74 school shootings in 77 weeks...Worth it's own thread.

Guns account for two thirds of our murders and half of our suicides. Removing the weapon of choice has proved to work at reducing the numbers of both around the world

If you want to remove guns from society feel free to repeal the second amendment.

How about a revision, sort of like we've done with drug laws? You don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Yeah, how are those drug laws working out to end drug use, hmmm? That war on drugs a big success, is it? :eusa_angel:
And the Republican plan for stopping gun violence is "More guns!"

Great plan, Republicans.

Why not try raising the standard of living so that millions of Americans aren't so hopeless and desperate to the point that they commit crimes? Why not stop glorifying greed with a bunch of Ayn Rand bullshit so that our "culture" isn't so preoccupied with material possessions? As long as the American system is based on superficial consumerism and greed, people are going to continue to do whatever it takes to get themselves ahead, regardless of however many laws are passed.
As was stated, we need to change our culture. Republicans, however, are not the ones to do it.

The logical "plan" is to have less violent people on the street. Guns just sit there until someone picks them up.
Why not try raising kids that respect the rights and property of others? Why not try raising kids that consider education a priority? Why not raise kids to stay away from drugs?

You're damned straight we need to change our culture. Neither Republicans OR Democrats need to do it, however. PARENTS need to do it.

Lots of parents need to work multiple jobs now, makes parenting difficult. But that's what the right wants.

:cuckoo: You need to figure out who it was that filled your skull with piss so there was no room for a brain. Seriously.
Number one thing we need to do is fix our mental health system, and make it easier to place someone on a psych old.
Regulating guns won't do anything on this issue.

Luissa is now the most logical and sensible leftist on this thread. The rest of you lefties should seriously rethink your entire existences at this point.
Number one thing we need to do is fix our mental health system, and make it easier to place someone on a psych old.
Regulating guns won't do anything on this issue.

Good luck getting any funding for that. You seen the debate for healthcare?

So you figure it's better to focus money and energy on a "solution" that will do fuck-all to fix the problem because it's too tough to attack the actual issue?

Brilliant. :eusa_clap:
Id love to annex some states and let the left have at it....an all lefty society.......... and come back a few years later and do a reality show of trying to survive the utopian jungle!!! What a hoot......of course, wouldn't be part of it without bringing my AK..........but what a rush that would be.:2up:

I'd like to see righties in control of a large city. Now that would be a disaster.

Provo, UT, is ranked as the most conservative-run city in the United States by some sources. Go ahead and tell us what a disaster that has made it.
There was another shooting yesterday, I hear. This is becoming commonplace. If I lived in the US, I think I would keep my kids home from school. Too much risk of them becoming the victim of a gun wielding maniac.

If you had kids, odds are good they'd have to go to "special" schools anyway.
There was another shooting yesterday, I hear. This is becoming commonplace. If I lived in the US, I think I would keep my kids home from school. Too much risk of them becoming the victim of a gun wielding maniac.

So you'd keep you child home where he is statistically 8 times more likely to drown in your tub or pool and 3 1/2 times more likely to die in a fire.
You will never drive him anywhere in your car since he is 40 times more likely to die.

Kids die. It's sad. I lost my first born myself.

There are over 82 million children ages 0-19 in the United States. 2200 died by firearm homicide. (2007 data) More than half were black teens.

National Child Mortality Data

FBI ? Expanded Homicide Data

I can protect my child in my own home, I cannot protect them from gun toting freaks when they are in school.

Oh, OF COURSE you can protect your child in your own home. That's why children NEVER die in their own homes: because it's possible for parents to keep their children 100% safe at all times.

Spoken like a dried-up twat who's never parented. The chickenshits who never offer hostages to fortune always want to present themselves as experts on how to do what they're too cowardly to actually do.
I can protect my child in my own home, I cannot protect them from gun toting freaks when they are in school.

Protect them with what your mad kung fu skills?

Actually, I don't have a need to protect anyone in my home. We lock our doors at night and have three dogs. We are perfectly safe from gun wielding nutters.

Yeah, because armed burglars only break into homes with the doors standing wide open.

Christ, you get dumber every single time you post. At some point, you're actually going to start defying the laws of physics.
What a stupid, illogical argument. It's like saying we shouldn't have laws against driving under the influence of alchol because not everyone who does that causes an accident or kills someone. How stupid can you get?

It's just as stupid as saying all gun owners are a threat to society.

No it isn't. You don't have any idea how to think logically do you? Anyone in possession of a gun can cause bodily harm to someone else or to himself, whether it is intentional or inadvertent. And, based on what most of the pro-gun people on this board post, people who own guns are definitely people who could very well be a threat to society: they are angry people and trigger happy.

Sweet cheeks, I can cause you bodily harm with a crochet hook, and I do mean potentially fatal bodily harm. Any reasonably intelligent person with a basic understanding of human anatomy can. There is no amount of banning of tools that is going to make the human body any less fragile and vulnerable than it is, and no number of laws that are going to make other human beings less potentially-dangerous than they are.

People suck. You're going to die. You can't change either thing.

Have a nice day. :D
No it isn't. You don't have any idea how to think logically do you? Anyone in possession of a gun can cause bodily harm to someone else or to himself, whether it is intentional or inadvertent. And, based on what most of the pro-gun people on this board post, people who own guns are definitely people who could very well be a threat to society: they are angry people and trigger happy.

Anyone can cause harm to anyone with or without a gun.

And please tell me how many gun owners posting here have pointed a weapon at a person and shot them. Since you seem to know that they are all trigger happy you must be able to prove it.

FYI the vast majority of gun owners will never shoot anyone.
It's very obvious to me you are pretty unstable, and if I had the choice, I would not want someone like you to be in possession of a firearm.

It's very obvious to me that you are pretty stupid, and if I had a choice, I would not want someone like you to be in possession of a computer.

We don't always get what we want, particularly when what we want is to unrealistically rearrange the world to suit the fantasies of retards.
I think everyone agrees that gangbangers are a major contributor to our murder rate. They make you, as a good guy, look bad for owning a gun. We need to do everything we can to dry up the supply of guns.
Will we stop every gun from getting in the hands of criminals? Of course not. But if we can cut 20%, that is 20% less guns on the street
Prison is not our answer to guns or drugs. We have a larger percentage of our citizens in prison than anywhere on earth. It is obviously not working

We lock up nonviolent offenders for bullshit things. I'm one for legalizing drugs and emptying the prisons of non violent drug offenders.

We should lock up violent people for good.

And I don't believe that some idiot gun owner makes me look bad just as a drunk driver doesn't make all drivers look bad..

You only look bad when you refuse to discuss keeping guns away from those who aren't capable of handling them properly.

You can discuss it all you want but you haven't come up with a solution.

Let me ask you this

We cannot stop the illegal sale of drugs on our streets. What on earth makes you think we can stop the illegal sale of weapons?

We hand out drivers licenses to millions of people and many of them are not capable of driving safely. Many people drive on the roads without a license.

If we can't stop that how on earth can we stop the miniscule percentage of people who might use a gun for nefarious purposes from getting guns legally or illegally?

The best course of action is the one I suggest.

Make all crimes committed while in the possession of a firearm federal offenses punishable with a mandatory life sentence.

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