8 Things Women Couldn't Do On The First Women's Equality Day In 1971 -- And 6 They Still Can't

When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?

See Post #142

No one has a right to quit their job for any length of time and then expect to retain any seniority upon their return, male or female. Even NG soldiers who are called into active duty are not guaranteed the same level of job or pay upon their return. They are merely guaranteed a position.
Same as Civil Service

It was you who was complaining about the pay gap, not me

Wait, what? I never complained about any pay gap?

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?

See Post #142

No one has a right to quit their job for any length of time and then expect to retain any seniority upon their return, male or female. Even NG soldiers who are called into active duty are not guaranteed the same level of job or pay upon their return. They are merely guaranteed a position.
Same as Civil Service

It was you who was complaining about the pay gap, not me

Wait, what? I never complained about any pay gap?

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.

There was no complaint there.

Why does it seem like so many liberals on this board are dishonest? I mean I've seen some dishonest conservatives to, but not near as many
And conservatives still trivialize womens rights

Absolutely! Women need to pay careful attention at the ballot box.
Yeah that "marry another woman" thing is going to alienate the type of women you're wooing to the cause here. You never get that. Millions of women democrats in the middle bloc do not approve of gay marriage. If you doubt that, check out the poll data here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 83% against gay marriage forced on churches. Most middle dem women go to church or consider themselves religious. Sorry to be the first one to break the news to you.

You're talking about two separate things.

I support marriage equality. I don't support someone forcing a church to marry a couple they don't want to marry.

I don't know of any homosexual couple, and I know a lot of them, that ever wanted to get married in a church that didn't want to marry them.

Their goal is to be married. The last thing they're going to do is go to a place that refuses to marry them. They're going to go to a place that will welcome them and perform that marriage ceremony.

Most people support marriage equality now. Equating forcing churches to marry people isn't the same thing as believing everyone has the right to be married.

Millions of people get married in places other than a church. My husband and I were one of those couples. In fact, most weddings I have attended in my life weren't in churches.

So why not stick to the real subject of marriage equality? That list didn't say anything about getting married in a church.
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.

That is a question of "when does life begin" not of "does a woman have a right to do with her body as she chooses"

How dishonest that you would pretend otherwise.

A simple law stating unequivocally when life begins for legal purposes would solve everything. Yet neither Democrats nor Republicans have passed such a law.

There are several problems with your statements.

It's not about when life begins. The supreme court ruled on the right to privacy. Women have the right to privately talk to their doctor and have medical procedures without the government or anyone else being involved or knowing about it. We have further enacted laws to protect people's privacy in medical situations. The HIPPA law is one of them.

If you want to follow the laws and constitution then you should not believe that you or anyone else has the right to invade a woman's privacy.

You may believe that life begins at conception. That's well and fine for you. No one should ever tell you that you have to believe otherwise.

In the same respect, I have the same right to not believe that life begins at conception.

Please tell me what life exists in an ectopic pregnancy?

Millions of people in this world don't believe as you do and we have that right to believe as we choose just like you do.

So why not be happy to live freely as you choose? Why do you have to force your beliefs on everyone else?

If I have the right to believe that life begins at conception, do I not then have the right to pursue policy that protects that life? Should I instead just say, "I believe this is a life, but your privacy is obviously much more important than protecting that life, so go ahead and do anything you want to because it is 'private.'"

Is that what you are trying to say?
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And conservatives still trivialize womens rights

Absolutely! Women need to pay careful attention at the ballot box.
Yeah that "marry another woman" thing is going to alienate the type of women you're wooing to the cause here. You never get that. Millions of women democrats in the middle bloc do not approve of gay marriage. If you doubt that, check out the poll data here: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum 83% against gay marriage forced on churches. Most middle dem women go to church or consider themselves religious. Sorry to be the first one to break the news to you.

You're talking about two separate things.

I support marriage equality. I don't support someone forcing a church to marry a couple they don't want to marry.

I don't know of any homosexual couple, and I know a lot of them, that ever wanted to get married in a church that didn't want to marry them.

Their goal is to be married. The last thing they're going to do is go to a place that refuses to marry them. They're going to go to a place that will welcome them and perform that marriage ceremony.

Most people support marriage equality now. Equating forcing churches to marry people isn't the same thing as believing everyone has the right to be married.

Millions of people get married in places other than a church. My husband and I were one of those couples. In fact, most weddings I have attended in my life weren't in churches.

So why not stick to the real subject of marriage equality? That list didn't say anything about getting married in a church.

Right, and the last thing they are going to do is go to a bakery that doesn't want to bake a cake for them huh?
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?

See Post #142

No one has a right to quit their job for any length of time and then expect to retain any seniority upon their return, male or female. Even NG soldiers who are called into active duty are not guaranteed the same level of job or pay upon their return. They are merely guaranteed a position.
Same as Civil Service

It was you who was complaining about the pay gap, not me

Wait, what? I never complained about any pay gap?

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.

There was no complaint there.

Why does it seem like so many liberals on this board are dishonest? I mean I've seen some dishonest conservatives to, but not near as many

You claimed that Obama is paying women lower than men

Sounds like a complaint to me Yogi
Last edited:
When will women have total equality with men? When Republican men can get pregnant.
You still haven't given your opinion on how the Obama administration pays women less than men. Why not?
They pay in accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations. Those rules are established by Congress and the President has no authority to bypass them

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.
He does not have the authority to alter Civil Service rules. All executive branch employees are covered under Civil Service rules established by Congress

Rules that apply to contractors seeking a Government Contract can be altered by the President. If a prospective contractor does not like them, he does not have to bid

There are no rules in Civil Service saying "women must be paid less than men". But Civil Service rules relating to time in grade and the grades assigned to positions can affect women differently than men

If Republicans are outraged by male/female pay disparity in the Civil Service, they are welcome to change the rules......I doubt if they will attempt

Explain how they can affect women differently than men?

See Post #142

No one has a right to quit their job for any length of time and then expect to retain any seniority upon their return, male or female. Even NG soldiers who are called into active duty are not guaranteed the same level of job or pay upon their return. They are merely guaranteed a position.
Same as Civil Service

It was you who was complaining about the pay gap, not me

Wait, what? I never complained about any pay gap?

He must have the authority to do so , else how did he issue an EO stating that no federal contractor could be paid less than $10/Hr?

Also, there are no laws that state that Women who work in the White House must be paid less than men who do

So in EITHER case,your argument is a fail.

There was no complaint there.

Why does it seem like so many liberals on this board are dishonest? I mean I've seen some dishonest conservatives to, but not near as many

You claimed that Obama is paying women lower than men

Sounds like a complaint to me

No, in fact I didn't claim that. Someone else did. I don't care enough to check and see if true or not.

Besides that,try a little honesty anyway mentioning something =/= complaining about it.
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?

And by LAW if your doctor prescribes the pill to you your insurance company MUST cover it. Do you fucking get that?

I posted the law in this thread. It's not even up for debate. So the idea that ANYONE is trying to keep you form having access to the pill is ludicrous and dishonest.

If you have insurance now. Not all women have insurance now.

When I went through that nightmare it wasn't required by law for everyone and only for medical purposes.

When I was in my early 20s I worked jobs that didn't provide health insurance and I wasn't paid enough to pay for it myself. After I was diagnosed with those conditions, no private insurance would cover me because of that preexisting condition. I went though hell just to find a doctor who would actually see me. Since I didn't have insurance and the condition I had they didn't want a malpractice suit.

I nearly died because I couldn't afford the pills and I played russian roulette with my health. Like so many did before Obamacare and so many still do in many states that didn't expand medicare or set up their own exchange.

Today there are women without insurance who can't afford the pills that will save their lives. Too many states have closed down clinics using the excuse of abortion that now many women in some states no longer have access to medication that will save their lives.
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?

And by LAW if your doctor prescribes the pill to you your insurance company MUST cover it. Do you fucking get that?

I posted the law in this thread. It's not even up for debate. So the idea that ANYONE is trying to keep you form having access to the pill is ludicrous and dishonest.

If you have insurance now. Not all women have insurance now.

When I went through that nightmare it wasn't required by law for everyone and only for medical purposes.

When I was in my early 20s I worked jobs that didn't provide health insurance and I wasn't paid enough to pay for it myself. After I was diagnosed with those conditions, no private insurance would cover me because of that preexisting condition. I went though hell just to find a doctor who would actually see me. Since I didn't have insurance and the condition I had they didn't want a malpractice suit.

I nearly died because I couldn't afford the pills and I played russian roulette with my health. Like so many did before Obamacare and so many still do in many states that didn't expand medicare or set up their own exchange.

Today there are women without insurance who can't afford the pills that will save their lives. Too many states have closed down clinics using the excuse of abortion that now many women in some states no longer have access to medication that will save their lives.

Dana7360, thank you most sincerely for your input on this thread. I wish you well.
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?

And by LAW if your doctor prescribes the pill to you your insurance company MUST cover it. Do you fucking get that?

I posted the law in this thread. It's not even up for debate. So the idea that ANYONE is trying to keep you form having access to the pill is ludicrous and dishonest.

If you have insurance now. Not all women have insurance now.

When I went through that nightmare it wasn't required by law for everyone and only for medical purposes.

When I was in my early 20s I worked jobs that didn't provide health insurance and I wasn't paid enough to pay for it myself. After I was diagnosed with those conditions, no private insurance would cover me because of that preexisting condition. I went though hell just to find a doctor who would actually see me. Since I didn't have insurance and the condition I had they didn't want a malpractice suit.

I nearly died because I couldn't afford the pills and I played russian roulette with my health. Like so many did before Obamacare and so many still do in many states that didn't expand medicare or set up their own exchange.

Today there are women without insurance who can't afford the pills that will save their lives. Too many states have closed down clinics using the excuse of abortion that now many women in some states no longer have access to medication that will save their lives.

What the hell does that have to do with the FACT that by law today insurance companies MUST pay for the pill if prescribed by a doctor?
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?

And by LAW if your doctor prescribes the pill to you your insurance company MUST cover it. Do you fucking get that?

I posted the law in this thread. It's not even up for debate. So the idea that ANYONE is trying to keep you form having access to the pill is ludicrous and dishonest.

If you have insurance now. Not all women have insurance now.

When I went through that nightmare it wasn't required by law for everyone and only for medical purposes.

When I was in my early 20s I worked jobs that didn't provide health insurance and I wasn't paid enough to pay for it myself. After I was diagnosed with those conditions, no private insurance would cover me because of that preexisting condition. I went though hell just to find a doctor who would actually see me. Since I didn't have insurance and the condition I had they didn't want a malpractice suit.

I nearly died because I couldn't afford the pills and I played russian roulette with my health. Like so many did before Obamacare and so many still do in many states that didn't expand medicare or set up their own exchange.

Today there are women without insurance who can't afford the pills that will save their lives. Too many states have closed down clinics using the excuse of abortion that now many women in some states no longer have access to medication that will save their lives.

Dana7360, thank you most sincerely for your input on this thread. I wish you well.

So Lakhota once again discriminates by only thanking those who agree with shim.
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?

And by LAW if your doctor prescribes the pill to you your insurance company MUST cover it. Do you fucking get that?

I posted the law in this thread. It's not even up for debate. So the idea that ANYONE is trying to keep you form having access to the pill is ludicrous and dishonest.

If you have insurance now. Not all women have insurance now.

When I went through that nightmare it wasn't required by law for everyone and only for medical purposes.

When I was in my early 20s I worked jobs that didn't provide health insurance and I wasn't paid enough to pay for it myself. After I was diagnosed with those conditions, no private insurance would cover me because of that preexisting condition. I went though hell just to find a doctor who would actually see me. Since I didn't have insurance and the condition I had they didn't want a malpractice suit.

I nearly died because I couldn't afford the pills and I played russian roulette with my health. Like so many did before Obamacare and so many still do in many states that didn't expand medicare or set up their own exchange.

Today there are women without insurance who can't afford the pills that will save their lives. Too many states have closed down clinics using the excuse of abortion that now many women in some states no longer have access to medication that will save their lives.

What the hell does that have to do with the FACT that by law today insurance companies MUST pay for the pill if prescribed by a doctor?

If some women can afford the pills - how in the hell can they afford a doctor? Your brain needs an enema.
Men have it made regarding Viagra, penis pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products. However, women are constantly being denied abortion and contraception rights. Male and female insurance coverage is not EQUAL - even when it's supposed to be part of their overall compensation package. Then comes the religious lunacy to make it even more UNEQUAL.

Perhaps because Viagra, Penis Pumps, and other erectile dysfunction products are there to correct a medical problem. Abortion on Demand and contraceptives do not correct health problems.


There isn't enough space in this reply box to list all the ways you're wrong.

No one will die of men can't have sex. It's not a health problem that a man can't live with or that will kill him. If you can't have sex, then pay for your own insurance or devices that make you able to have sex.

I would be dead today without the pill. There is a condition, endometriosis and severe ovarian cysts that I have. That's where the lining of the uterus comes out in big clumps, the woman is in severe pain and the woman bleeds for weeks. Ovarian cysts are growths on the ovaries that are extremely painful and that will kill the woman if they rupture and she doesn't get to a hospital immediately.

I nearly died once because of ruptured cysts.

The standard medication for those conditions is the pill. And not just any pill will do. There are many types and strengths of contraceptive pills out there and the one that I had to take for those conditions wasn't cheap. In fact it was over a hundred dollars a month to buy those pills.

Men won't die if they can't have sex. Some women will die or be left infertile without the pill.

As for abortion on demand, yes it can prevent a health problem including death.

My cousin's wife is a very good example of that. She was in the middle of the 3rd trimester of a very planned and wanted pregnancy. The cord got wrapped around the neck of the fetus and it basically died. In that it was probably brain dead and there was a faint heartbeat. She had a late term abortion to save her life.

If she had not had that abortion, peritonitis would have set in and killed her. Or she would have been lucky and left infertile. Their 2 children who were born years later would have never been born.

I just want to know what life there is in an ectopic pregnancy? That pregnancy is very much a health problem with only 2 possible outcomes.

1. The woman has an abortion and lives.
2. The woman dies without the abortion.

Please learn something about the pill. It's not just for contraception. Abortions save lives. No woman should die just because her pregnancy goes wrong.

My question to you is why can't you be happy with the freedom you have to live your life as you choose? Why do you need to take other people's freedom from them and force them to live as you want them to live?

And by LAW if your doctor prescribes the pill to you your insurance company MUST cover it. Do you fucking get that?

I posted the law in this thread. It's not even up for debate. So the idea that ANYONE is trying to keep you form having access to the pill is ludicrous and dishonest.

If you have insurance now. Not all women have insurance now.

When I went through that nightmare it wasn't required by law for everyone and only for medical purposes.

When I was in my early 20s I worked jobs that didn't provide health insurance and I wasn't paid enough to pay for it myself. After I was diagnosed with those conditions, no private insurance would cover me because of that preexisting condition. I went though hell just to find a doctor who would actually see me. Since I didn't have insurance and the condition I had they didn't want a malpractice suit.

I nearly died because I couldn't afford the pills and I played russian roulette with my health. Like so many did before Obamacare and so many still do in many states that didn't expand medicare or set up their own exchange.

Today there are women without insurance who can't afford the pills that will save their lives. Too many states have closed down clinics using the excuse of abortion that now many women in some states no longer have access to medication that will save their lives.

What the hell does that have to do with the FACT that by law today insurance companies MUST pay for the pill if prescribed by a doctor?

If some women can afford the pills - how in the hell can they afford a doctor? Your brain needs an enema.

If she's that poor, she'll qualify for FREE insurance. Stop being dishonest.
Which political party tries hardest to limit/regulate/stifle female reproductive rights by undermining Roe v. Wade? Hint: it ain't Democrats.

There is a legitimate fundamental difference that you are ignoring. Millions of women agree that abortion kills a living human being and that it is not a reproductive rights issue.

Millions more disagree! What about the financial/mental/physical health of pregnant women? Righties don't seem to give a shit about that - or after a child is born. Why is that? Righties act like a pregnant woman is just an expendable incubator.

The point remains that abortion is not universally regarded as a reproductive rights issue. You may not like what people think, but it doesn't change what they think as regards the law.
Necessarily access an abortion.

This is among the more egregious examples of conservative authoritarianism, the right's hostility toward the privacy rights of women.

For more than 40 years, exhibiting blatant contempt for the Constitution and its case law, republican lawmakers have sought to afford the state the authority to compel a woman to have a child against her will, to completely disregard her right to individual liberty, allowing the state to interfere with the personal, private matters of free and private citizens.

Do you have the right to do anything at all that you happen want to do in private? There is no reason at all to interfere with any private matters?

Why are you being so extreme?

We're talking about abortion. Not everything any person can do.

The constitution, the supreme court and other laws that have been established, most clearly says that everyone, including women, have the right to privacy in their medical matters.

Only an extremist would ask such unconstitutional questions.
Well, thus far it appears that, for one side of the argument, "womens' issues" and the "war on women" both boil down to the one thing they always do, abortion. In my experience, women care a lot more about other stuff.

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