91 Felonies

TRUMP Inc has already been found liable for exaggerating worth of his assets

And that judge needs to be in jail.
I have read the statutes, and the prosecutor is using legislation intended for securities exchanges, with naive customers.
Totally illegal to apply it to a bank loan application, where banks by law are required to do their own independent appraisals.
The only time Trump could be held liable for "exaggerating the worth of his assets" is if he had ever gone public and was selling stock.
He never went public, so the judge is a criminal.
And that judge needs to be in jail.
I have read the statutes, and the prosecutor is using legislation intended for securities exchanges, with naive customers.
Totally illegal to apply it to a bank loan application, where banks by law are required to do their own independent appraisals.
The only time Trump could be held liable for "exaggerating the worth of his assets" is if he had ever gone public and was selling stock.
He never went public, so the judge is a criminal.

Unfortunately, you do not get to decide.
I am sure Trump will appeal
That is what he does
And that judge needs to be in jail.
I have read the statutes, and the prosecutor is using legislation intended for securities exchanges, with naive customers.
Care to show us the text of the statute that indicates that point?
Totally illegal to apply it to a bank loan application, where banks by law are required to do their own independent appraisals.
Is it? What statute is violated?
The only time Trump could be held liable for "exaggerating the worth of his assets" is if he had ever gone public and was selling stock.
He provided that information to banks at which he was applying for a loan. That would be fraud. Then he provided that information to the IRS. That would also be fraud.
He never went public, so the judge is a criminal.
God are you fucking STUPID.
Btw, to all of you who think that you finally got him this time I just got one question for you. How did his mugshot work out for you lot? :p
Obviously, you don't know what is illegal.

Yes I do, and everyone has to intuitively know what is legal or not, since law has to be based on defending inherent rights.
A bank loan evaluation can never possibly be illegal because everyone knows the bank can't use it, and is legally obligated to hire an independent appraiser.

If we did not intuitively know what is legal or not, then we could not be charges with violating the law, since that would make ignorance of the law to be a valid excuse.

Law has to be based on defense of inherent individual rights, and Trump harmed no one with this loan application.
“Behind every successful fortune there is a crime.”

Had He just went about His life and kept His mouth shut, none of this would have come to light.

No sympathy from me.
Donald Trump claimed in a speech on Saturday that, if he loses to Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential race, "You're not gonna have Israel" or the United States anymore.


Trump is insane.

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