911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

So what is the motive for bringing down WTC 7 when everyone was evacuated?

And why do people seem to believe that burning buildings won't collapse?
So what is the motive for bringing down WTC 7 when everyone was evacuated?

And why do people seem to believe that burning buildings won't collapse?

It isn't so much that people will not buy it
that is burning building suffering damage,
HOWEVER when it comes to the complete & total
destruction of 3 steel framed skyscrapers, that is a bit much,
don't you think?

thats a funny one, someone dumped off the wrong engine DUH

the guy that made that video is cherry picking and making up a boat load of bullshit. I imagine that is why you found it since you thrive on bullshit.

cant have it both ways,


You have zero evidence that any one of them had to flee the country, no less ALL of them.

Regardless, there remains not a single video of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane or a single person crying out how their video was altered with having a plane added.

As far as witnesses who didn't see a plane, those are easily dismissed. They may have not been at a vantage point to see the plane, thereby assuming it was a bomb; or they may have not been looking up during the few seconds as the plane approached.

Here's more evidence of your lunacy .... what type of bomb explodes serially across an office building from the west end to the other side, blowing through the east end? And then leaving an imprint like this on the west side?


sure argentina is extraditing one back now.

when the men in black drop by you STFU or wind up like oneil or jennings or jowenko. This is the land of the free after all.

They cant be dismissed except by unreasonable posers, but they dismiss everything.

a whole lot of bombs
You have zero evidence that any one of them had to flee the country, no less ALL of them.

Regardless, there remains not a single video of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane or a single person crying out how their video was altered with having a plane added.

As far as witnesses who didn't see a plane, those are easily dismissed. They may have not been at a vantage point to see the plane, thereby assuming it was a bomb; or they may have not been looking up during the few seconds as the plane approached.

Here's more evidence of your lunacy .... what type of bomb explodes serially across an office building from the west end to the other side, blowing through the east end? And then leaving an imprint like this on the west side?


sure argentina is extraditing one back now.

when the men in black drop by you STFU or wind up like oneil or jennings or jowenko. This is the land of the free after all.

They cant be dismissed except by unreasonable posers, but they dismiss everything.

a whole lot of bombs
Now you're lying again. The guy they're extraditing did not shoot a video of the building blowing up without a plane and then complain someone added the plane flying into the building.

What a pity your delusions are so bizarre, you have to lie to make them work.

There is not a single person on the planet claiming their video had a plane added.

Not one.

Nor is there a single video of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane in it.

Not one.

How is that possible? How is it possible that 50 or more videos were taken that day and whomever it is you delude yourself into believing was behind this, managed to acquire every single one? And then edit every single one so perfectly, they all appear to be of the exact same image, regardless of the angle of the camera or the motion of the camera? And all to exactly match the video which aired live?

And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

This is like many of the debunker questions is out of place, if this were MUCH later in the process, one could ask such a question and expect an answer, however for now, the questions that need answering are about the evidence we currently have. Note that there are some small number ... possibly 4 total videos that actually show the south wall of the south tower as it is allegedly being penetrated by a commercial airliner. These videos are clearly fake because the airliner does not actually crash into the WTC wall, it disappears into the wall as would a ghost in a B movie.
And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

This is like many of the debunker questions is out of place, if this were MUCH later in the process, one could ask such a question and expect an answer, however for now, the questions that need answering are about the evidence we currently have. Note that there are some small number ... possibly 4 total videos that actually show the south wall of the south tower as it is allegedly being penetrated by a commercial airliner. These videos are clearly fake because the airliner does not actually crash into the WTC wall, it disappears into the wall as would a ghost in a B movie.

Very briefly here, the videos aren't the only evidence that aircraft of some type impacted the Towers and the Pentagon. A certain body of eyewitness testimonies, information provided by the NTSB, professional analyses of recorded radar tracks from the day of the incidents, and the data reportedly retrieved from Flight 77's FDR are especially compelling, because they all directly contradict the official story as to what type of aircraft were involved, and, in the case of Flight 77, the officially reported trajectory. If this mountain of other evidence was also faked, why on Earth didn't the planners fake it in a manner that would actually support the official narrative?! :dunno:
And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

This is like many of the debunker questions is out of place, if this were MUCH later in the process, one could ask such a question and expect an answer, however for now, the questions that need answering are about the evidence we currently have. Note that there are some small number ... possibly 4 total videos that actually show the south wall of the south tower as it is allegedly being penetrated by a commercial airliner. These videos are clearly fake because the airliner does not actually crash into the WTC wall, it disappears into the wall as would a ghost in a B movie.

Very briefly here, the videos aren't the only evidence that aircraft of some type impacted the Towers and the Pentagon. A certain body of eyewitness testimonies, information provided by the NTSB, professional analyses of recorded radar tracks from the day of the incidents, and the data reportedly retrieved from Flight 77's FDR are especially compelling, because they all directly contradict the official story as to what type of aircraft were involved, and, in the case of Flight 77, the officially reported trajectory. If this mountain of other evidence was also faked, why on Earth didn't the planners fake it in a manner that would actually support the official narrative?! :dunno:

I've probably read this before, but I have to admit I cannot remember at all. What type of plane does this evidence purport hit the towers?
So what is the motive for bringing down WTC 7 when everyone was evacuated?

And why do people seem to believe that burning buildings won't collapse?

It isn't so much that people will not buy it
that is burning building suffering damage,
HOWEVER when it comes to the complete & total
destruction of 3 steel framed skyscrapers, that is a bit much,
don't you think?
no considering you are unable or unwilling to tell fact from fiction.
every bit of you "theory" is based on intentional misrepresentation.

thats a funny one, someone dumped off the wrong engine DUH

the guy that made that video is cherry picking and making up a boat load of bullshit. I imagine that is why you found it since you thrive on bullshit.

cant have it both ways,


once again you are posting false examples. as you have no real rebuttal
link ?
in reality there were a dozen maybe...

the only reality is that you dont know anything about video composting.
wrong as always MC SHIT for brains....I have a masters degree in filmmaking I was doing composting before you started masturbating..
nothing you have posted shows you have any understanding of even the most basic film and video techniques..
your Capt. kirk clip proves that.
it's one of the oldest trick in film efx and has jck shit to do with video composting
And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

This is like many of the debunker questions is out of place, if this were MUCH later in the process, one could ask such a question and expect an answer, however for now, the questions that need answering are about the evidence we currently have. Note that there are some small number ... possibly 4 total videos that actually show the south wall of the south tower as it is allegedly being penetrated by a commercial airliner. These videos are clearly fake because the airliner does not actually crash into the WTC wall, it disappears into the wall as would a ghost in a B movie.

if they are fake how large a crew did it take to place these props?
when did they do it ,with out been detected?
And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

This is like many of the debunker questions is out of place, if this were MUCH later in the process, one could ask such a question and expect an answer, however for now, the questions that need answering are about the evidence we currently have. Note that there are some small number ... possibly 4 total videos that actually show the south wall of the south tower as it is allegedly being penetrated by a commercial airliner. These videos are clearly fake because the airliner does not actually crash into the WTC wall, it disappears into the wall as would a ghost in a B movie.
fake ..ok, describe in detail what techniques were used to fake this still?
And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

This is like many of the debunker questions is out of place, if this were MUCH later in the process, one could ask such a question and expect an answer, however for now, the questions that need answering are about the evidence we currently have. Note that there are some small number ... possibly 4 total videos that actually show the south wall of the south tower as it is allegedly being penetrated by a commercial airliner. These videos are clearly fake because the airliner does not actually crash into the WTC wall, it disappears into the wall as would a ghost in a B movie.

Very briefly here, the videos aren't the only evidence that aircraft of some type impacted the Towers and the Pentagon. A certain body of eyewitness testimonies, information provided by the NTSB, professional analyses of recorded radar tracks from the day of the incidents, and the data reportedly retrieved from Flight 77's FDR are especially compelling, because they all directly contradict the official story as to what type of aircraft were involved, and, in the case of Flight 77, the officially reported trajectory. If this mountain of other evidence was also faked, why on Earth didn't the planners fake it in a manner that would actually support the official narrative?! :dunno:
And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

This is like many of the debunker questions is out of place, if this were MUCH later in the process, one could ask such a question and expect an answer, however for now, the questions that need answering are about the evidence we currently have. Note that there are some small number ... possibly 4 total videos that actually show the south wall of the south tower as it is allegedly being penetrated by a commercial airliner. These videos are clearly fake because the airliner does not actually crash into the WTC wall, it disappears into the wall as would a ghost in a B movie.
The only logical conclusion a reasonable person can reach after reading your post -- is that you're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Other than on 9.11, a commercial jet had never been flown into the WTC at no less than 400 MPH. Meaning other than what was witnessed that day, no one knows what it should have looked like. Yet here you are, claiming you know what everyone saw that day had to be fake because it shouldn't look like the way it did. :cuckoo:

Meanwhile, you have no proof to how you think it should have looked like nor can you explain how any of it was done. You can't explain how the shape of the hole was formed. You can't explain how the explosion swept across the tower after entering from the west, blowing out the east side, as though propelled. You can't explain how someone acquired 100% of the videos that day in order to edit them. You can't explain why not a single person who filmed it complained their video was edited. You can't explain how so many videos were edited so perfectly regardless of the angle or motion; and in such a short period of time since personal videos began appearing soon after. You can't explain how eye witnesses said they saw a plane fly into the building. You can't explain how the live image televised was altered. You can't explain what happened to to missing passengers from the flights' manifest.
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You have zero evidence that any one of them had to flee the country, no less ALL of them.

Regardless, there remains not a single video of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane or a single person crying out how their video was altered with having a plane added.

As far as witnesses who didn't see a plane, those are easily dismissed. They may have not been at a vantage point to see the plane, thereby assuming it was a bomb; or they may have not been looking up during the few seconds as the plane approached.

Here's more evidence of your lunacy .... what type of bomb explodes serially across an office building from the west end to the other side, blowing through the east end? And then leaving an imprint like this on the west side?


sure argentina is extraditing one back now.

when the men in black drop by you STFU or wind up like oneil or jennings or jowenko. This is the land of the free after all.

They cant be dismissed except by unreasonable posers, but they dismiss everything.

a whole lot of bombs
Now you're lying again. The guy they're extraditing did not shoot a video of the building blowing up without a plane and then complain someone added the plane flying into the building.

What a pity your delusions are so bizarre, you have to lie to make them work.

There is not a single person on the planet claiming their video had a plane added.

Not one.

Nor is there a single video of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane in it.

Not one.

How is that possible? How is it possible that 50 or more videos were taken that day and whomever it is you delude yourself into believing was behind this, managed to acquire every single one? And then edit every single one so perfectly, they all appear to be of the exact same image, regardless of the angle of the camera or the motion of the camera? And all to exactly match the video which aired live?

And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....


never said it did dumb ass. stop making shit up to pretend I am lying when its you who is lying.

yeh one kid most definitely did shoot a video like that but dont worry we had a good heart to heart talk with him about what happens to witnesses who tell the truth and he denies it now.

you really should learn 101 video compositing so you dont sound like such a dawes.
And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....

This is like many of the debunker questions is out of place, if this were MUCH later in the process, one could ask such a question and expect an answer, however for now, the questions that need answering are about the evidence we currently have. Note that there are some small number ... possibly 4 total videos that actually show the south wall of the south tower as it is allegedly being penetrated by a commercial airliner. These videos are clearly fake because the airliner does not actually crash into the WTC wall, it disappears into the wall as would a ghost in a B movie.
The only logical conclusion a reasonable person can reach after reading your post -- is that you're batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Other than on 9.11, a commercial jet had never been flown into the WTC at no less than 400 MPH. Meaning other than what was witnessed that day, no one knows what it should have looked like. Yet here you are, claiming you know what everyone saw that day had to be fake because it shouldn't look like the way it did. :cuckoo:

Meanwhile, you have no proof to how you think it should have looked like nor can you explain how any of it was done. You can't explain how the shape of the hole was formed. You can't explain how the explosion swept across the tower after entering from the west, blowing out the east side, as though propelled. You can't explain how someone acquired 100% of the videos that day in order to edit them. You can't explain why not a single person who filmed it complained their video was edited. You can't explain how so many videos were edited so perfectly regardless of the angle or motion; and in such a short period of time since personal videos began appearing soon after. You can't explain how eye witnesses said they saw a plane fly into the building. You can't explain how the live image televised was altered. You can't explain what happened to to missing passengers from the flights' manifest.

you know if you would pull your head out of your ass long enough to breath some fresh air you might figure out there is no material evidence to prove planes went in any of those buildings.

some asshole drove by and unloaded his pickup truck LOL.

sure it would look like this

then you wouldnt have all those CGI errors to pretend do not exist.

I've probably read this before, but I have to admit I cannot remember at all. What type of plane does this evidence purport hit the towers?

The type that could've withstood the physical strain of the 'at altitude EAS's' that were documented by the NTSB and corroborated by the FAA. Exceeding the max. operating limits by 130-150 knots at sea level would not have been possible for any of the standard commercial airliners that reportedly did as much on 9/11/01.

Furthermore, the flight data recorder that was reportedly retrieved from the Pentagon crash site showed that the cockpit door hadn't been opened during Flight 77's flight (meaning the alleged hijackers couldn't have gained access to the cockpit) and that the rudder pedals were never engaged from inside of the cockpit, even though the rudders must have been engaged somehow in order to maintain 'coordinated flight' during the 330° banking maneuver that was reportedly executed in order to account for the light pole damage and the trajectory to the Pentagon that was also contradicted by the FDR (a couple of possible indications of RC piloting).

I personally don't place too much stock in Flight 77's FDR data, because the flight/fleet ID numbers had apparently been erased (and not replaced), and the module itself was discovered to have been of the wrong type for the aircraft it supposedly came from ― a couple of facts that exposed the evidence as a likely fraud not long after its public release.
You have zero evidence that any one of them had to flee the country, no less ALL of them.

Regardless, there remains not a single video of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane or a single person crying out how their video was altered with having a plane added.

As far as witnesses who didn't see a plane, those are easily dismissed. They may have not been at a vantage point to see the plane, thereby assuming it was a bomb; or they may have not been looking up during the few seconds as the plane approached.

Here's more evidence of your lunacy .... what type of bomb explodes serially across an office building from the west end to the other side, blowing through the east end? And then leaving an imprint like this on the west side?


sure argentina is extraditing one back now.

when the men in black drop by you STFU or wind up like oneil or jennings or jowenko. This is the land of the free after all.

They cant be dismissed except by unreasonable posers, but they dismiss everything.

a whole lot of bombs
Now you're lying again. The guy they're extraditing did not shoot a video of the building blowing up without a plane and then complain someone added the plane flying into the building.

What a pity your delusions are so bizarre, you have to lie to make them work.

There is not a single person on the planet claiming their video had a plane added.

Not one.

Nor is there a single video of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane in it.

Not one.

How is that possible? How is it possible that 50 or more videos were taken that day and whomever it is you delude yourself into believing was behind this, managed to acquire every single one? And then edit every single one so perfectly, they all appear to be of the exact same image, regardless of the angle of the camera or the motion of the camera? And all to exactly match the video which aired live?

And you still haven't explained what type of bomb was used to create a hole like this ....


never said it did dumb ass. stop making shit up to pretend I am lying when its you who is lying.
Sure, uh-huh....

Faun: And what about people who recorded it? There were dozens upon dozens. According to your delusions, not one of them captured a plane flying into the south tower ... find ONE of them screaming about how someone edited that plane into their video.

kokomojojo: yeh and be forced to move out of the country to avoid persecution or being murdered. there are hundreds of witnesses on record who said there were no planes, but you pretend those facts do not exist.

Faun: You have zero evidence that any one of them had to flee the country, no less ALL of them.

kokomojojo: sure argentina is extraditing one back now.


We were talking about eyewitnesses who videotaped the plane flying into the tower and how none of them complained about a plane being edited into their videos or being forced to flee the country.

You then lied and said there was one. Only he recorded the aftermath, not the plane on 9.11.

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