911 facts no theories

more bullshit from Mr Jones
did you notice in that first video the guy was "trapped on the 8th floor for an HOUR AND A HALF AFTER he heard the "explosion"?

and did you notice the building didn't start to collapse when the "explosive sound" was heard?

none of that supports a controlled demolition
and that third video, the first building was of greatly DIFFERENT construction and that part that was of similar construct DID collapse

you troofer morons are some of the biggest fucking morons on the internet
Hey divecont, it's not me saying this stuff, I am simply referring people to others who have, and it's on tape, and documented. So go and say bullshit to them, and I didn't start the alternative 9-11 theories, and I wasn't one of the people who started to question the inconsistencies in the official story, but I'm glad there were and brought it to the publics attention because I can see through the bull shit, and yours. You are a petty useless poster on here, and rather pathetic, you offer nothing useful here, and I am starting to believe that you crave attention in the form of responses from me, which is scary and sad. I think you have to be over 13 to post here? Does your mom and dad know your even on here?
no, it is YOU taking what THEY said and trying to make it something they DIDN'T say you sack of shit
.... And still there are no sounds that connect to controlled demolition.
I don't know if that is accurate...


And what the hell is this?



Ever heard and seen a controlled demolition? I thought not.
Woah, You didn't even give me a chance to answer you with the " I thought not" remark. Hell yes I've seen and heard a controlled demolition, more then once. They paved the way for new buildings right down the street from my home years ago. Not to mention all the times on the tv. We've all seen those right? That's another reason why I, from a personal viewpoint, was shocked to see the similarities of what I saw on 9-11. As a matter of fact I knew a man who owns a demolition company, he has a side business selling memorabilia he took from the buildings, a real pack rat who should be on the hoarders tv show. It's like a museum walking in his business. Anyway, the whole thing just doesn't look right, the buildings fell too fast, even if it wasn't at free fall speed the entire way down, and the way the investigation was handled, and the way the evidence was swiftly hauled away, and the way the gov. didn't even want to look into it so as to provide undisputed proof that the people they blamed for it, did indeed do it, it doesn't make them look credible.
Woah, You didn't even give me a chance to answer you with the " I thought not" remark. Hell yes I've seen and heard a controlled demolition, more then once. They paved the way for new buildings right down the street from my home years ago. Not to mention all the times on the tv. We've all seen those right? That's another reason why I, from a personal viewpoint, was shocked to see the similarities of what I saw on 9-11. As a matter of fact I knew a man who owns a demolition company, he has a side business selling memorabilia he took from the buildings, a real pack rat who should be on the hoarders tv show. It's like a museum walking in his business. Anyway, the whole thing just doesn't look right, the buildings fell too fast, even if it wasn't at free fall speed the entire way down, and the way the investigation was handled, and the way the evidence was swiftly hauled away, and the way the gov. didn't even want to look into it so as to provide undisputed proof that the people they blamed for it, did indeed do it, it doesn't make them look credible.
ok, how fast SHOULD they have fallen?
more bullshit from Mr Jones
did you notice in that first video the guy was "trapped on the 8th floor for an HOUR AND A HALF AFTER he heard the "explosion"?

and did you notice the building didn't start to collapse when the "explosive sound" was heard?

none of that supports a controlled demolition
and that third video, the first building was of greatly DIFFERENT construction and that part that was of similar construct DID collapse

you troofer morons are some of the biggest fucking morons on the internet
Hey divecont, it's not me saying this stuff, I am simply referring people to others who have, and it's on tape, and documented. So go and say bullshit to them, and I didn't start the alternative 9-11 theories, and I wasn't one of the people who started to question the inconsistencies in the official story, but I'm glad there were and brought it to the publics attention because I can see through the bull shit, and yours. You are a petty useless poster on here, and rather pathetic, you offer nothing useful here, and I am starting to believe that you crave attention in the form of responses from me, which is scary and sad. I think you have to be over 13 to post here? Does your mom and dad know your even on here?
no, it is YOU taking what THEY said and trying to make it something they DIDN'T say you sack of shit
Such as what divecunt? What am I saying that "THEY said and trying to make it something they DIDN'T "?
Name 1 thing asshole.
Ever heard and seen a controlled demolition? I thought not.
Woah, You didn't even give me a chance to answer you with the " I thought not" remark. Hell yes I've seen and heard a controlled demolition, more then once. They paved the way for new buildings right down the street from my home years ago. Not to mention all the times on the tv. We've all seen those right? That's another reason why I, from a personal viewpoint, was shocked to see the similarities of what I saw on 9-11. As a matter of fact I knew a man who owns a demolition company, he has a side business selling memorabilia he took from the buildings, a real pack rat who should be on the hoarders tv show. It's like a museum walking in his business. Anyway, the whole thing just doesn't look right, the buildings fell too fast, even if it wasn't at free fall speed the entire way down, and the way the investigation was handled, and the way the evidence was swiftly hauled away, and the way the gov. didn't even want to look into it so as to provide undisputed proof that the people they blamed for it, did indeed do it, it doesn't make them look credible.
ok, how fast SHOULD they have fallen?
SLOWER dick breath.
Woah, You didn't even give me a chance to answer you with the " I thought not" remark. Hell yes I've seen and heard a controlled demolition, more then once. They paved the way for new buildings right down the street from my home years ago. Not to mention all the times on the tv. We've all seen those right? That's another reason why I, from a personal viewpoint, was shocked to see the similarities of what I saw on 9-11. As a matter of fact I knew a man who owns a demolition company, he has a side business selling memorabilia he took from the buildings, a real pack rat who should be on the hoarders tv show. It's like a museum walking in his business. Anyway, the whole thing just doesn't look right, the buildings fell too fast, even if it wasn't at free fall speed the entire way down, and the way the investigation was handled, and the way the evidence was swiftly hauled away, and the way the gov. didn't even want to look into it so as to provide undisputed proof that the people they blamed for it, did indeed do it, it doesn't make them look credible.
ok, how fast SHOULD they have fallen?
SLOWER dick breath.
dont project your fantasies onto me shit head
and i guess that gravity should have had less of an effect on the WTC than every other building

well, according to dipshit jones
Woah, You didn't even give me a chance to answer you with the " I thought not" remark. Hell yes I've seen and heard a controlled demolition, more then once. They paved the way for new buildings right down the street from my home years ago. Not to mention all the times on the tv. We've all seen those right? That's another reason why I, from a personal viewpoint, was shocked to see the similarities of what I saw on 9-11. As a matter of fact I knew a man who owns a demolition company, he has a side business selling memorabilia he took from the buildings, a real pack rat who should be on the hoarders tv show. It's like a museum walking in his business. Anyway, the whole thing just doesn't look right, the buildings fell too fast, even if it wasn't at free fall speed the entire way down, and the way the investigation was handled, and the way the evidence was swiftly hauled away, and the way the gov. didn't even want to look into it so as to provide undisputed proof that the people they blamed for it, did indeed do it, it doesn't make them look credible.

SO you've heard controlled demolitions but you think the collapses on 9-11 were similar?

I would check in with an audiologist if I were you.
That is one of my problems with building 7. because of the smoke we never see the southern side of the building where there were reports that up to 10 floors were 25% ripped out. And still there are no sounds that connect to controlled demolition.

this is in complete contradiction with the findings of NIST lil Ollie...when are you going too get that through your head ??

Eots I have never claimed to agree 100% with the NIST or the 911 CR. But that doesn't mean I think there were any controlled demolitions either.

but it means that you reject the data that allows the computer simulation to function and create a global collapse..if you disagree with this you you reject the only theory that NIST was able to create in 8 years that could remotely come close to explain a collapse of this nature
Ever heard and seen a controlled demolition? I thought not.
Woah, You didn't even give me a chance to answer you with the " I thought not" remark. Hell yes I've seen and heard a controlled demolition, more then once. They paved the way for new buildings right down the street from my home years ago. Not to mention all the times on the tv. We've all seen those right? That's another reason why I, from a personal viewpoint, was shocked to see the similarities of what I saw on 9-11. As a matter of fact I knew a man who owns a demolition company, he has a side business selling memorabilia he took from the buildings, a real pack rat who should be on the hoarders tv show. It's like a museum walking in his business. Anyway, the whole thing just doesn't look right, the buildings fell too fast, even if it wasn't at free fall speed the entire way down, and the way the investigation was handled, and the way the evidence was swiftly hauled away, and the way the gov. didn't even want to look into it so as to provide undisputed proof that the people they blamed for it, did indeed do it, it doesn't make them look credible.

SO you've heard controlled demolitions but you think the collapses on 9-11 were similar?

I would check in with an audiologist if I were you.

again you disregards NIST theory that says a single blast to column 79 could create a progressive collapse
Woah, You didn't even give me a chance to answer you with the " I thought not" remark. Hell yes I've seen and heard a controlled demolition, more then once. They paved the way for new buildings right down the street from my home years ago. Not to mention all the times on the tv. We've all seen those right? That's another reason why I, from a personal viewpoint, was shocked to see the similarities of what I saw on 9-11. As a matter of fact I knew a man who owns a demolition company, he has a side business selling memorabilia he took from the buildings, a real pack rat who should be on the hoarders tv show. It's like a museum walking in his business. Anyway, the whole thing just doesn't look right, the buildings fell too fast, even if it wasn't at free fall speed the entire way down, and the way the investigation was handled, and the way the evidence was swiftly hauled away, and the way the gov. didn't even want to look into it so as to provide undisputed proof that the people they blamed for it, did indeed do it, it doesn't make them look credible.

SO you've heard controlled demolitions but you think the collapses on 9-11 were similar?

I would check in with an audiologist if I were you.

again you disregards NIST theory that says a single blast to column 79 could create a progressive collapse

the NIST has a theory that a single blast could create a progressive collapse?

source please!! :lol:


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i have given you the source over and over and your question shows your complete lack of understanding of the nist progressive collapse theory


that doesnt say what you claimed

what a shock

it says exactly what I claim.. If column 79 was blasted the collapse would occur but they claim the noise would be to great "as loud as a shot gun blast" and that was not heard or reported... Therefore it never happened
Building 7 dropped in 6.5 seconds at free fall speed and the towers dropped at 14.5 seconds 1.5 seconds slower than free fall speed.

Measuring free fall speed is not simple. Timing the actual speed of the free fall takes a precise measurement of the time of the fall.

See and hear the analysis.

To learn all the technical facts measured by architects and engineers see the ae911truth.org website. That's if you want to learn. Learning with an open mind will completely destroy the propaganda brainwashing. To not want to know the truth about 911 is the height of wanting to remain being manipulated and brainwashed.
That is one of my problems with building 7. because of the smoke we never see the southern side of the building where there were reports that up to 10 floors were 25% ripped out. And still there are no sounds that connect to controlled demolition.

this is in complete contradiction with the findings of NIST lil Ollie...when are you going too get that through your head ??

Eots I have never claimed to agree 100% with the NIST or the 911 CR. But that doesn't mean I think there were any controlled demolitions either.

I wanted to say "Thank You" Ollie. Thank you for your service. I imagine that, at times, when you read what some say here you really have to wonder, "This is what I fought for?"
They didn't need to plant anything, anywhere in Afghanistan or Iraq, the war was on and there was no turning back, and nothing could be done about it, nor was when they didn't find any.

I detailed why they would have done it if they were corrupt as you fantasize them being.

Silliest statement ever. Not sure what your authors were smoking at the time but it's probably illegal everywhere except Cali.

There would be no risk to planting WMDs in either place. Even moreso there would be no risk compared to the risk of planting anything in the towers, in Virginia, or Pennsylvania where there would be multiple jurisdictions and multiple investigators. That wouldn't be the case in the Middle East. Whoeve said it would be "far too risky" is either an idiot or simply ignorant of reality.

You believe what he hell you want, I'm not making this stuff up and pleading with you to believe it.

I believe the 9/11 Commission Report. Feel free to regale us with your version of events. We both know you won't because if you take a stand, you will have to defend it. So we all know you won't because you have to be able to change your story.
Fact is they didn't because they felt they didn't need to. But at least you wonder why they didn't, that's a start in the right direction, asking, wondering, good for you!
My version of events contains all the things your version contains, except to me there are too many unanswered questions, and I feel it is too important to just dismiss, as do 54% of people polled world wide. Why do you think that is?

Once again, you mis-interpret what was written.

I'm absolutely not wondering. I know no explosives were planted at WTC because no WMD were planted in Iraq. One wouldn't have happened without the other.

54% worldwide? Bullshit.

Considering theres 6 Billion people in the world, most speak no English much less have even heard of the 9/11 Commission Report. Your 54% figure is a canard.

Curious; what "unanswered" questions are still out there?
this is in complete contradiction with the findings of nist lil ollie...when are you going too get that through your head ??

eots i have never claimed to agree 100% with the nist or the 911 cr. But that doesn't mean i think there were any controlled demolitions either.

i wanted to say "thank you" ollie. Thank you for your service. I imagine that, at times, when you read what some say here you really have to wonder, "this is what i fought for?"

ollie worked for a pay day and a pension
Woah, You didn't even give me a chance to answer you with the " I thought not" remark. Hell yes I've seen and heard a controlled demolition, more then once. They paved the way for new buildings right down the street from my home years ago. Not to mention all the times on the tv. We've all seen those right? That's another reason why I, from a personal viewpoint, was shocked to see the similarities of what I saw on 9-11. As a matter of fact I knew a man who owns a demolition company, he has a side business selling memorabilia he took from the buildings, a real pack rat who should be on the hoarders tv show. It's like a museum walking in his business. Anyway, the whole thing just doesn't look right, the buildings fell too fast, even if it wasn't at free fall speed the entire way down, and the way the investigation was handled, and the way the evidence was swiftly hauled away, and the way the gov. didn't even want to look into it so as to provide undisputed proof that the people they blamed for it, did indeed do it, it doesn't make them look credible.

SO you've heard controlled demolitions but you think the collapses on 9-11 were similar?

I would check in with an audiologist if I were you.

again you disregards NIST theory that says a single blast to column 79 could create a progressive collapse

Not exactly. Along with that single blast there would have had to been the massive fire damage that was done first. I hope there are no high rise buildings that can be brought down by taking out only one column. There had better be a whole lot more damage than just that.
eots i have never claimed to agree 100% with the nist or the 911 cr. But that doesn't mean i think there were any controlled demolitions either.

i wanted to say "thank you" ollie. Thank you for your service. I imagine that, at times, when you read what some say here you really have to wonder, "this is what i fought for?"

ollie worked for a pay day and a pension

Yep, I only care about me, that's why I still serve in veterans organizations. That's why I do volunteer work at a veterans service office and a veterans clinic. Because I worked only for a payday and a pension. Yep damn you got me figured out.

Dumb ass.

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