91 Felonies

More like that ship has been fired upon but will not sink. Nothing will stand up in court.
Charges of sexual assault stood up, and cost him 5 million. The judge has already ruled that trump lied about his property evaluations. Now it's just a matter of how much it will cost him. He's on a losing streak a mile wide.
Donald Trump claimed in a speech on Saturday that, if he loses to Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race, "You're not gonna have Israel" or the United States anymore.


Trump is insane.
So goes Israel, so goes the world. The end.
That is where Trumps arrogance cost him
He just needed to claim he had no idea what was in those boxes.

Instead, he admitted he took those documents on purpose and then refused to hand them over

I did not say that Trump was smart.
I think he made lots of mistakes.
The point still is that if you actually read any of the laws pertaining to classified docs, you would know that presidents, and therefore ex-presidents, are specifically exempt from them.
That is because the Founders realized presidents have to have the power of a dictator when it comes to classified docs. A president has to be able to give classified docs to our enemies if they deem it necessary.
And that is what the laws say.
Total and complete exemption.
This topic doesn't have anything to do with Columbus. It has to do with how all of the TDS in this country that has gotten WAY out of control.
Threads have a way of doing that sometimes.
Next time you get the urge to write a thread about child grooming and drag shows, think about the fact that you celebrate a child rapist and murderer on Columbus Day.
Threads have a way of doing that sometimes.
Next time you get the urge to write a thread about child grooming and drag shows, think about the fact that you celebrate a child rapist and murderer on Columbus Day.

I am not celebrating his crimes and I do not even celebrate Columbus Day. Now please keep this thread on topic or face a possible report.
Care to show us the text of the statute that indicates that point?

Is it? What statute is violated?

He provided that information to banks at which he was applying for a loan. That would be fraud. Then he provided that information to the IRS. That would also be fraud.

God are you fucking STUPID.

The statute Trump is charged with bank fraud under is New York Executive Law 63(12).
Which obviously is only for when one is selling stocks.
It is impossible and illegal to claim fraud when the bank made million in profit from the loans that were repaid.

I do not remember the statutes that require banks to do their own independent appraisals, but everyone admits the bank DID do their own independent appraisal anyway. And since they then were not harmed in any way, the prosecution is totally inappropriate and illegal.

There were only 71 out of 150,000 documents that were classified.
But the point is presidents are specifically exempt from any classified doc law, so that carries over to when no longer president.
The law is clear, and obviously it is Jack Smith who is the criminal, not Trump.
No one has the authority to ask for those docs that Trump may have given to himself.

It is and must always be legal to hide hush money payments, or else the government would be illegally collaborating with the blackmailer.
And of course hush money is a valid business expense.
He is trying to get elected in order to gain the presidential salary, and Stormy's revelation could then have caused a financial loss he was allowed to invest money in preventing.

A loan application is NOT a business record by any means, and he is allowed any degree of puffery he wants.
That is because everyone knows that by law, the bank is required and will run their own independent appraisal.
The legislation being charged against Trump is for securities exchanges, that could easily hoodwink a naive public, and is totally inappropriate for a bank loan application.

The Georgia case I am less familiar with, so will remain silent until I read up more.
But I do not see how any law can be broken since everyone knows who the electors are and how they are required to vote.

the presidential records act makes them property of NARA after the president leaves office. And more than 300 documents were classified. But if he had just returned them when asked instead of keeping them and lying about it, nothing would have come of it.

Hush money payments are normally allowed, but in the case of running in an election, the way this payment was made, it was an illegal campaign contribution. But the current case is about falsifying business records.
His cases are in the system. Nothing but a verdict will end em at this point.

But the point is 91 old actions being prosecuted all at once, right before an election, clearly is illegal.
The DOJ, FBI, and congress should normally be prosecuting the prosecutions.
The fact they are not, makes is an insurrectional conspiracy.
That rises to the level of a shooting war.
Terrible thing to have caused.
Future generations will condemn this, regardless of what they think of Trump.
Well, he's beng charged with that many, ain't he?

Trump is lucky that there's not more. Jack Smith has plenty more on Trump that we don't even know about & you can bank on it.

Not a single charge is remotely valid.
Jack Smith has nothing.
All the classified doc laws are presidential executive orders that exempt all presidents.
So then ex-presidents are automatically exempt as well.
But the point is 91 old actions being prosecuted all at once, right before an election, clearly is illegal.
The DOJ, FBI, and congress should normally be prosecuting the prosecutions.
The fact they are not, makes is an insurrectional conspiracy.
That rises to the level of a shooting war.
Terrible thing to have caused.
Future generations will condemn this, regardless of what they think of Trump.
Trump will get tossed on the dung heap of history. Right along with Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein.
the presidential records act makes them property of NARA after the president leaves office. And more than 300 documents were classified. But if he had just returned them when asked instead of keeping them and lying about it, nothing would have come of it.

Hush money payments are normally allowed, but in the case of running in an election, the way this payment was made, it was an illegal campaign contribution. But the current case is about falsifying business records.

Classified docs are NOT "presidential records".
Presidential records are things like signed treaties.
Presidential records are unique.
What Trump had at Mar-a-Lago was copies of classified docs from weekly cabinet updates.
He can to whatever he wanted with them, including giving them away, to anyone, including himself.

I do not know the specific laws or what Trump is specifically charged with, but in general, one cannot be charged for paying hush money and it is perfectly legal to use campaign funds.
Trump will get tossed on the dung heap of history. Right along with Hitler, Stalin and Saddam Hussein.

I do not like Hitler, Stalin, or Trump.
But you are wrong about Saddam.
He was the best leader Iraq ever had, and much better than they have now, with all the Sunni being badly abused.
Where do you think ISIS came from?
They were the Sunni in Iraq, who had everything stolen from them by the US and the regime we put into power.
He gave Iraq the best nutrition, education, etc., of any Mideast country except maybe Saudi Arabia.
Charges of sexual assault stood up, and cost him 5 million. The judge has already ruled that trump lied about his property evaluations. Now it's just a matter of how much it will cost him. He's on a losing streak a mile wide.

There were no "sexual assault" charges, and it was a civil suit over defamation.
And clearly Jean Carroll should have lost.
She offered to model lingerie nude, in a private room.
It is crazy that Trump lost that one.
It had to be totally political.

As for the property valuation, clearly Trump had no part in that, and there is no legal requirements at all over what the loan applicant decides to provide,
Since the bank is required by law to do their own assessment, they did do their own, and the loan was repaid with a huge profit, then this prosecution is totally and completely illegal.
When was this?
I guess fox or carlson, or what ever lying source you use forgot to mention what happened. Imagine that


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