99.8% Conviction Rate against Jan 6 Insurrectionists

99.8% seems low to me with all the video evidence. This was the most slam dunk conviction in history which is why so many pled guilty. And yet the right wing nuts simply want to gaslight themselves into thinking it was tourists.
That's almost the exact inverse of MAGA victories in election "fraud" cases.


Well when you disallow half of evidence, and cherry pick what you want... it should be 100%
SoooOOOoooo, visit the capital with a maga hat on seems like a bad idea?

There is zero problem with that... YOUR trouble is that the simple visit you describe is NOT what happened on January 6, 2021... but you already know that.
That's almost the exact inverse of MAGA victories in election "fraud" cases.


All wins for the good guys.
Yes. Your Orange God did exactly that, Lastdeadender.

Why do you hate law and order so much?
Law and Order ???? You mean like Biden flying illegals into the USA at night and dropping them off in various Cities ???? I thought we had something called immigration laws ?
Yep those 75 year old white haired grandmothers are real killers
Never Fk with armed old people. They have already had a good life (if they were going to have one), have little to lose, might just kill you rather than take sh#t.
99.8% seems low to me with all the video evidence. This was the most slam dunk conviction in history which is why so many pled guilty. And yet the right wing nuts simply want to gaslight themselves into thinking it was tourists.
How many trespassing charges?

How many INSURRECTION charges?
You fucking Snowflakes should avoid criminality if you're going to be such a bitch about it when you get caught.

Remember that asshole when you are arrested for nothing, thrown in solitary confinement, beaten, starved, tortured, deprived medical attention, and every law governing arrest, detention, human rights and prosecution are abused and ignored, then we will see who the snowflake is, you fucking puke.
Remember that asshole when you are arrested for nothing, thrown in solitary confinement, beaten, starved, tortured, deprived medical attention, and every law governing arrest, detention, human rights and prosecution are abused and ignored, then we will see who the snowflake is, you fucking puke.

I love how you cuck whites are just now learning prison isn't a pleasant experience. 😆
I love how you cuck whites are just now learning prison isn't a pleasant experience.

Ah, there it is again, when all else fails, fall back on the race card.

You still don't get it:
  1. Many of those in J6 prison committed no crime, committed no violence, carried no weapon and didn't even go into nor touch the Capitol. They've been swept up by face recognition just for being there that day because the government wants to make this as big a thing as possible and brag that they prosecuted 700 or 900 people when really, the actual criminal violence and such was probably limited to only maybe 50 people.
  2. These people just ain't in jail, they are being tortured and treated like animals, and denied every single legal, civil and constitutional right that would be accorded a GITMO detainee in a second. You'd get busted for treating a dog as badly. Some of these people have been in solitary gulag enduring daily torment and abuse for two years denied legal visits, family visits, vital medical care, and still not even gotten a trial date or hearing yet.
You DO understand common law and due process, don't you?

I suspect that a great many of these "convictions" are being attained by tormenting these people to the point that they agree to a set of charges just get get the hell out of there.

Funny how you are so for all of this against your own fellow American yet back in GW Bush's days, were probably one of the loudest complainers of the CIA waterboarding Iraqi prisoners, actual terrorists who murdered others, who ultimately were treated FAR BETTER than these J6 detainees are being treated now.
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Ah, there it is again, when all else fails, fall back on the race card.

You still don't get it:
  1. Many of those in J6 prison committed no crime, committed no violence, carried no weapon and didn't even go into nor touch the Capitol. They've been swept up by face recognition just for being there that day because the government wants to make this as big a thing as possible and brag that they prosecuted 700 or 900 people when really, the actual criminal violence and such was probably limited to only maybe 50 people.
  2. These people just ain't in jail, they are being tortured and treated like animals, and denied every single legal, civil and constitutional right that would be accorded a GITMO detainee in a second. You'd get busted for treating a dog as badly. Some of these people have been in solitary gulag enduring daily torment and abuse for two years denied legal visits, family visits, vital medical care, and still not even gotten a trial date or hearing yet.
You DO understand common law and due process, don't you?

I suspect that a great many of these "convictions" are being attained by tormenting these people to the point that they agree to a set of charges just get get the hell out of there.

Funny how you are so for all of this against your own fellow American yet back in GW Bush's days, were probably one of the loudest complainers of the CIA waterboarding Iraqi prisoners, actual terrorists who murdered others, who ultimately were treated FAR BETTER than these J6 detainees are being treated now.

Jesus Christ Snowflake no one is being denied their legal rights.
That's almost the exact inverse of MAGA victories in election "fraud" cases.


They need some more work. Stalin, Castro, and Hitler got 100% conviction rates.
Jesus Christ Snowflake no one is being denied their legal rights.

Go fuck yourself, moron, I've listened to direct reports from people in congress, lawyers, even a few of the actual people there about the appalling, shameful, inhuman things being done there by the government and their efforts to fight it.

From one article:

From Cornell Law:

“The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.”

Is 18-months of pretrial incarceration for trespassing consistent with the Sixth Amendment? Is jail time appropriate for trespassing in the first place?

Is 18-months of pretrial incarceration without being charged consistent with the Sixth Amendment?

These are questions that the Biden Administration doesn’t want to answer. They haven’t answered.

You must either charge the J6 prisoners and give them their day in court, or release them and stop this charade.

The J6 defendants in the DC Gulag have been denied healthcare and necessary medication. They have been denied library and legal access and held in solitary confinement for excessive durations. They’ve endured beatings and abuse for praying or singing the National Anthem.

For too many Americans, they are out of sight and out of mind.

The government’s crimes against the J6 defendants continue, with every day they are held in violation of the Constitution.

From another:

You don’t see this very often in federal court, but one of the January 6 (J6) Defendants, Lucas Denney, is being held illegally. He was arrested in Texas on December 13, 2021, and brought before a federal magistrate, who ordered him detained without bond on a criminal Complaint. It then took six weeks to transfer him to DC, where he is currently being held. He has not appeared before a federal judge in DC since his arrival, although that will change Monday afternoon as a result of his lawyer seeking his release.

Denney’s case involves two distinct, major screwups. The first is that he was not afforded a Preliminary Hearing, to which he is entitled under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Constitution. The second is that he has not been indicted by a grand jury within 30 days of his arrest, as required by the federal Speedy Trial Act. Consequently, Denney’s detention has been unlawful since at least late January 2022.
Does the OP have a list of those convicted of INSURRECTION?
Go fuck yourself, moron, I've listened to direct reports from people in congress, lawyers, even a few of the actual people there about the appalling, shameful, inhuman things being done there by the government and their efforts to fight it.

From one article:

From Cornell Law:

“The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.”

Is 18-months of pretrial incarceration for trespassing consistent with the Sixth Amendment? Is jail time appropriate for trespassing in the first place?

Is 18-months of pretrial incarceration without being charged consistent with the Sixth Amendment?

These are questions that the Biden Administration doesn’t want to answer. They haven’t answered.

You must either charge the J6 prisoners and give them their day in court, or release them and stop this charade.

The J6 defendants in the DC Gulag have been denied healthcare and necessary medication. They have been denied library and legal access and held in solitary confinement for excessive durations. They’ve endured beatings and abuse for praying or singing the National Anthem.

For too many Americans, they are out of sight and out of mind.

The government’s crimes against the J6 defendants continue, with every day they are held in violation of the Constitution.

From another:

You don’t see this very often in federal court, but one of the January 6 (J6) Defendants, Lucas Denney, is being held illegally. He was arrested in Texas on December 13, 2021, and brought before a federal magistrate, who ordered him detained without bond on a criminal Complaint. It then took six weeks to transfer him to DC, where he is currently being held. He has not appeared before a federal judge in DC since his arrival, although that will change Monday afternoon as a result of his lawyer seeking his release.

Denney’s case involves two distinct, major screwups. The first is that he was not afforded a Preliminary Hearing, to which he is entitled under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Constitution. The second is that he has not been indicted by a grand jury within 30 days of his arrest, as required by the federal Speedy Trial Act. Consequently, Denney’s detention has been unlawful since at least late January 2022.

Cry harder little bitch. 😆

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