8 Things Women Couldn't Do On The First Women's Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can't

Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

the religion of atheism is most prevalent among liberscum lunatics.

kinda interesting you know all about erectile dysfunction products. do you use both of the above or just the pump? :lmao:
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

I just figured it out - you're a chick.

Why, because I don't like to see women fucked financially, mentally, and physically? Physically gives me more than enough pleasure.

One other thing - of the Native American men I know, not one is such a whiny bitch as you. I was having trouble all this time reconciling your whininess with the image of you as Sioux man. As a woman though, it all fits together perfectly, all your past behavior and attitudes now make sense..
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1. Receive equal pay for equal work.
Yes, the gender wage gap still exists. Just ask Joan Halloway.

2. Name a female president.
We're still waiting for the first...

3. Marry another woman in any of the 50 states one chooses to live in.
Since 1971 the tide of public opinion on marriage equality has turned -- same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and Washington, D.C. -- but there are still 31 that ban gay marriage, 28 through constitutional amendments.

4. Necessarily access an abortion.
Despite the fact that it is legal for women to terminate their pregnancies in the U.S., states have been enacting more and more restrictions around the procedure and making it harder for clinics to perform it. In July, the Washington Post reported that more than half of Texas' abortion clinics have shut down since newly-restrictive legislation passed last year. And according to NARAL, abortion restrictions disproportionately impact young women and poor women.

5. Be guaranteed paid maternity leave.
Pour another one out for American exceptionalism. The United States is the only developed country that does not guarantee new mothers paid leave. (A devastatingly small percentage of U.S. companies -- 16 percent -- offer fully paid maternity leave.)

6. Be sure their health insurance will cover contraception.
Despite an Obamacare mandate, demanding that employers that are not religious institutions or houses of worship fully cover birth control, some insurers are refusing to do so. (And of course, the Hobby Lobby case gave some for-profit employers exemption from covering contraception.)

8 Things Women Couldn t Do On The First Women s Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can t

Women have come a long way - but they're not there yet. Democrats seem much more willing to help advance women's rights than Republicans. Women should pay very careful attention to which candidates and representatives best support their rights.

What a backward country America is, and how badly you treat your women.
With the exception of abortion and same sex marriage, women get all the rest here.
The Kartini spirit guarantees equal employment and pat rights for women.
Indonesia had a female president.
Maternity leave is normal
As for health insurance covering contraception, why would it?
That isn't a heath issue in most cases, more one of choice.
no matter what you say Fred....Indonesia is considered 3rd world.....i worked with 3 people from there....they said the place is a shithole .......outside of the places were wealthy people live....shithole.....

I've been here for 7 years, so I think I know a little more than you.
they were born and raised there.....that trumps your 7 years......
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.
No_Reply_Jones.....The only remedy you need is a set of balls....

1. Receive equal pay for equal work.
Yes, the gender wage gap still exists. Just ask Joan Halloway.

2. Name a female president.
We're still waiting for the first...

3. Marry another woman in any of the 50 states one chooses to live in.
Since 1971 the tide of public opinion on marriage equality has turned -- same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and Washington, D.C. -- but there are still 31 that ban gay marriage, 28 through constitutional amendments.

4. Necessarily access an abortion.
Despite the fact that it is legal for women to terminate their pregnancies in the U.S., states have been enacting more and more restrictions around the procedure and making it harder for clinics to perform it. In July, the Washington Post reported that more than half of Texas' abortion clinics have shut down since newly-restrictive legislation passed last year. And according to NARAL, abortion restrictions disproportionately impact young women and poor women.

5. Be guaranteed paid maternity leave.
Pour another one out for American exceptionalism. The United States is the only developed country that does not guarantee new mothers paid leave. (A devastatingly small percentage of U.S. companies -- 16 percent -- offer fully paid maternity leave.)

6. Be sure their health insurance will cover contraception.
Despite an Obamacare mandate, demanding that employers that are not religious institutions or houses of worship fully cover birth control, some insurers are refusing to do so. (And of course, the Hobby Lobby case gave some for-profit employers exemption from covering contraception.)

8 Things Women Couldn t Do On The First Women s Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can t

Women have come a long way - but they're not there yet. Democrats seem much more willing to help advance women's rights than Republicans. Women should pay very careful attention to which candidates and representatives best support their rights.

What a backward country America is, and how badly you treat your women.
With the exception of abortion and same sex marriage, women get all the rest here.
The Kartini spirit guarantees equal employment and pat rights for women.
Indonesia had a female president.
Maternity leave is normal
As for health insurance covering contraception, why would it?
That isn't a heath issue in most cases, more one of choice.
no matter what you say Fred....Indonesia is considered 3rd world.....i worked with 3 people from there....they said the place is a shithole .......outside of the places were wealthy people live....shithole.....

I've been here for 7 years, so I think I know a little more than you.
they were born and raised there.....that trumps your 7 years......

Not at all.
You spoke to them, gaining second hand knowledge that could easily be corrupted by bias.
I look at all sections of Indonesian society, gaining an insight into all sections of the community.
I go where many Indonesians never go.
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.
Did she have sex against her will, if not nobody is forcing her to do shit. She made the decision, and it's not the babies fault. She needs to deal with it like a man, that's what women want? Right?
And conservatives still trivialize womens rights

Absolutely! Women need to pay careful attention at the ballot box.
Yeah that "marry another woman" thing is going to alienate the type of women you're wooing to the cause here. You never get that. Millions of women democrats in the middle bloc do not approve of gay marriage. If you doubt that, check out the poll data here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 83% against gay marriage forced on churches. Most middle dem women go to church or consider themselves religious. Sorry to be the first one to break the news to you.
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
And conservatives still trivialize womens rights

Absolutely! Women need to pay careful attention at the ballot box.
Yeah that "marry another woman" thing is going to alienate the type of women you're wooing to the cause here. You never get that. Millions of women democrats in the middle bloc do not approve of gay marriage. If you doubt that, check out the poll data here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 83% against gay marriage forced on churches. Most middle dem women go to church or consider themselves religious. Sorry to be the first one to break the news to you.
Nobody is advocating that churches be forced to perform gay marriage, only that states recognize gay marriage

The polls now show that the majority of Americans support the idea of gay marriage
And conservatives still trivialize womens rights

Absolutely! Women need to pay careful attention at the ballot box.
Yeah that "marry another woman" thing is going to alienate the type of women you're wooing to the cause here. You never get that. Millions of women democrats in the middle bloc do not approve of gay marriage. If you doubt that, check out the poll data here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 83% against gay marriage forced on churches. Most middle dem women go to church or consider themselves religious. Sorry to be the first one to break the news to you.
Nobody is advocating that churches be forced to perform gay marriage, only that states recognize gay marriage

The polls now show that the majority of Americans support the idea of gay marriage

And that is wrong, the state should not recognize marriage at all.

Not that has anything to do with anything because if women aren't allowed to marry other women in a state, obviously men aren't allowed to marry other men, meaning their is no gender bias.

Another Lakhota fail.
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

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