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94,610,000 Americans NOT in Labor Force...5.6% Unemployment Rate...WT#?

Things are going great in the Obama economy? Fantastic then there's no need to raise my taxes hell we can probably cut taxes, awesome news!

hell..since they can just print more money and disburse it whenever and wherever they want, we shouldn't need to pay any taxes..they can just print some more money...LMAO..
One of the ways we measure the health of our economy is by the percentage of adult, working-age Americans who are employed. “Right now, [the economy] is delivering at a staggeringly low rate of 44 percent, which is the number of full-time jobs as a percent of the adult population, 18 years and older,” Mr. Clifton says.
In 2014, Mr. Obama’s economy grew at a dismally weak 2.4 percent, and created relatively few full-time jobs when compared to the explosive recoveries in the 1980s or the late 1990s.
At the end of the third year of the Reagan recovery, the economy was soaring by nearly 8 percent and in a single month alone created over 1.1 million new jobs.
there is more deception here
The only deception is from the lying scum on the Right!

what part have i been deceptive about leftard??
Claiming that the drop in LPR was due to discouraged workers. There are far more retirees leaving the workforce than discouraged workers, who are actually declining, and you say retirees are a minor influence on the LPR, so discouraged workers must be negligible!!!
Bureau of Labor Statistics | Jobenomics
Jul 29, 2015 - Able-bodied adults who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. ..... The primary reason for the dramatic drop in the labor force ... Data also shows that once older workers are out of work, they have a .... New technologies will create major new markets and employment opportunities.
there is more deception here
The only deception is from the lying scum on the Right!

what part have i been deceptive about leftard??
Claiming that the drop in LPR was due to discouraged workers. There are far more retirees leaving the workforce than discouraged workers, who are actually declining, and you say retirees are a minor influence on the LPR, so discouraged workers must be negligible!!!

once again you embarrass yourself. Actually more people than EVER of retirement age are CHOOSING NOT TO RETIRE. those numbers must be ADDED BACK INTO THE LFPR, making obama's numbers look better. actually the real story is even WORSE
The latest BLS Employment Situation Summary[1] reports that over the last month (June 2015) 223,000 Americans entered the U.S. labor force, 640,000 able-bodied Americans quit looking for work and voluntarily departed the labor force (often to some form of public or familial welfare or assistance), for a net workforce loss of 417,000 Americans.
The determination whether a person is counted as Unemployed should not depend on subjective, and often whimsical, survey questions that are used to appraise people’s employment intensions. The four survey questions[5] that government interviewers use to record a person as Unemployed include (the bolded words are emphasized when read by the interviewers according to the BLS):
  • Do you currently want a job, either full or part time?
  • What is the main reason you were not looking for work during the last 4 weeks?
  • Did you look for work at any time during the last 12 months?
  • Last week, could you have started a job if one had been offered?”
If a person answers yes to all four questions, that person is considered Unemployed. If the answer is no to any of these questions, that person is enrolled in the Not-in-Labor-Force category.
Sooner or later, the American people will figure out that the current way our government calculates unemployment is seriously flawed. Under the current system, it is theoretically possible for the U.S. to have a zero rate of unemployment while simultaneously having zero people employed in the labor force.
- See more at: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Jobenomics
Jobenomics contends that all able-bodied Americans who can work but don’t work, regardless if they are looking or not, should be considered as Functionally Unemployed. Functional is defined as capable of operating or working. An able-bodied adult who is capable of working but chooses not to work should be considered unemployed for the same reason that “discouraged”, “marginally attached” and “part-time workers for economic reasons” are included in the U4, U5 and U6 categories. - See more at: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Jobenomics
Jobenomics contends that all able-bodied Americans who can work but don’t work, regardless if they are looking or not, should be considered as Functionally Unemployed. Functional is defined as capable of operating or working. An able-bodied adult who is capable of working but chooses not to work should be considered unemployed for the same reason that “discouraged”, “marginally attached” and “part-time workers for economic reasons” are included in the U4, U5 and U6 categories. - See more at: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Jobenomics

Here is the thing........the BLS is a ARM of the Obama administration, and basically showing that Obama is full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey!

The people on this board arguing with everyone either know this and are trying to muddy the waters; or, they are as dumb as a box of rocks!

They would be able to make a more convincing case for blowing off the numbers, if food stamps weren't through the roof, medicade, and virtually every kind of government transfer of wealth payment.

Them defending Obama, is akin to us defending Nixon. They arrogantly think they have the country convinced, but I have a feeling by the time this election cycle is over, enough people will know what is going on to make the Democrats really miserable-)
None of them will tell you this: If you, a family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job -- if you are so hopelessly out of work that you've stopped looking over the past four weeks -- the Department of Labor doesn't count you as unemployed. That's right. While you are as unemployed as one can possibly be, and tragically may never find work again, you are not counted in the figure we see relentlessly in the news -- currently 5.6%.
Currently it is 5.1%, and currently the number who have given up is going DOWN.
That's right, DOWN!
Discouraged workers are DOWN from the Bush Depression peak of 1,318,000 to 635,000 now.

You need a new lie, the LPR is NOT going down because of discouraged workers!

again you poor sad self-deluding idiot. the number; not even just the number but the PERCENTAGE of the Labor Force not participating in the Labor market is WAY UP UNDER OBAMA. we are talking about people that arent even being labeld discouraged, THEY ARENT BEING COUNTED AT ALL,.

you can lie to yourself all day or all night; but you cant change reality idiot
Discouraged workers are also part of the not in labor force total. I have already shown they are well under 1 million, so who do YOU say make up the other 90+ million?

I'll help you:

Labor Force Characteristics (CPS)

Not in the labor force
Persons who are neither employed nor unemployed are not in the labor force. This category includes retired persons, students, those taking care of children or other family members, and others who are neither working nor seeking work. Information is collected on their desire for and availability for work, job search activity in the prior year, and reasons for not currently searching.
Moderation Note: Poster did not provide link for the quote below. I believe this is the source

Record 94,610,000 Americans Not in Labor Force - Breitbart

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that a record 94,610,000 people (ages 16 and over) were not in the labor force in September. In other words they were neither employed nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks.

The number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent
record, hit in August, of 94,031,000 people out of the workforce.

The civilian labor force in September clocked in at 156,715,000, declining by 350,000 people, compared to August’s 157,065,000 labor force level.

September’s participation rate dropped to 62.4 percent, matching the lowest level seen since October 1977.

While 94,610,000 (That's 94 MILLION 610 THOUSAND) Americans are currently out of work / not working, the Obama administration, evidently using Common Core math, is claiming (according to one report) that the Unemployment rate in the US is 5.6%!

HOW CAN THIS BE? Deceptively Simple - 2 Reasons:

1. FACT: "If you, a family member or anyone is unemployed and has subsequently given up on finding a job -- if you are so hopelessly out of work that you've stopped looking over the past four weeks -- the Department of Labor doesn't count you as 'unemployed'. That's right, you are not counted in the Obama Administration's Unemployment Rate figure we see relentlessly in the news -- currently 5.6%."

2. FACT: "If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least $20 -- maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn -- you're not officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%."
-- That's right...if you are out of work, you have to provide for your family, and the only work you can find is mowing your neighbors' yards for $20 a week (because they feel sorry for your broke ass) you are NOT considered 'unemployed'! (I wonder if the Obama administration counts Homeless people who beg on the street and who make at least $20 a week doing that as 'employed'?! :rolleyes:)

Here's a 'Bonus' stat / fact for you:
FACT: "If you have a degree in chemistry or math, if you're a CEO who just got laid off, or if are a highly skilled laborer whose job was just shipped off overseas and are working 10 hours part time because it is all you can find -- in other words, you are severely underemployed -- the government STILL doesn't count you in the 5.6% of people 'unemployed'. :thup:

The official unemployment rate, which cruelly overlooks the suffering of the long-term and often permanently unemployed as well as the depressingly underemployed, amounts to a Big Fat Lie.

"...and it's a lie that has consequences, because the great American dream is to have a good job, and in recent years, America has failed to deliver that dream more than it has at any time in recent memory. A good job is an individual's primary identity, their very self-worth, their dignity -- it establishes the relationship they have with their friends, community and country. When we fail to deliver a good job that fits a citizen's talents, training and experience, we are failing the great American dream."

Gallup defines a good job as 30+ hours per week for an organization that provides a regular paycheck. Right now, the U.S. is delivering at a staggeringly low rate of 44%, which is the number of full-time jobs as a percent of the adult population, 18 years and older. We need that to be 50% and a bare minimum of 10 million new, good jobs to replenish America's middle class.

"When the media, talking heads, the White House and Wall Street start reporting the truth -- the percent of Americans in good jobs; jobs that are full time and real -- then we will quit wondering why Americans aren't "feeling" something that doesn't remotely reflect the reality in their lives. And we will also quit wondering what hollowed out the middle class."

Probably waiting on those 'green jobs' Obama promised.
there is more deception here
The only deception is from the lying scum on the Right!

what part have i been deceptive about leftard??
Claiming that the drop in LPR was due to discouraged workers. There are far more retirees leaving the workforce than discouraged workers, who are actually declining, and you say retirees are a minor influence on the LPR, so discouraged workers must be negligible!!!

once again you embarrass yourself. Actually more people than EVER of retirement age are CHOOSING NOT TO RETIRE. those numbers must be ADDED BACK INTO THE LFPR, making obama's numbers look better. actually the real story is even WORSE
And you are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill again. The number over 65 not retiring rose SLIGHTLY from 15% to 18% which means over 80% are retiring.
obama's unemployment rate is GARBAGE. it LITERALLY DOESNT COUNT MILLIONS
How do you think it's different from any other Presidents? The definition had a minor change in 1994 (people who had been hired but hadn't started work were classified as unemployed regardless of job search) and a more substantial change in 1969 (actual time requirements for job search were set). So what do you think Obama is doing differently?


it's different because as is the case in SO MUCH of what obama says under THIS PRESIDENT EVEN MORE MILLIONS ARENT BEING COUNTED.
That's been true under every President.

what he's doing differently for starters is a sin of ommission. it's true all Presidents like to use the U-3 unemployment number. but under this president it is more unrealistic because under this president for ANY NUMBER of reasons people no participating in the Labor market has increased and it is because of his policies mostly that this is the case
So he's not doing anything different but you think he should be. Ok, Why should people not trying to work now be classified as unemployed when they never have before?

i answered your questions. there is more deception here than under other presidents because more have dropped out altogether and arent being counted than under other presidents.
Where's the deception? People not trying to work have never been considered unemployed, every President has set the record for most not in the Labor Force, and as a percent of the population, the current participation rate is the lowest since 1977 but higher than any time before.
that is the reason they should now be counted. maybe they should have been before too. you arent saying anything...................
I keep asking why people not trying to work should be considered unemployed. You've not giving any explanation. You've just saying it's deceptive without saying how.

they all misleadingly used the U-3 figure; this president more so because more have dropped out altogether on his watch, and they are WORKING-AGE AND ABLE-BODIED TOO.

what part dont you get?????
Why do you keep saying that those Not in the Labor Force are all able-bodied and working age. There are 11.2 million people who are disabled age 16-64, 24.8 million age 65 and older not disabled, and 13.2 million disabled and age 65+ that's over half of those Not in the Labor Force. Table A-6. Employment status of the civilian population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted the jobenomics site you keep quoting is lying to you.
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Jobenomics contends that all able-bodied Americans who can work but don’t work, regardless if they are looking or not, should be considered as Functionally Unemployed. Functional is defined as capable of operating or working. An able-bodied adult who is capable of working but chooses not to work should be considered unemployed for the same reason that “discouraged”, “marginally attached” and “part-time workers for economic reasons” are included in the U4, U5 and U6 categories. - See more at: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Jobenomics

Here is the thing........the BLS is a ARM of the Obama administration, and basically showing that Obama is full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey!

The people on this board arguing with everyone either know this and are trying to muddy the waters; or, they are as dumb as a box of rocks!

They would be able to make a more convincing case for blowing off the numbers, if food stamps weren't through the roof, medicade, and virtually every kind of government transfer of wealth payment.

Them defending Obama, is akin to us defending Nixon. They arrogantly think they have the country convinced, but I have a feeling by the time this election cycle is over, enough people will know what is going on to make the Democrats really miserable-)
gosh you are pretty silly....and apparently, delusional as well...

You got it bad kiddo, ODS up to the eyeballs....

nonsensical, ranting, anger stemming from unadulterated hatred.

get a grip on reality... seriously!

we are not defending Obama per say, we are defending the factual and real numbers and what they mean and have always meant, with very little change over decades.....
bedowin62 Lies
it's hilarious the way left-wing losers delude themselves with their idiotic talkingpoints and distortions!!

obama's unemployment rate is GARBAGE. it LITERALLY DOESNT COUNT MILLIONS[/QUOTE]

― Adolf Hitler
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”

Republicans have successfully used Hitlers big lie tactic to become the majority party.

bedowin62 pulls a Hitler type big lie out of his lying ass and tells us that our cool
president Obama has somehow made the B.L.S. change the way thay determine the
unemployment rate.


For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----
Business visas, off-shoring of Blue Collar Jobs and White Collar Careers, layoffs and forcing professionals to double and triple their work hours and the big lie both parties support is that Americans don't have the skill for even the 18th century.
Things are going great in the Obama economy? Fantastic then there's no need to raise my taxes hell we can probably cut taxes, awesome news!

hell..since they can just print more money and disburse it whenever and wherever they want, we shouldn't need to pay any taxes..they can just print some more money...LMAO..

That's a brilliant idea! Lets print every citizen $1 billion dollars!
I keep asking why people not trying to work should be considered unemployed. You've not giving any explanation. You've just saying it's deceptive without saying how.

if you need an explanation as to why people who arent working should be counted as NOT WORKING, i'm not sure there's anything i can do for you. If you require an explanation as to why it's deceptive to not count people who arent working when you're counting people who arent working (unemployed) then you're hopelessly brainwashed and willfully ignorant. Like i've often said many on the Left are simply intellectual cowards.
Jobenomics contends that all able-bodied Americans who can work but don’t work, regardless if they are looking or not, should be considered as Functionally Unemployed. Functional is defined as capable of operating or working. An able-bodied adult who is capable of working but chooses not to work should be considered unemployed for the same reason that “discouraged”, “marginally attached” and “part-time workers for economic reasons” are included in the U4, U5 and U6 categories. - See more at: Bureau of Labor Statistics | Jobenomics

Here is the thing........the BLS is a ARM of the Obama administration, and basically showing that Obama is full of sh** as a Thanksgiving turkey!

The people on this board arguing with everyone either know this and are trying to muddy the waters; or, they are as dumb as a box of rocks!

They would be able to make a more convincing case for blowing off the numbers, if food stamps weren't through the roof, medicade, and virtually every kind of government transfer of wealth payment.

Them defending Obama, is akin to us defending Nixon. They arrogantly think they have the country convinced, but I have a feeling by the time this election cycle is over, enough people will know what is going on to make the Democrats really miserable-)
gosh you are pretty silly....and apparently, delusional as well...

You got it bad kiddo, ODS up to the eyeballs....

nonsensical, ranting, anger stemming from unadulterated hatred.

get a grip on reality... seriously!

we are not defending Obama per say, we are defending the factual and real numbers and what they mean and have always meant, with very little change over decades.....

if they were deceptive under ANY President regardless of Party then they are more deceptive now considering the number of people NOT BEING COUNTED IS MUCH HIGHER UNDER OBAMA.

what you see as an obsession with obama is just you making excuses for the guy and not wanting to admit basic facts and realities.

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