911 facts no theories

Here is where most of you draw your problems. Your so busy debunking the theories of what other people drew up instead of looking at the facts of what happened.

Were there bombs in the building?
Who knows. People heard explosions going off before the building collapsed. Firefighters and police, trained proffesionals who KNOW what a freaking explosion is supposed to sound like.

How did they get there?
Again, WHO KNOWS. Who knows HOW those buildings fell, all we know is how they DIDNT and that was deff. not with a weak ass jet fuel fire.

Name ONE instance in history where a building or structure made of steel was brought down by fire. ONE. JUST fire. You cant because it never happened. It takes ALOT of heat to mealt steel, and while jet fuel CAN burn hot enough for it to happen, in order for the building to fall the way it did, that fuel would have had to hit EVERY structure in the entire building including the solid core in the middle. And it would have took ALOT longer for it to happen.

You people need to realize, there is alot of disinfo out there. Peoples testimony, thermite being used, fake planes, missles, that kind of crap that discredits anyone who tries to dig deeper.

If our government came out today and said they were complicit in the attacks, all of you would shrug your shoulders and say "oh well, the middle east still needed to be controlled anyways."

Its sad to see how many people treat politics and world events like a damn football game, where your team always needs to win, whether it be republican, democrat, conservative, liberal, what have you.

We were not told the entire truth of what happened on 9/11, an event that killed innocent civilians and countless members of our armed forces, and your all content with that.


could not have said it better myself.Bravo,:clap2: But look for them to close their eyes and cover their ears over this,your making way too much sense for them to comprehend.:lol:
The only people that believe these crazy 9/11 conspiracy theories are either mentally disturbed or really fucking stupid. Every one of these whacky conspiracy theories have been debunked hundreds of times over.


you mean these crazy 9/11 conspiracy theories like 19 muslins were behind it all? yeah your right,those people are mentally disturbed and really fucking stupid.:cuckoo:
Evidence and facts don't ever matter to either delusional or brainwashed people. There is a huge difference between delusional people and brainwashed people. A delusion is a mental defect that is impossible to cure because the patient can't reason. The brainwashed person is only temporarily rendered delusional. When the brainwashed decides to honestly consider that they might be brainwashed they can and will be cured immediately.

The symptoms of brainwashing are outright stupid statements. It would be difficult and almost impossible to actually find people who are actually that stupid as the brainwashed person sounds. Of course there is no way to reverse a complete imbecile. They are retarded to the point that they can barely learn anything.

The brainwashed victims completely ignore any of the facts. That is exactly what has happened in this case. There is no possibility to have any reasonable argument or disagreement with the victims. Their minds have been locked into the propaganda. That's exactly how the Nazis were able to convince the German people to accept the weird, peculiar, outright crazy behavior of Adolph Hitler who told the German people that they were uniquely exceptional.

America does exactly the same thing over and over again. Its called racism. Of course the racists always deny they are racists except for the outright Aryan Brotherhood, KKK, and neo Nazis. There are a huge number of Black racists too. The simple fact that more than 90% of American Blacks voted for OBAMA is because they are racists.

You hear from white people that there was a giant achievement by America because America elected a Black president. Its no different than having Jackie Robinson finally becoming the first Black major league player. The difference that Jackie Robinson was a spectacular player and Obama is a common idiot and a liar. Of course Obama is very likable and has a very pleasant smile so its hard to see his bizarre judgment.

When Obama refused to join the impeachment of Bush that was a glaring sign for me that Obama could never be trusted. When Obama completely ignored Hillary's crazy lie that she had been shot at while leaving her plane in Bosnia that indicated his stupid judgment and his complete lack of character.

Unfortunately that same lack of character is very prevalent by most Americans. It is inconceivable that when the propaganda media ignored the Bosnia issue the American people went merrily brainwashed on their way. The idea that Hillary is a brilliant politician who decided that people would elect her to be president because she was so brave in Bosnia is ridiculous. Even if she was really brave in Bosnia how does that bravery become a reason to choose her to be president? It doesn't.

Even the Hillary haters never pursued her spectacularly stupid lie about her bravery theory and Obama appointed her to be Secretary of State. In complete contrast to the media conspiracy (they didn't all do the same exact thing by coincidence) of ignoring the crazy liar they went on a tirade about Reverend Wright.

I'll never forget being at my best friend's home when his racist son came there and announced the demise of Obama was going to be Reverend Wright. Until that moment I had never heard of Reverend Wright but I said, "We'll see." As we all now know Reverend Wright completely dominated the news and I saw another sign about Obama who finally ditched his Reverend of 20 years. How can it be possible there is even one American who adamantly believes that Obama is a Muslim when he spent 20 years going to Reverend Wright's church?

There are gigantic reasons and evidence to conclude that Obama has been a disaster for our nation, being a Muslim or being born in a foreign country are outright false but the screwball American nitwits completely ignore the disastrous decision to appoint the same people who destroyed our banking system and our economy. Obama told Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, "Larry did a heck of a job."

Why don't the Republicans point directly at Bernanke, Geithner, and Hillary as the cause for the demise of America? They are directly responsible for the continuation of the wars, the deficit, the jobless, and the foreclosures ejecting millions of American families into the streets. The media never covers the massive bust ups of families and their kids who are being separated from their parents after they are thrown into the street.

All the Republicans ever say is that the bush tax cuts for all the people who earn more than $250,000 need to be extended. That's the direct source for their bribes. The kickback is their adamant protection for the Bush tax cuts for the privileged rich.

The registered independents voted in 6 more Republican Senators and 60 more Republican House seats. The independents can't form a 3rd party because they are brainwashed. They can only vote for either Republicans or Democrats even though they registered independent. That is completely irrational.

as usual,your making wayyy too much sense for them to comprehend.:clap2:
Intense super moderator can't deal with facts. The fire chief's claim the tower fell in 6 seconds is impossible. But if he was right that completely eliminates all resistance and needs a vacuum.

How can all resistance be eliminated without exploding all the columns out of the way simultaneously.

I don't know the motive of fire chief Vincent Dunn but I know his 6 second claim is impossible and the physicist who calculated the precise time at 14.5 seconds recognized that time was slightly more than pure free fall speed.

What is your motive for wanting to believe ridiculous claims by the government and the media. If it was only bin Laden and the 19 hi-jackers why did they confiscate the black boxes, and destroy other physical evidence?

you hang around here long enough,you'll notice the mods and the 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists cant deal with facts,evidence and witness testimonys and can only resort to name calling.

We'll be happy to deal with any facts and evidence you have, if you actually ever come up with any.
10) Some person had to have detonated the explosives. That person had to know there were thousands of people including the first responders in the north and south towers. No people were killed in Building 7.
11) Rigging thousands of explosives would require a team of experts who were maneuvered around the security (The Port Authority Police). It would take a considerable time to rig thousands of explosives.
13) Bush dwelled on 911 and used 911 as his reason to attack Afghanistan and Iraq in addition to many other policies of his.

So they planted explosives all over the place in NYC but wouldn't take the time and care to plant one WMD in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Your story is illogical and flat out stupid.

You're dismissed.


Indeed...We are now expected to believe that arguably the most inept and incompetent US administration in history who couldn't convince the world that Saddam had in his possession all of those non-existent WMDs, were simultaneously the same government who were apparently able to involve thousands of people in the most elaborate cover-up in history.

thats the mistake the Bush dupes always make in their ramblings is that yes Bush is incompetent and inept,everybody knows that, but the neocons in his administration pulling his strings and really running the show.Cheney,Rumsfield,Wolferitz,ect ect are not inept or incompetent.
Its really easy to prove that the media conspired to not publish spectacular facts. If America is worth $6 to you buy THE COMMISSION by Philip Shenon.

Read pages 151 & 152. Shenon reveals, "The warnings were going straight to President Bush each mornings in his briefings by Tenet and in the PDBs."

If you don't know that is way bigger news than Tiger's girl friends then no words can describe you. Words like imbecile, moron, asshole don't come close. Only the brainwashed could deny this fact. You can't put both stories on a scale and weigh them but Bush getting more than 40 warnings is the Atlantic Ocean compared to Tiger's girl friends are you taking a piss in the Atlantic Ocean.

Shenon should have counted the exact number of warnings but more than 40 is a huge number of warnings. See if you're able to focus only on the media cover up. If you can manage to make that obvious conclusion, then you were purposely mislead.

If you can't admit you were purposely mislead by the media you can't possibly conclude you are brainwashed. Denying the obvious is proof. You are delusional. Do you have a mental defect? Probably not but until you are able to examine this simple, crystal clear fact, you are a complete waste of time.

If you read every review posted on Amazon for THE COMMISSION I'm the only review that points out Shenon's cover up. Shenon is the NYT reporter covering the 911 Commission. Shenon had access to all the commissioners, their staffs, and the survivors.

The 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists have no interest in facts.you can refer to them all you want great books out there that debunks the governments theorys and they will ignore your post and and never take you up on that challenge to read that book since they only see what they want to see.you will find that out if you hang out here long enough thats how they are.
Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.

see unlike Gomer Pyle Ollie here,your mature enough to admit that you were brainwashed.Gomer here is too much in denial to admit it.Its too complicated for him to understand that Bush ordered military black ops people to rig the explosives.that makes way too much sense for him to comprehend or understand.:cuckoo:
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So they planted explosives all over the place in NYC but wouldn't take the time and care to plant one WMD in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Your story is illogical and flat out stupid.

You're dismissed.


Indeed...We are now expected to believe that arguably the most inept and incompetent US administration in history who couldn't convince the world that Saddam had in his possession all of those non-existent WMDs, were simultaneously the same government who were apparently able to involve thousands of people in the most elaborate cover-up in history.

thats the mistake the Bush dupes always make in their ramblings is that yes Bush is incompetent and inept,everybody knows that, but the neocons in his administration pulling his strings and really running the show.Cheney,Rumsfield,Wolferitz,ect ect are not inept or incompetent.

And they put together this big scheme of theirs in less than 9 months..... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.

see unlike Gomer Pyle Ollie here,your mature enough to admit that you were brainwashed.Gomer here is too much in denial to admit it.Its too complicated for him to understand that Bush ordered militay black ops people to rig the explosives.that makes way too much sense for him to comprehend or understand.:cuckoo:

Actually the entire purpose of Basic training is to introduce you to a completely different lifestyle than living off of Mommy and Daddy and to teach automatic discipline that will keep you alive on a battlefield. But I don't expect truthers to understand that.
Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.

Lol..So the fact that planes laden with jet fuel that smashed into buildings in which literally hundreds of independent experts contend was the catalyst for bringing them down, were also wired with explosives that nobody witnessed, which were simultaneously charged to explode the moment the planes struck?

Or perhaps you don't believe what billions of people around the world witnessed - namely that planes actually smashed into buildings on 9-11. Perhaps you actually believe it never happened and was thus a kind of mass collective self-induced illusion??

The reality is that EVERY SINGLE theory has been debunked. I refer you to the BBC's excellent 'Conspiracy Files' 9-11 strand of documentaries available on youtube and the excellent debunking911.com website.

it was already mentioned earlier that the explosives didnt have to wired to bring them down and Bush's cousin and brother were in charge of the security so it was easy as hell to do it unbekowest to workers,:cuckoo: and sorry the hundreds of so called independent investigaters you are referring to are actually not independent at all.they have government contracts that if they dont go along with the version of the governments they want us all to hear, and they speak the truth,they lose out on government contracts given to them and have no work.

the reality is every single conspiracy theory of the governments has been debunked,and debunking 911.com is a propaganda piece by the governments,anything that goes along with the governments version is a propaganda piece.:cuckoo: He believes it happened,its just unlike you,he doesnt believe in the fairy tales of the governments that you have let them brainwash you with though.
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Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.

see unlike Gomer Pyle Ollie here,your mature enough to admit that you were brainwashed.Gomer here is too much in denial to admit it.Its too complicated for him to understand that Bush ordered militay black ops people to rig the explosives.that makes way too much sense for him to comprehend or understand.:cuckoo:

Actually the entire purpose of Basic training is to introduce you to a completely different lifestyle than living off of Mommy and Daddy and to teach automatic discipline that will keep you alive on a battlefield. But I don't expect truthers to understand that.

many truthers are men that spent a lot more time on the battlefield than you little Ollie blow-hard so your point is...pointless...and many of us do not require basic training to overcome living off mommy and daddy..lol
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Bush ordered military experts to rig the explosives. Did Osama rig the explosives? Bush is the fucking traitor that you soldier boy are protecting. That means you're a fucking traitor too.

Have you ever heard of an illegal order by the Commander in Chief? He lied you into war if you were in Iraq. Did boot camp brainwash you? That's exactly the purpose of boot camp. I went to Navy boot camp and I got brainwashed. But now I know that.

see unlike Gomer Pyle Ollie here,your mature enough to admit that you were brainwashed.Gomer here is too much in denial to admit it.Its too complicated for him to understand that Bush ordered military black ops people to rig the explosives.that makes way too much sense for him to comprehend or understand.:cuckoo:

Here is what you wrote last week dumbfuck:

.it was a joint venture pulled off by the CIA/MOSSAD.

Who are you going to blame next week? The girl scouts?
Here is where most of you draw your problems. Your so busy debunking the theories of what other people drew up instead of looking at the facts of what happened.

Were there bombs in the building?
Who knows. People heard explosions going off before the building collapsed. Firefighters and police, trained proffesionals who KNOW what a freaking explosion is supposed to sound like.

How did they get there?
Again, WHO KNOWS. Who knows HOW those buildings fell, all we know is how they DIDNT and that was deff. not with a weak ass jet fuel fire.

Name ONE instance in history where a building or structure made of steel was brought down by fire. ONE. JUST fire. You cant because it never happened. It takes ALOT of heat to mealt steel, and while jet fuel CAN burn hot enough for it to happen, in order for the building to fall the way it did, that fuel would have had to hit EVERY structure in the entire building including the solid core in the middle. And it would have took ALOT longer for it to happen.

You people need to realize, there is alot of disinfo out there. Peoples testimony, thermite being used, fake planes, missles, that kind of crap that discredits anyone who tries to dig deeper.

If our government came out today and said they were complicit in the attacks, all of you would shrug your shoulders and say "oh well, the middle east still needed to be controlled anyways."

Its sad to see how many people treat politics and world events like a damn football game, where your team always needs to win, whether it be republican, democrat, conservative, liberal, what have you.

We were not told the entire truth of what happened on 9/11, an event that killed innocent civilians and countless members of our armed forces, and your all content with that.


could not have said it better myself.Bravo,:clap2: But look for them to close their eyes and cover their ears over this,your making way too much sense for them to comprehend.:lol:

You're right; you couldn't have said it better; neither one of your present a single fact; ever.

see unlike Gomer Pyle Ollie here,your mature enough to admit that you were brainwashed.Gomer here is too much in denial to admit it.Its too complicated for him to understand that Bush ordered militay black ops people to rig the explosives.that makes way too much sense for him to comprehend or understand.:cuckoo:

Actually the entire purpose of Basic training is to introduce you to a completely different lifestyle than living off of Mommy and Daddy and to teach automatic discipline that will keep you alive on a battlefield. But I don't expect truthers to understand that.

many truthers are men that spent a lot more time on the battlefield than you little Ollie blow-hard so your point is...pointless...and many of us do not require basic training to overcome living off mommy and daddy..lol

Being that I have never mentioned how much battlefield time I have, how would you know that? You see unlike some I have never talked about where I was and when I was there. I have mentioned that I was the Operations Sergeant in a training company though, So I think I might just know the purpose of initial military training. Just maybe. I suppose there may be a possibility that you know more about that than I do, but it is highly unlikely.
Actually the entire purpose of Basic training is to introduce you to a completely different lifestyle than living off of Mommy and Daddy and to teach automatic discipline that will keep you alive on a battlefield. But I don't expect truthers to understand that.

many truthers are men that spent a lot more time on the battlefield than you little Ollie blow-hard so your point is...pointless...and many of us do not require basic training to overcome living off mommy and daddy..lol

Being that I have never mentioned how much battlefield time I have, how would you know that? You see unlike some I have never talked about where I was and when I was there. I have mentioned that I was the Operations Sergeant in a training company though, So I think I might just know the purpose of initial military training. Just maybe. I suppose there may be a possibility that you know more about that than I do, but it is highly unlikely.

I think what he meant to say is most turthers never overcome dependency.
many truthers are men that spent a lot more time on the battlefield than you little Ollie blow-hard so your point is...pointless...and many of us do not require basic training to overcome living off mommy and daddy..lol

Being that I have never mentioned how much battlefield time I have, how would you know that? You see unlike some I have never talked about where I was and when I was there. I have mentioned that I was the Operations Sergeant in a training company though, So I think I might just know the purpose of initial military training. Just maybe. I suppose there may be a possibility that you know more about that than I do, but it is highly unlikely.

I think what he meant to say is most turthers never overcome dependency.

regardless it is a baseless and pointless statement
Mr. Gamolon:

You asked five questions in response to my post and I will try to answer them for you. To keep this post short, I will not copy everything again. Your reply post is #235 in this thread.

1) Ejected. You use the term ejected. Can you please supply me with video showing these 4-ton sections of perimeter columns being "ejected" at 50 miles an hour sideways? Can you also tell me how much explosives would be needed to eject a 4 ton steel component 600 feet AND to get it to go 50 miles per hour in a fraction of a second? I have video of the perimeter columns falling sideways in sections.

Answer: I would like to see your videos of these column sections if they are of the ones that landed 600 feet away from the Twin Towers. The following is a link to a good explanation of the forces that were needed to eject the four-ton perimeter column section. David Chandler estimates that it would be approximately the same force as shooting a 200 pound cannonball 12 miles. The specific question about "how much explosives would be needed to eject..." is not something I can answer. It would, of course, depend upon the characteristics of the explosive material, where it was located in relationship to the perimeter column section that is ejected, how many other pieces were ejected at the same time, were the perimeter columns still attached or were they severed (or weakened with thermite) etc, etc, etc. In the end, the question really isn't important (other than the very imprecise word "lots" would have been needed). The important point is that there was a lot more energy to eject these column sections that was available in a gravitational only collapse.

2) I used 1300 feet as an example. Your 600 foot landing location of ejected steel means that it could have toppled from about halfway up the tower.

Answer: You are indeed correct. So lets say that the pivot point for a 600-foot long wall section that is detached from the floor structure so that it can "just fall away." So lets think back to some movies we have all seen where the enemy is storming a castle with ladders (OK ... Lord of the Rings .. Part II ... The Two Towers ... the battle scenes at Helms Deep). When the ladder is pushed away from the battlement, the top slowly accelerates and begins to pick-up speed. It very visible to watch the top of the ladder arc and fall over. Since those walls were probably 80 feet, now imagine a ladder eight time longer (640 feet). The time for the top to arc would be even longer because of the distances. The wall falling with such a long, intact, rigid pivot point would be really, really noticeable in every video. But we don't see anything like that at all.

3) The bolded part. What are THEY not providing support FOR?

Answer: The remaining structure below the 30-floor section is not providing support for the 30-floor section above. This is important because the 30-floor section above had rotated 22 degrees around a pivot point near the 80th floor. Now we need to make an assumption. We need to assume that the top 30-floor section is disconnected from the structure below. (Note: if it were still connected, then the top section would still be supported and could not begin to descend, or at least it would start to sag and slowly deform ... or parts would fall off … but this is not what we see). Next, if the structure below was providing any upward support then the disconnected top floors of the 30-floor section would pivot (like the ladder at Helms Deep, above) and continue rotating faster than the bottom floors of the 30-floor section and it would topple over the side. IT would be a damaged, but structurally intact 30-floor section. This large chunk falling over the side in a gravity collapse would be very visible. But we don’t see this. What we see is the building start to descend straight down through where the supporting structure used to be. In order for rotation of the 30-floor section to not continue to accelerate, the top and bottom floors need to experience the same downward forces; this can only happen if nothing is supporting the bottom floors. The only way these could not be supported is if the lower structure cannot provide support. This can only happen if explosives destroyed the structure of the (previously) supporting floors.

4) Do you have proof that the floors were being destroyed BEFORE the top block got to them?
Answer: The physics described above should be enough of an answer.

5) We'll have to discuss this further. I would like to see your other examples of this "energetic" help.
If you watch this video that is looking up under the debris cloud, you will see the floors symmetric being energetically destroyed floor-by-floor. This is in response to the top 30 floors falling off to one side? Nope ... controlled demolition.
Mr. Gamolon:

You asked five questions in response to my post and I will try to answer them for you. To keep this post short, I will not copy everything again. Your reply post is #235 in this thread.

1) Ejected. You use the term ejected. Can you please supply me with video showing these 4-ton sections of perimeter columns being "ejected" at 50 miles an hour sideways? Can you also tell me how much explosives would be needed to eject a 4 ton steel component 600 feet AND to get it to go 50 miles per hour in a fraction of a second? I have video of the perimeter columns falling sideways in sections.

Answer: I would like to see your videos of these column sections if they are of the ones that landed 600 feet away from the Twin Towers. The following is a link to a good explanation of the forces that were needed to eject the four-ton perimeter column section. David Chandler estimates that it would be approximately the same force as shooting a 200 pound cannonball 12 miles. The specific question about "how much explosives would be needed to eject..." is not something I can answer. It would, of course, depend upon the characteristics of the explosive material, where it was located in relationship to the perimeter column section that is ejected, how many other pieces were ejected at the same time, were the perimeter columns still attached or were they severed (or weakened with thermite) etc, etc, etc. In the end, the question really isn't important (other than the very imprecise word "lots" would have been needed). The important point is that there was a lot more energy to eject these column sections that was available in a gravitational only collapse.
Kinetic energy is being overlooked. Especially the energies created by a mass of 30 some floors falling down.

2) I used 1300 feet as an example. Your 600 foot landing location of ejected steel means that it could have toppled from about halfway up the tower.

Answer: You are indeed correct. So lets say that the pivot point for a 600-foot long wall section that is detached from the floor structure so that it can "just fall away." So lets think back to some movies we have all seen where the enemy is storming a castle with ladders (OK ... Lord of the Rings .. Part II ... The Two Towers ... the battle scenes at Helms Deep). When the ladder is pushed away from the battlement, the top slowly accelerates and begins to pick-up speed. It very visible to watch the top of the ladder arc and fall over. Since those walls were probably 80 feet, now imagine a ladder eight time longer (640 feet). The time for the top to arc would be even longer because of the distances. The wall falling with such a long, intact, rigid pivot point would be really, really noticeable in every video. But we don't see anything like that at all.
Its a movie.
No kidding.

3) The bolded part. What are THEY not providing support FOR?

Answer: The remaining structure below the 30-floor section is not providing support for the 30-floor section above. This is important because the 30-floor section above had rotated 22 degrees around a pivot point near the 80th floor. Now we need to make an assumption. We need to assume that the top 30-floor section is disconnected from the structure below. (Note: if it were still connected, then the top section would still be supported and could not begin to descend, or at least it would start to sag and slowly deform ... or parts would fall off … but this is not what we see). Next, if the structure below was providing any upward support then the disconnected top floors of the 30-floor section would pivot (like the ladder at Helms Deep, above) and continue rotating faster than the bottom floors of the 30-floor section and it would topple over the side. IT would be a damaged, but structurally intact 30-floor section. This large chunk falling over the side in a gravity collapse would be very visible. But we don’t see this. What we see is the building start to descend straight down through where the supporting structure used to be. In order for rotation of the 30-floor section to not continue to accelerate, the top and bottom floors need to experience the same downward forces; this can only happen if nothing is supporting the bottom floors. The only way these could not be supported is if the lower structure cannot provide support. This can only happen if explosives destroyed the structure of the (previously) supporting floors.
Your assumptions are asinine.

4) Do you have proof that the floors were being destroyed BEFORE the top block got to them?
Answer: The physics described above should be enough of an answer.
In other words, no.

5) We'll have to discuss this further. I would like to see your other examples of this "energetic" help.
If you watch this video that is looking up under the debris cloud, you will see the floors symmetric being energetically destroyed floor-by-floor. This is in response to the top 30 floors falling off to one side? Nope ... controlled demolition.

Tell us your story about how they wired 220 floors for controlled demolition without anybody noticing. Also enlighten us on to why "they" would do all of that planting of explosives or thermite and not plant a WMD in Iraq or Afghanistan to prove they were correct in attacking the countries.

Good luck.

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