats and Covid unraveled it all
What is almost NEVER clarified, is that most of Biden job recovery is from the COVID job loss.
Recovery versus “Creation.”
Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.
In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million.
On the other hand, prior to the pandemic, job creation under President Trump was 6.7 million—3 million more jobs than the current President.

Under Trump true new jobs were being created.
Under Biden old jobs lost due solely to COVID were being refilled.
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The Biden cult is shrinking every day.

When it comes to the 2024 presidential election, in a hypothetical horserace between President Biden and former President Donald Trump, the race is too close to call, with 33% of Americans saying they would vote for Joe Biden and 35% saying they would vote for Donald Trump.
The false premise being it was Trump's economy or is Biden's economy.
Trump's economy was great until Potatohead's Chinese buddies unleashed their bio weapon to undermine Trump and hurt his chances of being reelected.

It also set up the opportunity for the Democrats to use the Pandemic to scam fraudulent ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

You know who Potatohead's Chinese buddies are, don't you? They are the ones that made his family filthy rich.
Ahh yes, the good old times under Trump. Who could possibly beat sitting at home, collecting government checks during a historic economic standstill? :cuckoo:

There are feelings and there are facts.

If 73% of Americans really feel that economy is worse now, and facts definitively show it's better, then that simply means that 73% of Americans are wrong.
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Trump's economy was great until Potatohead's Chinese buddies unleashed their bio weapon to undermine Trump and hurt his chances of being reelected.

It also set up the opportunity for the Democrats to use the Pandemic to scam fraudulent ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

You know who Potatohead's Chinese buddies are, don't you? They are the ones that made his family filthy rich.
The Biden cult is shrinking every day.

When it comes to the 2024 presidential election, in a hypothetical horserace between President Biden and former President Donald Trump, the race is too close to call, with 33% of Americans saying they would vote for Joe Biden and 35% saying they would vote for Donald Trump.
Lets actually break this down:

Item 1:
  • Forty-nine percent of Americans say that inflation or increasing costs are the most important issues facing the country, 9% cite unemployment and 10% cite economic inequality.
  • Sixty-four percent of Americans say the economy is worse off compared to 2020, while seventy-three percent of Americans say the economy is worse off compared to five years ago. About two in five of Americans say they feel worse off from five years ago generally (38%) and a similar number say they feel worse off compared to 2020 (37%).
This is a Global Inflation issue.

US is actually doing better than most in this regard...
Japan's are low for bad reasons: Why is inflation so low in Japan?
Item 2:

  • A majority of Americans say that President Biden and his administration are not doing enough when it comes to investing in the economy (56%) and reducing economic inequality (52%).
The first would involve borrowing more money, So Americans are say Biden is too Fiscal Responsible.

Second vote is about income inequality, well Trump increased that massively... GOP are kings of increasing inequality. This just says that Biden should be getting his way more..

Item 3:
  • Most Americans say they are familiar with high inflation since 2022 to now (80%), but just 46% of Americans are familiar with the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act and 39% are familiar are with the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  • Most Americans support the economic policies in the legislation, including 88% who support federal investment in building or repairing national roads, bridges, rail lines, ports and other infrastructure and 62% support federal investment in clean energy and promoting adoption of electric vehicles.
All things GOP and MAGA voted against....

All this says, Biden needs to get more polices into law... Biden can show that obstruction from GOP and MAGA is the problem... They can't even elect a leader..
What is almost NEVER clarified, is that most of Biden job recovery is from the COVID job loss.
Recovery versus “Creation.”
Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation.
Shhhhhhh, yer not sposed to notice.
Last week I got another raise plus an additional $30.00 per week for gas. What seems to be the problem why others are failing?

It's funny that the answer to your question is probably in your own post.

Why did you get an additional 120/mo for gas ?

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