8 Things Women Couldn't Do On The First Women's Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can't

When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain that.Because it's BS. Unless you're saying the Obama Administration is purposely not promoting women so that they don't have to pay them as much.
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain that.Because it's BS. Unless you're saying the Obama Administration is purposely not promoting women so that they don't have to pay them as much.

Much of your pay is established by longevity. Time in grade moves you up the Civil Service payscale. Women are more likely to enter the workforce after having children or to leave for a few years while they raise children and then return. This affects their time in grade and resulting pay
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain that.Because it's BS. Unless you're saying the Obama Administration is purposely not promoting women so that they don't have to pay them as much.

Much of your pay is established by longevity. Time in grade moves you up the Civil Service payscale. Women are more likely to enter the workforce after having children or to leave for a few years while they raise children and then return. This affects their time in grade and resulting pay

Correct, and although I personally disagree with a policy of simply paying someone more because they have been at a job longer, women CHOOSE to leave and then come back and such knowing that if they do they will give up potential raises. It's their CHOICE. Not some attack on women.
The GOP war on women continues.
More like the obama war on women.

Really? Is Obama trying to regulate female reproductive rights?
Is Obama paying for sex now? What does that have to do with women in the Obama administration making less than men?
Women in the Executive Branch are paid in accordance with Civil Service regulations. Congress sets Civil Service rules, not the President
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?

And by LAW if your doctor prescribes the pill to you your insurance company MUST cover it. Do you fucking get that?

I posted the law in this thread. It's not even up for debate. So the idea that ANYONE is trying to keep you form having access to the pill is ludicrous and dishonest.
8 Things Women Couldn't Do In 1971... 1. Get credit cards in their own names. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 gave women that right. The law forced credit card companies to issue cards to women without a husband's signature. 2. Legally get an abortion. The seminal Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade, which protected a woman's right to choose, didn't happen until 1973. 3. Access the morning after pill. The FDA first approved emergency contraception in 1998, and the morning after pill became available over the counter just last year, in 2013. 4. Be guaranteed they wouldn't be fired for getting pregnant. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 added an amendment to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, specificyng that employers could not discriminate "on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions." 5. Marry another woman. Massachusetts became the first U.S. state to legalize same-sex marriage in 2004. Love is love is love. 6. Fight on the front lines. Women were first admitted into military academies in 1976. And in 2013, the military ban on women in combat (tied to a Pentagon rule from 1994) was lifted by Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta. 7. Take legal action against workplace sexual harassment. According to The Week, the first time a court recognized office sexual harassment as grounds for legal action was in 1977. 8. Decide not to have sex if their husbands wanted to. Spousal rape wasn't criminalized in all 50 states until 1993. 6 Things Women Still Can't Do In 2014... 1. Receive equal pay for equal work. Yes, the gender wage gap still exists. Just ask Joan Halloway. 2. Name a female president. We're still waiting for the first... 3. Marry another woman in any of the 50 states one chooses to live in. Since 1971 the tide of public opinion on marriage equality has turned -- same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and Washington, D.C. -- but there are still 31 that ban gay marriage, 28 through constitutional amendments. 4. Necessarily access an abortion. Despite the fact that it is legal for women to terminate their pregnancies in the U.S., states have been enacting more and more restrictions around the procedure and making it harder for clinics to perform it. In July, the Washington Post reported that more than half of Texas' abortion clinics have shut down since newly-restrictive legislation passed last year. And according to NARAL, abortion restrictions disproportionately impact young women and poor women. 5. Be guaranteed paid maternity leave. Pour another one out for American exceptionalism. The United States is the only developed country that does not guarantee new mothers paid leave. (A devastatingly small percentage of U.S. companies -- 16 percent -- offer fully paid maternity leave.) 6. Be sure their health insurance will cover contraception. Despite an Obamacare mandate, demanding that employers that are not religious institutions or houses of worship fully cover birth control, some insurers are refusing to do so. (And of course, the Hobby Lobby case gave some for-profit employers exemption from covering contraception.) 8 Things Women Couldn t Do On The First Women s Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can t Women have come a long way - but they're not there yet. Democrats seem much more willing to help advance women's rights than Republicans. Women should pay very careful attention to which candidates and representatives best support their rights.

I can debunk this entire post by simply pointing out that the morning after pill did not exist in 1971. Since the entire premise of this thread is based on an alternate reality, everyone can ignore it and mock the OP freely.

Do you know what Plan B is?

It doesn't sound like it from your post.

Plan B has been around ever since the 60s. Just not in the form of one or two pills.

All Plan B is, is a larger dose of the contraceptive pill. Women have been taking multiple pills as Plan B for decades. In fact, gynecologists recommended it before it was made into it's own pill.

How do I know? My mom managed an OBGYN practice for many decades starting in the 1960s. She learned about it while she worked there. She taught my sisters and me about it in the 70s.
Anyone who tries to stifle women's rights has a neanderthal TeaTard mentality.

Anyone who thinks you have a right to kill your own offspring and force others to give you money has no mentality whatsoever. They are just ignorant.
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?

And by LAW if your doctor prescribes the pill to you your insurance company MUST cover it. Do you fucking get that?

I posted the law in this thread. It's not even up for debate. So the idea that ANYONE is trying to keep you form having access to the pill is ludicrous and dishonest.

So then why are you griping about women having access to contraception with their insurance company paying for it?

Why did you say that the pill and abortion aren't used for a health problems?

Why should penis pumps and viagra for men be covered and the pill not covered for women? Why did you state that women should buy their own contraception and insurance if you have no problem with it?

It's only now that anyone has had any problem with it. I believe it's only because they hate Obamacare.
Women have the greatest most miraculous right of all, we can make a human life. We rule the world.

Men have the most miraculous gift of all.......we can pee standing up
1. Receive equal pay for equal work. This is a lie, and has been debunked over and over.
Yes, the gender wage gap still exists. Just ask Joan Halloway.

2. Name a female president. has nothing to do with rights and as you will recall you shit upon a chance to have a female VP
We're still waiting for the first...

3. Marry another woman in any of the 50 states one chooses to live in. yea, fucking liberals in CA won't allow it either
Since 1971 the tide of public opinion on marriage equality has turned -- same-sex marriage is now legal in 19 states and Washington, D.C. -- but there are still 31 that ban gay marriage, 28 through constitutional amendments.

4. Necessarily access an abortion. you want the 2nd restricted but not abortion LOL
Despite the fact that it is legal for women to terminate their pregnancies in the U.S., states have been enacting more and more restrictions around the procedure and making it harder for clinics to perform it. In July, the Washington Post reported that more than half of Texas' abortion clinics have shut down since newly-restrictive legislation passed last year. And according to NARAL, abortion restrictions disproportionately impact young women and poor women.

5. Be guaranteed paid maternity leave. has nothing to do with rights
Pour another one out for American exceptionalism. The United States is the only developed country that does not guarantee new mothers paid leave. (A devastatingly small percentage of U.S. companies -- 16 percent -- offer fully paid maternity leave.)

6. Be sure their health insurance will cover contraception. also not a right
Despite an Obamacare mandate, demanding that employers that are not religious institutions or houses of worship fully cover birth control, some insurers are refusing to do so. (And of course, the Hobby Lobby case gave some for-profit employers exemption from covering contraception.)

Why are leftist so fucking dumb?
And conservatives still trivialize womens rights
The entire list of 6 is horseshit, bullshit and fucking lies!

Here's one thing a woman can't do: Walk by herself on a dark night on a city street. Thank a Liberal!

I sure can walk the city streets at night. Alone. I've done it countless times.

I live in a liberal city and there's no problem with anyone, woman or man, with walking down any city streets at night. It's done every single night of the year here.

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