911 Commission Report is correct!

Hi Slacker:

The official repoart has been sanctioned by our government and the governments of the word ...

We agree. That is what it means when saying "9/11 Was An INSIDE JOB" (my Blog). I already know for A FACT that Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashscroft, Silverstein, Giuliani, Meyers, the Bush Administration, FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA, and everyone down to the Arlington County Board and Fire Department are GUILTY of murdering innocent Americans 'and' GUILTY of running a deliberate Cover-up Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign that started LONG before 9/11. However, those of you supporting the 9/11 Inside Job are JUST AS GUILTY and worthy of their fate ...


Hi Slacker:

The official repoart has been sanctioned by our government and the governments of the word ...

We agree. That is what it means when saying "9/11 Was An INSIDE JOB" (my Blog). I already know for A FACT that Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashscroft, Silverstein, Giuliani, Meyers, the Bush Administration, FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA, and everyone down to the Arlington County Board and Fire Department are GUILTY of murdering innocent Americans 'and' GUILTY of running a deliberate Cover-up Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign that started LONG before 9/11. However, those of you supporting the 9/11 Inside Job are JUST AS GUILTY and worthy of their fate ...



and your proof is .....where?

That's what I thought, all faith, no proof.
Hi Slacker:

The official repoart has been sanctioned by our government and the governments of the word ...

We agree. That is what it means when saying "9/11 Was An INSIDE JOB" (my Blog). I already know for A FACT that Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashscroft, Silverstein, Giuliani, Meyers, the Bush Administration, FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA, and everyone down to the Arlington County Board and Fire Department are GUILTY of murdering innocent Americans 'and' GUILTY of running a deliberate Cover-up Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign that started LONG before 9/11. However, those of you supporting the 9/11 Inside Job are JUST AS GUILTY and worthy of their fate ...


WOW, thats a LOT of people you implicate there
No question about it. The entire report and all the appendix's are true and simply can not be challenged.

whatever 9/11 apologist.david ray griffins book debunking the 9/11 debunking proves what a fairy tale it is.:cuckoo:
No question about it. The entire report and all the appendix's are true and simply can not be challenged.

It is true as far as it goes.

Unfortunately, they intentionally didn't go further because they wanted to close it quickly, so they left a lot of holes which allow the conspiracy theorists to fill in the gaps and make stuff up in their own heads.

For example, Bush and Cheney should never have been allowed to give their testimony while together in one room, without any recording of their statements and not under oath. Not because they lied.. but because it left an appearance that if they were going to be truthful, why wouldn't they allow themselves to be sworn and give their recorded statements separately?

Prosecution: Objection, Your Honor! The statement is opinionated and leading. Not only is there no evidence that the defendants, President Bush and Vice President Cheney, did not lie - there is no evidence that they even testified to anything!

...and that is why I just laugh to myself when I see these kinds of responses.

I know,they are pretty hysterical arent they?:lol:
Hi Slacker:

The official repoart has been sanctioned by our government and the governments of the word ...

We agree. That is what it means when saying "9/11 Was An INSIDE JOB" (my Blog). I already know for A FACT that Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashscroft, Silverstein, Giuliani, Meyers, the Bush Administration, FBI, CIA, NSA, FEMA, and everyone down to the Arlington County Board and Fire Department are GUILTY of murdering innocent Americans 'and' GUILTY of running a deliberate Cover-up Counterintelligence Disinformation Campaign that started LONG before 9/11. However, those of you supporting the 9/11 Inside Job are JUST AS GUILTY and worthy of their fate ...


WOW, thats a LOT of people you implicate there

I know, everyone in federal state and local government.

These troofers think everyone was involved.
Well if everyone was involved then it makes it official policy.
That's why the troofers are a bunch of treasonous assclowns for osama
Hi Slacker:

There, I left you plenty of room to list your proof that the report is wrong.

Okay hotshot: I have already shown everyone that the 911CR (like the ACAAR) omits the term "explosions," as both bogus documents use the singular term (explosion) exactly six (6) times (#10). Perhaps my distinguished debating adversary lacks the appropriate number of brain cells to understand the ramifications what what this means (Inside Job!!!!). Perhaps you can understand this point that proves beyond all doubt that the 911CR is BOGUS!!!

Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Inside Job

1. 911CR Page 27 (PDF) says:

"At 9:37:46, American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, traveling at approximately 530 miles per hour."
Executive Summary Chronology of a Multiple Hijacking Crisis September 11, 2001 says:

"O932 ATC AEA reports aircraft crashes into west side of Pentagon."
The FAA Timeline says the aircraft crashed into the Pentagon at 9:32 AM, but the 911 Commission Report has the bogus "9:37:46 AM" time almost 6 minutes later!

And, Mr. Slacker :)confused:) will just keep on lying his azz off no matter what ...


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Hi Slacker:

No question about it. The entire report and all the appendix's are true and simply can not be challenged.

Surely you jest! The 911CR and the Arlington County After-Action Report have been keyword sanitized of the term "explosions" that appears in both Officially-sworn Documents exactly ZERO (0) times. Since Americans and so damned STUPID, then this is point #10 on my list of reasons that the USA will certainly be destroyed. The 911CR (what a joke) never mentions WTC-7 once (my Topic) and the "Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job" (my Topic).

The Slacker makes the bold claim that the bogus 911CR is correct, but then offers no claims or evidence to support his abominable thesis and careless conclusions. The 911 Commission was gathered together to cover up the 9/11 Inside Job ... pure and simple ...



The official repoart has been sanctioned by our government and the governments of the word. In addition, Osama took credit for the attacks, lending more credibility to the report.

It's been proven and accepted. It's up to you to prove it wrong if that's your belief.

Whatcha got?

More personal insults perhaps......little else.

its been proven to be lies and propaganda is what its been proven to be and he HAS proven it on many threads he has posted.Not his fault though that your in denial and only see what you want to see.He cant do anything about that.:cuckoo: oh and this proves your clueless and never do any research cause if you did,you would know other goverments around the world think it was an inside job as well.
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How many OCTAs are aware the Report doesn't have any investigations on any of the three Towers?
How many OCTAs are aware the Report doesn't have any investigations on any of the three Towers?
enlighten everyone, what do you believe the charge for the 9/11 commission was?
what were they charged with investigating?
New here and not very knowledgeable on any particular conspiracy theory BUT seen this dvd not long ago that made me really wonder about 911 among other such major events in our past. Can anyone guess the name of the movie?
New here and not very knowledgeable on any particular conspiracy theory BUT seen this dvd not long ago that made me really wonder about 911 among other such major events in our past. Can anyone guess the name of the movie?

War Pigs?

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