911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

I saw the buildings collapse-----they neither imploded
as one sees in a controlled demolition-----nor did anything
SHOOT outward----horizontally-----until the collapse hit bottom
when the energy of the collapse propelled stuff all over
the city-----from the bottom outward-----bodies were not thrown
out THEY JUMPED------some fell out and down-----nothing got TOSSED out from the upper end

Might be an awesome post if you can PROVE IT

Lets see your EVIDENCE and examine how you conjured up your assumptions.

Oh btw the whole world saw the building collapse DUH!

"prove" WHAT? -----as you say--- "the whole world saw it"
I really did not know that. then the whole world knows that there was no visible evidence of implosion and
people and objects were not jettisoned outward as one would
see in an EXPLOSION ---of the kind used in demolitions---- to what "assumptions" do you allude?

yeh on tv dumb ass.

I suppose you are one of the idjits that believe everything you see on tv.

I saw it from my living room window. I was getting ready to
go to work -------on the subway ----A LINE----the one that passes right under the World Trade Center-------the mossad
had forgotten to call me and tell me to STAY HOME THAT DAY

saw what?

I am delighted that you are interested in my life. I saw----THICK PLUME of smoke----rising from the WTC building.
The TV news was on--------"airplane struck the building"
"oh damn,, some 'piper cub' from teterboro airport
went out of control' <<< I thought" -----"the pilot must have died" <<<< I thought. Hubby said "TERRORISM"
----"don't be silly" I said. I watched ------then SUDDENLY ----the second building BANG
Not to concede the point as to the size or number of military-grade cutter charge devices required to account for the observable aspects of the "collapses", but where were many things that should have been present in the debris piles, absent the use of incendiaries/pyrotechnics?

Several enormous problems with that analysis. If we're talking about WTC 7, Koko has imagined that they went off on the top floors. Meaning they would have been near the top of the debris pile. Yet....nothing. None was ever found. And there would have had to have been thousands. These would have been huge, enormously heavy canisters each about 10 to 12 feet long and about 3.5 to 4 feet in diameter, sticking sideways off the side of each girder. On each floor. By the thousands.

Yet there were none.

Second, thermite is intensely, ludicrously, insanely bright. So bright that it will literally damage your eyes if you look directly at it. With nano-thermite being even more laughably bright, being used in fire works. Meaning that any thermite reaction of the magnitude being described would have been seen for miles. And there would have been thousands and thousand and thousands of them. Yet, nothing. Not one.

Third, thermite provides its own oxygen. It can't be extinguished. So once it started burning, it would have kept burning until all thermite is consumed. And yet even after the building had collapsed, there were no thermite reactions. Despite girders splattered across 9 square blocks and embedded in nearby buildings, there were no thermite reactions.Unless you're arguing that every single one of tens of thousands of individual reactions just happened to land jam side down and be invisible to the naked eye, then the theory dies again.

Fourth WTC 1 and 2 fell exactly opposite of controlled demolition. Controlled demolition starts at the bottom with the entire buildling falling at once to the ground. The WTC 1 and 2 fell top to bottom. With the collapse initiating on the floors hit by the planes, and then falling one story at a time all the way to the ground. Meaning that each and every floor, from the point the collapsed initiated all the way to the ground would have been subject to thermite demolition per the thermite conspiracy.

Yet, nothing.

Fifth, half of the WTC's load bearing girders were on the outside of the building. Open to the office space on one side and open air on the other. With roughly 250 outer panels per floor and 47 core columns per floor, that means that 5 in 6 thermite reactions would have been visible on the outside of the building per the thermite theory. Yet...there were no such reactions. .

Sixth, thermite MELTS metal. THere were no girders cut in a manner consistent with thermite. None. There were twisted girders. There were bent girders. There were no cut girders. Quite simply obliterating the absurd thermite theory yet again.

Seventh, the buildings were on fire. With building fires scattered across the WTC 1 and 2. And WTC fully engaged with fires on virtually all floors. Any aparatus of explosive demolition, timers, det cord, radio receivers, control boards, etc.....would have melted. Yet per the thermite theory, they went off in perfect sequence. There's simply no way for this type of coordination to have been accomplished in a burning building.

Eight, these buildings weren't museums. They were occupied. They were regularly inspected. They were maintained. They were cleaned. With each floor having 249 outer panels and 47 core columns, and there being 90 floors to the ground from the impact site on the north tower and 79 to the ground on the south......that means that there would have had to have been over 50,000 car sized thermite canisters sticking sideways in WTC 1 and 2.

50,000. And no one ever saw 1. Not even the port authority bomb squad that inspected the building only 1 week before it came down. There's no plausible way this many devices, or any number close to it could have been hidden. Rendering the theory more useless idiocy.

:dunno: Several witnesses and participants in the clean-up efforts remarked on the virtual lack of recognizable pieces from the enormous quantity of office equipment, furniture, ETC., particularly from the vast majority of the lower floors of the Twins, which, according to the official story, experienced few or no fires prior to the "collapses". What were discovered at the bottom of the piles (indicating self-contained oxygen sources) were streams and pools of molten metals, which should lead any rational person to wonder whether that's where many of the conspicuously missing objects ended up.

There were such reports 3 months after the WTC came down. So...if your explanation is thermite, and thermite can't be extinguished, and the reactions began on 911 when the tower fell, that means that upto 50,000 different thermite reactions would have had to have been burning for 2,160 hours, none stop. The quantity of thermite necessary to burn that long would have been roughly the size of the WTC itself.

But it gets so much worse. Because the standing theory is NANO thermite. Which burns so, so much faster than thermite. Meaning that it would consumed about an order of magnitude more nano-thermite over that same 2,160 hours of time than thermite. Meaning the pile of nano-thermite would have been roughly the size of the WTC plaza itself. You would have been able to see the pile from orbit.

And it was burning, with fire work intensity.......for 3 months. Yet no one ever saw a single thermite reaction, not an ounce of thermite, not a single charge, not a single canister, not a single inch of det cord, nor any apparatus of controlled demolition.


Demonstrating the physical impossibility of the thermite theory. And the ludicrous absurdity of it.

It's also perfectly reasonable to suspect that any badly mangled remnants of demolition devices that may have been recovered (perhaps unknowingly) during the clean-up stages were likely shipped-out (in quick fasion) along with the bulk of the crime scene evidence.

Something the size of a small car, sticking sideways off the girders every 12 feet or so? Um, not its not reasonable to assume those would have been missed. Especially in the quantities that the thermite theory requires. 50,000 of them.

And of course, there were no cut girders. Not one. Your theory doesn't work. Its an awful, awful explanation that's factually baseless, ludicrously complicated, insanely elaborate, contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and doesn't make the slightest sense.

Regarding the majority of the "thermitic reactions", they took place from the inside-out and were therefore covered, first by the intact building materials/components and then by the horizontally ejected clouds of pulverized building materials/components (along with everything else in the buildings, including human beings).

Ah, but your theory mandates molten metal 3 MONTHS after the collapse. So the reactions would have been burning still, even AS the building collapsed. And for months afterwards. We would have seen thousands upon thousands of such reactions as the building came apart even if they were only on the inside. As they are insanely bright....being the primary ingredients in FIREWORKS. They would have been absolutely impossible to miss and there would have been dozens of videos of them from every conceivable angle.

Yet there were none. Absolutely none. Not at any point before, during or after the collapse. Despite your theory requiring tens of thousands.

And of course, there were no girders cut. Which just beats the rotting carcass of a dead horse that is your silly conspiracy.

Your theory just sucks. Its an awful explanation of events. And there's exactly dick to back it up. Your story might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

This was particularly effective in the top-down initiations of the "collapses" of buildings 1 and 2, because the laterally-ejected debris clouds also cascaded downward due to gravity, providing some cover for what was going on with lower portions of the buildings at the time of their respective destructions.

The thermite reactions you're describing would have been like small suns in the building by the 10s of thousands. Even if you assume ONLY the core columns (which carry only half the gravity load of the structure), that's still 8000 separate reactions between the towers. Which your theory mandates burned for 3 months. Any one of which would have burned so brightly that it would have easily been seen the dust. And 8000 of them would have been so ludicrously obvious that anyone looking at the towers probably would have substained permenant damage to their eyes from the overwhelming brightness.

Yet we saw absolute none. Not a single reaction. Not a single cut girder. Not a single canister. Not a single charge.

Nothing. Which is what your theory is worth.

you kids really need to educate yourselves before playing investigator

Yeh they had a hell of a time, it just flares up worse!

And what, pray tell, is that a video of? With sources please. You've got a rather nasty little history of offering us bullshit claims in animated gifs, or radically altered images.

The evidence left behind from thermate cutters is melted metal DUH

you neandrathals just a little behind the times eh.

Um, slick....that's not a thermite reaction. That's not even molten metal.

Try again.

Oh, Tom Sullivan? Are you really stupid enough to quote him again? Do you think we already forgot that the patent your 'expert' cited wasn't a cutter.....but an low energy igniter? That it doesn't actually cut shit? That Sullivvan's claim was so utterly debunked that even AE911 folks printed a retraction and abandoned his claims?

Laughing.....well, here's a refresher course, provided by none other than yours truly:

Here's what Tom Sullivan said:

In the case of Thermite cutter charges, that may also be the case [referring to being used in the World Trade Center]. Thermite self-consuming cutter charge casings have been around since first patented back in 1984.”

And here's the patent that Tom Sullivan gave the AE911Truth to back up his claim;

AE911Truther even labeled this 'Thermite Cutting Charge' on their website. For a while anyway. Until someone actually looked at the patent and realized it wasn't a cutting charge. It was a low energy thermite*ignition* system.

“This invention relates to a new low-energy integral thermite igniter/heat source, e.g., for use in igniting larger charges, e.g., propellant charges.”

Integral low-energy thermite igniter - The United States of America as represented by the United States

Yeah, nothing says 'cutting through a steel column in milliseconds' like the phrase 'low energy'. Which AE911Truth realized a little too late. And you never realized at all. They even had to post a retraction:

We incorrectly identified the thermite device illustrated in this article as a ‘cutter charge’... Our intention was to note that the technology for self consuming consolidated thermite cases existed as far back as 1984” (Source)

Correction and Clarification Article Explosive Evidence at WTC Cited by Former CDI Employee

Laughing.......Oops, is it? So much for your 'expert' testimony. And you want to know the fun part? You already know all of this......as you've already offered up your 'self consuming cutter' bullshit, and already abandoned it when I slapped you down 4 months ago

The mossad and CIA did 9 11.overwhelming facts prove it. Page 25 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And like a dog returning to its own vomit, you just tried to sneak that bullshit in again! Laughing....as always, truther conspiracies require an ignorant audience. As you know your 'self consuming cutter' is blithering nonsense. But really hope we don't.

You're really not very good at this, are you Koko?

sure thats normal every day steel! LMAO

And where, pray tell are these images from? With sources, please. As your colossal blunder with Tom Sullivan just demonstrated, your typical animated gif bullshit isn't going to cut it.

Oh, and Koko dear.....where are the thousands and thousands and thousands of car sized 'cutters' your theory requires? This is a detail that isn't going away.
how many times do I have to show it? Pull your heads out of yer asses and , wipe off your glasses!

ok here goes! Are you ready?

they lit that fucker right up.

The obvious problem with your analysis being that the altered black and white footage isn't the actual video. The color image is the actual video. And it shows no lights, no explosions, no thermite reactions, nothing. You have no actual footage of the collapse that shows anything you claim.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have had to 'creatively edit' and digitally alter the video to support it.



And where pray tell did your video come from? Its odd that you can't show us any actual video that supports anything you've said. Only digitally altered images from...somewhere.

Show us the original video. Not your creatively edited, digitally altered version. And you've never been able to. Not in 6 months. And we both now why:

The unedited and unaltered video doesn't show what you claim it does.

Oh, and Koko...where are the thousands upon thousands of car sized canisters that your theory requires?

As there are none. Nor any thermite reactions. Nor any plausible way they could have been hidden. Or used while the building was on fire.
foia releases.

Never been to the nist site eh?

and foolish enough to argue with me? interesting.

you can do the same thing by turning the brightness down and contrast up on your computer monitor, but most debunkers /huggers and posers are too tarded to do that with anything they do not want to see.

No material alteration, something else tards do not understand.

they lit that fucker right up.

If not thermite then linear shaped charges, unless you think osama bin laden cloned himself and flipped lights on and off on every other floor in perfect demolition sequence.
seems you have personal issues?

you think thats normal every day steel! LMAO

And where, pray tell are these images from? With sources, please. As your colossal blunder with Tom Sullivan just demonstrated, your typical animated gif bullshit isn't going to cut it.

Oh, and Koko dear.....where are the thousands and thousands and thousands of car sized 'cutters' your theory requires? This is a detail that isn't going away.

Yeh sullivan (the demolition loader) does cut it, youve got toilets to finish cleaning, get crackin.
Leave demolition to people who know something about it.


That's not even molten metal.

Really are you that fucking dumb?
What is it then?


Second, thermite is intensely, ludicrously, insanely bright. So bright that it will literally damage your eyes if you look directly at it.

Kid dont look blind to me, wtf is wrong with you?


Third, thermite provides its own oxygen. It can't be extinguished.

NYFD found that out the hard way,


Fourth WTC 1 and 2 fell exactly opposite of controlled demolition. Controlled demolition starts at the bottom

Controlled demolition starts wherever you want to start it at.

Fifth, half of the WTC's load bearing girders were on the outside of the building.

I suppose you think they were on the lawn.


Sixth, thermite MELTS metal. THere were no girders cut in a manner consistent with thermite.

Maximus dumb assinus, look again


Seventh, the buildings were on fire. With building fires scattered across the WTC 1 and 2. And WTC fully engaged with fires on virtually all floors. Any aparatus of explosive demolition, timers, det cord, radio receivers, control boards, etc.....would have melted. Yet per the thermite theory, they went off in perfect sequence. There's simply no way for this type of coordination to have been accomplished in a burning building.

Dont quit your day job, we dont want to sit on dirty toilets. the sprinklers were working, the massive fire lie did not happen on wtc2. As for the rest of what you said, prove it since its the usual it Poser stupidity.

Eight, these buildings weren't museums. They were occupied. They were regularly inspected that means that there would have had to have been over 50,000 car sized thermite canisters sticking sideways in WTC 1 and 2.

50,000. And no one ever saw 1. Not even the port authority bomb squad that inspected the building only 1 week before it came down. There's no plausible way this many devices, or any number close to it could have been hidden. Rendering the theory more useless idiocy.

So we can rule out 'conventional' explosives, which leaves thermate and nukes or the port authority for some reason didnt see it.

The quantity of thermite necessary to burn that long would have been roughly the size of the WTC itself.
Demonstrating the physical impossibility of the thermite theory. And the ludicrous absurdity of it.

Bullshit prove it. caveat: Using the patented devices not myth tards who cant even light a match and get it to burn

And of course, there were no cut girders. Not one.

LIES as the pics above clearly show

Ah, but your theory mandates molten metal 3 MONTHS after the collapse.
Mandates no such thing, prove it.

no thats not my theory that your retarded restatement of my theory illustrating you are a asshelmet fucktard dumbass who couldnt find his ass despite your head is stuck in it.

Yet there were none. Absolutely none. Not at any point before, during or after the collapse. Despite your theory requiring tens of thousands.

Again they are self consuming

Just because sullivan or who whoever sited the igniter for a cutter that you would have people believe does not exist it does not change the FACT they are a reality despite your head is up your ass.

Like I've always said 9/11 was an inside job. The official story is too full of holes to be believed, except by people who don't know much of anything.
speaking of people who don't know jack shit about anything
here's one now.
before you start to go off on erroneous speculation... be prepared to have your ass handed to you.
btw real life has lots of holes in it.

Yeh so says the tard that doesnt know the difference between the bank building and wtc7.

too bad they dont have a 'what a dumb fuck' button I can click!
which bank?
(pressing dumb fuck button)
true it is more

some people can not deal with the fact that a few people

or in some cases one person could do such horrible things

so they assign governmental conspiracies

in a way of dealing with it

read the footer below, pshychologists warn us that posers/debunkers/huggers are bat shit crazy losers.
Correspondence from James Bennett to Laurie Manwell with Responses
(06/17/07 to 06/17/07):
James Bennett:

I was reading your paper published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies, and I was wondering
why you misrepresented the Angus-Reid poll on page 16:
"An Angus-Reid poll comparing responses from 2002 and 2006 found similar results, and
that in 2006, only 16% of Americans believed that the government is telling the truth

about the events of 9/11[16].” "
If you go to the poll, which you footnote, you find that that question does not even ask
people whether they believe "the government is lying about the events of 9/11":
81. When it comes to what they knew prior to September 11th, 2001, about possible

terrorist attacks against the United States, do you think members of the Bush
Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or
are they mostly lying?
On the contrary, it very specifically asks people whether they believe that government
was lying about warnings of terrorist attacks, not the attacks themselves. This becomes
even more obvious when you read the previous two poll questions, which ask whether
they believe the Clinton and Bush administrations paid enough attention to terrorism.
So I have to ask, why did you entirely change the premise of the question for your paper,
and are you going to issue a correction?
Laurie Manwell:
I must respectfully disagree with your interpretation. I did state in my paper that it was
regarding the "events of 9/11" which, in fact, includes prior knowledge of the attacks.
I would also argue that this fact itself, foreknowledge of the attacks, is the single most
important fact,
because if properly dealt with, all of the events of 9/11 could have been

Moreover, it speaks to the fact that the majority of people believe that George W. Bush is
lying about many things and consider such behavior to be above the law. Below are some
of the other questions that I also considered in making my statement. Misrepresentation
of the events of 9/11 – both before, during and after – have been well documented and
many people are becoming more and more aware that the official account of the events of
9/11 is full of lies.

not credible! any scientist making the above statements is erroneously speculating !
http://www.journalof911studies.com/letters/a/Correspondence from James Bennett to Laurie Manwell with Responses.pdf

James Bennett:
Thanks for the response, but I think you are being somewhat disingenuous. No
honest person is going to think that "what they knew prior to 9/11" and the
"events of 9/11" are synonymous. In fact even you indicate that you think
they are two different issues when you state that with prior knowledge of
the attacks "all of the events of 9/11 could have been prevented." If you
actually regarded these as interchangeable, that statement would be
Incidentally that logic is also based on the assumption that the attacks were
carried out by a third party, not by the US government, as one does not
receives "warnings" from oneself, which seems to contradict your main
Laurie Manwell:
It seems that you have an agenda here rather than open discussion of the topic of my
paper. Nowhere do I say that the US government "did it" and nor is my main thesis that.
All research is subject to interpretation and I include all of my sources for
If you strongly disagree I would encourage you to write a letter or article
for submission to the Journal of 9/11 Studies where we can debate this issue within an
academic - rather than personal - domain, as I am not sure what your point is other than
to attack me personally by calling me disingenuous.
If you wish to discuss the research professionally that is fine but I am not interested in
responding to questions regarding my character, especially since we do not even know
each other.
James Bennett:
Actually I would argue that you have a personal agenda, otherwise you would
not have changed the wording from "what they knew prior to September
11th, 2001," to "the events of 9/11". There is no reason to do that except to advance an
I have already had letters posted on the Journal. I have no interest in
having any articles posted to what is essentially a crackpot echo
chamber without academic or intellectual standards.

great post dawes, too bad it doesnt have one damn thing to do with this thread.

C'mon, KooKoo, you're not stupid. 9/11HandJob has no options ... his whole world collapses without his 9/11 beliefs. So just what is it that causes you to cling so desperately to your 9/11 CT silliness even as so many of your comrades have bailed out? Fear that you are nothing without it? Just trying to get laid? Doing it for the laughs?

your lies.
false! they would be your lies...why because everything in the truther universe is based on lies, misperceptions, gullibility, stupidity, ignorance, hubris and a highly tenuous grasp of reality.
I am delighted that you are interested in my life. I saw----THICK PLUME of smoke----rising from the WTC building.
The TV news was on--------"airplane struck the building"
"oh damn,, some 'piper cub' from teterboro airport
went out of control' <<< I thought" -----"the pilot must have died" <<<< I thought. Hubby said "TERRORISM"
----"don't be silly" I said. I watched ------then SUDDENLY ----the second building BANG
I am not the least bit interested in your life.

So you saw a piper cub
Not to concede the point as to the size or number of military-grade cutter charge devices required to account for the observable aspects of the "collapses", but where were many things that should have been present in the debris piles, absent the use of incendiaries/pyrotechnics?

Several enormous problems with that analysis. If we're talking about WTC 7, Koko has imagined that they went off on the top floors. Meaning they would have been near the top of the debris pile. Yet....nothing. None was ever found. And there would have had to have been thousands. These would have been huge, enormously heavy canisters each about 10 to 12 feet long and about 3.5 to 4 feet in diameter, sticking sideways off the side of each girder. On each floor. By the thousands.

Yet there were none.

Second, thermite is intensely, ludicrously, insanely bright. So bright that it will literally damage your eyes if you look directly at it. With nano-thermite being even more laughably bright, being used in fire works. Meaning that any thermite reaction of the magnitude being described would have been seen for miles. And there would have been thousands and thousand and thousands of them. Yet, nothing. Not one.

Third, thermite provides its own oxygen. It can't be extinguished. So once it started burning, it would have kept burning until all thermite is consumed. And yet even after the building had collapsed, there were no thermite reactions. Despite girders splattered across 9 square blocks and embedded in nearby buildings, there were no thermite reactions.Unless you're arguing that every single one of tens of thousands of individual reactions just happened to land jam side down and be invisible to the naked eye, then the theory dies again.

Fourth WTC 1 and 2 fell exactly opposite of controlled demolition. Controlled demolition starts at the bottom with the entire buildling falling at once to the ground. The WTC 1 and 2 fell top to bottom. With the collapse initiating on the floors hit by the planes, and then falling one story at a time all the way to the ground. Meaning that each and every floor, from the point the collapsed initiated all the way to the ground would have been subject to thermite demolition per the thermite conspiracy.

Yet, nothing.

Fifth, half of the WTC's load bearing girders were on the outside of the building. Open to the office space on one side and open air on the other. With roughly 250 outer panels per floor and 47 core columns per floor, that means that 5 in 6 thermite reactions would have been visible on the outside of the building per the thermite theory. Yet...there were no such reactions. .

Sixth, thermite MELTS metal. THere were no girders cut in a manner consistent with thermite. None. There were twisted girders. There were bent girders. There were no cut girders. Quite simply obliterating the absurd thermite theory yet again.

Seventh, the buildings were on fire. With building fires scattered across the WTC 1 and 2. And WTC fully engaged with fires on virtually all floors. Any aparatus of explosive demolition, timers, det cord, radio receivers, control boards, etc.....would have melted. Yet per the thermite theory, they went off in perfect sequence. There's simply no way for this type of coordination to have been accomplished in a burning building.

Eight, these buildings weren't museums. They were occupied. They were regularly inspected. They were maintained. They were cleaned. With each floor having 249 outer panels and 47 core columns, and there being 90 floors to the ground from the impact site on the north tower and 79 to the ground on the south......that means that there would have had to have been over 50,000 car sized thermite canisters sticking sideways in WTC 1 and 2.

50,000. And no one ever saw 1. Not even the port authority bomb squad that inspected the building only 1 week before it came down. There's no plausible way this many devices, or any number close to it could have been hidden. Rendering the theory more useless idiocy.

:dunno: Several witnesses and participants in the clean-up efforts remarked on the virtual lack of recognizable pieces from the enormous quantity of office equipment, furniture, ETC., particularly from the vast majority of the lower floors of the Twins, which, according to the official story, experienced few or no fires prior to the "collapses". What were discovered at the bottom of the piles (indicating self-contained oxygen sources) were streams and pools of molten metals, which should lead any rational person to wonder whether that's where many of the conspicuously missing objects ended up.

There were such reports 3 months after the WTC came down. So...if your explanation is thermite, and thermite can't be extinguished, and the reactions began on 911 when the tower fell, that means that upto 50,000 different thermite reactions would have had to have been burning for 2,160 hours, none stop. The quantity of thermite necessary to burn that long would have been roughly the size of the WTC itself.

But it gets so much worse. Because the standing theory is NANO thermite. Which burns so, so much faster than thermite. Meaning that it would consumed about an order of magnitude more nano-thermite over that same 2,160 hours of time than thermite. Meaning the pile of nano-thermite would have been roughly the size of the WTC plaza itself. You would have been able to see the pile from orbit.

And it was burning, with fire work intensity.......for 3 months. Yet no one ever saw a single thermite reaction, not an ounce of thermite, not a single charge, not a single canister, not a single inch of det cord, nor any apparatus of controlled demolition.


Demonstrating the physical impossibility of the thermite theory. And the ludicrous absurdity of it.

It's also perfectly reasonable to suspect that any badly mangled remnants of demolition devices that may have been recovered (perhaps unknowingly) during the clean-up stages were likely shipped-out (in quick fasion) along with the bulk of the crime scene evidence.

Something the size of a small car, sticking sideways off the girders every 12 feet or so? Um, not its not reasonable to assume those would have been missed. Especially in the quantities that the thermite theory requires. 50,000 of them.

And of course, there were no cut girders. Not one. Your theory doesn't work. Its an awful, awful explanation that's factually baseless, ludicrously complicated, insanely elaborate, contradicted by overwhelming evidence, and doesn't make the slightest sense.

Regarding the majority of the "thermitic reactions", they took place from the inside-out and were therefore covered, first by the intact building materials/components and then by the horizontally ejected clouds of pulverized building materials/components (along with everything else in the buildings, including human beings).

Ah, but your theory mandates molten metal 3 MONTHS after the collapse. So the reactions would have been burning still, even AS the building collapsed. And for months afterwards. We would have seen thousands upon thousands of such reactions as the building came apart even if they were only on the inside. As they are insanely bright....being the primary ingredients in FIREWORKS. They would have been absolutely impossible to miss and there would have been dozens of videos of them from every conceivable angle.

Yet there were none. Absolutely none. Not at any point before, during or after the collapse. Despite your theory requiring tens of thousands.

And of course, there were no girders cut. Which just beats the rotting carcass of a dead horse that is your silly conspiracy.

Your theory just sucks. Its an awful explanation of events. And there's exactly dick to back it up. Your story might as well begin with 'once upon a time'.

This was particularly effective in the top-down initiations of the "collapses" of buildings 1 and 2, because the laterally-ejected debris clouds also cascaded downward due to gravity, providing some cover for what was going on with lower portions of the buildings at the time of their respective destructions.

The thermite reactions you're describing would have been like small suns in the building by the 10s of thousands. Even if you assume ONLY the core columns (which carry only half the gravity load of the structure), that's still 8000 separate reactions between the towers. Which your theory mandates burned for 3 months. Any one of which would have burned so brightly that it would have easily been seen the dust. And 8000 of them would have been so ludicrously obvious that anyone looking at the towers probably would have substained permenant damage to their eyes from the overwhelming brightness.

Yet we saw absolute none. Not a single reaction. Not a single cut girder. Not a single canister. Not a single charge.

Nothing. Which is what your theory is worth.

you kids really need to educate yourselves before playing investigator

Yeh they had a hell of a time, it just flares up worse!

The evidence left behind from thermate cutters is melted metal DUH

you neandrathals just a little behind the times eh.

yep its pretty brite

yep quite brite indeedie

sure thats normal every day steel! LMAO

Conspiracy sites like to bring up molten metal found 6 weeks after the buildings fell to suggest a bomb must have created the effect. The explanation doesn't go into the amount of explosive material needed because it would be an absurd amount. There is another explanation which is more plausible.
Before reading the below, it might be a good idea for the novice to read Mark Ferran's explanation on how "Iron Burns!!!"

Oxidation of iron by air is not the only EXOTHERMIC reaction of iron (= structural steel which is about 98 % Fe, 1 % Mn, 0.2 % C, 0.2 % Si.....). There is at least one additional reaction of iron with the capability of keeping the rubble pile hot and cooking!

The reaction between IRON AND STEAM is also very EXOTHERMIC and fast at temperatures above 400 deg C. This reaction produces Fe3O4 AND HYDROGEN. It is the classic example of a REVERSIBLE REACTION studied in Chemistry labs at high school. But believe it or not, back at the turn of the century, the reaction of iron and steam was used as an industrial process for the manufacture of hydrogen.
I think iron and steam could have reacted in this way (at least for a while) and generated a lot of heat. What is more, the hydrogen released would have been converted back to water by reaction with oxygen, thereby generating even more heat. In this case spraying water on the rubble pile was like adding fuel to a fire!

Now add in gypsum reactions with H2 and CO and we have a great source of SO2 and/or H2S to sulfide the steel!
Perhaps the endless spraying of water on the rubble pile was not such a good idea!

In the usual lab experiment on the reversible reaction of iron and "steam", nitrogen (or some inert gas) is bubbled through water to create a gas stream saturated with water vapor at room temperature. This gas is then allowed to flow into a glass tube about 1 meter long containing iron in an inert boat at its center. This assembly is heated in a tube furnace to some desired temperature, say 500 deg C. The hydrogen/ nitrogen gas mixture is collected at the outlet of the tube furnace.

In the industrial process the feed gas might also be "water gas" which is a mixture of CO and water vapor. The outlet gas contains mostly H2 and CO2.

I am sure there was plenty of water vapor AND oxygen in the void spaces in the rubble pile. This is the "steam" I am referring to.

Please remember that the recovered pieces of structural steel were heavily OXIDIZED as well as sulfided. The most important oxidizing agents available in the rubble pile were obviously O2 and H2O.
The rubble pile was not only inhomogeneous with regard to its composition, it was inhomogeneous with regard to its temperature. This was due to localized chemical reactions. Such reactions were capable of generating high temperatures in these localized hot spots.


It is irrelevant whether or not the steam was wet or dry, that is a chemical engineering notion only of interest in a closed and controlled system, usually under high-pressure, such as a steam generator in a power station.

Water vapor was present in the rubble pile and water vapor reacts with iron releasing HYDROGEN.




Debunking 9 11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Steel Deformed by Fire
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I am delighted that you are interested in my life. I saw----THICK PLUME of smoke----rising from the WTC building.
The TV news was on--------"airplane struck the building"
"oh damn,, some 'piper cub' from teterboro airport
went out of control' <<< I thought" -----"the pilot must have died" <<<< I thought. Hubby said "TERRORISM"
----"don't be silly" I said. I watched ------then SUDDENLY ----the second building BANG
I am not the least bit interested in your life.

So you saw a piper cub
really? you gonna stick with that total denial of reality retort ?
speaking of issues....
The evidence left behind from thermate cutters is melted metal DUH

Melted metal is not evidence of thermate cutters. Aluminum melts well below the estimated temp of the 9/11 fires and 13 years after the attack (and many years after the "Truther" Movement stopped trying to sell your BS) there remains absolutely no evidence of melted steel.
Hey dumb ass, show me an example of water + iron + oxygen = MOLTEN IRON so I can heat my property with it. Fucking dumb ass.
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foia releases.

Never been to the nist site eh?

and foolish enough to argue with me? interesting.

you can do the same thing by turning the brightness down and contrast up on your computer monitor, but most debunkers /huggers and posers are too tarded to do that with anything they do not want to see.

No material alteration, something else tards do not understand.

they lit that fucker right up.

If not thermite then linear shaped charges, unless you think osama bin laden cloned himself and flipped lights on and off on every other floor in perfect demolition sequence.
The evidence left behind from thermate cutters is melted metal DUH

Melted metal is not evidence of thermate cutters. Aluminum melts well below the estimated temp of the 9/11 fires and 13 years after the attack (and many years after the "Truther" Movement stopped trying to sell your BS) there remains absolutely no evidence of melted steel.

More poser dumb ass shit, why dont you guys get a fucking education?

If I have to continue educating you it will cost your reputation.

So what do you think melted metal in a collapse is?
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The evidence left behind from thermate cutters is melted metal DUH

Melted metal is not evidence of thermate cutters. Aluminum melts well below the estimated temp of the 9/11 fires and 13 years after the attack (and many years after the "Truther" Movement stopped trying to sell your BS) there remains absolutely no evidence of melted steel.

More poser dumb ass shit, why dont you guys get a fucking education?

If I have to continue educating you it will cost your reputation.

In order to be educable by a leftover "Truther" who hasn't the good sense to know his movement is DEAD I'd need the radical lobotomy you clearly have already enjoyed.
The evidence left behind from thermate cutters is melted metal DUH

Melted metal is not evidence of thermate cutters. Aluminum melts well below the estimated temp of the 9/11 fires and 13 years after the attack (and many years after the "Truther" Movement stopped trying to sell your BS) there remains absolutely no evidence of melted steel.

More poser dumb ass shit, why dont you guys get a fucking education?

If I have to continue educating you it will cost your reputation.
your point? there were no cutters of any kind used in the 911 attack!
your proof is meaningless.
you're not even brave enough to post your links to it.
really chicken shit .
Not to concede the point as to the size or number of military-grade cutter charge devices required to account for the observable aspects of the "collapses", but where were many things that should have been present in the debris piles, absent the use of incendiaries/pyrotechnics? :dunno: Several witnesses and participants in the clean-up efforts remarked on the virtual lack of recognizable pieces from the enormous quantity of office equipment, furniture, ETC., particularly from the vast majority of the lower floors of the Twins, which, according to the official story, experienced few or no fires prior to the "collapses". What were discovered at the bottom of the piles (indicating self-contained oxygen sources) were streams and pools of molten metals, which should lead any rational person to wonder whether that's where many of the conspicuously missing objects ended up.

It's also perfectly reasonable to suspect that any badly mangled remnants of demolition devices that may have been recovered (perhaps unknowingly) during the clean-up stages were likely shipped-out (in quick fasion) along with the bulk of the crime scene evidence.

Regarding the majority of the "thermitic reactions", they took place from the inside-out and were therefore covered, first by the intact building materials/components and then by the horizontally ejected clouds of pulverized building materials/components (along with everything else in the buildings, including human beings). This was particularly effective in the top-down initiations of the "collapses" of buildings 1 and 2, because the laterally-ejected debris clouds also cascaded downward due to gravity, providing some cover for what was going on with lower portions of the buildings at the time of their respective destructions. Having said all of that, there were possible thermitic reactions caught on tape during what may have been either an intentional pre-weakening ignition or an unintentional one of the pre-coated interior columns/walls. I'm talking about the videos of yellow/reddish molten metal pouring out from exploded windows prior to the "collapses". There were also a number of "squibs" caught on camera during the "collapses", which are typical of top-down implosions (I think there's a video out there of a known top-down demolition of a high-rise building in China, in which all the characteristics observed in the destructions of buildings 1 and 2 are visible, as well).

As for how my beliefs are working out for me, all I can say is that remaining true to my core principles is its own reward, yes, even in the face of heavy ridicule from sell-outs like you and others on this board.


You are truly demented. Only a fruit loop dingus is incapable of noticing the demolitions you post exhibit explosions before the structures begin to collapse. Unlike the Twin Towers.

That you have to resort to lying exposes just how vacuous your insane claims are. :cuckoo:

yeh if you were not a dumb ass youd be nothing at all! LOL

Capstone was kind enough to post a couple very well written explanations that obviously were wasted on ass helmets.

just watch the pretty sparklies
When are you going to show a video of a demolished build that doesn't start with visible explosions?

how many times do I have to show it? Pull your heads out of yer asses and , wipe off your glasses!

ok here goes! Are you ready?

they lit that fucker right up.

not a lame cheapo demo like this one.

It must be nice to be as crazy as you. Makes it easy to see things that aren't there. In this case, the lights you see are the reaction to the interior of the building collapsing, not the other way around as you insanely posit. Evidence of this, aside from the fact that the flashes of do not occur before the collapse of the interior of the building, is the absence of the brilliant flash of light produced by thermate as seen in all of your gif's demonstrating thermate being ignited. The flashes of light in your edited video are so dim, you had to darken the images to the point the building looks like a black box just to make them barely visible.

Your delusions are noted as always.

your point? there were no cutters of any kind used in the 911 attack!

your proof is meaningless.
you're not even brave enough to post your links to it.
really chicken shit .

Now that was precious, when does your amoeba brain split?

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