9I Did Not LoseTo Him

Some unknown blogger named Jon Brown thinks Trump ridiculed Biden and the usual left wing suspects fall all over themselves agreeing with him even when it doesn't make much sense and it appears the former president was deliberately quoted out of context. . No surprises here.
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Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
As in 2016, they understood it wasn't the popular vote, but the electoral college vote that wins the presidency.
And Trump with a little help from his friends (hint, his name rhymes with Newton) he took the EC.

This time in what Trump used to call a landslide, Biden took the popular vote, the electoral college vote, and the presidency.
Biden defrauded the electoral college with the electoral college being complicit. This was a massive conspiracy and the fraud was more than obvious. You can lie to yourself but not to me and over 100 million others.

How would he even pull something like that off? The EC is an independent body. States control elections. Not national campaigns. 81 million people spoke loudly and clearly. 67 lower court cases and 3 SC cases dismissed. No..evidence...found. If there
was even a scintilla of a hint of massive fraud, it would have been in front of a judge..pronto. Trump lost. Biden won. Hanging on to lies and believing alt-right propaganda is not healthy. Seek counseling....or a bottle or two of your favorite
hooch. :)
A stupid question when they installed an illegitimate president. When the government is corrupted along with the media they can do what they want. They know people like you have no problem with destroying election integrity or the country.

Trump also claims he's a victim for the past 40 years.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

How pathetic.
Lol, Biden ragged on how slow Trump walked down the stairs. How pathetic? Right?

Have you even used an old fashioned flight ramp? I have.. hundreds of times. Its easy to slip.
Then why did Biden and the media mock Trump for walking down them slow?

Probably because Trump spent a lot of his 2016 campaign and much of his Presidency mocking people with disabilities and other shortcomings.
Good for the goose. Good for the gander. All this proves is that....people get old. Happens to the best of us.
Lol, your boy Obama mocked special Olympics kids. So shut up with your fake outrage.

He most certainly did not. What is wrong with you?
Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
As in 2016, they understood it wasn't the popular vote, but the electoral college vote that wins the presidency.
And Trump with a little help from his friends (hint, his name rhymes with Newton) he took the EC.

This time in what Trump used to call a landslide, Biden took the popular vote, the electoral college vote, and the presidency.
Biden defrauded the electoral college with the electoral college being complicit. This was a massive conspiracy and the fraud was more than obvious. You can lie to yourself but not to me and over 100 million others.

How would he even pull something like that off? The EC is an independent body. States control elections. Not national campaigns. 81 million people spoke loudly and clearly. 67 lower court cases and 3 SC cases dismissed. No..evidence...found. If there
was even a scintilla of a hint of massive fraud, it would have been in front of a judge..pronto. Trump lost. Biden won. Hanging on to lies and believing alt-right propaganda is not healthy. Seek counseling....or a bottle or two of your favorite
hooch. :)
A stupid question when they installed an illegitimate president. When the government is corrupted along with the media they can do what they want. They know people like you have no problem with destroying election integrity or the country.

Trump also claims he's a victim for the past 40 years.
Why should he be different than anyone else? Democrats thrive on victim hood and exploiting it.
Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
As in 2016, they understood it wasn't the popular vote, but the electoral college vote that wins the presidency.
And Trump with a little help from his friends (hint, his name rhymes with Newton) he took the EC.

This time in what Trump used to call a landslide, Biden took the popular vote, the electoral college vote, and the presidency.
Biden defrauded the electoral college with the electoral college being complicit. This was a massive conspiracy and the fraud was more than obvious. You can lie to yourself but not to me and over 100 million others.

How would he even pull something like that off? The EC is an independent body. States control elections. Not national campaigns. 81 million people spoke loudly and clearly. 67 lower court cases and 3 SC cases dismissed. No..evidence...found. If there
was even a scintilla of a hint of massive fraud, it would have been in front of a judge..pronto. Trump lost. Biden won. Hanging on to lies and believing alt-right propaganda is not healthy. Seek counseling....or a bottle or two of your favorite
hooch. :)
A stupid question when they installed an illegitimate president. When the government is corrupted along with the media they can do what they want. They know people like you have no problem with destroying election integrity or the country.

Trump also claims he's a victim for the past 40 years.
Why should he be different than anyone else? Democrats thrive on victim hood and exploiting it.

LOLOL.. I've never been a victim.. Trump's groupies compete for victimhood.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

How pathetic.
Lol, Biden ragged on how slow Trump walked down the stairs. How pathetic? Right?

Have you even used an old fashioned flight ramp? I have.. hundreds of times. Its easy to slip.
Then why did Biden and the media mock Trump for walking down them slow?

Probably because Trump spent a lot of his 2016 campaign and much of his Presidency mocking people with disabilities and other shortcomings.
Good for the goose. Good for the gander. All this proves is that....people get old. Happens to the best of us.
Lol, your boy Obama mocked special Olympics kids. So shut up with your fake outrage.

He most certainly did not. What is wrong with you?
Yes he did. He said him bowling, he looks like a special Olympic kid. You people really don't know who you vote for? Do you?
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

How pathetic.
Lol, Biden ragged on how slow Trump walked down the stairs. How pathetic? Right?

Have you even used an old fashioned flight ramp? I have.. hundreds of times. Its easy to slip.
Then why did Biden and the media mock Trump for walking down them slow?

Probably because Trump spent a lot of his 2016 campaign and much of his Presidency mocking people with disabilities and other shortcomings.
Good for the goose. Good for the gander. All this proves is that....people get old. Happens to the best of us.
Lol, your boy Obama mocked special Olympics kids. So shut up with your fake outrage.

He most certainly did not. What is wrong with you?
Yes he did. He said him bowling, he looks like a special Olympic kid. You people really don't know who you vote for? Do you?

"He said him bowling"?
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

How pathetic.
Lol, Biden ragged on how slow Trump walked down the stairs. How pathetic? Right?

Have you even used an old fashioned flight ramp? I have.. hundreds of times. Its easy to slip.
Then why did Biden and the media mock Trump for walking down them slow?

Probably because Trump spent a lot of his 2016 campaign and much of his Presidency mocking people with disabilities and other shortcomings.
Good for the goose. Good for the gander. All this proves is that....people get old. Happens to the best of us.
Lol, your boy Obama mocked special Olympics kids. So shut up with your fake outrage.

He most certainly did not. What is wrong with you?
Yes he did. He said him bowling, he looks like a special Olympic kid. You people really don't know who you vote for? Do you?

"He said him bowling"?
How is this statement even credible.

Guess what ? He lost the popular vote in 2016. It's not like that hasn't been heralded for 4 years by you and the rest of the left.

While I really have no idea who or what to believe, I do know a lot of people think that the sillyness in the key battlegrounds states translates into "cheating".

Again, I am not sure what to believe.

But I am empathetic to those who think they were screwed. It certainly did not look good.
When it's openly reported that 40% of Muricans polled believe that the election was a sham, you have to know the real number is nearer to 50-50.

And the moonbat clods really think that they can try to kowtow half of the electorate into sitting down and shutting up?


A poll on who believes what is not really something I find useful.

It depends on the media you watch and what they want to say (and they are all pretty biased in my estimation).
How is this statement even credible.

Guess what ? He lost the popular vote in 2016. It's not like that hasn't been heralded for 4 years by you and the rest of the left.

While I really have no idea who or what to believe, I do know a lot of people think that the sillyness in the key battlegrounds states translates into "cheating".

Again, I am not sure what to believe.

But I am empathetic to those who think they were screwed. It certainly did not look good.
When it's openly reported that 40% of Muricans polled believe that the election was a sham, you have to know the real number is nearer to 50-50.

And the moonbat clods really think that they can try to kowtow half of the electorate into sitting down and shutting up?


A poll on who believes what is not really something I find useful.

It depends on the media you watch and what they want to say (and they are all pretty biased in my estimation).
The "shy voter" phenomenon has been pretty much confirmed...Even doughboy Luntz admits that his polls are off because a lot of people wont be truthful with pollsters.

To reiterate; if the admitted number is 40%, it's easily 45% trending toward 50-50.

Half of the populace believing the system is deliberately rigged is not anyplace the nation needs to be.
How is this statement even credible.

Guess what ? He lost the popular vote in 2016. It's not like that hasn't been heralded for 4 years by you and the rest of the left.

While I really have no idea who or what to believe, I do know a lot of people think that the sillyness in the key battlegrounds states translates into "cheating".

Again, I am not sure what to believe.

But I am empathetic to those who think they were screwed. It certainly did not look good.
When it's openly reported that 40% of Muricans polled believe that the election was a sham, you have to know the real number is nearer to 50-50.

And the moonbat clods really think that they can try to kowtow half of the electorate into sitting down and shutting up?


A poll on who believes what is not really something I find useful.

It depends on the media you watch and what they want to say (and they are all pretty biased in my estimation).
The "shy voter" phenomenon has been pretty much confirmed...Even doughboy Luntz admits that his polls are off because a lot of people wont be truthful with pollsters.

To reiterate; if the admitted number is 40%, it's easily 45% trending toward 50-50.

Half of the populace believing the system is deliberately rigged is not anyplace the nation needs to be.

I would agree with your last statement wholeheartedly.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Your blob got his ass kicked hard.
Trump was defrauded. It was obvious as the cover up is a sign of obvious guilt.
We kicked his ass and folks take turns kicking your dumb brainwashed ass here on USMB every day.
You cheated. You seem to be alright with that. That makes you someone not worthy of my time. Next.
Surada sock puppet,campy boy and candyass are shills from Langley not worth wasting your breath on and dude it’s over with,trump is not potus anymore.yes the election was rigged and lying Biden is the illigitimate president but that has gone on for decades now it’s time to move on and be more concerned about the virus hoax where they are eventually going to force us to get vaccinated,they are already doing thst in other countries,the citizens of China and Israel have it the worse having it done to them against their will.Better get Ready cause it coming to America.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Yeah, he did. I suggest you (and he) deal with it. There was no widespread voter fraud. All court cases dismissed.
And I would suggest Trump focus on the legal sledgehammer that's coming his way.

Court cases being dismissed does not equate to no voter fraud as you imply.

I am not saying there was voter fraud.

I am just saying your claim is crap.
He is a moron indeed with his logic court cases being dismissed means no vote fraud,commie trolls like him leave out our corrupt courts did not even allow the evidence to be presented, I tried telling trump supporters they were living in a fantasyland thst trump would get elected because we got the most corrupt court system in the world,seems like I was about the only trump supporter that could face that reality.nobody would listen to me.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
As in 2016, they understood it wasn't the popular vote, but the electoral college vote that wins the presidency.
And Trump with a little help from his friends (hint, his name rhymes with Newton) he took the EC.

This time in what Trump used to call a landslide, Biden took the popular vote, the electoral college vote, and the presidency.
Biden defrauded the electoral college with the electoral college being complicit. This was a massive conspiracy and the fraud was more than obvious. You can lie to yourself but not to me and over 100 million others.
The trump haters as always get their asses handed to them on a platter,they sure like to convince themselves that Biden is a legitimate president by constantly lying to themselves all the time don’t they? :thup:
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
As in 2016, they understood it wasn't the popular vote, but the electoral college vote that wins the presidency.
And Trump with a little help from his friends (hint, his name rhymes with Newton) he took the EC.

This time in what Trump used to call a landslide, Biden took the popular vote, the electoral college vote, and the presidency.
Biden defrauded the electoral college with the electoral college being complicit. This was a massive conspiracy and the fraud was more than obvious. You can lie to yourself but not to me and over 100 million others.

How would he even pull something like that off? The EC is an independent body. States control elections. Not national campaigns. 81 million people spoke loudly and clearly. 67 lower court cases and 3 SC cases dismissed. No..evidence...found. If there
was even a scintilla of a hint of massive fraud, it would have been in front of a judge..pronto. Trump lost. Biden won. Hanging on to lies and believing alt-right propaganda is not healthy. Seek counseling....or a bottle or two of your favorite
hooch. :)
A stupid question when they installed an illegitimate president. When the government is corrupted along with the media they can do what they want. They know people like you have no problem with destroying election integrity or the country.

You didn't answer my question. How..would..he..pull..something..like..that..off?? He wasn't in a position of power. Trump and his minions controlled government. Trump had friendlies in the legislative and judicial branches. Judges he personally appointed. States control their own elections. Outside of Nevada and Wisconsin, I believe every swing state has a Republican majority of legislators. Yet still, the courts decided to toss every silly lawsuit brought their way. Republican and Democrat elections officials in states found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Even the judges Trump himself appointed as well as his own personal handpicked Roy Cohn AG said there wasn't any widespread fraud.
Sorry, it didn't happen.
Trump never controlled the Deep State. Look at his first impeachment. His own State Dept. bureaucrats tried to hang him.

Rex Tillerson and Mike Pompeo both purged the State Department of career professionals and replaced them with loyal appointees. So that explanation holds no water. Unless you are trying to say Trump got hung by his own people. Trump's first impeachment happened because he stupidly tried to leverage a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival. A play right out of his BFF Putin's handbook. In other words, like so many other things that befell Trump, HE was his own worst enemy. Why? Because he was fundamentally corrupt and a "fucking moron" (Tillerson's own words).
Tillerson did nothing to help Trump. Pompeo did his best but it is nearly impossible to fire a bureaucrat. Many were only transferred and would continue to undermine Trump from their new positions.

Everything for the last four years have been lies topped off with obvious and massive fraud.

I'm sorry, the facts simply don't back your position up. Same deal with the "obvious and massive fraud".
Trump was..and always will be, his own worst enemy.

This happened on Pompeo's watch.

If you'd like something further back.
Sorry the facts do back me up. The courts refused to hear those facts and stopped evidence from being presented. The fact that Congress knew 40% of voters did not trust the election results and did nothing but call them traitors proves the fix was in. Cruz suggested a committee to investigate the fraud like the one appointed in the late 1800's. It would have taken only ten days. Democrats and RINOs wanted no part of it. Why?
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Well done,facts like your other post thst the government can do what they want and get away with it cause both the media and the government are corrupt is too complicated for the moron lying trump haters to comprehend,:thup: it goes over their heads.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.

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