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84 schools in England show NO white British pupils...

Rotherham was a wake up call for the country. The whole thing was jaw dropping. Pretty much everybody comes out of it in a bad light. There are still dozens of police officers under investigation and it is certain that charges will follow.
The South Yorkshire force is probably the most corrupt in Britain.
Alongside that the labour party has a virtual fiefdom in that area and that is not a health situation.
There are a whole raft of social and cultural issues combined to let this happen and not least how we look after the vulnerable in our society. Its a shame that some would politicise it to push a narrow agenda or a loony conspiracy theory. Thats where it sits with the far right in Britain though.

AS THE vast majority of the rape ring was Pakistani, and that the reason they were able to operate so openly and for so long was primarily because of Political Correctness,

the debate should primarily be on Third World Immigration and Political Correctness.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?
AS THE vast majority of the rape ring was Pakistani, and that the reason they were able to operate so openly and for so long was primarily because of Political Correctness,

the debate should primarily be on Third World Immigration and Political Correctness.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

Nothing I said indicated that it would.

You only bring that up to distract and deflect from my point, in defense of your lefty agenda of Third World Immigration and Political Correctness, even though we have seen that it leads to horrible atrocities.

Try to be less vile.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

Nothing I said indicated that it would.

You only bring that up to distract and deflect from my point, in defense of your lefty agenda of Third World Immigration and Political Correctness, even though we have seen that it leads to horrible atrocities.

Try to be less vile.
You dont make sense. It looks like your concern has nothing to do with the rape problems and everything to do with Muslims.
A similar solution would be to shut down all the Catholic churches and boot out all the priests.
Of course, it would not be right to punish all the decent catholics for the paedo activities of some of their priests.
You havent suggested that though.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

Nothing I said indicated that it would.

You only bring that up to distract and deflect from my point, ....

Notice how often you feel the need to say that? Ever stop to consider the problem is YOU?
Trust me, the MUSLIMS did not develop those ancient civilizations and sciences, when ISLAM was only about 200 years old at the time they rampaged across the middle east and came pounding up on France.

MUSLIMS were illiterate fucking animals, who slaughtered their way into power over CHRISTIAN civilizations of Syria, Byzantine, Nigeria as well as Egypt, Greece and all the rest.

The Middle East at the time was open and people traveled freely between Europe and the whole of the Middle East and Africa. Until the muzzies established themselves.

What you don't get at all, is civilizations are built upon earlier ones - none, including Christians, came out of a vacuum. Christians were no different than any others in looting, forceable conversions, expulsions, and descrating religious sites of other religions.

Muslims most certainly developed and expanded on sciences and medicines and contributed original research to the fields. If you have a problem with "fucking animals" - look at Christian conquests, not any different.

Free travel? :lmao: Depended on WHO you were and WHAT you were.
They didn't expand on anything, lol. In fact, the sciences, medicines and arts that were so *advanced* prior to being conquered by Islam, faltered and sank back into the morass.

The cultural/scientific/artistic/social heydays of all the Middle East was PRIOR to the invasion of muzzies.

You realize don't you, that this new historical revisionism is a recent phenomanem of the last decade and coincides with the rise in Islamophobia and goes against a large body of established history? It's kind of like Holocaust Deniers.

History of science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Science in the Middle Ages

With the division of the Roman Empire, the Western Roman Empire lost contact with much of its past. In the Middle East, Greek philosophy was able to find some support under the newly created Arab Empire. With the spread of Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries, a period of Muslim scholarship, known as the Islamic Golden Age, lasted until the 13th century. This scholarship was aided by several factors. The use of a single language, Arabic, allowed communication without need of a translator. Access to Greek texts from the Byzantine Empire, along with Indian sources of learning, provided Muslim scholars a knowledge base to build upon.

While the Byzantine Empire still held learning centers such as Constantinople, Western Europe's knowledge was concentrated in monasteries until the development of medieval universities in the 12th and 13th centuries. The curriculum of monastic schools included the study of the few available ancient texts and of new works on practical subjects like medicine[51] and timekeeping.[52]

The Roman Empire broke up prior to the spread of Islam and the Arabs were instrumental in preserving old knowledge, and adding to it with new discoveries.

Muslim scientists placed far greater emphasis on experiment than had the Greeks.[53] This led to an early scientific method being developed in the Muslim world, where significant progress in methodology was made, beginning with the experiments of Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) on optics from c. 1000, in his Book of Optics. The law of refraction of light was known to the Persians.[54] The most important development of the scientific method was the use of experiments to distinguish between competing scientific theories set within a generally empirical orientation, which began among Muslim scientists. Ibn al-Haytham is also regarded as the father of optics, especially for his empirical proof of the intromission theory of light. Some have also described Ibn al-Haytham as the "first scientist" for his development of the modern scientific method.[55]

In mathematics, the Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi gave his name to the concept of the algorithm, while the term algebra is derived from al-jabr, the beginning of the title of one of his publications. What is now known as Arabic numerals originally came from India, but Muslim mathematicians did make several refinements to the number system, such as the introduction of decimal point notation. Sabian mathematician Al-Battani (850-929) contributed to astronomy and mathematics, while Persian scholar Al-Razi contributed to chemistry and medicine.

In astronomy, Al-Battani improved the measurements of Hipparchus, preserved in the translation of Ptolemy's Hè Megalè Syntaxis (The great treatise) translated as Almagest. Al-Battani also improved the precision of the measurement of the precession of the Earth's axis. The corrections made to the geocentric model by al-Battani, Ibn al-Haytham,[56] Averroes and the Maragha astronomers such as Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi and Ibn al-Shatir are similar to Copernican heliocentric model.[57][58] Heliocentric theories may have also been discussed by several other Muslim astronomers such as Ja'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi,[59] Abu-Rayhan Biruni, Abu Said al-Sijzi,[60] Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi, and Najm al-Dīn al-Qazwīnī al-Kātibī.[61]

Muslim chemists and alchemists played an important role in the foundation of modern chemistry. Scholars such as Will Durant[62] and Fielding H. Garrison[63] considered Muslim chemists to be the founders of chemistry. In particular, Jābir ibn Hayyān is "considered by many to be the father of chemistry".[64][65] The works of Arabic scientists influenced Roger Bacon (who introduced the empirical method to Europe, strongly influenced by his reading of Persians writers),[66] and later Isaac Newton.[67]

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is regarded as the most influential philosopher of Islam.[68] He pioneered the science of experimental medicine[69] and was the first physician to conduct clinical trials.[70] His two most notable works in medicine are the Kitāb al-shifāʾ ("Book of Healing") and The Canon of Medicine, both of which were used as standard medicinal texts in both the Muslim world and in Europe well into the 17th century. Amongst his many contributions are the discovery of the contagious nature of infectious diseases,[69] and the introduction of clinical pharmacology.[71]

Some of the other famous scientists from the Islamic world include al-Farabi (polymath), Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (pioneer of surgery),[72] Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī (pioneer of Indology,[73] geodesy and anthropology),[74] Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī (polymath), and Ibn Khaldun (forerunner of social sciences[75] such as demography,[76] cultural history,[77] historiography,[78] philosophy of history and sociology),[79] among many others.

Islamic science began its decline in the 12th or 13th century, before the Renaissance in Europe, and due in part to the 11th–13th century Mongol conquests, during which libraries, observatories, hospitals and universities were destroyed.[80] The end of the Islamic Golden Age is marked by the destruction of the intellectual center of Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid caliphate in 1258.[80]

You don't have to like Muslims, but you ought to at least honestly credit them where credit is due.​
Rotherham was a wake up call for the country. The whole thing was jaw dropping. Pretty much everybody comes out of it in a bad light. There are still dozens of police officers under investigation and it is certain that charges will follow.
The South Yorkshire force is probably the most corrupt in Britain.
Alongside that the labour party has a virtual fiefdom in that area and that is not a health situation.
There are a whole raft of social and cultural issues combined to let this happen and not least how we look after the vulnerable in our society. Its a shame that some would politicise it to push a narrow agenda or a loony conspiracy theory. Thats where it sits with the far right in Britain though.

AS THE vast majority of the rape ring was Pakistani, and that the reason they were able to operate so openly and for so long was primarily because of Political Correctness,

the debate should primarily be on Third World Immigration and Political Correctness.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

No, rape rings need to be stopped. Simple, straightforward and honest.
Sorry, I get my history from real sources. Not interested in that garbage. There was never any "Islamic Science". What there was was MUSLIMS who conquered vastly superior cultures, and then took credit for all the scholarship and beauty that existed BEFORE they got there.

It only took a couple hundred years for them to destroy it all and turn what was beautiful, civilized, and scholarly into the backwards, miserable dungheaps we see today.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

Nothing I said indicated that it would.

You only bring that up to distract and deflect from my point, in defense of your lefty agenda of Third World Immigration and Political Correctness, even though we have seen that it leads to horrible atrocities.

Try to be less vile.
Preston takeaway staff jailed for sex abuse of underage girls - BBC News
Heres another paedo group for you. What, in your solution, would have stopped them ?
Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

Nothing I said indicated that it would.

You only bring that up to distract and deflect from my point, in defense of your lefty agenda of Third World Immigration and Political Correctness, even though we have seen that it leads to horrible atrocities.

Try to be less vile.
You dont make sense. It looks like your concern has nothing to do with the rape problems and everything to do with Muslims.
A similar solution would be to shut down all the Catholic churches and boot out all the priests.
Of course, it would not be right to punish all the decent catholics for the paedo activities of some of their priests.
You havent suggested that though.

I make perfect sense.

Third World Immigration is introducing a demographic and a culture with a very different view of women's rights than that of Western Civilization.

We should have discussed that before. And failing that, considering the horrific results, we should certainly discuss it now.

But we can't because of Political Correctness.

Your knee jerk defense of Political Correctness and the medieval culture in question is noted.

Both of those are more important to you than the safety of your nation's young girls.
Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

Nothing I said indicated that it would.

You only bring that up to distract and deflect from my point, ....

Notice how often you feel the need to say that? Ever stop to consider the problem is YOU?

Sure, I've examined my assumptions and beliefs every now and then.

But, really, think about what I said.

No reasonable person would assume that I meant ALL rape rings are muslim.

That would be like having a friend tell you that he is quitting smoking so that he does not die of cancer, and you ridiculing him because you "heard" that he thinks he is going to live forever now.

The problem is the assholes who are actively being obtuse so that they don't have to face the horrific costs of their lefty policies and Political Correctness.
AS THE vast majority of the rape ring was Pakistani, and that the reason they were able to operate so openly and for so long was primarily because of Political Correctness,

the debate should primarily be on Third World Immigration and Political Correctness.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

No, rape rings need to be stopped. Simple, straightforward and honest.

Actually, completely DIShonest.

The Rape Rings that have been forming in Muslim communities, preying upon white UK girls are different from the ones forming in other ethnic communities.

Pretending that they are all the same, is NOT about "stopping all rape rings" but about avoiding an honest discussion of an important subset of Rape Rings.

BECAUSE, protecting Third World Immigration and Political Correctness is more important to you lefties than protecting young white female children from rape, torture and forced sexual slavery.
Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

Nothing I said indicated that it would.

You only bring that up to distract and deflect from my point, in defense of your lefty agenda of Third World Immigration and Political Correctness, even though we have seen that it leads to horrible atrocities.

Try to be less vile.
Preston takeaway staff jailed for sex abuse of underage girls - BBC News
Heres another paedo group for you. What, in your solution, would have stopped them ?

Like I said, I am not going to coddle you.

I made a point about Third World Immigration and Political Correctness.

One you have refused to honestly address.

YOur attempt at distraction is noted, and actually supports my claim.

Because you are doing all you can to avoid discussing the problem of Rape Rings such as the Rotherham Rape Ring, so as to protect Third World Immigration and Political Correctness.

Exactly as I pointed out.
AS THE vast majority of the rape ring was Pakistani, and that the reason they were able to operate so openly and for so long was primarily because of Political Correctness,

the debate should primarily be on Third World Immigration and Political Correctness.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

It wont, but seeing as they are in such small numbers they will be caught and treated to a stay in solitary. Seeing as the immigrants are less than 10% of the population why are they 80% of the rapists ? That is the problem you neo Marxist morons try and cover up.
As you keep banging on about "Political Correctness", your agenda becomes clearer. Here's an interesting article on the subject.

"Political correctness is one of the brilliant tools that the American Right developed in the mid-1980s as part of its demolition of American liberalism. The core of the conservative proposition is that moral individuals are the basis for a just society and dynamic capitalism, a head-to-head confrontation with the 'liberal' view that individuals are social animals and that fair societies require universal rules asserting justice in its widest sense. Justice does not come from coercive rules, argue conservatives; it comes from moral individuals. The whole fabric of taxation, welfare, regulation, anti-discrimination legislation and public initiative is a coercive web which undermines freedom and morality. It must be fought to the last.

What the sharpest thinkers on the American Right saw quickly was that by declaring war on the cultural manifestations of liberalism - by levelling the charge of political correctness against its exponents - they could discredit the whole political project. Rush Limbaugh, the right-wing talk-show host, talking about 'feminazis', is part of the same movement as Allan Bloom, whose seminal book, The Closing of the American Mind , argues that political correctness has infected the US's capacity to think. This is the populist battering-ram behind which the Right makes the case for tax cuts for the wealthy and welfare minimalism for the poor.

The difficulty has been that American liberalism, itself split between whether it is a coalition of minorities - all of whose rights have to be respected by meticulous linguistic descriptions - or whether it represents a set of universal moral propositions about justice, has offered it many targets. By ridiculing liberalism's 'politically correct' nostrums, conservatives are able to ridicule the whole liberal enterprise. Thus, any tiny faculty of a university that maintains that Shakespeare is racist, any honest-to-god guy involved in a sexual harassment case, or any environmentalist seeking to protect unspoiled land can all be portrayed as victims or exponents of irrational political correctness. Plain-talking conservatives who want to get 'issues out into the open and debated' would never fall prey to such liberal idiocies.

It was always likely that political correctness would spill over into Britain - and it has been seized upon by conservatives and fogeys for all the same reasons. A single incident managed unwisely - say the Government allegedly considering a Minister for men, an edict from the Commission of Racial Equality over golliwogs or a council worrying about the teaching of homosexuality - will lead to a storm of mocking copy about political correctness, and for one end - it discredits the liberal cause.

Yet it matters profoundly what we say. It is an advance that it is no longer possible to call blacks ******* and that sexist banter in the workplace is understood to be oppressive and abusive. It is right that the groups in society that used to be written off as mentally retarded are recognised as having special needs. And it is right that TV and radio take care how they describe terrorists and the al-Qaeda network in the middle of this 'war' against terrorism. Murdoch's Fox TV news in the US habitually refers to Taliban fighters as 'diabolical', dismissing all critics who call for impartiality in their reporting as 'politically correct'.

So which side of this argument do you want to be on? I believe in liberal ideas of justice and public intervention. White politicians have to be careful how they talk about racial minorities in a society as racially polarised as Cantle describes; elements in the white majority are looking for any validation of their prejudices." Will Hutton: Words really are important, Mr Blunkett
Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

Nothing I said indicated that it would.

You only bring that up to distract and deflect from my point, in defense of your lefty agenda of Third World Immigration and Political Correctness, even though we have seen that it leads to horrible atrocities.

Try to be less vile.
You dont make sense. It looks like your concern has nothing to do with the rape problems and everything to do with Muslims.
A similar solution would be to shut down all the Catholic churches and boot out all the priests.
Of course, it would not be right to punish all the decent catholics for the paedo activities of some of their priests.
You havent suggested that though.

Because the "problem" was never there in the first place, and it is just you neo Marxists blowing it out of proportion. The rate of Catholic priests is the same as that for Anglican priests and neo Marxists at 5% of the population pro rata. Punishing the masses for the actions of a few is one of your neo marist traits isn't it, as shown by Ukraine twice now.
No reasonable person would assume that I meant ALL rape rings are muslim.

Perhaps not but you appear to be obsessed with discussing this sub-set.

The Rape Rings that have been forming in Muslim communities, preying upon white UK girls are different from the ones forming in other ethnic communities.

...again focusing on Muslim "rape rings" How are they "different" to Polish immigrant rape rings, or Scottish rape rings, etc?

an important subset of Rape Rings.

what makes one sub set more important than another?
Trust me, the MUSLIMS did not develop those ancient civilizations and sciences, when ISLAM was only about 200 years old at the time they rampaged across the middle east and came pounding up on France.

MUSLIMS were illiterate fucking animals, who slaughtered their way into power over CHRISTIAN civilizations of Syria, Byzantine, Nigeria as well as Egypt, Greece and all the rest.

The Middle East at the time was open and people traveled freely between Europe and the whole of the Middle East and Africa. Until the muzzies established themselves.

What you don't get at all, is civilizations are built upon earlier ones - none, including Christians, came out of a vacuum. Christians were no different than any others in looting, forceable conversions, expulsions, and descrating religious sites of other religions.

Muslims most certainly developed and expanded on sciences and medicines and contributed original research to the fields. If you have a problem with "fucking animals" - look at Christian conquests, not any different.

Free travel? :lmao: Depended on WHO you were and WHAT you were.
They didn't expand on anything, lol. In fact, the sciences, medicines and arts that were so *advanced* prior to being conquered by Islam, faltered and sank back into the morass.

The cultural/scientific/artistic/social heydays of all the Middle East was PRIOR to the invasion of muzzies.

You realize don't you, that this new historical revisionism is a recent phenomanem of the last decade and coincides with the rise in Islamophobia and goes against a large body of established history? It's kind of like Holocaust Deniers.

History of science - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Science in the Middle Ages

With the division of the Roman Empire, the Western Roman Empire lost contact with much of its past. In the Middle East, Greek philosophy was able to find some support under the newly created Arab Empire. With the spread of Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries, a period of Muslim scholarship, known as the Islamic Golden Age, lasted until the 13th century. This scholarship was aided by several factors. The use of a single language, Arabic, allowed communication without need of a translator. Access to Greek texts from the Byzantine Empire, along with Indian sources of learning, provided Muslim scholars a knowledge base to build upon.

While the Byzantine Empire still held learning centers such as Constantinople, Western Europe's knowledge was concentrated in monasteries until the development of medieval universities in the 12th and 13th centuries. The curriculum of monastic schools included the study of the few available ancient texts and of new works on practical subjects like medicine[51] and timekeeping.[52]

The Roman Empire broke up prior to the spread of Islam and the Arabs were instrumental in preserving old knowledge, and adding to it with new discoveries.

Muslim scientists placed far greater emphasis on experiment than had the Greeks.[53] This led to an early scientific method being developed in the Muslim world, where significant progress in methodology was made, beginning with the experiments of Ibn al-Haytham (Alhazen) on optics from c. 1000, in his Book of Optics. The law of refraction of light was known to the Persians.[54] The most important development of the scientific method was the use of experiments to distinguish between competing scientific theories set within a generally empirical orientation, which began among Muslim scientists. Ibn al-Haytham is also regarded as the father of optics, especially for his empirical proof of the intromission theory of light. Some have also described Ibn al-Haytham as the "first scientist" for his development of the modern scientific method.[55]

In mathematics, the Persian mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi gave his name to the concept of the algorithm, while the term algebra is derived from al-jabr, the beginning of the title of one of his publications. What is now known as Arabic numerals originally came from India, but Muslim mathematicians did make several refinements to the number system, such as the introduction of decimal point notation. Sabian mathematician Al-Battani (850-929) contributed to astronomy and mathematics, while Persian scholar Al-Razi contributed to chemistry and medicine.

In astronomy, Al-Battani improved the measurements of Hipparchus, preserved in the translation of Ptolemy's Hè Megalè Syntaxis (The great treatise) translated as Almagest. Al-Battani also improved the precision of the measurement of the precession of the Earth's axis. The corrections made to the geocentric model by al-Battani, Ibn al-Haytham,[56] Averroes and the Maragha astronomers such as Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, Mo'ayyeduddin Urdi and Ibn al-Shatir are similar to Copernican heliocentric model.[57][58] Heliocentric theories may have also been discussed by several other Muslim astronomers such as Ja'far ibn Muhammad Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi,[59] Abu-Rayhan Biruni, Abu Said al-Sijzi,[60] Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi, and Najm al-Dīn al-Qazwīnī al-Kātibī.[61]

Muslim chemists and alchemists played an important role in the foundation of modern chemistry. Scholars such as Will Durant[62] and Fielding H. Garrison[63] considered Muslim chemists to be the founders of chemistry. In particular, Jābir ibn Hayyān is "considered by many to be the father of chemistry".[64][65] The works of Arabic scientists influenced Roger Bacon (who introduced the empirical method to Europe, strongly influenced by his reading of Persians writers),[66] and later Isaac Newton.[67]

Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is regarded as the most influential philosopher of Islam.[68] He pioneered the science of experimental medicine[69] and was the first physician to conduct clinical trials.[70] His two most notable works in medicine are the Kitāb al-shifāʾ ("Book of Healing") and The Canon of Medicine, both of which were used as standard medicinal texts in both the Muslim world and in Europe well into the 17th century. Amongst his many contributions are the discovery of the contagious nature of infectious diseases,[69] and the introduction of clinical pharmacology.[71]

Some of the other famous scientists from the Islamic world include al-Farabi (polymath), Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (pioneer of surgery),[72] Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī (pioneer of Indology,[73] geodesy and anthropology),[74] Nasīr al-Dīn al-Tūsī (polymath), and Ibn Khaldun (forerunner of social sciences[75] such as demography,[76] cultural history,[77] historiography,[78] philosophy of history and sociology),[79] among many others.

Islamic science began its decline in the 12th or 13th century, before the Renaissance in Europe, and due in part to the 11th–13th century Mongol conquests, during which libraries, observatories, hospitals and universities were destroyed.[80] The end of the Islamic Golden Age is marked by the destruction of the intellectual center of Baghdad, the capital of the Abbasid caliphate in 1258.[80]

You don't have to like Muslims, but you ought to at least honestly credit them where credit is due.​

Can you tell me when islamophobia was first diagnosed, and how many cases have been diagnosed since in this rise of a very serious mental disease. Or have you fallen for the ploy of the islamonazi propagandists and just repeat their words because they sound good

A phobia is a life threatening medical condition that can be treated, it causes increased blood pressure, increased breathing rate, abject fear, sweating etc. I have looked and cant find one case of islamophobia highlighted in any medical journals
AS THE vast majority of the rape ring was Pakistani, and that the reason they were able to operate so openly and for so long was primarily because of Political Correctness,

the debate should primarily be on Third World Immigration and Political Correctness.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

No, rape rings need to be stopped. Simple, straightforward and honest.

Correct and they should be done by religion first, as they are the biggest culprits. So we should be arresting over 60% of all muslim males in the UK as they are the largest group of culprits at the moment. Jewish rapists are the least in number, then the indigenous, Catholic priests, Anglican priests, Africans and other immigrants.

You need to open your eyes to where the blame lies, and stop defending muslims all the time.
No it shouldnt. Those are just two aspects.Family breakdowns,police corruption,police incompetence,political indifference and institutional incompetence are just as relevant. So is not giving a shit what happens to the poor in our society.
Why are kids from London shipped up to the north to put in care ? Because its cheaper to keep them there.

Youre whole thing is an anti muslim crusade and on that basis your viewpoint is of little value.

Your knee jerk accusation of an "anti-muslim" crusade shows your true agenda.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.

You are kidding? 'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies - BBC News


I will not coddle you and pretend that you really thought that I meant that ALL rape rings are Muslim.

My point, despite your nonsense, stands.

Third World Immigration and Political Correctness need to be stopped in the UK to avoid future rape rings.
How will that stop white british born rape gangs ?

It wont, but seeing as they are in such small numbers they will be caught and treated to a stay in solitary. Seeing as the immigrants are less than 10% of the population why are they 80% of the rapists ? That is the problem you neo Marxist morons try and cover up.
Again you make up figures to support your bigotry. There is no accurate measure.

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