8 Things Women Couldn't Do On The First Women's Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can't

Which political party tries hardest to limit/regulate/stifle female reproductive rights by undermining Roe v. Wade? Hint: it ain't Democrats.
Playing Politics with the Pay Gap

Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn took a page from Democrats when she wrongly claimed that “the White House [is] paying women 88 cents for every dollar that a guy earns in comparable positions.” That’s not true for the same reason Democrats have been wrong when they’ve said women in the U.S. earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by men for doing the same work. Neither is a direct comparison of pay for doing the same job.

Blackburn’s claim was based on an analysis of White House staff members’ pay by the conservative American Enterprise Institute that concluded female staffers earn 88 cents on the dollar compared with men. The analysis, by Mark Perry, an AEI scholar and a professor of economics at the Flint campus of the University of Michigan, looked at salary data from the “2013 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff.” He found that the 229 women employed in the Obama White House earned a median salary of $65,000 last year, compared with a median salary of nearly $73,729 for the 229 men on the White House staff.

The AEI study didn’t compare wages for similar positions, but the AEI’s Perry told us in an email that Carney is “probably basically correct” when he says the pay for men and women in the same positions with the same experience level is likely the same. As a New York Times graphic on such salaries said, most White House salaries are set by a pay schedule. “So it’s probably a matter of just following a formula based on job title, previous job experience, and maybe level of education,” Perry said.

The New York Times breakdown of the jobs by pay scale shows that women slightly outnumber men in the bottom two income categories, while men slightly outnumber women in the top two. Perry agreed that the pay gap in the White House is “partly/mostly explained” by that graphic. There are simply more women in lower-paying junior positions, and so the median salary lags that of men.

And that is why Blackburn’s comment that “the White House [is] paying women 88 cents for every dollar that a guy earns in comparable positions,” (our emphasis) is incorrect. The comparison is for all jobs, not comparable ones, and men hold more of the upper-level positions.

Playing Politics with the Pay Gap

Another NaziCon myth destroyed.

8 Things Women Couldn't Do In 1971...

1. Get credit cards in their own names.
The Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 gave women that right. The law forced credit card companies to issue cards to women without a husband's signature.

2. Legally get an abortion.
The seminal Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade, which protected a woman's right to choose, didn't happen until 1973.

That is false. Abortion was legal, just not everywhere in the US. In fact, if Roe was repealed today, it would still be legal in most places.

3. Access the morning after pill.
The FDA first approved emergency contraception in 1998, and the morning after pill became available over the counter just last year, in 2013.

4. Be guaranteed they wouldn't be fired for getting pregnant.
The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 added an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, specificyng that employers could not discriminate "on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions."

5. Marry another woman.
Massachusetts became the first U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage in 2004. Love is love is love.

6. Fight on the front lines.
Women were first admitted into military academies in 1976. And in 2013, the military ban on women in combat (tied to a Pentagon rule from 1994) was lifted by Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta.

7. Take legal action against workplace sexual harassment.
According to The Week, the first time a court recognized office sexual harassment as grounds for legal action was in 1977.

8. Decide not to have sex if their husbands wanted to.
Spousal rape wasn't criminalized in all 50 states until 1993.

6 Things Women Still Can't Do In 2014...

1. Receive equal pay for equal work.
Yes, the gender wage gap still exists. Just ask Joan Halloway.

It doesn't exist in the IT world. Now, if you're upset because a man who put in 20 solid years on the job makes more than a woman who put in 15 over the same time period, you're not talking about equal pay for equal value.

2. Name a female president.
We're still waiting for the first...

Men can't name a female president either, and it is not impossible for a woman to become president. Therefore, this is not a womens' issue.

3. Marry another woman in any of the 50 states one chooses to live in.
Since 1971 the tide of public opinion on marriage equality has turned -- same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and Washington, D.C. -- but there are still 31 that ban gay marriage, 28 through constitutional amendments.

Simple solution: Move. If I don't like a state's gun laws, I can move to one that has laws I like. I don't demand a constitutional amendment that protects my right to own a firearm no matter where I live. Oh wait, we already have that. Never mind.

4. Necessarily access an abortion.
Despite the fact that it is legal for women to terminate their pregnancies in the U.S., states have been enacting more and more restrictions around the procedure and making it harder for clinics to perform it. In July, the Washington Post reported that more than half of Texas' abortion clinics have shut down since newly-restrictive legislation passed last year. And according to NARAL, abortion restrictions disproportionately impact young women and poor women.

If the locales in Texas don't want abortion mills next door, why do you think they should be forced to have them there?

5. Be guaranteed paid maternity leave.
Pour another one out for American exceptionalism. The United States is the only developed country that does not guarantee new mothers paid leave. (A devastatingly small percentage of U.S. companies -- 16 percent -- offer fully paid maternity leave.)

Men don't get paid paternity leave either, so that's not a womens' issue.

6. Be sure their health insurance will cover contraception.
Despite an Obamacare mandate, demanding that employers that are not religious institutions or houses of worship fully cover birth control, some insurers are refusing to do so. (And of course, the Hobby Lobby case gave some for-profit employers exemption from covering contraception.)

That's false. Hobby Lobby covers contraception, always has and always will. Before you have a coniption fit, look again at the case.

8 Things Women Couldn t Do On The First Women s Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can t

Women have come a long way - but they're not there yet. Democrats seem much more willing to help advance women's rights than Republicans. Women should pay very careful attention to which candidates and representatives best support their rights.

Here are some womens' issues that democrats solidly oppose.

1. Women care about their children getting a good education. Democrats don't want women to choose where their children will attend school, preferring instead to force poor kids into bad schools.

2. Women care about their family's budgets and about being full time mothers. Democrats take increasing amounts of money out of every worker's paycheck, making it harder to maintain a given lifestyle and make being a full time mother nearly impossible by imposing high taxes on a single wage earner that otherwise would make enough to support a family. They value spending more money over allowing women who work hard to keep as much of what they earn as possible.

Democrats aren't really doing women a lot of favors.
Which political party tries hardest to limit/regulate/stifle female reproductive rights by undermining Roe v. Wade? Hint: it ain't Democrats.

There is a legitimate fundamental difference that you are ignoring. Millions of women agree that abortion kills a living human being and that it is not a reproductive rights issue.
Playing Politics with the Pay Gap

Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn took a page from Democrats when she wrongly claimed that “the White House [is] paying women 88 cents for every dollar that a guy earns in comparable positions.” That’s not true for the same reason Democrats have been wrong when they’ve said women in the U.S. earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by men for doing the same work. Neither is a direct comparison of pay for doing the same job.

Blackburn’s claim was based on an analysis of White House staff members’ pay by the conservative American Enterprise Institute that concluded female staffers earn 88 cents on the dollar compared with men. The analysis, by Mark Perry, an AEI scholar and a professor of economics at the Flint campus of the University of Michigan, looked at salary data from the “2013 Annual Report to Congress on White House Staff.” He found that the 229 women employed in the Obama White House earned a median salary of $65,000 last year, compared with a median salary of nearly $73,729 for the 229 men on the White House staff.

The AEI study didn’t compare wages for similar positions, but the AEI’s Perry told us in an email that Carney is “probably basically correct” when he says the pay for men and women in the same positions with the same experience level is likely the same. As a New York Times graphic on such salaries said, most White House salaries are set by a pay schedule. “So it’s probably a matter of just following a formula based on job title, previous job experience, and maybe level of education,” Perry said.

The New York Times breakdown of the jobs by pay scale shows that women slightly outnumber men in the bottom two income categories, while men slightly outnumber women in the top two. Perry agreed that the pay gap in the White House is “partly/mostly explained” by that graphic. There are simply more women in lower-paying junior positions, and so the median salary lags that of men.

And that is why Blackburn’s comment that “the White House [is] paying women 88 cents for every dollar that a guy earns in comparable positions,” (our emphasis) is incorrect. The comparison is for all jobs, not comparable ones, and men hold more of the upper-level positions.

Playing Politics with the Pay Gap

Another NaziCon myth destroyed.

So, do we agree that the idea of women earning less just because they are women is a myth and can be set aside?
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


Some women think getting pregnant IS a health problem....they want to be able to just walk into a clinic and have that "growth" removed.
Which political party tries hardest to limit/regulate/stifle female reproductive rights by undermining Roe v. Wade? Hint: it ain't Democrats.

There is a legitimate fundamental difference that you are ignoring. Millions of women agree that abortion kills a living human being and that it is not a reproductive rights issue.

Millions more disagree! What about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women? Righties don't seem to give a shit about that - or after a child is born. Why is that? Righties act like a pregnant woman is just an expendable incubator.
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.

Do you have the right to do anything at all that you happen want to do in private? There is no reason at all to interfere with any private matters?

Did you read her links? I read the first one and the woman had committed a handful of crimes . Is Lakhota arguing that women should be free to commit crimes? But of course she cut bait and ran on that when asked.

You should take a look at the last one. It seriously tries to show that not supporting a higher minimum wage is part of the "War on Women."

When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.

That is a question of "when does life begin" not of "does a woman have a right to do with her body as she chooses"

How dishonest that you would pretend otherwise.

A simple law stating unequivocally when life begins for legal purposes would solve everything. Yet neither Democrats nor Republicans have passed such a law.

There are several problems with your statements.

It's not about when life begins. The supreme court ruled on the right to privacy. Women have the right to privately talk to their doctor and have medical procedures without the government or anyone else being involved or knowing about it. We have further enacted laws to protect people's privacy in medical situations. The HIPPA law is one of them.

If you want to follow the laws and constitution then you should not believe that you or anyone else has the right to invade a woman's privacy.

You may believe that life begins at conception. That's well and fine for you. No one should ever tell you that you have to believe otherwise.

In the same respect, I have the same right to not believe that life begins at conception.

Please tell me what life exists in an ectopic pregnancy?

Millions of people in this world don't believe as you do and we have that right to believe as we choose just like you do.

So why not be happy to live freely as you choose? Why do you have to force your beliefs on everyone else?
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?

See Post #142
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.

That is a question of "when does life begin" not of "does a woman have a right to do with her body as she chooses"

How dishonest that you would pretend otherwise.

A simple law stating unequivocally when life begins for legal purposes would solve everything. Yet neither Democrats nor Republicans have passed such a law.

There are several problems with your statements.

It's not about when life begins. The supreme court ruled on the right to privacy. Women have the right to privately talk to their doctor and have medical procedures without the government or anyone else being involved or knowing about it. We have further enacted laws to protect people's privacy in medical situations. The HIPPA law is one of them.

If you want to follow the laws and constitution then you should not believe that you or anyone else has the right to invade a woman's privacy.

You may believe that life begins at conception. That's well and fine for you. No one should ever tell you that you have to believe otherwise.

In the same respect, I have the same right to not believe that life begins at conception.

Please tell me what life exists in an ectopic pregnancy?

Millions of people in this world don't believe as you do and we have that right to believe as we choose just like you do.

So why not be happy to live freely as you choose? Why do you have to force your beliefs on everyone else?

LOL NO ONE has a right to believe that life begins somewhere besides where the law says it does, and anyone with a functioning brain has to admit that currently the law is pretty muddled on the matter. For instance, how can a mother choose to abort a "fetus" at X months, but if someone shot and killed that mother , they would be charged with two counts of murder? I realize you are a completely dishonest, un noble person based on the way you run around disliking well written posts just because you disagree with the opinion contained within, but even you must recognize the paradox in those two laws.
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?

See Post #142

No one has a right to quit their job for any length of time and then expect to retain any seniority upon their return, male or female. Even NG soldiers who are called into active duty are not guaranteed the same level of job or pay upon their return. They are merely guaranteed a position.
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?

See Post #142

No one has a right to quit their job for any length of time and then expect to retain any seniority upon their return, male or female. Even NG soldiers who are called into active duty are not guaranteed the same level of job or pay upon their return. They are merely guaranteed a position.
Same as Civil Service

It was you who was complaining about the pay gap, not me
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?

See Post #142

No one has a right to quit their job for any length of time and then expect to retain any seniority upon their return, male or female. Even NG soldiers who are called into active duty are not guaranteed the same level of job or pay upon their return. They are merely guaranteed a position.
Same as Civil Service

It was you who was complaining about the pay gap, not me

Wait, what? I never complained about any pay gap?
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.

That is a question of "when does life begin" not of "does a woman have a right to do with her body as she chooses"

How dishonest that you would pretend otherwise.

A simple law stating unequivocally when life begins for legal purposes would solve everything. Yet neither Democrats nor Republicans have passed such a law.

Again I must ask, why would Dana disagree with the obvious?

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