Zone1 90 Ways to Empower Students to Address Antisemitism

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Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
Antisemitism is on the rise on liberal campuses, advanced largely through the co-mingling of anti-Israel and antisemitic attitudes, sometimes referred to as the “new antisemitism.”

Young adults in particular don’t have the maturity to distinguish between criticism of specific Israel policy, nor to recognize how hostility toward Jews is In MOST cases tied with the targeted anger toward Israel, such as when they march screaming “get out Jews!” during BDS marches or forbid a pro-Israel Jew to run for a Student Body position. Berkeley was so bad that their law school students created “No Jew Zones” where Jews just were not allowed to speak - and that included the Jewish dean of the law school as well!

The following are ways to combat the rise in and promotion of Jew-hatred on college campuses, beginning when your kids are still young.

Ever notice that the lame social construct and catch-all word "racism" sorta goes by the wayside and anti-Semitism is used in it's place when referencing the Jewish religion?

Why isn't that done with the rest of the ethnicities/sub-groups/relgions as it would be proper to do so and narrow things down a bit?

Anti-black, anti-white, anti Hispanic, anti-Roma, anti-Catholic, etc.?
Ever notice that the lame social construct and catch-all word "racism" sorta goes by the wayside and anti-Semitism is used in it's place when referencing the Jewish religion?

Why isn't that done with the rest of the ethnicities/sub-groups/relgions as it would be proper to do so and narrow things down a bit?

Anti-black, anti-white, anti Hispanic, anti-Roma, anti-Catholic, etc.?

I find the whole "anti-Semitism" thing to be a little absurd, because in context the Arabs- and specifically the Palestinians- are also a Semitic people. If fact, if you were go back into time to first century Judea, the people there would look more like Arabs than Israelis, most of whom are European Ashkenazim and Sephardim Jews. - i,e, Whiter than I am.
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I find the whole "anti-Semitism" thing to be a little absurd, because in context the Arabs- and specifically the Palestinians- are also a Semitic people. If fact, if you were go back into time to first century Judea, the people there would look more like Arabs than Israelis, most of whom are European Ashkenazim and Sephardim Jews.
Yeah, anti-Jew is a lot more to the point.
Yeah, anti-Jew is a lot more to the point.

I'm all for that... but that would lead into a discussion about whether Jews are a religion (they are) or a race (they aren't.)

Which opens the whole topic to a theological discussion they probably don't want to have.
I'm all for that... but that would lead into a discussion about whether Jews are a religion (they are) or a race (they aren't.)

Which opens the whole topic to a theological discussion they probably don't want to have.
While they are part of the human race they are a religion made up of different ethnicities and I'm fine with that.
Lisa, why did you post this in the Race Relations/Racism forum? Is it for the Zone 1 protection?
Isn’t bigotry against minorities and/or ethnic groups what this forum is for? It’s not just a Zone 1 forum for blacks, is it?

But you bring up a good point. I wasn’t thinking about Zone 1 protection when I posted it, but true….if I posted it under another forum, it would soon be overrun with horrible antisemitics. (You wouldn’t want to hear what some of them say - jokes about lampshades, how Jews got what they deserved in the Holocaust, etc.) This way, I won’t become sidetracked with having to defend Jews, or myself, and can concentrate on steps to combat antisemitism. The attached list had some good, concrete suggestions.
Isn’t bigotry against minorities and/or ethnic groups what this forum is for? It’s not just a Zone 1 forum for blacks, is it?

But you bring up a good point. I wasn’t thinking about Zone 1 protection when I posted it, but true….if I posted it under another forum, it would soon be overrun with horrible antisemitics. (You wouldn’t want to hear what some of them say - jokes about lampshades, how Jews got what they deserved in the Holocaust, etc.) This way, I won’t become sidetracked with having to defend Jews, or myself, and can concentrate on steps to combat antisemitism. The attached list had some good, concrete suggestions.

Good, since the Palestinians are a Semitic people, let's start by not subsidizing violence against them. That'd be a good place to start.
Examples of "antisemitism" today...

Watching these videos and noticing the truth of both...

Yes, whacky conspiracy theories blaming the Jews for 9/11 would be anti-semitism.

And while I am very critical of the very existence of Israel, the attack on USS Liberty is exactly what it was determined to be... an accident. They thought it was an Egyptian supply ship. (Because it was built on an old Victory-ship cargo hull, which the Egyptians were also using as military transports.)
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Isn’t bigotry against minorities and/or ethnic groups what this forum is for? It’s not just a Zone 1 forum for blacks, is it?I
I didn't say nor imply anything about the forum being for Blacks only. I was simply pointing out that antisemitism is considered religious persecution not racial discrimination or "bigotry", per the U.S. government.
Conflating anti-semitism with legitimate criticism of Israel’s policies and behavior as a nation seems like a way of preventing an open discussion about it.
Yes, but as I said….the problem is on college campuses, where antisemitism and anti-Israelism IS conflated. And in ALL cases, making broad-based hateful comments, such as Israel is a racist state and Israel Is an apartheid state, is indeed rooted in hatred toward Jews - with the proof that true racist nations barely get a passing mention. Only the Jewish state.

And from the opposite perspective, the ”New Antisemitism,” which is antisemitism couched with the weak claim “I’m not against Jews….I only hate Israel,” is allowed to spread by quickly silencing complaints about it.

For example, after the antisemitic Squad members voted to call Israel a racist state, I looked up the top 10 racist countries. Guess what? Israel wasn’t even on it at all! So WHY would the Squad members zero in on the sole Jewish country for a vote, and skip over the real racist countries - such as Iran?
I didn't say nor imply anything about the forum being for Blacks only. I was simply pointing out that antisemitism is considered religious persecution not racial discrimination or "bigotry", per the U.S. government.
I would argue that it is NOT religious persecution. It is from the right, but from the left, where it’s more about resentment to a successful minority - whom they consider oppressors.
Yes, whacky conspiracy theories blaming the Jews for 9/11 would be anti-semitism.

And while I am very critical of the very existence of Israel, the attack on USS Liberty is exactly what it was determined to be... an accident. They thought it was an Egyptian supply ship. (Because it was built on an old Victory-ship cargo hull, which the Egyptians were also using as military transports.)
No it wasn't an accident. Either the Israeli pilots are the most incompetent pilots ever or they fucked up hours of surveillance.
I didn't say nor imply anything about the forum being for Blacks only. I was simply pointing out that antisemitism is considered religious persecution not racial discrimination or "bigotry", per the U.S. government.
There is only one race so why would it be otherwise? Judaism is a religion made up of various ethnic peoples.
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