8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border

Hmm? I just commented that republicans are probably shocked that illegal immigrants aren't just Mexicans. You're the one who turned it into this whole weird thing.
no that isn't what you said you fk. hahahahahahahahahaaha nice diversionary tact. say you said something else. The fact is it was caught. stupid fk.
Yeah it was dummy :cuckoo:
no, no it wasn't. But you keep trying to change what it is you wrote,
Go back and look. What did I originally say?
your beautiful quote:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
The country they came from was Syria. They crossed through Mexico but they originated in Syria. Republicans, especially their comical frontrunner Trump, have been obsessing over Mexicans.
no that isn't what you said you fk. hahahahahahahahahaaha nice diversionary tact. say you said something else. The fact is it was caught. stupid fk.
Yeah it was dummy :cuckoo:
no, no it wasn't. But you keep trying to change what it is you wrote,
Go back and look. What did I originally say?
your beautiful quote:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
The country they came from was Syria. They crossed through Mexico but they originated in Syria. Republicans, especially their comical frontrunner Trump, have been obsessing over Mexicans.
dude that wasn't the OP. but thanks for playing. They came from Mexico.
So should we build a massive wall between the USA and Kyrgyzstan?
Why not? That makes as much sense as everything else the GOP wants to do.
Could you explain the actual line of reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that we may all laugh heartily at your ignorance?
we all need to learn that there are more illegals come from other than Mexico.
Were these illegals Mexicans?
nope. It wasn't was in the OP. It's where they came in from. physically came in from from MEXICO and has everything to do with the Border there. So it's irrelevant the end country of origin, it's where they crossed to get in. That was the original OP. And you come back with this gem:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
Why would I respond to a thread about people crossing the Mexican border by saying they crossed elsewhere? Get some theory of mind you rube.
no that isn't what you said you fk. hahahahahahahahahaaha nice diversionary tact. say you said something else. The fact is it was caught. stupid fk.
Yeah it was dummy :cuckoo:
no, no it wasn't. But you keep trying to change what it is you wrote,
Go back and look. What did I originally say?
your beautiful quote:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
The country they came from was Syria. They crossed through Mexico but they originated in Syria. Republicans, especially their comical frontrunner Trump, have been obsessing over Mexicans.
BTW, I don't believe Trump ever stated the immigrant other than illegal. So he never said mexican. I might be wrong, but you'd have to prove me wrong on that one.
Hmm? I just commented that republicans are probably shocked that illegal immigrants aren't just Mexicans. You're the one who turned it into this whole weird thing.

That's not what you were saying earlier.

Oh well, nothing new, the retard is drifting, again.

Why not? That makes as much sense as everything else the GOP wants to do.
Could you explain the actual line of reasoning that you used to come to that ridiculous conclusion so that we may all laugh heartily at your ignorance?
we all need to learn that there are more illegals come from other than Mexico.
Were these illegals Mexicans?
nope. It wasn't was in the OP. It's where they came in from. physically came in from from MEXICO and has everything to do with the Border there. So it's irrelevant the end country of origin, it's where they crossed to get in. That was the original OP. And you come back with this gem:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
Why would I respond to a thread about people crossing the Mexican border by saying they crossed elsewhere? Get some theory of mind you rube.
dude, I have no frkn idea why you wrote what you wrote. But it was funny as all shit. Look how many replied to that one line. hahahahahahahahhhahahahahaa dumb fk.
Yeah it was dummy :cuckoo:
no, no it wasn't. But you keep trying to change what it is you wrote,
Go back and look. What did I originally say?
your beautiful quote:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
The country they came from was Syria. They crossed through Mexico but they originated in Syria. Republicans, especially their comical frontrunner Trump, have been obsessing over Mexicans.
BTW, I don't believe Trump ever stated the immigrant other than illegal. So he never said mexican. I might be wrong, but you'd have to prove me wrong on that one.
Yeah those comments about Mexico sending us their worst people on purpose was about ISIS, or something. :rolleyes:
Hey, it's a real big shame that Trump never used any other term but illegal immigrant. You all should actually do some homework.
no, no it wasn't. But you keep trying to change what it is you wrote,
Go back and look. What did I originally say?
your beautiful quote:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
The country they came from was Syria. They crossed through Mexico but they originated in Syria. Republicans, especially their comical frontrunner Trump, have been obsessing over Mexicans.
BTW, I don't believe Trump ever stated the immigrant other than illegal. So he never said mexican. I might be wrong, but you'd have to prove me wrong on that one.
Yeah those comments about Mexico sending us their worst people on purpose was about ISIS, or something. :rolleyes:
you still don't get the jist of the OP. funny shit dumb fk. ok, I'll give you a break and tell you what it's actually about. The OP was about the border, not the origin country of the illegal. You should really learn yourself some things.
Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.

Republicans are not ones that want to keep borders open.
By the way, retard, they were caught crossing the border from Mexico.
You should google how many countries illegal immigrants come from. You'll be surprised since you're an idiot.
you should really learn to read the OP before you post. dude, that was a dumb fk post.
Go back and look. What did I originally say?
your beautiful quote:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
The country they came from was Syria. They crossed through Mexico but they originated in Syria. Republicans, especially their comical frontrunner Trump, have been obsessing over Mexicans.
BTW, I don't believe Trump ever stated the immigrant other than illegal. So he never said mexican. I might be wrong, but you'd have to prove me wrong on that one.
Yeah those comments about Mexico sending us their worst people on purpose was about ISIS, or something. :rolleyes:
you still don't get the jist of the OP. funny shit dumb fk. ok, I'll give you a break and tell you what it's actually about. The OP was about the border, not the origin country of the illegal. You should really learn yourself some things.
I never commented about border crossing. The point was to mock republican obsession with Mexicans. The flavor of the week is now Syrians.
your beautiful quote:

Republicans must be shocked to learn that illegal immigrants come from more countries than just Mexico.
The country they came from was Syria. They crossed through Mexico but they originated in Syria. Republicans, especially their comical frontrunner Trump, have been obsessing over Mexicans.
BTW, I don't believe Trump ever stated the immigrant other than illegal. So he never said mexican. I might be wrong, but you'd have to prove me wrong on that one.
Yeah those comments about Mexico sending us their worst people on purpose was about ISIS, or something. :rolleyes:
you still don't get the jist of the OP. funny shit dumb fk. ok, I'll give you a break and tell you what it's actually about. The OP was about the border, not the origin country of the illegal. You should really learn yourself some things.
I never commented about border crossing. The point was to mock republican obsession with Mexicans. The flavor of the week is now Syrians.
that wasn't the OP and never a discussion point until you posted what you did.. And, no one understands why you posted what you did. And it isn't even a qualified comment. But you remain a dumb fk and we'll keep laughing at you.
So it begins. Or it was going for some time, and we just got the proof.

Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector. The federal agents spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity, however, a local president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) confirmed that Laredo Border Patrol agents have been officially contacting the organization with concerns over reports from other federal agents about Syrians illegally entering the country in the Laredo Sector. The reports have caused a stir among the sector’s Border Patrol agents.

8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border

That's funny. Local Fox News Laredo Nov. 16, 17, 18 stationed permanently in that region did not mentioned of such Syrian caught at the border. Coming from Breitfart? If this is true don't you think it will be headlines in Fox News nationwide? They pay lots of money for this kind of information.
Also If you want to get caught easily then use Texas border. Why not Arizona border? You might get lucky but your chances is very low of getting thru.

Local News Archives - FOX 39 Laredo

What makes you think it would be easier to cross in Arizona?

Oh just an average of 200/year die each year crossing Arizona border. We keep hearing unaccompanied children from South American countries caught at the border in Texas but none in Arizona border.

You reminded me of the incredible lie from Jan Brewer - that heads were being found all over the AZ desert.

Bet the RWNJs still believe that one too.

Nope... That's also confirmed by National Geographic.
I never commented about border crossing. The point was to mock republican obsession with Mexicans. The flavor of the week is now Syrians.

The point is that you're here just to troll, and that's only thing you're capable of doing. Or that...


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