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84 schools in England show NO white British pupils...

Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.
The agenda here is very clear. Rape is a problem the world over but you seem to focus on one group of pervs. Come back with a plan to sort the problem out and we can discuss it. Otherwise you have no credibility.

Simple enough find the group that is the most prevalent and rampant and eliminate them completely. Use chemical/surgical castration methods on the ones not caught. Then execution or deportation on the ones caught and convicted. Close the doors to any more entering the country, and then look to the next vigorous group. Once the 3 million muslims have been sorted you will find that the numbers of rapes will drop by 70% to 80%.

The agenda is clear because the culprits are known and they have been protected for too long, maybe arresting a few high ups in the Labour party and charging them with aiding and abetting child rape would send out a message to the rest. Do you fancy a DACHAU in the Ukraine ?
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.
The agenda here is very clear. Rape is a problem the world over but you seem to focus on one group of pervs. Come back with a plan to sort the problem out and we can discuss it. Otherwise you have no credibility.

I've repeatedly mentioned a plan(s) to reduce the occurrence of such rings in the future.

There are reasons to focus on this "one group of prevs".

There are reasons you DON'T want to talk about this "one group of prevs".

YOu have no credibility.
No,you are a limited person offering a flawed solution. Serious people will sort this out not frothing racists.

How by throwing more 12 year old girls to the muslims in return for a few votes. Or changing the laws to make it a criminal offence to make complaints to the police about muslim child rapists. Will you also bring into law giving more rights to immigrants so they can have the pick of the Jobs, and then make it illegal to sack them when they prove worthless.
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.

Right-ists are exactly the same, when they have nothing to contribute other than their irrational paranoia and bigotry . My comments about Phoney came from a long time personal experience of posts like the one below. Hitler would be proud of his little boy phoney.

Phoenall said:
Simple enough find the group that is the most prevalent and rampant and eliminate them completely. Use chemical/surgical castration methods on the ones not caught. Then execution or deportation on the ones caught and convicted. Close the doors to any more entering the country, and then look to the next vigorous group. Once the 3 million muslims have been sorted you will find that the numbers of rapes will drop by 70% to 80%.

The agenda is clear because the culprits are known and they have been protected for too long, maybe arresting a few high ups in the Labour party and charging them with aiding and abetting child rape would send out a message to the rest. Do you fancy a DACHAU in the Ukraine ?
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.
The agenda here is very clear. Rape is a problem the world over but you seem to focus on one group of pervs. Come back with a plan to sort the problem out and we can discuss it. Otherwise you have no credibility.

I've repeatedly mentioned a plan(s) to reduce the occurrence of such rings in the future.

There are reasons to focus on this "one group of prevs".

There are reasons you DON'T want to talk about this "one group of prevs".

YOu have no credibility.
No,you are a limited person offering a flawed solution. Serious people will sort this out not frothing racists.

It has been documented that fear of being called racist, gave the Rotherham Rape Ring at least an additional 6 years of operation.

And yet, you continue to support and fed into that Witch Hunt mentality, despite having the horrific atrocity caused BY Political Correctness rubbed in your face repeatedly and constantly.

The suffering of thousands of young UK girls is less important to you than protecting the Leftist Agenda.

What is so important that you are willing to sacrifice your nation's children to monsters for?

It was used so much that in the end it lost its threat factor and the looney left were faced with ridicule. The people have spoken out twice now and saw the results of their actions with over 500 arrests in the first 5 years. These resulted in many convictions and also in many muslims skipping the country. In some cases the same people were found to be operating in two or more gangs, and so their identity was kept secret so that justice could be done. The police in every force area that had such trials kept them under wraps because they admitted they did not have the numbers to combat any rallies against the muslim communities were the rapists came from. They were still saying they were afraid of being branded racists by neo Marxists in local councils as late as 2012
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.

Right-ists are exactly the same, when they have nothing to contribute other than their irrational paranoia and bigotry . My comments about Phoney came from a long time personal experience of posts like the one below. Hitler would be proud of his little boy phoney.

Phoenall said:
Simple enough find the group that is the most prevalent and rampant and eliminate them completely. Use chemical/surgical castration methods on the ones not caught. Then execution or deportation on the ones caught and convicted. Close the doors to any more entering the country, and then look to the next vigorous group. Once the 3 million muslims have been sorted you will find that the numbers of rapes will drop by 70% to 80%.

The agenda is clear because the culprits are known and they have been protected for too long, maybe arresting a few high ups in the Labour party and charging them with aiding and abetting child rape would send out a message to the rest. Do you fancy a DACHAU in the Ukraine ?

You would have been one of Hitlers little boys, or have you forgotten that he was the head of the neo Marxist National Socialist Peoples party. And that he and his party had links to the communists in Russia.
Are you denying that the neo Marxists in the labour party did not throw 12 year old girls to the muslims, then covered up the crimes in case it all backfired on them. How they operated an open door policy for muslims and allowed 100's of 1,000's to enter the UK and claim welfare. How they altered pension rules so that muslims could claim our state pension and not be expected to pay a penny into the pot.

So easy to destroy your POV now that the stigma of racism has been lifted, and even the Labour government leader of the anti racism quango has now admitted that the policy was all wrong.
It has been documented that fear of being called racist, gave the Rotherham Rape Ring at least an additional 6 years of operation.

Documented by whom?

The police and local council employees, who were told that they faced being questioned about their racist manner if they carried on making waves.
I never saw this much outrage when the Bryn Estyn and Bryn Alyn scandals were unfolding.Nor the Kincora. You have no interest in sorting out child abuse and are using these poor girls as a weapon to attack one group in society.

Its a typical trick of the frothers and similar to the way poor Lee Rigby is being exploited by racist scum.This despite his parents asking for his memory to not be sullied by Nazis.

You people will never be accepted in Britain because you only have hate to offer.

Britain First's Party Political Broadcast Angers Lee Rigby's Family And Viewers
They have been doing so by lying.

Prove it..

I did. I provided a real example of Political Correctness, with a link and an explanation of how it worked.

Your post is the one that was just some lib talking about what he liked to pretend reality is.
Care to provide the link again?


Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Because most of the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[31] OneHome Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns about the level of abuse with senior police officers in 2002, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[32] The researcher told BBC Panorama that:

... she had been accused of being insensitive when she told one official that most of the perpetrators were from Rotherham's Pakistani community. A female colleague talked to her about the incident. "She said you must never refer to that again – you must never refer to Asian men." "And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues."[
As you keep banging on about "Political Correctness", your agenda becomes clearer. Here's an interesting article on the subject.

"Political correctness is one of the brilliant tools that the American Right developed in the mid-1980s as part of its demolition of American liberalism. The core of the conservative proposition is that moral individuals are the basis for a just society and dynamic capitalism, a head-to-head confrontation with the 'liberal' view that individuals are social animals and that fair societies require universal rules asserting justice in its widest sense. Justice does not come from coercive rules, argue conservatives; it comes from moral individuals. The whole fabric of taxation, welfare, regulation, anti-discrimination legislation and public initiative is a coercive web which undermines freedom and morality. It must be fought to the last.

What the sharpest thinkers on the American Right saw quickly was that by declaring war on the cultural manifestations of liberalism - by levelling the charge of political correctness against its exponents - they could discredit the whole political project. Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing talk-show host, talking about 'feminazis', is part of the same movement as Allan Bloom, whose seminal book, The Closing of the American Mind , argues that political correctness has infected the US's capacity to think. This is the populist battering-ram behind which the Right makes the case for tax cuts for the wealthy and welfare minimalism for the poor.

The difficulty has been that American liberalism, itself split between whether it is a coalition of minorities - all of whose rights have to be respected by meticulous linguistic descriptions - or whether it represents a set of universal moral propositions about justice, has offered it many targets. By ridiculing liberalism's 'politically correct' nostrums, conservatives are able to ridicule the whole liberal enterprise. Thus, any tiny faculty of a university that maintains that Shakespeare is racist, any honest-to-god guy involved in a sexual harassment case, or any environmentalist seeking to protect unspoiled land can all be portrayed as victims or exponents of irrational political correctness. Plain-talking conservatives who want to get 'issues out into the open and debated' would never fall prey to such liberal idiocies.

It was always likely that political correctness would spill over into Britain - and it has been seized upon by conservatives and fogeys for all the same reasons. A single incident managed unwisely - say the Government allegedly considering a Minister for men, an edict from the Commission of Racial Equality over golliwogs or a council worrying about the teaching of homosexuality - will lead to a storm of mocking copy about political correctness, and for one end - it discredits the liberal cause.

Yet it matters profoundly what we say. It is an advance that it is no longer possible to call blacks ******* and that sexist banter in the workplace is understood to be oppressive and abusive. It is right that the groups in society that used to be written off as mentally retarded are recognised as having special needs. And it is right that TV and radio take care how they describe terrorists and the al-Qaeda network in the middle of this 'war' against terrorism. Murdoch's Fox TV news in the US habitually refers to Taliban fighters as 'diabolical', dismissing all critics who call for impartiality in their reporting as 'politically correct'.

So which side of this argument do you want to be on? I believe in liberal ideas of justice and public intervention. White politicians have to be careful how they talk about racial minorities in a society as racially polarised as Cantle describes; elements in the white majority are looking for any validation of their prejudices." Will Hutton: Words really are important, Mr Blunkett

Yes, I am aware that the Left has been pushing back on the topic of Political Correctness. They have been doing so by lying.

This is what Political Correctness is.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Because most of the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[31] OneHome Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns about the level of abuse with senior police officers in 2002, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[32] The researcher told BBC Panorama that:

... she had been accused of being insensitive when she told one official that most of the perpetrators were from Rotherham's Pakistani community. A female colleague talked to her about the incident. "She said you must never refer to that again – you must never refer to Asian men." "And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues."

This is not the actions of a "tiny faculty".

This is a Witch Hunt against the imaginary witches of the Leftist mind, ie . Racists.

BARE minimal estimate in JUST Rotherham is ONE THOUSAND AND FOUR HUNDRED young girls raped, terrorized, tortured and forced into sexual slavery while the government and the police ACTIVELY ignored the problem.

And still you leftists pretend that any conservative complaining about Political Correctness is just some white bigot that wants to use racial slurs in public.

HOw horrific does the results of your actions have to be before you question what your Thought Leaders are telling you?

And don't forget that the estimated numbers of males involved in Rotherham is a minimum 250, all muslim from most Islamic nations. The girls were pimped through mosques and madrassas's by the gangs

Considering the time frame and scale of forced prostitution that number sounds low. I assume it is an Absolute Minimum Estimate?

Just the figure reported by some of the girls who as could be expected were not really "with it". What the likes of rat boy and tainted don't want to see is the many other cases brought into the equation and the links given. The Rotherham atrocity has seen 2 or even 3 separate groups dealt with by the courts with more to follow. Oxford has seen 2 groups, Rochdale 3 groups etc. This is what the neo Marxists don't want becoming public as then their culpability will be shown, and they will never again have any political power. Even the large unions are talking about voting out the neo Marxists and putting more moderate officials in charge.

Thus the need to shut down any discussion of the real causes and to smear as racist anyone who questions Third World Immigration and/or Political Correctness.
It's easy for the political Right to point to "political correctness" as the cause of problems such as Rotherham, however this is a more nuanced view from Nazir Afzal, The Crown Prosecution Service’s lead on child sexual abuse and violence against women and girls: Nazir Afzal: ‘There is no religious basis for the abuse in Rotherham’

"Afzal rejects the suggestion that no action was taken by officials “to avoid rocking the multicultural boat”, which has been the one thread of the Rotherham report widely seized on. This has “very little” to do with political correctness, he says, adding: “I’ve yet to hear personally a victim say the reason why the police weren’t interested was because of the colour of the perpetrator.” He concedes that some victims in Rotherham felt that this was a factor, but still argues that incompetence rather that sensitivity to multicultural values was the real problem.

Instead he believes that the cases were not pursued properly because “everyone involved was not as competent as they should have been. I can only speak for the cases I’ve dealt with, but it usually comes down to poor investigation; we didn’t investigate early enough. People have not been as good at their job as they should have been. They haven’t asked the right questions. As a result the victims did not have the confidence to come forward.”

He is disturbed at the number of times cases were dropped because police were concerned that they would be too difficult to prosecute because “the credibility of the young woman was damaged by her chaotic lifestyle”. Sometimes police would decide not to pursue a case because the victim had criminal convictions herself. “My view is that this is exactly what you would expect with a victim. That she has been led astray and manipulated by the abuser. He’s not going to look for the young girl who has never been in trouble. They deliberately target the ones who have the most chaotic backgrounds, the most troubled lives.”

and before you all go off on one about Nazir Afzal being an Asian:

"Afzal has received criticism from all sides for his work in this area. Members of the Asian community have asked him: “‘Nazir, why are you giving racist or Islamophobes a stick to beat us with?’ My response to that is that we as a community should be carrying our own stick. Then there won’t be a reason for people to launch blanket attacks on the whole faith and the whole community.” He had hope for more “vocal” condemnation of the child sexual abuse scandals by the Asian community, as well as more support of his work combating “honour”-based killings and forced marriages – two other issues he has focused on in the past decade. “I do feel that there’s a deficit of leadership in some parts of the Muslim community. They could be much more challenging of certain behaviours,” he says, adding that this is the most effective way to counter the threat of Islamophobia. “The silence of people who may know something or have heard something only hurts our children.”

He has also been the victim of persistent threats and abuse from the far right, who for a while ran a letter-writing campaign to the prime minister calling for him to be sacked and deported. “I was born in Birmingham. They can deport me to Birmingham if they want to,” he says. “But I think if you are getting it from both sides, you are probably getting something right.”
It's easy for the political Right to point to "political correctness" as the cause of problems such as Rotherham, however this is a more nuanced view from Nazir Afzal, The Crown Prosecution Service’s lead on child sexual abuse and violence against women and girls: Nazir Afzal: ‘There is no religious basis for the abuse in Rotherham’

"Afzal rejects the suggestion that no action was taken by officials “to avoid rocking the multicultural boat”, which has been the one thread of the Rotherham report widely seized on. This has “very little” to do with political correctness, he says, adding: “I’ve yet to hear personally a victim say the reason why the police weren’t interested was because of the colour of the perpetrator.” He concedes that some victims in Rotherham felt that this was a factor, but still argues that incompetence rather that sensitivity to multicultural values was the real problem.

Instead he believes that the cases were not pursued properly because “everyone involved was not as competent as they should have been. I can only speak for the cases I’ve dealt with, but it usually comes down to poor investigation; we didn’t investigate early enough. People have not been as good at their job as they should have been. They haven’t asked the right questions. As a result the victims did not have the confidence to come forward.”

He is disturbed at the number of times cases were dropped because police were concerned that they would be too difficult to prosecute because “the credibility of the young woman was damaged by her chaotic lifestyle”. Sometimes police would decide not to pursue a case because the victim had criminal convictions herself. “My view is that this is exactly what you would expect with a victim. That she has been led astray and manipulated by the abuser. He’s not going to look for the young girl who has never been in trouble. They deliberately target the ones who have the most chaotic backgrounds, the most troubled lives.”

and before you all go off on one about Nazir Afzal being an Asian:

"Afzal has received criticism from all sides for his work in this area. Members of the Asian community have asked him: “‘Nazir, why are you giving racist or Islamophobes a stick to beat us with?’ My response to that is that we as a community should be carrying our own stick. Then there won’t be a reason for people to launch blanket attacks on the whole faith and the whole community.” He had hope for more “vocal” condemnation of the child sexual abuse scandals by the Asian community, as well as more support of his work combating “honour”-based killings and forced marriages – two other issues he has focused on in the past decade. “I do feel that there’s a deficit of leadership in some parts of the Muslim community. They could be much more challenging of certain behaviours,” he says, adding that this is the most effective way to counter the threat of Islamophobia. “The silence of people who may know something or have heard something only hurts our children.”

He has also been the victim of persistent threats and abuse from the far right, who for a while ran a letter-writing campaign to the prime minister calling for him to be sacked and deported. “I was born in Birmingham. They can deport me to Birmingham if they want to,” he says. “But I think if you are getting it from both sides, you are probably getting something right.”

First of all, it is absurd to cite lack of victims claiming "the reason why the police weren’t interested was because of the colour of the perpetrator.”

IN the normal course of events, the victim would be completely unaware of the reasons in a officers head for NOT following up on an incident or lead.

And certainly of discussions and decisions made back in government offices.

Second of all, this is a high level government official saying that the cause is not government policy or political correctness, but incompetence.

The thing about blaming "incompetence" is that it is an easy answer.

They replace a few people and pretend that problem is solved, and continue on without the boat being rocked seriously at all.

Meanwhile the polices and political correctness that was really the cause continue on unaddressed.
It has been documented that fear of being called racist, gave the Rotherham Rape Ring at least an additional 6 years of operation.

Documented by whom?

The police and local council employees, who were told that they faced being questioned about their racist manner if they carried on making waves.
I never saw this much outrage when the Bryn Estyn and Bryn Alyn scandals were unfolding.Nor the Kincora. You have no interest in sorting out child abuse and are using these poor girls as a weapon to attack one group in society.

Its a typical trick of the frothers and similar to the way poor Lee Rigby is being exploited by racist scum.This despite his parents asking for his memory to not be sullied by Nazis.

You people will never be accepted in Britain because you only have hate to offer.

Britain First's Party Political Broadcast Angers Lee Rigby's Family And Viewers

Because they was not as widely reported until many years after the event. We had no internet in those days to spread the word, and if my memory serves the two in Wales were at the hands of the local socialists, that in Ireland in the hands of the Catholics.
You do know that his family was told to say that don't you, because again the police would not be able to cope with marches or rallies in his honour

By Britain do you mean Wales where the nasty racists live, or have you forgotten the actions of the Welsh a few years back when they burnt down peoples retirement homes that brought the economy in the area up. I visited Wales many times and in 2005 the Welsh were just as racist as they were in the 1990's and 1980's. I had to laugh when the incompetent terrorists blew themselves up instead of the train.
As you keep banging on about "Political Correctness", your agenda becomes clearer. Here's an interesting article on the subject.

"Political correctness is one of the brilliant tools that the American Right developed in the mid-1980s as part of its demolition of American liberalism. The core of the conservative proposition is that moral individuals are the basis for a just society and dynamic capitalism, a head-to-head confrontation with the 'liberal' view that individuals are social animals and that fair societies require universal rules asserting justice in its widest sense. Justice does not come from coercive rules, argue conservatives; it comes from moral individuals. The whole fabric of taxation, welfare, regulation, anti-discrimination legislation and public initiative is a coercive web which undermines freedom and morality. It must be fought to the last.

What the sharpest thinkers on the American Right saw quickly was that by declaring war on the cultural manifestations of liberalism - by levelling the charge of political correctness against its exponents - they could discredit the whole political project. Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing talk-show host, talking about 'feminazis', is part of the same movement as Allan Bloom, whose seminal book, The Closing of the American Mind , argues that political correctness has infected the US's capacity to think. This is the populist battering-ram behind which the Right makes the case for tax cuts for the wealthy and welfare minimalism for the poor.

The difficulty has been that American liberalism, itself split between whether it is a coalition of minorities - all of whose rights have to be respected by meticulous linguistic descriptions - or whether it represents a set of universal moral propositions about justice, has offered it many targets. By ridiculing liberalism's 'politically correct' nostrums, conservatives are able to ridicule the whole liberal enterprise. Thus, any tiny faculty of a university that maintains that Shakespeare is racist, any honest-to-god guy involved in a sexual harassment case, or any environmentalist seeking to protect unspoiled land can all be portrayed as victims or exponents of irrational political correctness. Plain-talking conservatives who want to get 'issues out into the open and debated' would never fall prey to such liberal idiocies.

It was always likely that political correctness would spill over into Britain - and it has been seized upon by conservatives and fogeys for all the same reasons. A single incident managed unwisely - say the Government allegedly considering a Minister for men, an edict from the Commission of Racial Equality over golliwogs or a council worrying about the teaching of homosexuality - will lead to a storm of mocking copy about political correctness, and for one end - it discredits the liberal cause.

Yet it matters profoundly what we say. It is an advance that it is no longer possible to call blacks ******* and that sexist banter in the workplace is understood to be oppressive and abusive. It is right that the groups in society that used to be written off as mentally retarded are recognised as having special needs. And it is right that TV and radio take care how they describe terrorists and the al-Qaeda network in the middle of this 'war' against terrorism. Murdoch's Fox TV news in the US habitually refers to Taliban fighters as 'diabolical', dismissing all critics who call for impartiality in their reporting as 'politically correct'.

So which side of this argument do you want to be on? I believe in liberal ideas of justice and public intervention. White politicians have to be careful how they talk about racial minorities in a society as racially polarised as Cantle describes; elements in the white majority are looking for any validation of their prejudices." Will Hutton: Words really are important, Mr Blunkett

Yes, I am aware that the Left has been pushing back on the topic of Political Correctness. They have been doing so by lying.

This is what Political Correctness is.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Because most of the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[31] OneHome Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns about the level of abuse with senior police officers in 2002, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[32] The researcher told BBC Panorama that:

... she had been accused of being insensitive when she told one official that most of the perpetrators were from Rotherham's Pakistani community. A female colleague talked to her about the incident. "She said you must never refer to that again – you must never refer to Asian men." "And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues."

This is not the actions of a "tiny faculty".

This is a Witch Hunt against the imaginary witches of the Leftist mind, ie . Racists.

BARE minimal estimate in JUST Rotherham is ONE THOUSAND AND FOUR HUNDRED young girls raped, terrorized, tortured and forced into sexual slavery while the government and the police ACTIVELY ignored the problem.

And still you leftists pretend that any conservative complaining about Political Correctness is just some white bigot that wants to use racial slurs in public.

HOw horrific does the results of your actions have to be before you question what your Thought Leaders are telling you?

And don't forget that the estimated numbers of males involved in Rotherham is a minimum 250, all muslim from most Islamic nations. The girls were pimped through mosques and madrassas's by the gangs

Considering the time frame and scale of forced prostitution that number sounds low. I assume it is an Absolute Minimum Estimate?

Just the figure reported by some of the girls who as could be expected were not really "with it". What the likes of rat boy and tainted don't want to see is the many other cases brought into the equation and the links given. The Rotherham atrocity has seen 2 or even 3 separate groups dealt with by the courts with more to follow. Oxford has seen 2 groups, Rochdale 3 groups etc. This is what the neo Marxists don't want becoming public as then their culpability will be shown, and they will never again have any political power. Even the large unions are talking about voting out the neo Marxists and putting more moderate officials in charge.

Thus the need to shut down any discussion of the real causes and to smear as racist anyone who questions Third World Immigration and/or Political Correctness.

I just point out that it is not racism when you are telling the truth about a religion, then ask how long muslim has been a race. As long as your comments are based on facts then it is not racism.
It's easy for the political Right to point to "political correctness" as the cause of problems such as Rotherham, however this is a more nuanced view from Nazir Afzal, The Crown Prosecution Service’s lead on child sexual abuse and violence against women and girls: Nazir Afzal: ‘There is no religious basis for the abuse in Rotherham’

"Afzal rejects the suggestion that no action was taken by officials “to avoid rocking the multicultural boat”, which has been the one thread of the Rotherham report widely seized on. This has “very little” to do with political correctness, he says, adding: “I’ve yet to hear personally a victim say the reason why the police weren’t interested was because of the colour of the perpetrator.” He concedes that some victims in Rotherham felt that this was a factor, but still argues that incompetence rather that sensitivity to multicultural values was the real problem.

Instead he believes that the cases were not pursued properly because “everyone involved was not as competent as they should have been. I can only speak for the cases I’ve dealt with, but it usually comes down to poor investigation; we didn’t investigate early enough. People have not been as good at their job as they should have been. They haven’t asked the right questions. As a result the victims did not have the confidence to come forward.”

He is disturbed at the number of times cases were dropped because police were concerned that they would be too difficult to prosecute because “the credibility of the young woman was damaged by her chaotic lifestyle”. Sometimes police would decide not to pursue a case because the victim had criminal convictions herself. “My view is that this is exactly what you would expect with a victim. That she has been led astray and manipulated by the abuser. He’s not going to look for the young girl who has never been in trouble. They deliberately target the ones who have the most chaotic backgrounds, the most troubled lives.”

and before you all go off on one about Nazir Afzal being an Asian:

"Afzal has received criticism from all sides for his work in this area. Members of the Asian community have asked him: “‘Nazir, why are you giving racist or Islamophobes a stick to beat us with?’ My response to that is that we as a community should be carrying our own stick. Then there won’t be a reason for people to launch blanket attacks on the whole faith and the whole community.” He had hope for more “vocal” condemnation of the child sexual abuse scandals by the Asian community, as well as more support of his work combating “honour”-based killings and forced marriages – two other issues he has focused on in the past decade. “I do feel that there’s a deficit of leadership in some parts of the Muslim community. They could be much more challenging of certain behaviours,” he says, adding that this is the most effective way to counter the threat of Islamophobia. “The silence of people who may know something or have heard something only hurts our children.”

He has also been the victim of persistent threats and abuse from the far right, who for a while ran a letter-writing campaign to the prime minister calling for him to be sacked and deported. “I was born in Birmingham. They can deport me to Birmingham if they want to,” he says. “But I think if you are getting it from both sides, you are probably getting something right.”

He also had this to say

One of his first decisions on becoming a chief crown prosecutor was to initiate prosecutions in the case of the Rochdale sex trafficking gang, overturning an earlier decision by the CPS. He suggested that "white professionals' over-sensitivity to political correctness and fear of appearing racist may well have contributed to justice being stalled".[4] He said "I do feel that there’s a deficit of leadership in some parts of the Muslim community. They could be much more challenging of certain behaviours".[9] He attributed the attacks to "evil men", saying that the key driver was "male power".[9]
It has been documented that fear of being called racist, gave the Rotherham Rape Ring at least an additional 6 years of operation.

Documented by whom?

The police and local council employees, who were told that they faced being questioned about their racist manner if they carried on making waves.
I never saw this much outrage when the Bryn Estyn and Bryn Alyn scandals were unfolding.Nor the Kincora. You have no interest in sorting out child abuse and are using these poor girls as a weapon to attack one group in society.

Its a typical trick of the frothers and similar to the way poor Lee Rigby is being exploited by racist scum.This despite his parents asking for his memory to not be sullied by Nazis.

You people will never be accepted in Britain because you only have hate to offer.

Britain First's Party Political Broadcast Angers Lee Rigby's Family And Viewers

Because they was not as widely reported until many years after the event. We had no internet in those days to spread the word, and if my memory serves the two in Wales were at the hands of the local socialists, that in Ireland in the hands of the Catholics.
You do know that his family was told to say that don't you, because again the police would not be able to cope with marches or rallies in his honour

By Britain do you mean Wales where the nasty racists live, or have you forgotten the actions of the Welsh a few years back when they burnt down peoples retirement homes that brought the economy in the area up. I visited Wales many times and in 2005 the Welsh were just as racist as they were in the 1990's and 1980's. I had to laugh when the incompetent terrorists blew themselves up instead of the train.

I think you have got pretty much all of that wrong.

Kincora was primarily a proddy abuse scandal linked to the British establishment.
Kincora Boys' Home - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There was no political aspect to the Paedos at Bryn Estyn. Just a load of middle aged white men abusing young boys. However many victims hold William Hague responsible for crushing the subsequent enquiries possibly because there were too many high ranking tories involved.
Peter Hayman
Sir Peter Morrison

and so on.
Former Minister says Thatcher aide was paedophile who preyed on boys' home - and Hague should have known

Regarding Lee Rigby, I would prefer to listen to his parents than some nutty fascist on tnet.
Lee Rigby's family blasts Britain First for using his name in TV ad

"The family have always said that Britain First's views are not what Lee believed in and they have absolutely no support from his family. We have repeatedly asked Britain First and other political parties not to use Lee's name to promote their views.

"Britain First also claim that there is no permanent memorial to Lee at the site of his death. There is a permanent memorial to Lee at St George's Chapel in Woolwich, which is what we wanted."

Just look at the pic of those clowns. in the article.Absolute pond life.

So once again you are talking through your saggy arse.
Meanwhile the polices and political correctness that was really the cause continue on unaddressed.

Read the whole article.

I read the article.

HIs opinion does not trump the reality of the situation.

He is telling you and other liberals what you want to hear and what your leaders want and need you to believe in order to advance their agenda.

The problem is that part of what you are ignoring when you believe them, is horrible suffering by children.

THIS WILL OCCUR AGAIN, if it is not already happening still in other cities with more complete coverups.

Because the causes are untouched.
Wheres the diversity? seems thats a step backwards
Diversity just means less white people.

Why are white folks not having enough babies?
White Guilt,Things have changed where both man and woman in most cases have to work to make ends meet,feminism has pushed careers before babies,a lot of people want material things before babies. Etc. I have 4 kids and yes we have sacrificed a lot but I would rather see my lineage extended than material things.

OK then, it is settled. No one is stopping white folks from having babies. So I do not see a need for bashing colored folks for so called dwindling white population.

You miss the point that this planet can only take so many people before it stops working, and we are close to the limit now. You people of colour cant understand that producing thousands more mouths to feed into a world already starving is not the way to live. You get an earthquake and the first thing you do is impregnate every female you can find, a drought kills all the crops and livestock so you impregnate every female. Then you see the affluence in white nations that are not overcrowded and flock there in hordes impregnating every female in the process. Your brains are only wired for fighting and sex because of living so long in third world nations, and you cant adjust to decency and humanity.

The UK is full and anymore will cause it to sink, yet still your people flock here for the lifestyle. Then demand we change so we are like the nation they left.

You are a textbook example of what they call arrested development :)

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