81-year-old Ohio man charged with murder for shooting Black Uber driver

There was no demand. Walking up and saying "I am here to pick up the package" is not a demand. All the old man had to do was say "there is no package' and the driver would have left.

If a Door Dash driver brings food to the wrong house, it is ok to kill them also?

Good thing she was not committing a felony. No matter how many times you repeat this lie, it will still be a lie and your 81 year old hero will die in prison where he belongs.
A crime was being committed. The Uber driver was part of this crime. The Uber driver came for the package. When told of the crime she was helping commit, the Uber driver attempted to flee, instead of staying to report the crime.

If a Door Dash driver? Let us put that in proper context, as in this case a crime is being committed. So your question becomes if a Door Dash driver comes to your house to deliver food laced in poison and then refuses to cooperate, do I have a right to protect myself from this crime and do a citizens arrest?

The answer is yes. In your scenario, we must prevent the victims from being poisoned.
A crime was being committed. The Uber driver was part of this crime.

She was a victim of the crime as much as the man was.

The Uber driver came for the package.

The Uber driver did her job, she had an order for a package pickup, a normal service provided by Uber

When told of the crime she was helping commit, the Uber driver attempted to flee, instead of staying to report the crime.

Yes, she tried to leave because some crazy fucking old dude was pointing a gun at her, I would have left also. But I am sure you would have gotten on your knees and begged for your life.

Maybe you can go visit this guy as he spends the rest of his days behind bars and tell him what a hero you think he is, I am sure that will give him comfort
No, not as much as the man. She participated in committing the crime.

You are arguing that ignorance is legal defense. It is not.

Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense, ignorance of the fact that you are being used by scammers is.

She literally did nothing wrong nor illegal, she was just trying to do her job when this guy killed her.

He needs to never breath free air again.
Ignorance of the law is not a legal defense, ignorance of the fact that you are being used by scammers is.

She literally did nothing wrong nor illegal, she was just trying to do her job when this guy killed her.

He needs to never breath free air again.
Regardless of any law this man broke, the woman was committing a crime. The only scenario here, is that a crime was being committed against this old white man, and this black woman was in fact there as part of the crime.

Ignorance is not a defense.
Regardless of any law this man broke, the woman was committing a crime.

Simply not true. No matter how many times you parrot this lie, it will still be a lie. Though Goebbels would be damn proud of you.

The only scenario here, is that a crime was being committed against this old white man, and this black woman was in fact there as part of the crime.

Of the two people involved, only the old white dude committed a crime, and that is why he will spend the rest of his life behind bars where he belongs.
Simply not true. No matter how many times you parrot this lie, it will still be a lie. Though Goebbels would be damn proud of you.

Of the two people involved, only the old white dude committed a crime, and that is why he will spend the rest of his life behind bars where he belongs.
Again, you are arguing that she is innocent because she may of been ignorant, you have no idea if in fact she was or was not knowingly participating.

Speeding, can you get out of the ticket because you did not see the speed limit sign? NO!

There was a crime being committed, and she participated, and then attempted to flee the scene, instead of cooperating.

Sorry, if I went to a house and a kind old gentleman told me that someone was extorting him for money, and that those were the people who called for the Uber that I was, I would absolutely cooperate, even turning over my phone. I would agree and wait for the police to give them the evidence that I had in my hand, my Phone.

She was part of the crime, ignorance is not a legal defense. That ignorance changed to, knowingly participating, after the old man told her, knowingly after she was told and attempted to flee.
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The Uber driver did not demand anything, she merely showed up to pick up a package. Did you even watch the dashcam video?

People use Uber to deliver packages all the time for local, same day delivery that you cannot get from FedEx.

The Uber driver was not committing a crime, she was a victim of the scammer as much as the old man was.
He doesn't care about the facts, he thinks if a white man kills a black folks he should be able to say, "oops" and move on.
How can a Biden with his crippling arthritis pull a trigger? At level 5 dementia, Biden would not remember how to load a gun nor turn the safety off let alone shoot and aim.

moot point
Good, so we don't have to worry about him shooting anyone.
He doesn't care about the facts, he thinks if a white man kills a black folks he should be able to say, "oops" and move on.
Where did I say or imply the old white man did not committ a crime?

Duly noted. When superbsdbreath loses an argument, it is because superbadbreath is too stupid to comprhend what he/she read.

The woman got shot committing a crime, superbadbreath argues that it is not a crime to paricipate in a crime, even after she was told she was participating.

I understand that democrats believe they must fight against justice, especially if they are committing the crime or it is a black person committing a crime.

All she had to do, was help, turn over the evidence. She willingly refused.
Again, you are arguing that she is innocent because she may of been ignorant, you have no idea if in fact she was or was not knowingly participating.

Speeding, can you get out of the ticket because you did not see the speed limit sign? NO!

There was a crime being committed, and she participated, and then attempted to flee the scene, instead of cooperating.

Sorry, if I went to a house and a kind old gentleman told me that someone was extorting him for money, and that those were the people who called for the Uber that I was, I would absolutely cooperate, even turning over my phone. I would agree and wait for the police to give them the evidence that I had in my hand, my Phone.

She was part of the crime, ignorance is not a legal defense. That ignorance changed to, knowingly participating, after the old man told her, knowingly after she was told and attempted to flee.

A kind old man would not point a gun at you.

ignorance of the law is not a legal defense

ignorance being used by scammers is.

But again, you do Goebbels proud!

Have a nice day

he must have had some mental issue. at 81 if they can proove that he will go t o the nut house. terribly sad my gosh.
the guy was cognitively impaired to say the least.

People like this may very well cause what the liberals have yearned for long time.
He doesn't care about the facts, he thinks if a white man kills a black folks he should be able to say, "oops" and move on.

Because when racist negros like you see a black man killing a white man, you say "George Floyd" and move on.
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the phony Langley GOVT posters (black? Lol!) rush to defend the corpse every single time? Yet he can’t fill one row at any event while Trump shuts down streets with a mob cheering WE LOVE Trump in Harlem yesterday. Somethings off.
Give us your justification for this white man murder
Because when racist negros like you see a black man killing a white man, you say "George Floyd" and move on.
No, when ignorant racist like you don't have anything intelligent to say, you just make it shit.
The Uber driver was committing a crime, period. It does not matter if she was ignorant. There was no package waiting for her? The owner of the house did not call Uber.

Seems like Uber has a serious lawsuit on their hands.

Word to the wise, cooperate with old white men holding a gun when they tell you, you are part of a crime.

Sounds like the Old White Man is the victim here.
It is not a crime to pick up a package that is illegal and delivery if you are unaware. If i put something in your trunk to get it across the border that is not your crime, it is mine.
A kind old man would not point a gun at you.
ignorance of the law is not a legal defense
ignorance being used by scammers is.
But again, you do Goebbels proud!
Of course, a kind old man would not point a gun at me, I am going to cooperate with the kind old man.

On the other hand, you have made it clear that if you were caught participating in a crime, you would not cooperate. Duly noted.

Goebbels? Yet you keep repeating your tired old claim, why is that not you, doing Goebbels proud? Is it because you are not a conservative, hence you are a hypocrite, dictating that other's do what you will not do yourself?
It is not a crime to pick up a package that is illegal and delivery if you are unaware. If i put something in your trunk to get it across the border that is not your crime, it is mine.
Yet, when you put heroin in my trunk, and I get caught, I am going to jail, and may stay in jail, if I can not prove my innocence.

But that is not what happened. The Uber driver came to pick up a package, and was told that the supposed package was part of a crime, at that point the Uber driver did become aware that she was participating in a crime, at which point she refused to cooperate.

Sad, all she had to do was help the poor old man, who obviously was at his wits-end. Fed up. Most likely the police were aware and did nothing, which also led to this tragic incident.

Either way, the Uber driver was told they were participating in a crime, the news article makes that clear.
It sounds crazy, but in today's world it might be true.

There are scammers and thieves allover the place now. More than ever. A lot more crime in general.

There wasn't much information in that story, and it still went out of its way to mention the victim was black which had absolutely nothing at all to do with the story. If she was shot by a black person in the exact scenario the race would never have even been mentioned

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