911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

Again you willfully resort to half-truths and disinformation.

Please provide detail as to these alleged "half-truths" ( etc.... ) and lets have a discussion about it, obviously you believe that I have posted something basically inaccurate or misleading...... So please do, by all means, show me the logic of your official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001
Again you willfully resort to half-truths and disinformation.

Please provide detail as to these alleged "half-truths" ( etc.... ) and lets have a discussion about it, obviously you believe that I have posted something basically inaccurate or misleading...... So please do, by all means, show me the logic of your official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001
Start by proving there were no planes involved.

Again you willfully resort to half-truths and disinformation.

Please provide detail as to these alleged "half-truths" ( etc.... ) and lets have a discussion about it, obviously you believe that I have posted something basically inaccurate or misleading...... So please do, by all means, show me the logic of your official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001
Start by proving there were no planes involved.


on that topic, since the mainstream media was the first to assert that hijacked airliners were used as weapons, and has indeed failed to substantiate that claim, I would say that the work is already done in this matter. Where is the proof that any of the 4 airliners even existed at all? How much of any one of the airliners was recovered and by what means examined to determine its validity as an actual bit of the aircraft in question and not simply a random scrap of metal?
Again you willfully resort to half-truths and disinformation.

Please provide detail as to these alleged "half-truths" ( etc.... ) and lets have a discussion about it, obviously you believe that I have posted something basically inaccurate or misleading...... So please do, by all means, show me the logic of your official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001
Start by proving there were no planes involved.


on that topic, since the mainstream media was the first to assert that hijacked airliners were used as weapons, and has indeed failed to substantiate that claim, I would say that the work is already done in this matter. Where is the proof that any of the 4 airliners even existed at all? How much of any one of the airliners was recovered and by what means examined to determine its validity as an actual bit of the aircraft in question and not simply a random scrap of metal?
look, parts from a plane ...


You're failing to prove no planes were involved.
Again you willfully resort to half-truths and disinformation.

Please provide detail as to these alleged "half-truths" ( etc.... ) and lets have a discussion about it, obviously you believe that I have posted something basically inaccurate or misleading...... So please do, by all means, show me the logic of your official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001
Start by proving there were no planes involved.


on that topic, since the mainstream media was the first to assert that hijacked airliners were used as weapons, and has indeed failed to substantiate that claim, I would say that the work is already done in this matter. Where is the proof that any of the 4 airliners even existed at all? How much of any one of the airliners was recovered and by what means examined to determine its validity as an actual bit of the aircraft in question and not simply a random scrap of metal?
look, parts from a plane ...


You're failing to prove no planes were involved.

And exactly what makes you so certain that this was guaranteed for sure a part from either "FLT11" or "FLT175"? critical bits of airliners have serial numbers and was any serial numbered part recovered from the wreckage ever verified as to belonging to any one of the alleged hijacked airliners?
Again you willfully resort to half-truths and disinformation.

Please provide detail as to these alleged "half-truths" ( etc.... ) and lets have a discussion about it, obviously you believe that I have posted something basically inaccurate or misleading...... So please do, by all means, show me the logic of your official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001

No thanks. I've participated in that "conversation" too many times with numerous "Truther's" and most recently watched Skylar try patiently for MONTHS to reason with you. Anyone who insists that "no planes were hijacked on 9/11" and "the fires were staged and controlled" without providing a shred of evidence is clearly irrational. As with all you "Truthers" it was an exercise in dealing with the irrational but if you care to re-live your ignominy feel free to revisit any of those threads ... I'm certain they still exist.
But before you go I will remind you of Charlie Veitch's last words as he admitted that the "Truther" Movement was anything but:
"I thought the term ‘Truth Movement’ meant that there’d be some search for truth. I was wrong." He was almost immediately trashed and burned - including death threats - by those he left behind as he stepped into the light.
Insecure much?
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Again you willfully resort to half-truths and disinformation.

Please provide detail as to these alleged "half-truths" ( etc.... ) and lets have a discussion about it, obviously you believe that I have posted something basically inaccurate or misleading...... So please do, by all means, show me the logic of your official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001
Start by proving there were no planes involved.


on that topic, since the mainstream media was the first to assert that hijacked airliners were used as weapons, and has indeed failed to substantiate that claim, I would say that the work is already done in this matter. Where is the proof that any of the 4 airliners even existed at all? How much of any one of the airliners was recovered and by what means examined to determine its validity as an actual bit of the aircraft in question and not simply a random scrap of metal?
look, parts from a plane ...


You're failing to prove no planes were involved.

And exactly what makes you so certain that this was guaranteed for sure a part from either "FLT11" or "FLT175"? critical bits of airliners have serial numbers and was any serial numbered part recovered from the wreckage ever verified as to belonging to any one of the alleged hijacked airliners?
That's pretty fucking retarded, even for a truther. Plane parts don't just fall out of the sky without a plane. :eusa_doh:

Not to mention ... that's landing gear. If that landing gear didn't come from either flights 11 or 175, then post a link to an article about a plane crashing that day upon trying to land without landing gear. Or an engine...


You're failing miserably. And I'm not done yet.
Please provide detail as to these alleged "half-truths" ( etc.... ) and lets have a discussion about it, obviously you believe that I have posted something basically inaccurate or misleading...... So please do, by all means, show me the logic of your official explanation of the events of 9/11/2001
Start by proving there were no planes involved.


on that topic, since the mainstream media was the first to assert that hijacked airliners were used as weapons, and has indeed failed to substantiate that claim, I would say that the work is already done in this matter. Where is the proof that any of the 4 airliners even existed at all? How much of any one of the airliners was recovered and by what means examined to determine its validity as an actual bit of the aircraft in question and not simply a random scrap of metal?
look, parts from a plane ...


You're failing to prove no planes were involved.

And exactly what makes you so certain that this was guaranteed for sure a part from either "FLT11" or "FLT175"? critical bits of airliners have serial numbers and was any serial numbered part recovered from the wreckage ever verified as to belonging to any one of the alleged hijacked airliners?
That's pretty fucking retarded, even for a truther. Plane parts don't just fall out of the sky without a plane. :eusa_doh:

Not to mention ... that's landing gear. If that landing gear didn't come from either flights 11 or 175, then post a link to an article about a plane crashing that day upon trying to land without landing gear. Or an engine...


You're failing miserably. And I'm not done yet.

How do you know for sure
that somebody didn't drive by in a pickup truck
and drop the engine or other part, while all eyes were on the exploding tower? Do you have proof that this did not happen?
trashed and burned - including death threats

I'm saddened by the fact that some people fail to see the psychological warfare angle on this and simply act out of frustration & anger. The bottom line here is that there is sufficient evidence in the events of 9/11/2001 to at the very least QUESTION the official story. Starting out with the controlled demolition of WTC7 ......

if you are not outraged, you are not paying attention!
Start by proving there were no planes involved.


on that topic, since the mainstream media was the first to assert that hijacked airliners were used as weapons, and has indeed failed to substantiate that claim, I would say that the work is already done in this matter. Where is the proof that any of the 4 airliners even existed at all? How much of any one of the airliners was recovered and by what means examined to determine its validity as an actual bit of the aircraft in question and not simply a random scrap of metal?
look, parts from a plane ...


You're failing to prove no planes were involved.

And exactly what makes you so certain that this was guaranteed for sure a part from either "FLT11" or "FLT175"? critical bits of airliners have serial numbers and was any serial numbered part recovered from the wreckage ever verified as to belonging to any one of the alleged hijacked airliners?
That's pretty fucking retarded, even for a truther. Plane parts don't just fall out of the sky without a plane. :eusa_doh:

Not to mention ... that's landing gear. If that landing gear didn't come from either flights 11 or 175, then post a link to an article about a plane crashing that day upon trying to land without landing gear. Or an engine...


You're failing miserably. And I'm not done yet.

How do you know for sure
that somebody didn't drive by in a pickup truck
and drop the engine or other part, while all eyes were on the exploding tower? Do you have proof that this did not happen?
The burden of proof is yours. There are eyewitnesses who saw the plane fly into the south tower, there were networks who televised it live as it happened, there were dozens upon dozens of people who video taped it. Given that, there is no logical explanation for how plane parts ended up in lower Manhattan other than the official narrative. You have the burden to prove those plane parts came from elsewhere since the evidence they came from flight 11 or 175 is overwhelming.

So what have you got besides supposition and inuendo?
How do you know for sure
that somebody didn't drive by in a pickup truck
and drop the engine or other part, while all eyes were on the exploding tower? Do you have proof that this did not happen?
The burden of proof is yours. There are eyewitnesses who saw the plane fly into the south tower, there were networks who televised it live as it happened, there were dozens upon dozens of people who video taped it. Given that, there is no logical explanation for how plane parts ended up in lower Manhattan other than the official narrative. You have the burden to prove those plane parts came from elsewhere since the evidence they came from flight 11 or 175 is overwhelming.

So what have you got besides supposition and inuendo?

Irrationality, desperation, shrillness and insipidity. 'Nuff said?
on that topic, since the mainstream media was the first to assert that hijacked airliners were used as weapons, and has indeed failed to substantiate that claim, I would say that the work is already done in this matter. Where is the proof that any of the 4 airliners even existed at all? How much of any one of the airliners was recovered and by what means examined to determine its validity as an actual bit of the aircraft in question and not simply a random scrap of metal?
look, parts from a plane ...


You're failing to prove no planes were involved.

And exactly what makes you so certain that this was guaranteed for sure a part from either "FLT11" or "FLT175"? critical bits of airliners have serial numbers and was any serial numbered part recovered from the wreckage ever verified as to belonging to any one of the alleged hijacked airliners?
That's pretty fucking retarded, even for a truther. Plane parts don't just fall out of the sky without a plane. :eusa_doh:

Not to mention ... that's landing gear. If that landing gear didn't come from either flights 11 or 175, then post a link to an article about a plane crashing that day upon trying to land without landing gear. Or an engine...


You're failing miserably. And I'm not done yet.

How do you know for sure
that somebody didn't drive by in a pickup truck
and drop the engine or other part, while all eyes were on the exploding tower? Do you have proof that this did not happen?
The burden of proof is yours. There are eyewitnesses who saw the plane fly into the south tower, there were networks who televised it live as it happened, there were dozens upon dozens of people who video taped it. Given that, there is no logical explanation for how plane parts ended up in lower Manhattan other than the official narrative. You have the burden to prove those plane parts came from elsewhere since the evidence they came from flight 11 or 175 is overwhelming.

So what have you got besides supposition and inuendo?

Without hard evidence, the supporters of the official narrative should just throw in the towel and admit that they can NOT prove the validity of the hijacked airliners story, for all anyone knows the images on the videos ( Evan Fairbanks Vid. etc.... ) are all totally fake, where is the hard evidence?
why hasn't anyone accounted for the aircraft?
How do you know for sure
that somebody didn't drive by in a pickup truck
and drop the engine or other part, while all eyes were on the exploding tower? Do you have proof that this did not happen?
The burden of proof is yours. There are eyewitnesses who saw the plane fly into the south tower, there were networks who televised it live as it happened, there were dozens upon dozens of people who video taped it. Given that, there is no logical explanation for how plane parts ended up in lower Manhattan other than the official narrative. You have the burden to prove those plane parts came from elsewhere since the evidence they came from flight 11 or 175 is overwhelming.

So what have you got besides supposition and inuendo?

Irrationality, desperation, shrillness and insipidity. 'Nuff said?

sorry about that, but without hard evidence,
the case for the whole hijacked airliners fiasco falls apart! WHY wasn't the "airliner wreckage" actually examined and identified?
look, parts from a plane ...


You're failing to prove no planes were involved.

And exactly what makes you so certain that this was guaranteed for sure a part from either "FLT11" or "FLT175"? critical bits of airliners have serial numbers and was any serial numbered part recovered from the wreckage ever verified as to belonging to any one of the alleged hijacked airliners?
That's pretty fucking retarded, even for a truther. Plane parts don't just fall out of the sky without a plane. :eusa_doh:

Not to mention ... that's landing gear. If that landing gear didn't come from either flights 11 or 175, then post a link to an article about a plane crashing that day upon trying to land without landing gear. Or an engine...


You're failing miserably. And I'm not done yet.

How do you know for sure
that somebody didn't drive by in a pickup truck
and drop the engine or other part, while all eyes were on the exploding tower? Do you have proof that this did not happen?
The burden of proof is yours. There are eyewitnesses who saw the plane fly into the south tower, there were networks who televised it live as it happened, there were dozens upon dozens of people who video taped it. Given that, there is no logical explanation for how plane parts ended up in lower Manhattan other than the official narrative. You have the burden to prove those plane parts came from elsewhere since the evidence they came from flight 11 or 175 is overwhelming.

So what have you got besides supposition and inuendo?

Without hard evidence, the supporters of the official narrative should just throw in the towel and admit that they can NOT prove the validity of the hijacked airliners story, for all anyone knows the images on the videos ( Evan Fairbanks Vid. etc.... ) are all totally fake, where is the hard evidence?
why hasn't anyone accounted for the aircraft?

for all anyone knows the images on the videos ( Evan Fairbanks Vid. etc.... ) are all totally fake

And all the witnesses, the people injured by falling debris that you feel was planted......are they fake too?
look, parts from a plane ...


You're failing to prove no planes were involved.

And exactly what makes you so certain that this was guaranteed for sure a part from either "FLT11" or "FLT175"? critical bits of airliners have serial numbers and was any serial numbered part recovered from the wreckage ever verified as to belonging to any one of the alleged hijacked airliners?
That's pretty fucking retarded, even for a truther. Plane parts don't just fall out of the sky without a plane. :eusa_doh:

Not to mention ... that's landing gear. If that landing gear didn't come from either flights 11 or 175, then post a link to an article about a plane crashing that day upon trying to land without landing gear. Or an engine...


You're failing miserably. And I'm not done yet.

How do you know for sure
that somebody didn't drive by in a pickup truck
and drop the engine or other part, while all eyes were on the exploding tower? Do you have proof that this did not happen?
The burden of proof is yours. There are eyewitnesses who saw the plane fly into the south tower, there were networks who televised it live as it happened, there were dozens upon dozens of people who video taped it. Given that, there is no logical explanation for how plane parts ended up in lower Manhattan other than the official narrative. You have the burden to prove those plane parts came from elsewhere since the evidence they came from flight 11 or 175 is overwhelming.

So what have you got besides supposition and inuendo?

Without hard evidence, the supporters of the official narrative should just throw in the towel and admit that they can NOT prove the validity of the hijacked airliners story, for all anyone knows the images on the videos ( Evan Fairbanks Vid. etc.... ) are all totally fake, where is the hard evidence?
why hasn't anyone accounted for the aircraft?
Umm, I guess it needs to be said ... not a single video has ever proven to be fraudulent. Not one.
Umm, I guess it needs to be said ... not a single video has ever proven to be fraudulent. Not one.

Do you need for some "expert" to speak up and declare it fraudulent, or can you LOOK with open eyes and an open mind and understand what you are looking at? The fact is that ALL of the videos that show the south wall of the South tower being penetrated by the alleged "FLT175" show an alleged airliner penetrating without slowing down.
now do you get it?
Umm, I guess it needs to be said ... not a single video has ever proven to be fraudulent. Not one.

Do you need for some "expert" to speak up and declare it fraudulent, or can you LOOK with open eyes and an open mind and understand what you are looking at? The fact is that ALL of the videos that show the south wall of the South tower being penetrated by the alleged "FLT175" show an alleged airliner penetrating without slowing down.
now do you get it?
This is more absurdity from you. Since a commercial jet had never been flown into a skyscraper at more than 400 MPH, the reality is, you have absolutely no idea what such an event would look like. So to declare that every single version recorded that day are faked because it does not meet your seal of approval is beyond ridiculous. But then, ridiculous is all you've ever been armed with.

Meanwhile, you also need to ignore the multitude of eyewitnesses who also saw a plane fly into the south tower.
Meanwhile, you also need to ignore the multitude of eyewitnesses who also saw a plane fly into the south tower.

Just for you own info, I'm not asking you to post to this forum what you find, but look up the number of witnesses who made statements that they saw an airliner strike the South Tower.

There is at least one eye witness in Manhattan that morning who said "it was not a plane, it was a bomb" and the reporter, rather than staying and actually interviewing the guy, moved on very quickly.

"you have absolutely no idea what such an event would look like."

YES I DO, and so does everybody else with a bit of common sense,
the crash of an airliner would have to be by the very nature of the event
very violent and involve breaking the aircraft, in the scenario shown on 9/11
the aircraft keeps its shape as it penetrates, and does not slow down in response
to having hit a wall. This is looney toons physics!
How do you know for sure
that somebody didn't drive by in a pickup truck
and drop the engine or other part, while all eyes were on the exploding tower? Do you have proof that this did not happen?
And what proof would be good enough for you? If we supplied an identification number that ties the part to the plane, all you would do is claim the government made it up. It's never ending. We supply evidence, you claim it's faked.
Meanwhile, you also need to ignore the multitude of eyewitnesses who also saw a plane fly into the south tower.

Just for you own info, I'm not asking you to post to this forum what you find, but look up the number of witnesses who made statements that they saw an airliner strike the South Tower.

There is at least one eye witness in Manhattan that morning who said "it was not a plane, it was a bomb" and the reporter, rather than staying and actually interviewing the guy, moved on very quickly.

"you have absolutely no idea what such an event would look like."

YES I DO, and so does everybody else with a bit of common sense,
the crash of an airliner would have to be by the very nature of the event
very violent and involve breaking the aircraft, in the scenario shown on 9/11
the aircraft keeps its shape as it penetrates, and does not slow down in response
to having hit a wall. This is looney toons physics!

the aircraft keeps its shape as it penetrates, and does not slow down in response
to having hit a wall

What was the plane's speed at every 100th of a second, before and after impact?
You do have the data that would prove your claim, right?
You're not just talking out of your ass, are you?

This is looney toons physics!

I agree, you conspiracy guys get your science from comic books.

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