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84 schools in England show NO white British pupils...

As you keep banging on about "Political Correctness", your agenda becomes clearer. Here's an interesting article on the subject.

"Political correctness is one of the brilliant tools that the American Right developed in the mid-1980s as part of its demolition of American liberalism. The core of the conservative proposition is that moral individuals are the basis for a just society and dynamic capitalism, a head-to-head confrontation with the 'liberal' view that individuals are social animals and that fair societies require universal rules asserting justice in its widest sense. Justice does not come from coercive rules, argue conservatives; it comes from moral individuals. The whole fabric of taxation, welfare, regulation, anti-discrimination legislation and public initiative is a coercive web which undermines freedom and morality. It must be fought to the last.

What the sharpest thinkers on the American Right saw quickly was that by declaring war on the cultural manifestations of liberalism - by levelling the charge of political correctness against its exponents - they could discredit the whole political project. Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing talk-show host, talking about 'feminazis', is part of the same movement as Allan Bloom, whose seminal book, The Closing of the American Mind , argues that political correctness has infected the US's capacity to think. This is the populist battering-ram behind which the Right makes the case for tax cuts for the wealthy and welfare minimalism for the poor.

The difficulty has been that American liberalism, itself split between whether it is a coalition of minorities - all of whose rights have to be respected by meticulous linguistic descriptions - or whether it represents a set of universal moral propositions about justice, has offered it many targets. By ridiculing liberalism's 'politically correct' nostrums, conservatives are able to ridicule the whole liberal enterprise. Thus, any tiny faculty of a university that maintains that Shakespeare is racist, any honest-to-god guy involved in a sexual harassment case, or any environmentalist seeking to protect unspoiled land can all be portrayed as victims or exponents of irrational political correctness. Plain-talking conservatives who want to get 'issues out into the open and debated' would never fall prey to such liberal idiocies.

It was always likely that political correctness would spill over into Britain - and it has been seized upon by conservatives and fogeys for all the same reasons. A single incident managed unwisely - say the Government allegedly considering a Minister for men, an edict from the Commission of Racial Equality over golliwogs or a council worrying about the teaching of homosexuality - will lead to a storm of mocking copy about political correctness, and for one end - it discredits the liberal cause.

Yet it matters profoundly what we say. It is an advance that it is no longer possible to call blacks ******* and that sexist banter in the workplace is understood to be oppressive and abusive. It is right that the groups in society that used to be written off as mentally retarded are recognised as having special needs. And it is right that TV and radio take care how they describe terrorists and the al-Qaeda network in the middle of this 'war' against terrorism. Murdoch's Fox TV news in the US habitually refers to Taliban fighters as 'diabolical', dismissing all critics who call for impartiality in their reporting as 'politically correct'.

So which side of this argument do you want to be on? I believe in liberal ideas of justice and public intervention. White politicians have to be careful how they talk about racial minorities in a society as racially polarised as Cantle describes; elements in the white majority are looking for any validation of their prejudices." Will Hutton: Words really are important, Mr Blunkett

Yes, I am aware that the Left has been pushing back on the topic of Political Correctness. They have been doing so by lying.

This is what Political Correctness is.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Because most of the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[31] OneHome Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns about the level of abuse with senior police officers in 2002, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[32] The researcher told BBC Panorama that:

... she had been accused of being insensitive when she told one official that most of the perpetrators were from Rotherham's Pakistani community. A female colleague talked to her about the incident. "She said you must never refer to that again – you must never refer to Asian men." "And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues."

This is not the actions of a "tiny faculty".

This is a Witch Hunt against the imaginary witches of the Leftist mind, ie . Racists.

BARE minimal estimate in JUST Rotherham is ONE THOUSAND AND FOUR HUNDRED young girls raped, terrorized, tortured and forced into sexual slavery while the government and the police ACTIVELY ignored the problem.

And still you leftists pretend that any conservative complaining about Political Correctness is just some white bigot that wants to use racial slurs in public.

HOw horrific does the results of your actions have to be before you question what your Thought Leaders are telling you?

And don't forget that the estimated numbers of males involved in Rotherham is a minimum 250, all muslim from most Islamic nations. The girls were pimped through mosques and madrassas's by the gangs
It wont, but seeing as they are in such small numbers they will be caught and treated to a stay in solitary. Seeing as the immigrants are less than 10% of the population why are they 80% of the rapists ? That is the problem you neo Marxist morons try and cover up.
Again you make up figures to support your bigotry. There is no accurate measure.

There is a measure that is close enough for everyday use, and that is the census which the ONS use to come to the 10% figure. And the prison population is another good indication and 80% of them are immigrants
Once again you make up a figure to support your nutty beliefs. You are a laughing stock.
I thought we'd already established that 75% of convicted UK sex offenders were native born English...
He has a proud record of making things up or repeating stuff he was told at the Britain First rally. He also believes that all paedophiles are marxists and that King Arthur will return and save us from the Muslim hordes.

Is that like you need to LIE all the time because you cant bring any evidence to bear to refute the claims.

Never been to a Britain first rally, EDL march, BNP meeting et al. But I did go to many neo Marxist meetings and heard the LIES peddled there.
No all Paedophiles are scum and should be shot, and they come from all walks of life. Just that the largest percentage come from islam and the looney left.
One thing is for certain the left and the Welsh wont be saving this country from the muslim hordes, it will be the likes of me who are prepared to fight to the end that will be the saviours. You like rat boy will try and take the accolades until you are shown to be craven cowards
Again you make up figures to support your bigotry. There is no accurate measure.

There is a measure that is close enough for everyday use, and that is the census which the ONS use to come to the 10% figure. And the prison population is another good indication and 80% of them are immigrants
Once again you make up a figure to support your nutty beliefs. You are a laughing stock.
I thought we'd already established that 75% of convicted UK sex offenders were native born English...
He has a proud record of making things up or repeating stuff he was told at the Britain First rally. He also believes that all paedophiles are marxists and that King Arthur will return and save us from the Muslim hordes.

Yeah, I'm aware of Phoney, or rather "unaware" as I tend to ignore him mostly. Apparently his family came over with the Normans, so he's another descendant of immigrants (dear pot, love kettle). I know he's a fan of Nick Griffin so that says it all really.

Once again you lie rat boy as I said my family history only goes back to the time of the Normans. You just have to twist what other people say to make yourself look big, a typical neo Marxist trait
No reasonable person would assume that I meant ALL rape rings are muslim.

Perhaps not but you appear to be obsessed with discussing this sub-set.

The Rape Rings that have been forming in Muslim communities, preying upon white UK girls are different from the ones forming in other ethnic communities.

...again focusing on Muslim "rape rings" How are they "different" to Polish immigrant rape rings, or Scottish rape rings, etc?

an important subset of Rape Rings.

what makes one sub set more important than another?

1. You admit that it is obvious that I did not mean that all rape rings were Muslim. SO stop with the moronic "gotcha's" where you pretend to think that I did mean that. YOu accomplish nothing other than being an ass.

2. From my perspective the differences are most important because they point to different ways of addressing the problem.

3. The reasons for that should be obvious if you pull your head out of your leftist ass for a second. Hints a. NOt racism, and B. I live in America.

1. I said "perhaps not" giving you the benefit of the doubt, but I still maintain you nevertheless appear to have an obsession with discussing this sub-set.

2. What are those differences in your view and what would be the different ways of addressing the problem?

3. Not obvious to me, regardless as to where my head might be, why not do us a favour and "enlighten my darkness"

1. No, it is obvious that I did not mean ALL Rape Rings. When someone tells you that they are quitting smoking so they won't die of cancer, you don't ridicule them for planning to live forever.

2. Larger was one of the big ones. And as to solution, first of all STOP IMPORTING MORE MUSLIMS.

3. No, I really think you should try to imagine, if you can, some other reasons, especially keeping in mind the hints I gave you.

What this will show is how completely incapable you are of understanding anyone that doesn't think just like you or god forbid, disagrees with you.
Again you make up figures to support your bigotry. There is no accurate measure.

There is a measure that is close enough for everyday use, and that is the census which the ONS use to come to the 10% figure. And the prison population is another good indication and 80% of them are immigrants
Once again you make up a figure to support your nutty beliefs. You are a laughing stock.
I thought we'd already established that 75% of convicted UK sex offenders were native born English...
He has a proud record of making things up or repeating stuff he was told at the Britain First rally. He also believes that all paedophiles are marxists and that King Arthur will return and save us from the Muslim hordes.

Yeah, I'm aware of Phoney, or rather "unaware" as I tend to ignore him mostly. Apparently his family came over with the Normans, so he's another descendant of immigrants (dear pot, love kettle). I know he's a fan of Nick Griffin so that says it all really.

Are you seriously calling someone that has been native born since the 11th century a "descendant of immigrants"?

As a "reason" to dismiss concerns raised about immigration policy?


Oh, and now I see you were lying about that! LOL!!!
As you keep banging on about "Political Correctness", your agenda becomes clearer. Here's an interesting article on the subject.

"Political correctness is one of the brilliant tools that the American Right developed in the mid-1980s as part of its demolition of American liberalism. The core of the conservative proposition is that moral individuals are the basis for a just society and dynamic capitalism, a head-to-head confrontation with the 'liberal' view that individuals are social animals and that fair societies require universal rules asserting justice in its widest sense. Justice does not come from coercive rules, argue conservatives; it comes from moral individuals. The whole fabric of taxation, welfare, regulation, anti-discrimination legislation and public initiative is a coercive web which undermines freedom and morality. It must be fought to the last.

What the sharpest thinkers on the American Right saw quickly was that by declaring war on the cultural manifestations of liberalism - by levelling the charge of political correctness against its exponents - they could discredit the whole political project. Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing talk-show host, talking about 'feminazis', is part of the same movement as Allan Bloom, whose seminal book, The Closing of the American Mind , argues that political correctness has infected the US's capacity to think. This is the populist battering-ram behind which the Right makes the case for tax cuts for the wealthy and welfare minimalism for the poor.

The difficulty has been that American liberalism, itself split between whether it is a coalition of minorities - all of whose rights have to be respected by meticulous linguistic descriptions - or whether it represents a set of universal moral propositions about justice, has offered it many targets. By ridiculing liberalism's 'politically correct' nostrums, conservatives are able to ridicule the whole liberal enterprise. Thus, any tiny faculty of a university that maintains that Shakespeare is racist, any honest-to-god guy involved in a sexual harassment case, or any environmentalist seeking to protect unspoiled land can all be portrayed as victims or exponents of irrational political correctness. Plain-talking conservatives who want to get 'issues out into the open and debated' would never fall prey to such liberal idiocies.

It was always likely that political correctness would spill over into Britain - and it has been seized upon by conservatives and fogeys for all the same reasons. A single incident managed unwisely - say the Government allegedly considering a Minister for men, an edict from the Commission of Racial Equality over golliwogs or a council worrying about the teaching of homosexuality - will lead to a storm of mocking copy about political correctness, and for one end - it discredits the liberal cause.

Yet it matters profoundly what we say. It is an advance that it is no longer possible to call blacks ******* and that sexist banter in the workplace is understood to be oppressive and abusive. It is right that the groups in society that used to be written off as mentally retarded are recognised as having special needs. And it is right that TV and radio take care how they describe terrorists and the al-Qaeda network in the middle of this 'war' against terrorism. Murdoch's Fox TV news in the US habitually refers to Taliban fighters as 'diabolical', dismissing all critics who call for impartiality in their reporting as 'politically correct'.

So which side of this argument do you want to be on? I believe in liberal ideas of justice and public intervention. White politicians have to be careful how they talk about racial minorities in a society as racially polarised as Cantle describes; elements in the white majority are looking for any validation of their prejudices." Will Hutton: Words really are important, Mr Blunkett

Yes, I am aware that the Left has been pushing back on the topic of Political Correctness. They have been doing so by lying.

This is what Political Correctness is.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Because most of the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[31] OneHome Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns about the level of abuse with senior police officers in 2002, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[32] The researcher told BBC Panorama that:

... she had been accused of being insensitive when she told one official that most of the perpetrators were from Rotherham's Pakistani community. A female colleague talked to her about the incident. "She said you must never refer to that again – you must never refer to Asian men." "And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues."

This is not the actions of a "tiny faculty".

This is a Witch Hunt against the imaginary witches of the Leftist mind, ie . Racists.

BARE minimal estimate in JUST Rotherham is ONE THOUSAND AND FOUR HUNDRED young girls raped, terrorized, tortured and forced into sexual slavery while the government and the police ACTIVELY ignored the problem.

And still you leftists pretend that any conservative complaining about Political Correctness is just some white bigot that wants to use racial slurs in public.

HOw horrific does the results of your actions have to be before you question what your Thought Leaders are telling you?

And don't forget that the estimated numbers of males involved in Rotherham is a minimum 250, all muslim from most Islamic nations. The girls were pimped through mosques and madrassas's by the gangs

Considering the time frame and scale of forced prostitution that number sounds low. I assume it is an Absolute Minimum Estimate?
There is a measure that is close enough for everyday use, and that is the census which the ONS use to come to the 10% figure. And the prison population is another good indication and 80% of them are immigrants
Once again you make up a figure to support your nutty beliefs. You are a laughing stock.
I thought we'd already established that 75% of convicted UK sex offenders were native born English...
He has a proud record of making things up or repeating stuff he was told at the Britain First rally. He also believes that all paedophiles are marxists and that King Arthur will return and save us from the Muslim hordes.

Yeah, I'm aware of Phoney, or rather "unaware" as I tend to ignore him mostly. Apparently his family came over with the Normans, so he's another descendant of immigrants (dear pot, love kettle). I know he's a fan of Nick Griffin so that says it all really.

Once again you lie rat boy as I said my family history only goes back to the time of the Normans. You just have to twist what other people say to make yourself look big, a typical neo Marxist trait
Every bodies families go back to Norman times and even before that. None of us would be here otherwise. Unless you know different of course ?
Again you make up figures to support your bigotry. There is no accurate measure.

There is a measure that is close enough for everyday use, and that is the census which the ONS use to come to the 10% figure. And the prison population is another good indication and 80% of them are immigrants
Once again you make up a figure to support your nutty beliefs. You are a laughing stock.
I thought we'd already established that 75% of convicted UK sex offenders were native born English...
He has a proud record of making things up or repeating stuff he was told at the Britain First rally. He also believes that all paedophiles are marxists and that King Arthur will return and save us from the Muslim hordes.

Is that like you need to LIE all the time because you cant bring any evidence to bear to refute the claims.

Never been to a Britain first rally, EDL march, BNP meeting et al. But I did go to many neo Marxist meetings and heard the LIES peddled there.
No all Paedophiles are scum and should be shot, and they come from all walks of life. Just that the largest percentage come from islam and the looney left.
One thing is for certain the left and the Welsh wont be saving this country from the muslim hordes, it will be the likes of me who are prepared to fight to the end that will be the saviours. You like rat boy will try and take the accolades until you are shown to be craven cowards
You are a true hero . A poster boy for white power.
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.
The agenda here is very clear. Rape is a problem the world over but you seem to focus on one group of pervs. Come back with a plan to sort the problem out and we can discuss it. Otherwise you have no credibility.
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.
The agenda here is very clear. Rape is a problem the world over but you seem to focus on one group of pervs. Come back with a plan to sort the problem out and we can discuss it. Otherwise you have no credibility.

I've repeatedly mentioned a plan(s) to reduce the occurrence of such rings in the future.

There are reasons to focus on this "one group of prevs".

There are reasons you DON'T want to talk about this "one group of prevs".

YOu have no credibility.
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.
The agenda here is very clear. Rape is a problem the world over but you seem to focus on one group of pervs. Come back with a plan to sort the problem out and we can discuss it. Otherwise you have no credibility.

I've repeatedly mentioned a plan(s) to reduce the occurrence of such rings in the future.

There are reasons to focus on this "one group of prevs".

There are reasons you DON'T want to talk about this "one group of prevs".

YOu have no credibility.
No,you are a limited person offering a flawed solution. Serious people will sort this out not frothing racists.
Note how little discussion from the Left on the Topic and how much more they prefer to discuss the personal flaws they imagine the people who disagree with them must have.

That is a function of Political Correctness.

Use accusations of racism to suppress debate on issues that are dangerous to the Leftist Agenda.
The agenda here is very clear. Rape is a problem the world over but you seem to focus on one group of pervs. Come back with a plan to sort the problem out and we can discuss it. Otherwise you have no credibility.

I've repeatedly mentioned a plan(s) to reduce the occurrence of such rings in the future.

There are reasons to focus on this "one group of prevs".

There are reasons you DON'T want to talk about this "one group of prevs".

YOu have no credibility.
No,you are a limited person offering a flawed solution. Serious people will sort this out not frothing racists.

It has been documented that fear of being called racist, gave the Rotherham Rape Ring at least an additional 6 years of operation.

And yet, you continue to support and fed into that Witch Hunt mentality, despite having the horrific atrocity caused BY Political Correctness rubbed in your face repeatedly and constantly.

The suffering of thousands of young UK girls is less important to you than protecting the Leftist Agenda.

What is so important that you are willing to sacrifice your nation's children to monsters for?
No reasonable person would assume that I meant ALL rape rings are muslim.

Perhaps not but you appear to be obsessed with discussing this sub-set.

The Rape Rings that have been forming in Muslim communities, preying upon white UK girls are different from the ones forming in other ethnic communities.

...again focusing on Muslim "rape rings" How are they "different" to Polish immigrant rape rings, or Scottish rape rings, etc?

an important subset of Rape Rings.

what makes one sub set more important than another?

1. You admit that it is obvious that I did not mean that all rape rings were Muslim. SO stop with the moronic "gotcha's" where you pretend to think that I did mean that. YOu accomplish nothing other than being an ass.

2. From my perspective the differences are most important because they point to different ways of addressing the problem.

3. The reasons for that should be obvious if you pull your head out of your leftist ass for a second. Hints a. NOt racism, and B. I live in America.

1. I said "perhaps not" giving you the benefit of the doubt, but I still maintain you nevertheless appear to have an obsession with discussing this sub-set.

2. What are those differences in your view and what would be the different ways of addressing the problem?

3. Not obvious to me, regardless as to where my head might be, why not do us a favour and "enlighten my darkness"

1. No, it is obvious that I did not mean ALL Rape Rings. When someone tells you that they are quitting smoking so they won't die of cancer, you don't ridicule them for planning to live forever.

2. Larger was one of the big ones. And as to solution, first of all STOP IMPORTING MORE MUSLIMS.

3. No, I really think you should try to imagine, if you can, some other reasons, especially keeping in mind the hints I gave you.

What this will show is how completely incapable you are of understanding anyone that doesn't think just like you or god forbid, disagrees with you.

Rat boy forgets that we invited some muslims to the UK to train with our armed forces, they repaid us by raping a girl. Their defence was they did not know our laws and thought that it was like their country and they could do what they liked. Now they are trying to claim asylum because they face prison if they are returned home.

Always the same defence to any crime, even by 4th generation immigrants " But in my country I can do this "
As you keep banging on about "Political Correctness", your agenda becomes clearer. Here's an interesting article on the subject.

"Political correctness is one of the brilliant tools that the American Right developed in the mid-1980s as part of its demolition of American liberalism. The core of the conservative proposition is that moral individuals are the basis for a just society and dynamic capitalism, a head-to-head confrontation with the 'liberal' view that individuals are social animals and that fair societies require universal rules asserting justice in its widest sense. Justice does not come from coercive rules, argue conservatives; it comes from moral individuals. The whole fabric of taxation, welfare, regulation, anti-discrimination legislation and public initiative is a coercive web which undermines freedom and morality. It must be fought to the last.

What the sharpest thinkers on the American Right saw quickly was that by declaring war on the cultural manifestations of liberalism - by levelling the charge of political correctness against its exponents - they could discredit the whole political project. Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing talk-show host, talking about 'feminazis', is part of the same movement as Allan Bloom, whose seminal book, The Closing of the American Mind , argues that political correctness has infected the US's capacity to think. This is the populist battering-ram behind which the Right makes the case for tax cuts for the wealthy and welfare minimalism for the poor.

The difficulty has been that American liberalism, itself split between whether it is a coalition of minorities - all of whose rights have to be respected by meticulous linguistic descriptions - or whether it represents a set of universal moral propositions about justice, has offered it many targets. By ridiculing liberalism's 'politically correct' nostrums, conservatives are able to ridicule the whole liberal enterprise. Thus, any tiny faculty of a university that maintains that Shakespeare is racist, any honest-to-god guy involved in a sexual harassment case, or any environmentalist seeking to protect unspoiled land can all be portrayed as victims or exponents of irrational political correctness. Plain-talking conservatives who want to get 'issues out into the open and debated' would never fall prey to such liberal idiocies.

It was always likely that political correctness would spill over into Britain - and it has been seized upon by conservatives and fogeys for all the same reasons. A single incident managed unwisely - say the Government allegedly considering a Minister for men, an edict from the Commission of Racial Equality over golliwogs or a council worrying about the teaching of homosexuality - will lead to a storm of mocking copy about political correctness, and for one end - it discredits the liberal cause.

Yet it matters profoundly what we say. It is an advance that it is no longer possible to call blacks ******* and that sexist banter in the workplace is understood to be oppressive and abusive. It is right that the groups in society that used to be written off as mentally retarded are recognised as having special needs. And it is right that TV and radio take care how they describe terrorists and the al-Qaeda network in the middle of this 'war' against terrorism. Murdoch's Fox TV news in the US habitually refers to Taliban fighters as 'diabolical', dismissing all critics who call for impartiality in their reporting as 'politically correct'.

So which side of this argument do you want to be on? I believe in liberal ideas of justice and public intervention. White politicians have to be careful how they talk about racial minorities in a society as racially polarised as Cantle describes; elements in the white majority are looking for any validation of their prejudices." Will Hutton: Words really are important, Mr Blunkett

Yes, I am aware that the Left has been pushing back on the topic of Political Correctness. They have been doing so by lying.

This is what Political Correctness is.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Because most of the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[31] OneHome Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns about the level of abuse with senior police officers in 2002, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[32] The researcher told BBC Panorama that:

... she had been accused of being insensitive when she told one official that most of the perpetrators were from Rotherham's Pakistani community. A female colleague talked to her about the incident. "She said you must never refer to that again – you must never refer to Asian men." "And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues."

This is not the actions of a "tiny faculty".

This is a Witch Hunt against the imaginary witches of the Leftist mind, ie . Racists.

BARE minimal estimate in JUST Rotherham is ONE THOUSAND AND FOUR HUNDRED young girls raped, terrorized, tortured and forced into sexual slavery while the government and the police ACTIVELY ignored the problem.

And still you leftists pretend that any conservative complaining about Political Correctness is just some white bigot that wants to use racial slurs in public.

HOw horrific does the results of your actions have to be before you question what your Thought Leaders are telling you?

And don't forget that the estimated numbers of males involved in Rotherham is a minimum 250, all muslim from most Islamic nations. The girls were pimped through mosques and madrassas's by the gangs

Considering the time frame and scale of forced prostitution that number sounds low. I assume it is an Absolute Minimum Estimate?

Just the figure reported by some of the girls who as could be expected were not really "with it". What the likes of rat boy and tainted don't want to see is the many other cases brought into the equation and the links given. The Rotherham atrocity has seen 2 or even 3 separate groups dealt with by the courts with more to follow. Oxford has seen 2 groups, Rochdale 3 groups etc. This is what the neo Marxists don't want becoming public as then their culpability will be shown, and they will never again have any political power. Even the large unions are talking about voting out the neo Marxists and putting more moderate officials in charge.
Once again you make up a figure to support your nutty beliefs. You are a laughing stock.
I thought we'd already established that 75% of convicted UK sex offenders were native born English...
He has a proud record of making things up or repeating stuff he was told at the Britain First rally. He also believes that all paedophiles are marxists and that King Arthur will return and save us from the Muslim hordes.

Yeah, I'm aware of Phoney, or rather "unaware" as I tend to ignore him mostly. Apparently his family came over with the Normans, so he's another descendant of immigrants (dear pot, love kettle). I know he's a fan of Nick Griffin so that says it all really.

Once again you lie rat boy as I said my family history only goes back to the time of the Normans. You just have to twist what other people say to make yourself look big, a typical neo Marxist trait
Every bodies families go back to Norman times and even before that. None of us would be here otherwise. Unless you know different of course ?

Try again taffy as I said I can trace my family back to then. And many cant trace their families any further back than the 1800's, how far back does your go, and is there any major skeletons in the cupboard like a great many times grandmother that was impregnated by the son of the lord of the manor.
There is a measure that is close enough for everyday use, and that is the census which the ONS use to come to the 10% figure. And the prison population is another good indication and 80% of them are immigrants
Once again you make up a figure to support your nutty beliefs. You are a laughing stock.
I thought we'd already established that 75% of convicted UK sex offenders were native born English...
He has a proud record of making things up or repeating stuff he was told at the Britain First rally. He also believes that all paedophiles are marxists and that King Arthur will return and save us from the Muslim hordes.

Is that like you need to LIE all the time because you cant bring any evidence to bear to refute the claims.

Never been to a Britain first rally, EDL march, BNP meeting et al. But I did go to many neo Marxist meetings and heard the LIES peddled there.
No all Paedophiles are scum and should be shot, and they come from all walks of life. Just that the largest percentage come from islam and the looney left.
One thing is for certain the left and the Welsh wont be saving this country from the muslim hordes, it will be the likes of me who are prepared to fight to the end that will be the saviours. You like rat boy will try and take the accolades until you are shown to be craven cowards
You are a true hero . A poster boy for white power.

Invoking godswins law again tainted. Nothing to do with white power, or any other power and all to do with what is right. Try again and this time think about your Welsh failures that blew themselves up and not the train.

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