8 year old girl climbs Trump wall in 40 seconds

Do you think you could climb Trump's wall?

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Got to love it. I think only crazy people had some belief that it was ever going to be impenetrable. But as was pointed out in the article Border Patrol and most sane people understand that it will create a barrier that will slow down those trying to cross thereby allowing time for Border patrol to react. Especially in relation to no barrier or a single strand fence.
The real question is whY do you progressive nazi morons hate the american working classes and the homeless
Why won't California fund their own homeless shelters? That's better and less stupid question.

If Gavin Newsom and the a-holes in the California legislature did half as good a job of taking care of the millions of free loaders and illegals that flock to that state due to it's inducements and generous give away programs as it does attracting them they wouldn't need hand outs themselves or any help at all.

And San Francisco and LA wouldn't be inundated with drug needles, human feces and
all sorts of sick, disease ridden, mentally ill homeless people.

Thanks for you instructive leftist thinking. People would do well not to imitate it.
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1. She used the edge of the wall from what I saw, right? Not many edges out there, right?

2. How many fatass adults do you think can do that?

3. Listen up dipshits: that wall does not prevent every single illegal from getting in, it just makes it a lot harder, to the point where some will give up and try the legal entry point, or find another way in. Barriers can be defeated; maybe they install barbed wire up there, or motion detector cameras or something. Maybe electrify the thing and give miscreants a couple hundred volts. Anybody want to try that thing wearing gloves?
All they have to do is put razor wire on top slanted toward Mexico. End of problem.

Great idea. That way, they could climb up and cut some of that wire to sell for scrap iron, and make a few bucks You know they would.

lol.....like most bobblehead progressives, they never have had the ability to ascertain necessary tradeoffs. One day, a group of immigrants are going to get shot up to swiss cheese by some group sick and tired of being invaded. Guys like you will be responsible because if the wall was up, they wouldn't have ended up as a a prop on a miniature golf course. Fucking bobblehead..........you unicorn chasing fairies are the most dangerous mofu's walking.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

That is some of the most bizarrely twisted logic I have ever heard.
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better WALL with improvements might be needed eventually but USA Taxpayers have lots of money . But until then this Trump WALL will stop the pregnants , the deformed , the lazy , the sick and 'yada , yada' Augie .
The wall, any wall, is not intended to be like Mt. Everest. Of course it can be scaled by almost anyone in decent shape.
But it does take time and it does draw attention to the climber and it's really a self defeating action that screams come and arrest me.
In other words it does just what it is intended to do.

The thread is remarkably idiotic and that's hardly surprising.
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All they have to do is put razor wire on top slanted toward Mexico. End of problem.

Great idea. That way, they could climb up and cut some of that wire to sell for scrap iron, and make a few bucks You know they would.

LOL You obviously don't know what razor is. They would get cut to ribbons trying to cut that shit.

Kinda hard to cut something up while your hands are being cut to shit.

Right. It's so dangerous that anybody installing it, or even transporting it must live the rest of their lives without hands. Dumb ass.
The wall, any wall, is not intended to be like Mt. Everest. Of course it can be scaled by almost anyone in decent shape.
But it does take time and it does draw attention to the climber and it's really a self defeating action that screams come and arrest me.
In other words it does just what it is intended to do.

The thread is remarkably idiotic and that's hardly surprising.
So the wall has gone from impenetrable to just a deterrent
Several people have already managed to climb up the wall replica, including 8-year-old Lucy Hancock. Hancock didn’t use any ropes or other tools to climb the wall, but wore a belay, a safety device designed to catch a falling climber. An adult climber, Erik Kloeker, was up and over the wall in about 40 seconds.
The bollard-style wall at the border, which could also be described as a fence, consists of long, thin columns, with a flat panel that sticks up out of the top. Trump’s wall at the border will be 18 or 30 feet tall in different areas, and Weber says that he decided to construct the smaller, 18-foot dimension to save money. However, Weber says that since the top panel is the same size regardless of the wall’s height, the experience of climbing the higher wall should not be much more difficult, as climbers would only need to “shimmy” a bit further up the pillars.
That's some funny shit wonder how a fat illegal would get to the top to place that u bolt at the top for the climbing rope?

Read the article. That wasn't a climbing rope. That was a belay. That's a safety rope in case she fell. They are going to have a race with real mountain climbers to see who gets over it the fastest. So far, 40 seconds is the best time.
Why read the article when that one picture is worth a thousand words?

Sure, and i know how hard written words are for you, and it's much easier for you to just make your own shit up
When you already have the tie off point and rope attached at the highest point most people can climb anything.

See what I mean? Without having to read all those hard words, you can just make up what ever story you want. I can see why you prefer to do that.
What a crock of shit.
You can see her leaning back and the safety rope is holding her up.
And she's gripping the edge of the plate.
I wanna see her do it with a slack safety line throughout the entire climb and no grabbing the edge of the plate.
What a bunch of dumbass people, the US army core of engineers or whoever that can't design a wall / fence / barrier that an 8 year old can't climb. No wonder US citizens will be owed by foreign entities in due time. So half the population supports the group that designed and build so shitty a barrier that an 8 year old can climb with ease and the other half celebrates the fact that she can climb it. American comedy at its finest.

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