911 WTC 7 Silent Thermate Demolition, Debunkers Grab Your Ankles!

your point? there were no cutters of any kind used in the 911 attack!

your proof is meaningless.
you're not even brave enough to post your links to it.
really chicken shit .

Now that was precious, when does your amoeba brain split?
that's what we call denial.
notice the obsessive needs to dehumanize his detractors.
never answering direct questions..
a text book case.

your point? there were no cutters of any kind used in the 911 attack!

your proof is meaningless.
you're not even brave enough to post your links to it.
really chicken shit .

Now that was precious, when does your amoeba brain split?
Nice animated gif of molten aluminum dripping. Too bad that one image destroys your hallucinations. If it were planted thermite, there would have been hundreds, if not thousands, of such sightings. Instead, between 3 skyscrapers totaling about 250 stories -- there was one. And it burned for almost an hour until the building collapsed.
foia releases.

Never been to the nist site eh?

and foolish enough to argue with me? interesting.

you can do the same thing by turning the brightness down and contrast up on your computer monitor, but most debunkers /huggers and posers are too tarded to do that with anything they do not want to see.

No material alteration, something else tards do not understand.

they lit that fucker right up.

If not thermite then linear shaped charges, unless you think osama bin laden cloned himself and flipped lights on and off on every other floor in perfect demolition sequence.
maybe one day you'll learn something real.

Contrast is the difference in luminance and/or color that makes an object (or its representation in an image or display) distinguishable. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color and brightness of the object and other objects within the same field of view. Because the human visual system is more sensitive to contrast than absolute luminance, we can perceive the world similarly regardless of the huge changes in illumination over the day or from place to place. The maximum contrast of an image is the contrast ratio or dynamic range.
Contrast is also the difference between the color or shading of the printed material on a document and the background on which it is printed, for example in optical character recognition.

  • Brightness is an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to be radiating or reflecting light. In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. This is a subjective attribute/property of an object being observed.
there is no way to know by fucking with those controls if the" bright spots" are explosions, fire or thermite.

In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. This is a subjective attribute/property of an object being observed.



You are truly demented. Only a fruit loop dingus is incapable of noticing the demolitions you post exhibit explosions before the structures begin to collapse. Unlike the Twin Towers.

That you have to resort to lying exposes just how vacuous your insane claims are. :cuckoo:[/QUOTE]

yeh if you were not a dumb ass youd be nothing at all! LOL

Capstone was kind enough to post a couple very well written explanations that obviously were wasted on ass helmets.

just watch the pretty sparklies[/QUOTE]
When are you going to show a video of a demolished build that doesn't start with visible explosions?[/QUOTE]

how many times do I have to show it? Pull your heads out of yer asses and , wipe off your glasses!

ok here goes! Are you ready?

they lit that fucker right up.

not a lame cheapo demo like this one.


It must be nice to be as crazy as you. Makes it easy to see things that aren't there. In this case, the lights you see are the reaction to the interior of the building collapsing, not the other way around as you insanely posit. Evidence of this, aside from the fact that the flashes of do not occur before the collapse of the interior of the building, is the absence of the brilliant flash of light produced by thermate as seen in all of your gif's demonstrating thermate being ignited. The flashes of light in your edited video are so dim, you had to darken the images to the point the building looks like a black box just to make them barely visible.

Your delusions are noted as always.[/QUOTE]
foia releases.

Never been to the nist site eh?

and foolish enough to argue with me? interesting.

you can do the same thing by turning the brightness down and contrast up on your computer monitor, but most debunkers /huggers and posers are too tarded to do that with anything they do not want to see.

No material alteration, something else tards do not understand.

they lit that fucker right up.

If not thermite then linear shaped charges, unless you think osama bin laden cloned himself and flipped lights on and off on every other floor in perfect demolition sequence.
maybe one day you'll learn something real.

Contrast is the difference in luminance and/or color that makes an object (or its representation in an image or display) distinguishable. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color and brightness of the object and other objects within the same field of view. Because the human visual system is more sensitive to contrast than absolute luminance, we can perceive the world similarly regardless of the huge changes in illumination over the day or from place to place. The maximum contrast of an image is the contrast ratio or dynamic range.
Contrast is also the difference between the color or shading of the printed material on a document and the background on which it is printed, for example in optical character recognition.

  • Brightness is an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to be radiating or reflecting light. In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. This is a subjective attribute/property of an object being observed.
there is no way to know by fucking with those controls if the" bright spots" are explosions, fire or thermite.

In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. This is a subjective attribute/property of an object being observed.


Now thats funny school boy, who doesnt understand not one damn word of his copy and paste.

You got the brains of an amoebae. On second thought an amoebae is smarter than you. Now I could be nice and explain the numerous ways you are fucked up, but I like you so I wont cause you any unnecessary stress that might cause you to blow a gasket or whatever.

your point? there were no cutters of any kind used in the 911 attack!

your proof is meaningless.
you're not even brave enough to post your links to it.
really chicken shit .

Now that was precious, when does your amoeba brain split?
Nice animated gif of molten aluminum dripping. Too bad that one image destroys your hallucinations. If it were planted thermite, there would have been hundreds, if not thousands, of such sightings. Instead, between 3 skyscrapers totaling about 250 stories -- there was one. And it burned for almost an hour until the building collapsed.

One? WTF are you smokin? Too much arsenic man.

You are truly demented. Only a fruit loop dingus is incapable of noticing the demolitions you post exhibit explosions before the structures begin to collapse. Unlike the Twin Towers.

That you have to resort to lying exposes just how vacuous your insane claims are. :cuckoo:[/QUOTE]

yeh if you were not a dumb ass youd be nothing at all! LOL

Capstone was kind enough to post a couple very well written explanations that obviously were wasted on ass helmets.

just watch the pretty sparklies[/QUOTE]
When are you going to show a video of a demolished build that doesn't start with visible explosions?[/QUOTE]

how many times do I have to show it? Pull your heads out of yer asses and , wipe off your glasses!

ok here goes! Are you ready?

they lit that fucker right up.

not a lame cheapo demo like this one.


It must be nice to be as crazy as you. Makes it easy to see things that aren't there. In this case, the lights you see are the reaction to the interior of the building collapsing, not the other way around as you insanely posit. Evidence of this, aside from the fact that the flashes of do not occur before the collapse of the interior of the building, is the absence of the brilliant flash of light produced by thermate as seen in all of your gif's demonstrating thermate being ignited. The flashes of light in your edited video are so dim, you had to darken the images to the point the building looks like a black box just to make them barely visible.

Your delusions are noted as always.[/QUOTE]
foia releases.

Never been to the nist site eh?

and foolish enough to argue with me? interesting.

you can do the same thing by turning the brightness down and contrast up on your computer monitor, but most debunkers /huggers and posers are too tarded to do that with anything they do not want to see.

No material alteration, something else tards do not understand.

they lit that fucker right up.

If not thermite then linear shaped charges, unless you think osama bin laden cloned himself and flipped lights on and off on every other floor in perfect demolition sequence.
maybe one day you'll learn something real.

Contrast is the difference in luminance and/or color that makes an object (or its representation in an image or display) distinguishable. In visual perception of the real world, contrast is determined by the difference in the color and brightness of the object and other objects within the same field of view. Because the human visual system is more sensitive to contrast than absolute luminance, we can perceive the world similarly regardless of the huge changes in illumination over the day or from place to place. The maximum contrast of an image is the contrast ratio or dynamic range.
Contrast is also the difference between the color or shading of the printed material on a document and the background on which it is printed, for example in optical character recognition.

  • Brightness is an attribute of visual perception in which a source appears to be radiating or reflecting light. In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. This is a subjective attribute/property of an object being observed.
there is no way to know by fucking with those controls if the" bright spots" are explosions, fire or thermite.

In other words, brightness is the perception elicited by the luminance of a visual target. This is a subjective attribute/property of an object being observed.


Now thats funny school boy, who doesnt understand not one damn word of his copy and paste.

You got the brains of an amoebae. On second thought an amoebae is smarter than you. Now I could be nice and explain the numerous ways you are fucked up, but I like you so I wont cause you any unnecessary stress that might cause you to blow a gasket or whatever.[/QUOTE]

false! you could attempt to bolster your brightness, contrast fantasy. but that would only add further proof that you don't jack shit about optics or fire science or how to wipe your own ass.
oh no not the old you're too dumb ploy.
so explain away this should be a hoot...
please wow us with your grade school education... and your ged.

also dump the pics you are falsely using as examples...
One? WTF are you smokin? Too much arsenic man.

Yanno, I just noticed. You have received 19 attaboys for your 1273 posts. 19 times your fellow posters thought your angry, desperate, silly 9/11 CTBS was worth positive recognition. 19 ... 19 ... 19 ... hmm. I do believe you are the singular most disrespected poster at USMB and your work here has done more to discredit the 9/11 "Truther" Movement than all those who disagree with and/or ridicule your silliness, combined. Thank you.
Posted for those who have more than 1 brain cell, not the above retard.

the above is bullshit, here is a thermate cutter.
One? WTF are you smokin? Too much arsenic man.

Yanno, I just noticed. You have received 19 attaboys for your 1273 posts. 19 times your fellow posters thought your angry, desperate, silly 9/11 CTBS was worth positive recognition. 19 ... 19 ... 19 ... hmm. I do believe you are the singular most disrespected poster at USMB and your work here has done more to discredit the 9/11 "Truther" Movement than all those who disagree with and/or ridicule your silliness, combined. Thank you.

How the hell did they do that? I'm not into dicksuckers. I turned that shit off!
Posted for those who have more than 1 brain cell, not the above retard.

the above is bullshit, here is a thermate cutter.
Speaking of eyewitnesses .... still waiting for you to provide an example of a video recorded of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane hitting it.

Certainly, if it occurred the way you hallucinate, there would have been some video of that captured.

And what about people who recorded it? There were dozens upon dozens. According to your delusions, not one of them captured a plane flying into the south tower ... find ONE of them screaming about how someone edited that plane into their video.
Several enormous problems with that analysis. If we're talking about WTC 7, Koko has imagined that they went off on the top floors. Meaning they would have been near the top of the debris pile. Yet....nothing. None was ever found. And there would have had to have been thousands. These would have been huge, enormously heavy canisters each about 10 to 12 feet long and about 3.5 to 4 feet in diameter, sticking sideways off the side of each girder. On each floor. By the thousands. ...

There were many things (some quite large and composed primarily of steel and other metal alloys) that should have been recognizable in the debris piles from all three buildings. In the Twin Towers, for instance, there were two sub-stations each on the 108th, 75th, 41st, and 7th floors of both towers. At those 8 locations there were 4 massive transformers per sub-station that weighed in excess of 4 tons apiece. These were air-cooled, dry-type transformers that wouldn't have exploded on their own, yet after the "collapses" there wasn't a trace of evidence in the debris piles that any of them ever existed, unless one considers the pools/streams of molten metals observed by several independent witnesses as a possible explanation for their otherwise apparent absence among the wreckage.

In my opinion, the use of thermate cutter charges, nano-thermite coatings, and other more effective 'explosives' aren't mutually exclusive propositions. Explosives could have been placed on or near the outward-facing sides of the beams, while thermate cutter charges were placed on the inward-facing sides. The expected effect would have been one of lateral ejections of pulverized concrete that clouded the brilliance of the internal thermitic reactions, like so many clouds over sunlight on an overcast day. In line with this, the general vicinities of the beams to which the cutter charges and explosives were placed/affixed (on opposite sides) would have been turned into a mixture molten metals and exploded concrete that would have fallen to the ground at or near gravitational acceleration, leaving little or no recognizable evidence of anything that occupied those vicinities prior to their destruction (in other words: exactly what was observed both during and in the aftermath of the "collapses" of the Twins).

Now, minus the strike of a large aircraft/drone (which I believe was most likely either "Flight 93's" or "Flight 77's" initially-intended target), building 7's "collapse" had to be carried out in a classic bottom-up implosion, because that's the only way a purely gravitational global collapse could be pushed as even remotely feasible (the explanation needed as much downward weight as possible from the upper 39 floors, you see). Of course, the symmetry and speed of its destruction remain unaccounted for to this very day, but the "mystery" would have been far greater had 7 come down like the other buildings. I'm no expert when it comes to planning clandestine operations, but the capacity to adjust the initiation sequence on-the-fly from top-down to bottom-up would seem a good idea to include in the plan, in the event that any of the remotely flown aircraft/drones failed to reach their intended targets. Nevertheless, the devices, materials, and placement method used were probably identical in all three structures, because this would explain both the absence of recognizable objects that should have been among 7's debris pile and the presence of pools of molten metals that shouldn't have been there; and again, the thermitic reactions would have largely been covered by the intact bearing walls and/or the rising cloud of pulverized concrete as the bearing walls exploded from the bottom-up.

Regarding your cartoonishly-exaggerated figures for the amount of cutter-charge devices you claim are required by the thermate/nano-thermite theory: where the Twin Towers were concerned, there were 47 core columns in each building, so placing cutter-charges on every other floor would have required 2,585 devices for each of the 110-story buildings. Since Building 7 was less than half the height/size of the Twins, a similar placement methodology (though perhaps fine-tuned to the nature of its internal skeleton) would have likely required less than half of the demolition materials used in the other buildings. 6,462 cutter-charge devices between all three buildings is a far cry from 50,000 or more.

Gotta run, but more to come later...
Several enormous problems with that analysis. If we're talking about WTC 7, Koko has imagined that they went off on the top floors. Meaning they would have been near the top of the debris pile. Yet....nothing. None was ever found. And there would have had to have been thousands. These would have been huge, enormously heavy canisters each about 10 to 12 feet long and about 3.5 to 4 feet in diameter, sticking sideways off the side of each girder. On each floor. By the thousands. ...

There were many things (some quite large and composed primarily of steel and other metal alloys) that should have been recognizable in the debris piles from all three buildings. In the Twin Towers, for instance, there were two sub-stations each on the 108th, 75th, 41st, and 7th floors of both towers. At those 8 locations there were 4 massive transformers per sub-station that weighed in excess of 4 tons apiece. These were air-cooled, dry-type transformers that wouldn't have exploded on their own, yet after the "collapses" there wasn't a trace of evidence in the debris piles that any of them ever existed, unless one considers the pools/streams of molten metals observed by several independent witnesses as a possible explanation for their otherwise apparent absence among the wreckage.

In my opinion, the use of thermate cutter charges, nano-thermite coatings, and other more effective 'explosives' aren't mutually exclusive propositions. Explosives could have been placed on or near the outward-facing sides of the beams, while thermate cutter charges were placed on the inward-facing sides. The expected effect would have been one of lateral ejections of pulverized concrete that clouded the brilliance of the internal thermitic reactions, like so many clouds over sunlight on an overcast day...

Of course, there is still the small matter of how your alleged CD rigging survived the impact of the jets and the ensuing fires but why bother with such annoying details when one can write pages of CTBS by simply ignoring reality. Carry on.
And what about people who recorded it? There were dozens upon dozens. According to your delusions, not one of them captured a plane flying into the south tower ... find ONE of them screaming about how someone edited that plane into their video.

yeh and be forced to move out of the country to avoid persecution or being murdered.

there are hundreds of witnesses on record who said there were no planes, but you pretend those facts do not exist.
Of course, there is still the small matter of how your alleged CD rigging survived the impact of the jets and the ensuing fires but why bother with such annoying details when one can write pages of CTBS by simply ignoring reality. Carry on.

yeh that keeps amoeba brained simpletons occupied for a very long time.
Skylar said:
. . .the buildings were on fire. With building fires scattered across the WTC 1 and 2. And WTC [7?] fully engaged with fires on virtually all floors. Any aparatus of explosive demolition, timers, det cord, radio receivers, control boards, etc.....would have melted. Yet per the thermite theory, they went off in perfect sequence. There's simply no way for this type of coordination to have been accomplished in a burning building.

The use of precision RC guidance (and/or pre-planted laser/radar homing devices placed by the same teams that rigged the buildings with explosives) would have ensured that the aircraft/drones hit predetermined impact zones, and the higher ignition temperatures of the incendiary/pyrotechnic devices (detonation cords, and all) would have prevented unintentional/premature ignitions in the portions of the buildings sufficiently above or below those impact zones. So, despite the longer burning sporadic office fires that you claim "fully engulfed" Building 7, they wouldn't have burned hotly enough to ignite such devices/materials, particularly because no jet fuel (or fuel of any kind, according to the NIST group) was involved in those fires.

Skylar said:
. . .these buildings weren't museums. They were occupied. They were regularly inspected. They were maintained. They were cleaned. With each floor having 249 outer panels and 47 core columns, and there being 90 floors to the ground from the impact site on the north tower and 79 to the ground on the south......that means that there would have had to have been over 50,000 car sized thermite canisters sticking sideways in WTC 1 and 2.

From newspaper reports prior to 9/11, we know that unfettered access to the interior columns of buildings 1 and 2 had been granted for bottom-to-top renovations/modernizations of the elevator systems in both buildings. This work would have been chiefly conducted outside of normal business hours and any security-type witnesses outside-of-the-loop would have thought nothing of the many loads of palleted materials required by such a massive publicly-reported project.

Regarding Building 7, and speaking of "security-type" personnel, there's been a great deal of interest generated by questions surrounding the ownership of the companies responsible for security in the WTC complex. It's not too difficult to see how a handful of strategically-placed operatives (in a building known to house offices for the CIA, BTW) might have seen to it that certain activities in the wee hours of the mornings over the weeks and months leading up to those dastardly "terrorist attacks" remained largely unseen/unheard by the majority of the building's occupants during normal business hours.

Skylar said:
......that means that there would have had to have been over 50,000 car sized thermite canisters sticking sideways in WTC 1 and 2.

As alluded to in my last post, if the (pre-weakened?) columns/girders in the bearing walls were taken out with pressure explosives (as the visible evidence seems to indicate), then fewer than 6.500 thermate cutter charges would have been needed for the interior "core columns" of all three buildings, and the thermitic reactions would have been heavily clouded.

Once the bulk of the thermite/thermate had ignited, there'd have been no evidence in the debris piles, beyond the molten material left behind and any thermitic chips that escaped ignition temperatures by way of dispersion in the clouds of pulverized building materials (I.E. no evidence other than that which was documented/discovered).

In total, this nutty conspiracy theory of mine has much more explanatory power than the far nuttier Official Conspiracy Theory® ... which not only fails to explain many observed and documented aspects of the events of the day, it also requires the suspension of faith in both common sense principles and the friggin' laws of physics with the non-explanations it does provide.
And what about people who recorded it? There were dozens upon dozens. According to your delusions, not one of them captured a plane flying into the south tower ... find ONE of them screaming about how someone edited that plane into their video.

yeh and be forced to move out of the country to avoid persecution or being murdered.

there are hundreds of witnesses on record who said there were no planes, but you pretend those facts do not exist.
You have zero evidence that any one of them had to flee the country, no less ALL of them. But thanks; your contrived notion goes a long way in revealing how you'll desperately offer any excuse imaginable to further your delusions.

Regardless, there remains not a single video of the west side of the south tower exploding without a plane or a single person crying out how their video was altered with having a plane added.

As far as witnesses who didn't see a plane, those are easily dismissed. They may have not been at a vantage point to see the plane, thereby assuming it was a bomb; or they may have not been looking up during the few seconds as the plane approached.

Here's more evidence of your lunacy .... what type of bomb explodes serially across an office building from the west end to the other side, blowing through the east end? And then leaving an imprint like this on the west side?

And what about people who recorded it? There were dozens upon dozens. According to your delusions, not one of them captured a plane flying into the south tower ... find ONE of them screaming about how someone edited that plane into their video.

yeh and be forced to move out of the country to avoid persecution or being murdered.

there are hundreds of witnesses on record who said there were no planes, but you pretend those facts do not exist.
link ?
in reality there were a dozen maybe...

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