911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

incredulity about HOW it may or may not have been done, does nothing to modify the facts here, what is observed on the video constitutes a violation of the laws of physics.
incredulity about HOW it may or may not have been done, does nothing to modify the facts here, what is observed on the video constitutes a violation of the laws of physics.

Would you care to point out which laws of physics are being violated by which parts of what video? ;)
incredulity about HOW it may or may not have been done, does nothing to modify the facts here, what is observed on the video constitutes a violation of the laws of physics.

Would you care to point out which laws of physics are being violated by which parts of what video? ;)

Amazing how the dentheads come through here making grandiose pronouncements about "inside jobs" and "black ops" and disappear when it comes to supporting their silliness. The "brain" on Islam:
Considering the fact that it should be considered overwhelmingly obvious that if one considers the force required to breach the WTC tower wall, and uses the figure for the KE of the entire aircraft, therefore the entire aircraft is involved, that is the forces unleashed are not specifically focused on putting a hole in the tower wall, these same forces will act on the aircraft and tear it apart before it had a chance to make that wing shaped impression in the wall. DUH!
Considering the fact that it should be considered overwhelmingly obvious that if one considers the force required to breach the WTC tower wall, and uses the figure for the KE of the entire aircraft, therefore the entire aircraft is involved, that is the forces unleashed are not specifically focused on putting a hole in the tower wall, these same forces will act on the aircraft and tear it apart before it had a chance to make that wing shaped impression in the wall. DUH!
Fizzicks, according to Truthers ...

Did I ever say that the airliner crash should look like the video you showed?
What I do say, is that the airliner would have broken into pieces before making the gash in the wall.
Did I ever say that the airliner crash should look like the video you showed?
What I do say, is that the airliner would have broken into pieces before making the gash in the wall.

Right on the money.

No standard commercial jumbo jets could have remained intact at the sea level EAS's that were documented by the NTSB. Since they'd have broken up long before reaching speeds in excess of 150 knots above their max. operating limits, the video of the alleged Flight 175 (a supposedly standard commercial airliner) does, in fact, portray a physical impossibility. Only a modified commercial jumbo jet (or a non-commercial aircraft/drone that was initially manufactured to different specifications) could have possibly managed what was caught on tape there.
Did I ever say that the airliner crash should look like the video you showed?
What I do say, is that the airliner would have broken into pieces before making the gash in the wall.

Like you know better than what actually happened. :cuckoo:
Considering the fact that it should be considered overwhelmingly obvious that if one considers the force required to breach the WTC tower wall, and uses the figure for the KE of the entire aircraft, therefore the entire aircraft is involved, that is the forces unleashed are not specifically focused on putting a hole in the tower wall, these same forces will act on the aircraft and tear it apart before it had a chance to make that wing shaped impression in the wall. DUH!

Consider instead what would have been required to rig the towers (there were 2) for demo, have the rigging survive the airline crashes (and fires), and then have every one of the millions of people involved maintain silence ... then consider loosening that foil hat before you do any further brain damage.
Considering the fact that it should be considered overwhelmingly obvious that if one considers the force required to breach the WTC tower wall, and uses the figure for the KE of the entire aircraft, therefore the entire aircraft is involved, that is the forces unleashed are not specifically focused on putting a hole in the tower wall, these same forces will act on the aircraft and tear it apart before it had a chance to make that wing shaped impression in the wall. DUH!

Consider instead what would have been required to rig the towers (there were 2) for demo, have the rigging survive the airline crashes (and fires), and then have every one of the millions of people involved maintain silence ... then consider loosening that foil hat before you do any further brain damage.

The above constitutes not an answer, but a deflection from the discussion. Should an airliner be expected to perform as a steel punch, penetrating the wall as it was alleged to have done?
Considering the fact that it should be considered overwhelmingly obvious that if one considers the force required to breach the WTC tower wall, and uses the figure for the KE of the entire aircraft, therefore the entire aircraft is involved, that is the forces unleashed are not specifically focused on putting a hole in the tower wall, these same forces will act on the aircraft and tear it apart before it had a chance to make that wing shaped impression in the wall. DUH!

Consider instead what would have been required to rig the towers (there were 2) for demo, have the rigging survive the airline crashes (and fires), and then have every one of the millions of people involved maintain silence ... then consider loosening that foil hat before you do any further brain damage.

The above constitutes not an answer, but a deflection from the discussion. Should an airliner be expected to perform as a steel punch, penetrating the wall as it was alleged to have done?
It's not an allegation it a fact...
Considering the fact that it should be considered overwhelmingly obvious that if one considers the force required to breach the WTC tower wall, and uses the figure for the KE of the entire aircraft, therefore the entire aircraft is involved, that is the forces unleashed are not specifically focused on putting a hole in the tower wall, these same forces will act on the aircraft and tear it apart before it had a chance to make that wing shaped impression in the wall. DUH!

Consider instead what would have been required to rig the towers (there were 2) for demo, have the rigging survive the airline crashes (and fires), and then have every one of the millions of people involved maintain silence ... then consider loosening that foil hat before you do any further brain damage.

The above constitutes not an answer, but a deflection from the discussion. Should an airliner be expected to perform as a steel punch, penetrating the wall as it was alleged to have done?
It's not an allegation it a fact...

so exactly what is the proof that an airliner was used as a weapon to attack the WTC tower?
Considering the fact that it should be considered overwhelmingly obvious that if one considers the force required to breach the WTC tower wall, and uses the figure for the KE of the entire aircraft, therefore the entire aircraft is involved, that is the forces unleashed are not specifically focused on putting a hole in the tower wall, these same forces will act on the aircraft and tear it apart before it had a chance to make that wing shaped impression in the wall. DUH!

Consider instead what would have been required to rig the towers (there were 2) for demo, have the rigging survive the airline crashes (and fires), and then have every one of the millions of people involved maintain silence ... then consider loosening that foil hat before you do any further brain damage.

The above constitutes not an answer, but a deflection from the discussion. Should an airliner be expected to perform as a steel punch, penetrating the wall as it was alleged to have done?
It's not an allegation it a fact...

so exactly what is the proof that an airliner was used as a weapon to attack the WTC tower?
asked and answered....
Considering the fact that it should be considered overwhelmingly obvious that if one considers the force required to breach the WTC tower wall, and uses the figure for the KE of the entire aircraft, therefore the entire aircraft is involved, that is the forces unleashed are not specifically focused on putting a hole in the tower wall, these same forces will act on the aircraft and tear it apart before it had a chance to make that wing shaped impression in the wall. DUH!

Consider instead what would have been required to rig the towers (there were 2) for demo, have the rigging survive the airline crashes (and fires), and then have every one of the millions of people involved maintain silence ... then consider loosening that foil hat before you do any further brain damage.

The above constitutes not an answer, but a deflection from the discussion. Should an airliner be expected to perform as a steel punch, penetrating the wall as it was alleged to have done?
It's not an allegation it a fact...

so exactly what is the proof that an airliner was used as a weapon to attack the WTC tower?
No less than 43 independently shot videos...

so exactly what is the proof that an airliner was used as a weapon to attack the WTC tower?
No less than 43 independently shot videos...

C'mon, Faun ... everybody knows the peeps who recorded 9/11 were all co-conspirators. How else could they just happen to have had their camera phones with them?
The hundreds (or thousands) of techs who allegedly rigged the buildings for demolition?
All the cops and firemen who responded?
The courts, media and insurers?
The investigators?
All the experts and scientists who find the 9/11 "Truther" Movement to be about anything except truth?
Anyone who finds the "Truther" alleged scenarios to be the work of child-like imaginations?
In fact, anyone who is not a card carrying, foil-hat wearing member of the Movement is probably a co-conspirator!
Speculation about WHO may have been the real perpetrator(s)
in no way negates the observed phenomenon of 9/11/2001.
I don't get it? Deepspace asks for evidence that airliners were used to attack the WTC ... I post evidence ... deepspace flees.

Speculation about WHO may have been the real perpetrator(s)
in no way negates the observed phenomenon of 9/11/2001.
who: the World Heath Organization!
Speculation about WHO may have been the real perpetrator(s)
in no way negates the observed phenomenon of 9/11/2001.
who: the World Heath Organization!

Biased observation is NOT what is going on here,
at the heart of the argument is the fact that WTC7 is seen falling at free-fall acceleration for 2.25 sec and the fact that even some part of the building is seen falling in the manner that it did, is very clear proof that the falling bit had NO structure under it at all, that is this was NOT "negligible" resistance, this was very clearly NO resistance and some people are clearly on a mission to muddy the waters here, rather than embrace the reality that WTC7 fell as the result of an engineered event that was intended to destroy the building.

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