75% Of Black Men Abandon Their Children

ANY MAN that abandons his children should be arrested for child abuse. The bastards don't understand how lucky they're.
I totally agree that irresponsible parents need to be punished. Children are extremely expensive, and it should be illegal to have them if you can't afford them. We should try to strengthen society instead of diminishing it. As it is now, the least intelligent, and the poorest have the most children. The people that are here illegally also have many - they are included in the aforementioned categories - it makes no sense. We reward the parasites in our society, and punish the achievers. This is a recipe for disaster!

Indivisuals like Brawd, Jillian, and a plethora of others don't have the ability to debate - they only detract from useful dialog, and should be ignored. They are either incessantly facetious or
do not posses the necessary faculties to engage - so they resort to insult, ofuscation, deflection,
or denial; they are a pitiful group, and have no place on a forum if constructive change is the target!

We have identified a serious problem with our society - blacks are the most egregious offenders. What course of action should we take? If we don't disincentivize the problem, it will only get worse!
I am perfectly capable let's talk about the fact that when affirmative action was white they did residential redlining, all the fdr entitlement programs excluded blacks and for the longest time interacial marriage was against the law.

Your stats are contrived and conveniantly leave out a timeline of prejudice and discrmination that perpetuates poverty and gave an upper hand to white men.

race has nothing to do with a divorce rate, finances is the number one reason, pull david dukes dick out of your ass and have an honest discussion shitbreath !

so you are 100 years old and still capable of whining?

congratulations :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

ps you would not be concerned about interracial marrige unlees you believed that there was some advantage for blacks

wanna guess the conclusion we can draw :)

listen if you wanna pull a train for duped & his asssucking sidekick knock yourself out dumb bitch:badgrin:

y'all live in the same dumpster?

if you think white people are so mean to you why don't you go to the black paradise known as Africa where there are few white people to oppress your whiny fat black ass?
As usual you dumb fucking ideologues can't debate the facts. 75% of black men abandon their children - that is a fact. You can't address anything that doesn't fit your persuation; liberalism is a disease!

Its not their fault, society is to blame ............They are the victims of social injustice and that "oppression" extends to them the ability to invent excuses for everything.................
This is the main problem with the black race - it is unnatural! Children need resources, and nurturing parents if they are expected to turn into productive members of society. Most black men don't give a shit how their children will develope - it is very unnatural. Why?
This situation was not helped by the spate of abandoned children under laws that allow parents to abandon their children if they leave them at hospitals in all 50 states to one extent or another, passed from 1999 to 2008.

The more irresponsible people get, the more they take from the rest of us. Those child care agencies don't operate on nothing to have case workers with a minimum of a Master's degree for qualifications.

I'm seeing the problem broadening its parameters beyond race lines in the next generation.

Don't like your kid's behavior? Well, step right up to the nearest ER and drop him off with someone who cares. No questions asked! :rolleyes:
US Shocked by Spate of Abandoned children
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I grew up in Compton California. Low income. I go to UCLA for post graduate work... You fail again racist. Oh I also tutor white kids on the weekend in Westwood, but I guess that doesn't matter.

Were you raised in a household with a mother & father?

Does it matter?

I'm a successful student so whether my mother or father was in my life is a moot point...
Young Blacks who grow up in the ghetto see that there is a good chance of being dead or in prison before they are out of their 20s. They do not think in the long term.

Neither did you with that idiotic remark
Surely white men don't abandon their children.......

(waits for Matthew to show statistics)
I grew up in Compton California. Low income. I go to UCLA for post graduate work... You fail again racist. Oh I also tutor white kids on the weekend in Westwood, but I guess that doesn't matter.

Were you raised in a household with a mother & father?

Does it matter?

I'm a successful student so whether my mother or father was in my life is a moot point...
you are a successful student !!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:you have not succeeded until you implement your education.and thanks to affirmative action the bar that measures success for something like you has been lowered .
Were you raised in a household with a mother & father?

Does it matter?

I'm a successful student so whether my mother or father was in my life is a moot point...
you are a successful student !!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:you have not succeeded until you implement your education.and thanks to affirmative action the bar that measures success for something like you has been lowered .

This is idiotic......

"You have no succeeded until you've implemented your education"

The sad part of that remark is I'm already doing that. Another sad thing is your usage of the word 'implement' what do you think getting a masters degree and working is?

We all know your level of education by that post.
Does it matter?

I'm a successful student so whether my mother or father was in my life is a moot point...
you are a successful student !!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:you have not succeeded until you implement your education.and thanks to affirmative action the bar that measures success for something like you has been lowered .

This is idiotic......

"You have no succeeded until you've implemented your education"

The sad part of that remark is I'm already doing that. Another sad thing is your usage of the word 'implement' what do you think getting a masters degree and working is?

We all know your level of education by that post.
careful !! you did not state that in the post i replied to.and the bar has been lowered for you.
you are a successful student !!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:you have not succeeded until you implement your education.and thanks to affirmative action the bar that measures success for something like you has been lowered .

This is idiotic......

"You have no succeeded until you've implemented your education"

The sad part of that remark is I'm already doing that. Another sad thing is your usage of the word 'implement' what do you think getting a masters degree and working is?

We all know your level of education by that post.
careful !! you did not state that in the post i replied to.and the bar has been lowered for you.

The bar was never lowered in graduate school...

I'm going to tell you like I told Matthew......

UCLA is 65% Asian

In my graduate program there are 3 African-Americans (I'm one of them)

No reputable school is going to invest in accepting a C average student.

I was a 3.6 GPA in undergrad...The median of accepted students is 3.7

I got in because I was in a published research article on top of that my research experience, letters of recommendation.

It doesn't matter what color you are. You can have 10 African-Americans that apply, they are only going to accept the one with the highest GPA. Princeton does this. Harvard does this. Columbia does this. Most colleges believe GPA and high GRE scores equate to success.

No school is going to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in students who have a track record of failure, no matter what skin pigmentation they have. Apparently you're so stuck on stupid you don't realize how graduate programs work.

Idiot you pay loans provided by fellowships in graduate schools to fund your education. This is basically "free money." It doesn't matter if your black or asian, most prestiguous schools want the best. Can't you get that through your thick skull?
Abandonment of parental responsibilities by black fathers has little effect on their offsprings future criminality, drug use, illiteracy, poverty and soaking of the welfare system. None whatsoever.....
Abandonment of parental responsibilities by black fathers has little effect on their offsprings future criminality, drug use, illiteracy, poverty and soaking of the welfare system. None whatsoever.....
Please explain why abandonment would not be a huge factor.
This is the main problem with the black race - it is unnatural! Children need resources, and nurturing parents if they are expected to turn into productive members of society. Most black men don't give a shit how their children will develope - it is very unnatural. Why?
That's easy, it's a cultural thing, not a racial thing, because it's not a prevelant trait with dark colored peoples everywhere else in the world.

It IS a common trait in most cultures that share a history of being enslaved, or in cases of war torn areas, places where family structures were torn apart.

You cannot take Africans out of Africa against their will, then enslave them for centuries, then free them into impoverished oppression and neglect, and then give them forced equal rights, and expect everything to be rosey and shiny only 50 years after that.

In California, we have a large Cambodian culture, and because they came from war torn refugee camps, they have gang troubles, high illteracy rates, and everything else common to impovershed cultures that aren't present amongst their Japanese and Chinese counterparts.

In the afluent Oakland Hills area, the schools are mostly black, latino, and asian, but those kids are realtivelly well behaved, but the kids in schools west of MacArthur Blvd in Oakland are still black, latino, and asian, but they have huge violence and illiteracy problems.

Money is the constant here, not race.

Good, reasonable post.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if the deciding factor of their abandonment of the family is the daily dose of attitude lower-income black women in the West seem to heap upon the men they sleep/live with. Black men always seem to be getting it in the neck from their partners. Though you never see that kind of destructive behaviour happening amongst middle class blacks or blacks in Africa.

Dumb, and poor begets dumb, and poor - disfunktional begets disfunktional; this is true.
Black women are to blame as well - having children with probable absconders!
I'm honestly not trying to pick a fight...but.....in what part of the country are you allowed to think the way you seem to without getting the crap beat out of you?

Like the rest of the racist pussies on this site he would never dare open his mealy little mouth anywhere but safely online here.

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