911 Truth and the American Way of Life (AWOL)


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California

"Confessions of a Secret Controlled Demolitions Special Operative for 911


Manuel Garcia, Jr claims to have earned a Physics Ph.D from an Ivy League University after being recruited into a Nuclear Weapons Program a few years earlier.

For the better part of two decades Garcia worked on Top Secret projects in the vast MX Underground Weapons Manufacturing Complex(MXUWMC)

By July 4th, 2000 he was laid off and effectively retired when Garcia was contacted by a former colleague ("Keith") with an offer many "patriots" would find difficult to refuse:

‘Keith’ had been tasked to bring me a very tasty offer for getting back into the Deep State fast action high tech world I had been so enthralled by.

"The project was being run by Dick Cheney, and its purpose was to reshape the World Order to secure another century of US control. How could I say no?, plus, the pay was astronomical (and thanks to the US taxpayers!).

"And that is how I was recruited into the most complex US false flag operation in history: the secret controlled demolition of the World Trade Center: a cover for launching the Global War On Terror, which is really the War For Complete National Control and World Domination, though of course they never call it that or let any of that phraseology appear in any written memo or in any electronic file.

"Those of us who already had long histories of working deeply in dark government programs all knew the drill about 'security.'"
Dick Cheney

"None of us had any moral qualms about this work because we all knew GWOT911 (yeah, another of our ’spoken only’ acronyms) was a necessary operation to insure the best for the continuation of the American Way Of Life.

"That phrase meant a lot to us, and we would refer to it affectionately amongst ourselves as AWOL — really,

"I’m not kidding. I guess we all believed the operation would be carried out at night on a long holiday weekend when the WTC buildings would be empty.

"But, hey, you know how it is, people always believe the best about themselves and about what they are doing."
"When it came time to select Emplacement Teams (ETs), I was selected as the 'physics lead' for Team 6, and I got Keith’ as the 'muscle' leader for my team.

"My small platoon comprised of 20 people; the other 18 were a mix of demolition emplacement techs, electronics and circuitry interruption specialists, and security troopers like ‘Keith’. This was exciting adrenaline-pumping work.

"In less than two weeks, staged as HVAC, plumbing, elevator, and electrical conduit repairmen working through the Labor Day weekend of 2001, all our teams got the WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 wired for demolition.

"Then we were sent home and scattered, without knowing the date of execution or even if the operation would actually be carried out."

Confessions of a Secret Controlled Demolitions Special Operative for 911

Hypothetically, assume Garcia is telling the truth.
Which is the greater crime, the actual demolition of the Citadel of Capitalism or its coverup?
Hypothetically, assume Garcia is telling the truth.
Which is the greater crime, the actual demolition of the Citadel of Capitalism or its coverup?

I'm not sure that can be answered.

So many did not know they were covering it up. They were, and, like so many that have come and gone, and are still on this forum, called useful idiots.

I am, to this day, nearly convinced, that Bush himself did not know the full details. And, there is pretty good evidence that there was some double agents of Al Qaeda involved for plausible deniability.

So? Who can say who knew what?

It is like the JFK assassination. They subcontracted out several Deep State organizations, some had real bullets, some had fake. . . so who knows who did the deed?

And even this. . . this piece you found, it also could be more misinformation, or disinformation, it is one more way to bury truth. Sure, it is pretty obvious at this point that the official story is crap, but the more the establishment obfuscates the facts and the truth, the more the guilty will never be held to account for the events, and the subsequent results of those events.

. . . hell, I even witnessed such a thing go on in the months after the bullshit Covid crap and Event 201. And we all have seen them switch positions on so many things with this narrative, it makes you head spin. Even to the point of redefining what words even mean.

This is the best way these genocidal maniacs have to escape eventual justice. I think they really got a dose of reality and learned a lot of lessons with the Nuremberg Trials. Usually, even the elites, if they are losers of a war, don't get hung or prosecuted for war crimes. They didn't after WWI. . . and that was nearly as horrific. And they didn't with all the other subsequent genocides.

This is just a way to muddy the waters so nothing can ever be nailed down.

"Confessions of a Secret Controlled Demolitions Special Operative for 911


Manuel Garcia, Jr claims to have earned a Physics Ph.D from an Ivy League University after being recruited into a Nuclear Weapons Program a few years earlier.

For the better part of two decades Garcia worked on Top Secret projects in the vast MX Underground Weapons Manufacturing Complex(MXUWMC)

By July 4th, 2000 he was laid off and effectively retired when Garcia was contacted by a former colleague ("Keith") with an offer many "patriots" would find difficult to refuse:

‘Keith’ had been tasked to bring me a very tasty offer for getting back into the Deep State fast action high tech world I had been so enthralled by.

"The project was being run by Dick Cheney, and its purpose was to reshape the World Order to secure another century of US control. How could I say no?, plus, the pay was astronomical (and thanks to the US taxpayers!).

"And that is how I was recruited into the most complex US false flag operation in history: the secret controlled demolition of the World Trade Center: a cover for launching the Global War On Terror, which is really the War For Complete National Control and World Domination, though of course they never call it that or let any of that phraseology appear in any written memo or in any electronic file.

"Those of us who already had long histories of working deeply in dark government programs all knew the drill about 'security.'"

What most truthers themselves are not even aware of is that there were no planes that hit the towers. an airliner cannot just go through a steel framed building and disapear out the opposite side as seen in some videos,that is completely impossible,only in cartoon does that happen.:auiqs.jpg:

Here is the other thing,planes suffer MAJOR DAMAGE just by having a bird hit their plane.Look at these photos here what happened to these planes yet they are trying to tell us these planes that get badly damaged by mere birds somehow penetrated a steel framed building. That would work in a fairy tale maybe.:auiqs.jpg: the shills from langley can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. you can tell they are indeed paid shills when they play dodgeball with that fact.

I have another video that proves it as well I cant find at the moment but Ill post it tomorrow.


Indeed.:thup::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Fetzer has done it again.:thup:
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"When it came time to select Emplacement Teams (ETs), I was selected as the 'physics lead' for Team 6, and I got Keith’ as the 'muscle' leader for my team.

"My small platoon comprised of 20 people; the other 18 were a mix of demolition emplacement techs, electronics and circuitry interruption specialists, and security troopers like ‘Keith’. This was exciting adrenaline-pumping work.

"In less than two weeks, staged as HVAC, plumbing, elevator, and electrical conduit repairmen working through the Labor Day weekend of 2001, all our teams got the WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 wired for demolition.

"Then we were sent home and scattered, without knowing the date of execution or even if the operation would actually be carried out."

Confessions of a Secret Controlled Demolitions Special Operative for 911

Hypothetically, assume Garcia is telling the truth.
Which is the greater crime, the actual demolition of the Citadel of Capitalism or its coverup?

Like i said,the shills that have penetrated this site can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are after you took them to school demolitions brought down the towers. :auiqs.jpg:

Here is another excellent video nobody has ever been able to counter that gives 100% absolute proof demolitions brought down the towers.

NOBODY ever has any answers for it or has ever been able to debunk it,they just do the convient thing by ignoring it and slinging insults and name calling everytime.
I'm not sure that can be answered.

So many did not know they were covering it up. They were, and, like so many that have come and gone, and are still on this forum, called useful idiots.
The author of my link was recruited to refute 911 Truthers in the wake of the attack:

Confessions of a Secret Controlled Demolitions Special Operative for 911

"So I was recruited to become one of many 'internet influencers' tasked with thwarting the messaging that had started coming out of what soon became known as the ‘truther community.’

"For me this was easy work at first, but it soon became boring.

"Like gravity, the truthers just never quit.":D
And even this. . . this piece you found, it also could be more misinformation, or disinformation, it is one more way to bury truth. Sure, it is pretty obvious at this point that the official story is crap,
I have my doubts about Garcia as well.
He claims he decided to provide this history because of a recent medical diagnosis:

Confessions of a Secret Controlled Demolitions Special Operative for 911

"Then this year I got a medical diagnosis, and my long view into the future collapsed (another controlled demolition) into a much shorter timeline.

"I’m not a praying kind of guy, I like to think of myself as a realist who is logical — and moral. So I came to the conviction to 'spill the beans.'

"Why not, what can they do to me now?

"And who cares anyway?

"Nobody pays attention, nobody notices anything, nobody listens to anybody, and everyone is their own expert who does their own research: usually on the toilet with a smartphone."

Garcia's appraisal of the Official Story of 911 is fully consistent with my own:

"The problem for the GWOT911 Directorate was that 300 million Americans, and billions of people worldwide, had seen the Twin Towers and Building 7 fall on TV, and they all just knew that these had to be controlled demolitions (I mean, you can see it, right?

"Who believes you need an engineering degree to think differently?).

"And besides, no one in America was believing that 'Arabs in caves' could conceive of and then execute such a daring and devastating operation on American soil."
What most truthers themselves are not even aware of is that there were no planes that hit the towers. an airliner cannot just go through a steel framed building and disapear out the opposite side as seen in some videos,that is completely impossible,only in cartoon does that happen.:auiqs.jpg:

Here is the other thing,planes suffer MAJOR DAMAGE just by having a bird hit their plane.Look at these photos here what happened to these planes yet they are trying to tell us these planes that get badly damaged by mere birds somehow penetrated a steel framed building. That would work in a fairy tale maybe.:auiqs.jpg: the shills from langley can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. you can tell they are indeed paid shills when they play dodgeball with that fact.

I have another video that proves it as well I cant find at the moment but Ill post it tomorrow.

View attachment 534204

Indeed.:thup::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: Fetzer has done it again.:thup:
Your complete lack of any innate understanding of physics is astounding.

I bet you are very accident prone.

This is heavy.

[..... I guess we all believed the operation would be carried out at night on a long holiday weekend when the WTC buildings would be empty.....]
I have always struggled to wrap my mind around the possible consequences of such a major act of treason if an overwhelming majority of Americans became convinced 911 was an inside job.

The polarization of this society is so intense at this time, I really have no idea who Americans would blame if the "Spectacle" actually happened the way Garcia alleges:

Confessions of a Secret Controlled Demolitions Special Operative for 911

"The GWOT911 Directorate realized that they needed to ramp up and maintain a long-term undercover disinformation program to confuse the public and keep a lid on the real purpose of the 911 ‘Spectacle’ (that’s what we GWOT911 insiders call the events known to the public as 'September 11': 'the Spectacle'), and ‘Keith’ had been sent to retrieve me for induction into that effort."
Could be. But not as far-fetched as believing the towers collapsing the way they did was normal without use of controlled demolition to take out the core columns.

There was no controlled demolition. The towers were simply too damaged by the plane crashes to stand anymore. No controlled demolition needed.

There was no controlled demolition. The towers were simply too damaged by the plane crashes to stand anymore. No controlled demolition needed.
It's not obvious to everyone , but you don't know what you're talkin about..... all due respect.
I'm going to be better than you on guitar soon, and your name is misspelled.....it's Muhammad.
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It's not obvious to everyone , but you don't know what you're talkin about..... all due respect.
How much concrete and steel have you ever demolished? I'm betting none. I used to do it every day.

I very much know what I am talking about.
"However, I will give you one more little tidbit about Spectacle Day.

"Wiring up the Twin Towers took up 22 of the 24 ETs, so Building 7 was shortchanged on getting more than 2 Emplacement Teams, which then had to rush their work because they each had over twice as many floors to wire up.

"As a result, they slipped up a bit.

"Some of WTC7’s charges dudded, others misfired out of synch, and so the building stayed standing while highly damaged internally, and burning from fires ignited by burning WTC1 debris falling into it.

"The fires in WTC7 could not be extinguished because the water mains under the street had been cut by the collapse of WTC1, and all the fire suppression systems were rendered inoperative.

"Many hours later on that day, WTC7 finally collapsed."

Confessions of a Secret Controlled Demolitions Special Operative for 911
There was no controlled demolition. The towers were simply too damaged by the plane crashes to stand anymore. No controlled demolition needed.
Any evidence of active thermitic material at the crime scene?

"In April 2009, Jones, Dane Niels H. Harrit and seven other authors published a paper in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, causing the editor, Prof. Marie-Paule Pileni, to resign as she accused the publisher of printing it without her knowledge;[13][14] this article was titled 'Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe', and stated that they had found evidence of nano-thermite in samples of the dust that was produced during the collapse of the World Trade Center towers.[15]

"NIST responded that there was no 'clear chain of custody' to prove that the four samples of dust came from the WTC site."

World Trade Center controlled demolition conspiracy theories - Wikipedia
American Fatima:

"In less than two weeks, staged as HVAC, plumbing, elevator, and electrical conduit repairmen working through the Labor Day weekend of 2001, all our teams got the WTC Twin Towers and Building 7 wired for demolition.

"Then we were sent home and scattered, without knowing the date of execution or even if the operation would actually be carried out.

"It didn’t take long to find out.

"On 11 September 2001, the WTC buildings were blown, and those collapses were caught on many cameras for the world to see and be humbled into submission by the awesome yet cloaked power of the Deep State that controls us.:auiqs.jpg:

"I was as surprised as all of you to see this.

"I call it the American Fatima, because so many people watching the televised visions of 911 got a miraculously instant engineering and physics education that day."
How much concrete and steel have you ever demolished? I'm betting none. I used to do it every day.

I very much know what I am talking about.
Each twin tower was comprised of 47 massive box core columns from the ground up there's no way they fell the way they did without those columns being cut.

The North Tower probably would have collapsed about 10 or 15 floors and then layed there ....the South Tower would have probably fallen over to the north side the plane hit, and we won't even start on tower 7 right now.

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