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79% of Democrats reject the Trump tax cuts for the middle class

79% of Democrats reject the Trump tax cuts for the middle class

Wow, that's incredible. Since 80% of the tax cuts go to the top 5%.

View attachment 167512
You've got to finish it. This is how goes:
I have to pay $18 in lower taxes, but my son, who is sick, is going to die because Republicans cut my healthcare.

And when I told them, they did this:

They are real tax cuts for the middle class.
The left wing knuttjobs are fighting against reality and losing.

Trump tax plan benefits rich, companies, AP poll indicates
It's funny because the right-wing, nut bags suddenly support huge tax breaks for the swamp creature, lobbyists, while also supporting attacks on our chief law enforcement agencies, writing and passing legislation behind closed doors while not only refusing to allow Dem's to participate but also most Repub's.

On the "upside" the conservative party has said American children should be treated like third world children, Russian's are heroes for attacking our country and veterans and their families aren't real heroes like the golfer in chief whose bone spurs seem to magically melt away three times a week while he golfs. Clearly they have zero problem accepting Trump's multiple daily lies so why not sacrifice the few principles they actually had? The conservatives of America have lost the ability to govern.
what exactly did the russians attack? did you get hit? why didn't congress declare war on them?

The Russians attacked our elections according to all of OUR law enforcement agencies. Hacking both the DNC and the RNC (Illegal under our laws) releasing that hacked information (under our laws) specifically to aid Trump's team (four of which have been indicted or admitted guilt) which is also illegal under our system. You are a perfect example of someone who whines that 'Dem's hate our law enforcement' while you attack our law enforcement agencies and support a former KGB leader over the United States of America. But hey....at least your corporate swap creatures got a permanent tax cut, right? Bwahahahaaaaaaaaaa

You think those indictments or guilty pleas have anything to do with Russia hacking the DNC and releasing all of their dirty little secrets? Wow! You have boldly gone where no one has gone before. That's a level of stupid I haven't seen in quite a while!
Don't worry. The greedy Democrats will raise taxes on the Middle Class again just as soon as they can.

The people I feel sorry for are those living in the high SALT states. Those people are going to get figuratively raped by the Democrats in their state legislatures and local governments because they will have more money available to tax!
They are real tax cuts for the middle class.
The left wing knuttjobs are fighting against reality and losing.

Trump tax plan benefits rich, companies, AP poll indicates
It's funny because the right-wing, nut bags suddenly support huge tax breaks for the swamp creature, lobbyists, while also supporting attacks on our chief law enforcement agencies, writing and passing legislation behind closed doors while not only refusing to allow Dem's to participate but also most Repub's.

On the "upside" the conservative party has said American children should be treated like third world children, Russian's are heroes for attacking our country and veterans and their families aren't real heroes like the golfer in chief whose bone spurs seem to magically melt away three times a week while he golfs. Clearly they have zero problem accepting Trump's multiple daily lies so why not sacrifice the few principles they actually had? The conservatives of America have lost the ability to govern.
what exactly did the russians attack? did you get hit? why didn't congress declare war on them?

The Russians attacked our elections according to all of OUR law enforcement agencies. Hacking both the DNC and the RNC (Illegal under our laws) releasing that hacked information (under our laws) specifically to aid Trump's team (four of which have been indicted or admitted guilt) which is also illegal under our system. You are a perfect example of someone who whines that 'Dem's hate our law enforcement' while you attack our law enforcement agencies and support a former KGB leader over the United States of America. But hey....at least your corporate swap creatures got a permanent tax cut, right? Bwahahahaaaaaaaaaa

You think those indictments or guilty pleas have anything to do with Russia hacking the DNC and releasing all of their dirty little secrets? Wow! You have boldly gone where no one has gone before. That's a level of stupid I haven't seen in quite a while!
I guess we'll find out, won't we.
Considering that four indictments and two guilty pleas later, something is going on.
They are real tax cuts for the middle class.
The left wing knuttjobs are fighting against reality and losing.

Trump tax plan benefits rich, companies, AP poll indicates
It's funny because the right-wing, nut bags suddenly support huge tax breaks for the swamp creature, lobbyists, while also supporting attacks on our chief law enforcement agencies, writing and passing legislation behind closed doors while not only refusing to allow Dem's to participate but also most Repub's.

On the "upside" the conservative party has said American children should be treated like third world children, Russian's are heroes for attacking our country and veterans and their families aren't real heroes like the golfer in chief whose bone spurs seem to magically melt away three times a week while he golfs. Clearly they have zero problem accepting Trump's multiple daily lies so why not sacrifice the few principles they actually had? The conservatives of America have lost the ability to govern.

Come again?
Who is supporting attack s on our law enforcement?
Fox News, Breitbart, the Republican leadership and Trump supporters, all of whom have attacked various levels of the FBI and every single law enforcement agency who have stated, unequivocally, that Russia attacked us. But I get it, you are so busy defending your vote for Trump that you have simply slipped into defending Russia over US Law enforcement. Try to be logical instead of blindly supporting your own ego by defending your poor decision to vote for a con man.

Wrong buffalo breath! Those were intelligence agencies that simply parroted the reports from one agency. Law enforcement hasn't said anything! You are delusional.
They are real tax cuts for the middle class.
The left wing knuttjobs are fighting against reality and losing.

Trump tax plan benefits rich, companies, AP poll indicates

The reality is that the deficit is going to balloon with no real benefit to the economy.

And at some point, if not already, the middle class is going to end up paying it in either higher local taxes or reduced benefits.

Obama increased our debt 10 trillion in 8 years with our money. Clearly the government doesn't know how to manage finances. I'll take more of my money back, Thank You.

He did? After the massive Bush Recession and the Republicans refusing to pass any of his budget bills? lmao. In the meantime, while we are super successful, you 'suddenly' support blowing a two trillion dollar hole in our deficit to benefit the swamp creatures you work for, like ComCast, Bank of America and, of course, real estate con men?
Hypocrisy is the only 'value' conservatives have now....besides treason in support of communist's attacking our democracy, that is. derp.

Swamp creatures? Comcast? You mean the owner of NBC, MSNBC, and the like? Liberal democrats one and all?
They are real tax cuts for the middle class.
The left wing knuttjobs are fighting against reality and losing.

Trump tax plan benefits rich, companies, AP poll indicates
It's funny because the right-wing, nut bags suddenly support huge tax breaks for the swamp creature, lobbyists, while also supporting attacks on our chief law enforcement agencies, writing and passing legislation behind closed doors while not only refusing to allow Dem's to participate but also most Repub's.

On the "upside" the conservative party has said American children should be treated like third world children, Russian's are heroes for attacking our country and veterans and their families aren't real heroes like the golfer in chief whose bone spurs seem to magically melt away three times a week while he golfs. Clearly they have zero problem accepting Trump's multiple daily lies so why not sacrifice the few principles they actually had? The conservatives of America have lost the ability to govern.

Come again?
Who is supporting attack s on our law enforcement?
Fox News, Breitbart, the Republican leadership and Trump supporters, all of whom have attacked various levels of the FBI and every single law enforcement agency who have stated, unequivocally, that Russia attacked us. [/
So you went from cops to the FBI?

Tell us did Comey meddle in the election yes or no?

Did we all need a score card to find out if the liberals hated Comey or loved Comey yes or no?

Every agency huh? So now the US coast Gaurd found collusion between Russia and Tru.p?

And how did Russia attack us ? By telling us that the DNC rigg their nomination and told us about Hillary s corruption?

Isn't that the US press job?

But I get it, you are so busy defending your vote for Trump that you have simply slipped into defending Russia over US Law enforcement. Try to be logical instead of blindly supporting your own ego by defending your poor decision to vote for a con man.

I didn't vote for Trump , but I am happy he brought out the true colors of big cry baby liberals , it's priceless..

huh? how did they help trump? Seth Rich gave the emails to wikileaks you know this right? The owner said so. you have no idea on the DNC server because no one looked at it. all conjured up as hearsay. no evidence of it. ooops. What you say? Nope under oath both Comey and the director of the department of justice told us no one looked at the DNC server. so, exactly what evidence do you have? I've seen nothing. no vote changed, nothing. I'm waiting.

You are waiting for more of Putin's propaganda which is exactly what you just quoted?
See we patriots actually believe AMERICAN law enforcement while you attack them so you can rationalize your support of Putin and the international, corporate, swamp creatures? For years I've argued with my friends who live in other countries who claimed American's are undereducated moron's. You, however, are proof they are all correct in their assessment of the US....at least as it concerns the hypocritical, radical, right-wing American's.

Incidentally, how much does Putin's anti-American, counter-intelligence, service pay you to post anti-American posts? lol

Lmfao that wasn't Putin's propaganda..

Tell us what was Putin's propaganda?

Hillary had a illegal server true

The DNC rigged the nomination true

Debbie had to step down from the DNC true

Hillary wiped clean 33,000 emails true

And on and the n and on all true[

Of course "you didn't vote for Trump." That's why you defend his criminal sexual behavior and support of pedophiles.
To be clear, Hillary was found "NOT GUILTY" for your "email scandal" by republican investigators at least eight times. On the other hand, Trump's allies have admitted guilt and/or been indicted.

It's funny because when Bush deleted 12,000,000 emails fro. his private server in Texas you al whined and whined that the "Democrats are picking on us." Hypocrisy and treason are the only two ideals of conservatives these days but that is to be expected by those who believe Russian trolls over conservative law enforcement officials, isn't it? derp.

Got a link to that ridiculous 12.000,000 email claim? You are quickly becoming a major joke!
Progressive Globalists are terrified by the corporate tax cuts. Companies will be inclined to stay in the US or move into the US now, which is one thing they really don't want to see. They want to continue fleecing America and sending jobs overseas. This is a major defeat in their War on Capitalism.

here, moron........LOL

The tax bill is a giant permission slip for shipping profits overseas - Vox

GOP tax plan may not curb incentives for firms to shift profits and jobs ...

LOL, Vox.

"This isn’t an exclusively Republican idea. Liberals like former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), President Obama, and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer have all endorsed proposals that would give companies that stashed money overseas a big tax break."

Liberal logic: lower taxes for corporations will scare companies and have them move overseas! If we keep the tax at 35% they'll want to bring their money from overseas and pay a bigger tax!

My God, can you really be this dumb?

.....of course you are.
you are adding $1.5 TRILLION to the national debt and borrowing the money from China or Saudi Arabia to pay for it....and if the tax cuts are made permanent for us, then it adds $2 TRILLION to the national debt....

and those are the estimates with DYNAMIC SCORING..... with the planned increase in gdp.

Why weren't you bitching when Obama more than doubled the debt in only 8 years?

This will grow the economy. He couldn't grow an erection with Viagra!

Oh, I forgot! We need to check his height. When lawyers take Viagra they just get taller.
Why weren't you bitching when Obama more than doubled the debt in only 8 years?

This will grow the economy.

Go play with your rubber ducky in a bathtub......

So let's get this straight your mad because you have to pay lower taxes..

So when a girl Rob's you at gun point you going to tell her about the extra $5 bucks in your sock and give it to her!
They are real tax cuts for the middle class.
The left wing knuttjobs are fighting against reality and losing.

Trump tax plan benefits rich, companies, AP poll indicates
It's funny because the right-wing, nut bags suddenly support huge tax breaks for the swamp creature, lobbyists, while also supporting attacks on our chief law enforcement agencies, writing and passing legislation behind closed doors while not only refusing to allow Dem's to participate but also most Repub's.

On the "upside" the conservative party has said American children should be treated like third world children, Russian's are heroes for attacking our country and veterans and their families aren't real heroes like the golfer in chief whose bone spurs seem to magically melt away three times a week while he golfs. Clearly they have zero problem accepting Trump's multiple daily lies so why not sacrifice the few principles they actually had? The conservatives of America have lost the ability to govern.
what exactly did the russians attack? did you get hit? why didn't congress declare war on them?

The Russians attacked our elections according to all of OUR law enforcement agencies. Hacking both the DNC and the RNC (Illegal under our laws) releasing that hacked information (under our laws) specifically to aid Trump's team (four of which have been indicted or admitted guilt) which is also illegal under our system. You are a perfect example of someone who whines that 'Dem's hate our law enforcement' while you attack our law enforcement agencies and support a former KGB leader over the United States of America. But hey....at least your corporate swap creatures got a permanent tax cut, right? Bwahahahaaaaaaaaaa

You think those indictments or guilty pleas have anything to do with Russia hacking the DNC and releasing all of their dirty little secrets? Wow! You have boldly gone where no one has gone before. That's a level of stupid I haven't seen in quite a while!
I guess we'll find out, won't we.
Considering that four indictments and two guilty pleas later, something is going on.

Correct, it's called a witch hunt.
Don't worry. The greedy Democrats will raise taxes on the Middle Class again just as soon as they can.

The people I feel sorry for are those living in the high SALT states. Those people are going to get figuratively raped by the Democrats in their state legislatures and local governments because they will have more money available to tax!

Mostly liberal states I would assume. If so, they love to pay taxes so it shouldn't be a problem.

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