9I Did Not LoseTo Him

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
As in 2016, they understood it wasn't the popular vote, but the electoral college vote that wins the presidency.
And Trump with a little help from his friends (hint, his name rhymes with Newton) he took the EC.

This time in what Trump used to call a landslide, Biden took the popular vote, the electoral college vote, and the presidency.
Biden defrauded the electoral college with the electoral college being complicit. This was a massive conspiracy and the fraud was more than obvious. You can lie to yourself but not to me and over 100 million others.

How would he even pull something like that off? The EC is an independent body. States control elections. Not national campaigns. 81 million people spoke loudly and clearly. 67 lower court cases and 3 SC cases dismissed. No..evidence...found. If there
was even a scintilla of a hint of massive fraud, it would have been in front of a judge..pronto. Trump lost. Biden won. Hanging on to lies and believing alt-right propaganda is not healthy. Seek counseling....or a bottle or two of your favorite
hooch. :)
A stupid question when they installed an illegitimate president. When the government is corrupted along with the media they can do what they want. They know people like you have no problem with destroying election integrity or the country.

You didn't answer my question. How..would..he..pull..something..like..that..off?? He wasn't in a position of power. Trump and his minions controlled government. Trump had friendlies in the legislative and judicial branches. Judges he personally appointed. States control their own elections. Outside of Nevada and Wisconsin, I believe every swing state has a Republican majority of legislators. Yet still, the courts decided to toss every silly lawsuit brought their way. Republican and Democrat elections officials in states found no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Even the judges Trump himself appointed as well as his own personal handpicked Roy Cohn AG said there wasn't any widespread fraud.
Sorry, it didn't happen.
Trump never controlled the Deep State. Look at his first impeachment. His own State Dept. bureaucrats tried to hang him.

Rex Tillerson and Mike Pompeo both purged the State Department of career professionals and replaced them with loyal appointees. So that explanation holds no water. Unless you are trying to say Trump got hung by his own people. Trump's first impeachment happened because he stupidly tried to leverage a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political rival. A play right out of his BFF Putin's handbook. In other words, like so many other things that befell Trump, HE was his own worst enemy. Why? Because he was fundamentally corrupt and a "fucking moron" (Tillerson's own words).
Tillerson did nothing to help Trump. Pompeo did his best but it is nearly impossible to fire a bureaucrat. Many were only transferred and would continue to undermine Trump from their new positions.

Everything for the last four years have been lies topped off with obvious and massive fraud.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :yes_text12:
The duopoly's candidates would be funny if matters were not so serious
President Trump only RAN as a Republican.

He is the sort of INDEPENDENT candidate we all said we wanted (a businessman) That's why the Swamp (both sides) hated him
:thankusmile: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: The trump haters cannot accept that reality that that is why BOTH parties hated him warmongers like bush and Romney hated him and voted for biden sense he is a globalist same as them,you can explain that to them till you are blue in your face but it just goes through one ear and out the other with those lying stupid fucks,too complicated for them to understand that it goes over their heads, that’s why you never heard one peep out of Shills from Langley like candyass,camp and rightwinger never saying one bad word about Bush sense the Bush family has CIA written all over them and the are globalists.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
And 71 million voted for a pathological, chronic, habitual liar and a racist bigoted pussy-grabbing piece of bat shit.??? Even republicans turned and voted for Biden. The little bitch lost... List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign - Wikipedia
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
Is no fraud if you cannot prove fraud. Trump could not prove it. Even his own said he lost legitimately. He has always been a loser and everyone who voted for him were losers also. lol
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
And 71 million voted for a pathological, chronic, habitual liar and a racist bigoted pussy-grabbing piece of bat shit.??? Even republicans turned and voted for Biden. The little bitch lost... List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign - Wikipedia
It was closer to 75 million. He got 12 million more votes than in 2016. The most of ANY president. No president has done that and lost.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
Is no fraud if you cannot prove fraud. Trump could not prove it. Even his own said he lost legitimately. He has always been a loser and everyone who voted for him were losers also. lol
The chance to prove it was denied by a corrupt judicial branch. This was a conspiracy to defraud and a massive cover up with assorted side shows to distract from the fraud and the border and the constant repetition of the lie you are dumb enough to believe.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
Is no fraud if you cannot prove fraud. Trump could not prove it. Even his own said he lost legitimately. He has always been a loser and everyone who voted for him were losers also. lol
The chance to prove it was denied by a corrupt judicial branch. This was a conspiracy to defraud and a massive cover up with assorted side shows to distract from the fraud and the border and the constant repetition of the lie you are dumb enough to believe.
If that was true, then it was covered up by Democrats with the help of Republicans. lmfoao
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
Is no fraud if you cannot prove fraud. Trump could not prove it. Even his own said he lost legitimately. He has always been a loser and everyone who voted for him were losers also. lol
The chance to prove it was denied by a corrupt judicial branch. This was a conspiracy to defraud and a massive cover up with assorted side shows to distract from the fraud and the border and the constant repetition of the lie you are dumb enough to believe.
If that was true, then it was covered up by Democrats with the help of Republicans. lmfoao
No shit? Our government is corrupt, Republicans too. Trump exposed just how corrupt they are.
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
And 71 million voted for a pathological, chronic, habitual liar and a racist bigoted pussy-grabbing piece of bat shit.??? Even republicans turned and voted for Biden. The little bitch lost... List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign - Wikipedia
It was closer to 75 million. He got 12 million more votes than in 2016. The most of ANY president. No president has done that and lost.
You must be brain dead. Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes more than Donald Trump. He lost in 2016,
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
Is no fraud if you cannot prove fraud. Trump could not prove it. Even his own said he lost legitimately. He has always been a loser and everyone who voted for him were losers also. lol
You idiot trump was stupid in the fact he was putting people in his cabinet thst were globalists,his whole cabinet was infiltrated and you were taken to school hundreds of times on this that massive vote happened lying troll.
Last edited:
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
Is no fraud if you cannot prove fraud. Trump could not prove it. Even his own said he lost legitimately. He has always been a loser and everyone who voted for him were losers also. lol
The chance to prove it was denied by a corrupt judicial branch. This was a conspiracy to defraud and a massive cover up with assorted side shows to distract from the fraud and the border and the constant repetition of the lie you are dumb enough to believe.
If that was true, then it was covered up by Democrats with the help of Republicans. lmfoao
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
God you are an idiot,of course both parties covered it up because it is a one party system disguised as two you stupid shit.you have Alzheimer’s diseace I see because you already forgot what I said that is why all the globalist gops as bush and romney hate trump cause he only ran on the Republican ticket but is not one of them,jesus Christ you got reading comprehension problems.
Last edited:
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
And 71 million voted for a pathological, chronic, habitual liar and a racist bigoted pussy-grabbing piece of bat shit.??? Even republicans turned and voted for Biden. The little bitch lost... List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign - Wikipedia
It was closer to 75 million. He got 12 million more votes than in 2016. The most of ANY president. No president has done that and lost.
You must be brain dead. Hillary Clinton's lead in the popular vote of the 2016 presidential election was nearly three million votes more than Donald Trump. He lost in 2016,
Yeah all from illegals Obama poured into california so hitlery could get the popular votemiss brain dead :lmao: :auiqs.jpg: You cannot accept reality the second time trump showed the entire country he was for the people and far more massive people turned out to vote for him than Biden,you count dead people voting and illegal after hours mail in votes for Biden as winning in the polls,wow how juvenile you act when Losing a debate.:abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
And 71 million voted for a pathological, chronic, habitual liar and a racist bigoted pussy-grabbing piece of bat shit.??? Even republicans turned and voted for Biden. The little bitch lost... List of Republicans who opposed the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign - Wikipedia
Wikipedia is a government mouthpiece moron and you just described Clinton and Biden to a tee voting for a pathological,chronic,habitual liar racist bigoted pussy grabbing piece of bat shit.well done.:up::up::rofl:the only reason I don’t add Obama in there is he is gay,a long history of a homosexual past but eveyth8ng else there you said was down to the tee on him.:rofl::up:
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
Wrong as always,the one that stole the election was Biden and hitlery tried to steal it with california illegals and you keep counting dead people and after hours mail in vote after deadlines ended in the middle of the night as people in color coming out to vote, :rofl: you are as much a liar as Biden is thst is why you vote for liars. You demorat voters are a bunch of sick ass disgusting filth who are sealing your fate in hell with Biden lying fir him all the time.
Last edited:
Trump is right again. China braindead Joe is illegitimate.

Trump lost in 2016 and he lost in 2020. What part of Biden got more votes than Trump do you morons not understand?
Wow this troll needs to look in the mirror when calling someone a moron believing basement joe who’s rallies only drew a handful of supporters somehow had more votes than the millions of trump supporters that always turned out,this old lady needs to laugh off the crack. :rofl: :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao:
Moron..Rallies do not count, votes count.
Moron,you were taken to school back then the election was the most massive election fraud that ever took place but trolls like you can only lie to yourself that there was not massive election fraud which has gone on for decades now and Biden is just the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents from the past several decades you idiot.
TRump stole the 2016 election and tried to steal the 2020 elections. People of color came out and they voted and that is why Biden won. Hillary and Biden got more votes than Trump. Suck it up Moron.
The fraud took place in heavily black districts. It was planned that way so they could call people racists. There is no way 81 million voted for that braindead crook. You believe a lie supported by censorship and a blackout on evidence by the MSM. And hysterics from Congress.

The nonsurrection is just another distraction to bury the obvious fraud that took place. Democrats could not look more guilty if the tried.
Is no fraud if you cannot prove fraud. Trump could not prove it. Even his own said he lost legitimately. He has always been a loser and everyone who voted for him were losers also. lol
The chance to prove it was denied by a corrupt judicial branch. This was a conspiracy to defraud and a massive cover up with assorted side shows to distract from the fraud and the border and the constant repetition of the lie you are dumb enough to believe.
If that was true, then it was covered up by Democrats with the help of Republicans. lmfoao
No shit? Our government is corrupt, Republicans too. Trump exposed just how corrupt they are.
:thankusmile::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:Yep and apparently old lady troll is trying to convince us that it is not corrupt and the courts are not corrupt and the government is looking out for us.man she is stupid to think we will fall for that bullshit of hers,she can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll she is.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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