9th Circus Makes Ground Breaking Ruling On Guns

What does "Congress shall make no law" mean?

What does “ well regulated” mean . If u want to cherry pick lines .

Hawaii ain’t congress by the way.
At the time the Constitution was written, it meant that a persons property should ready to roll. Properly maintained.
Not well regulated like the statists like to imagine.
Try again

Ok how about “militia “?

Geez . I agree we have a right to guns but don’t act as if the 2nd says “guns for everybody ! The government can’t do nothing about it !”
As long as it isnt impeding on someone else, what should they do about it?
Does the Constitution mean things it doesnt actually say?
Do you think its a metaphor or something?

Is this where u are a strict constitutionalist except when you don’t want to?

Strictly reading the 2nd it means we need an armed people for the army . Of course we have a standing army now . You could easily say only guard/military members have a right to own guns .

You could easily say anything you damn well please, but the US Constitution says otherwise.
Over all it has

And 97% of murders were from illegally purchased guns. All other crime is down. The threat of a gun helps reduce crime.

Crime Rates in Chicago Plummet After IL Implements Concealed Carry

Concealed Carry Soars 214%, Violent Crime Drops 21%

They are having shootings. And constantly being ripped off over and over. Go read Big Island Thieves to get a taste on what goes on and how pissed they are.

And more guns has never helped. Crime has increased every year since WI and IL got concealed carry. How does their crime rates compare to gun full Fl?
You think crime went down in Chicago? Too funny!
If they were the case we’d have the lowest crime rates in the world! Don’t be so dumb.
again you don't like to do your homework, do you?
Read more here (I need to credit where I read it)

Ace of Spades HQ

Ninth Circuit Appeals Court: If Hawaii Restricts Citizens' Ability to Carry Concealed, Then There Must Be An Absolute Right to OpenCarry
—Ace of Spades
Huge ruling.

Hawaii sharply limits who can carry concealed -- basically, only people who have jobs in security and law enforcement can carry concealed.

The Ninth Circuit -- not the whole Ninth Circuit, which is a leftwing clownshow, but two of the three judges selected randomly to review the lower court's ruling here -- rules that people have the right to carry firearms (quoting the Supreme Court's MacDonald decision), and if the right to carry concealed is restricted by a state, that must mean that the other method of carrying, open carry, is absolute.

The court rules that the "right to keep and bear arms" is actually two rights: to "keep" arms is about storing arms on physical property, but to bear arms is to carry arms on one's person.

And it rules that Hawaii may not leave citizens with no way of exercising this latter right.


Kind of makes conservative lie that the 9th circuit court is a big liberal court the lie that it is.

Or it shows that liberals aren't against guns and aren't out to take them from everyone. Which exposes that lie conservatives have been screaming for years for the lie that it is.
Liberty 1
statist brain 0
Guess I like low homicide rates.
States with carry laws have lower rates.
Which ones have lower homicide rates than Hawaii?
serious? LOL :auiqs.jpg:
Which ones?
9 million people in Chicago vs 1.3 million people in Hawaii and you want to check homicide rates between the two. Serious? :ack-1::auiqs.jpg:
So you want Hawaii to have lots of shootings like other states? Weak gun laws working real well for FL...
try Chicago, how are the gun laws there? do you even know?
They have concealed carry.
they do now, yes sir thank god gun crimes went down. McDonald was a resident of Chicago when he filed guess why? You leftist fks should really read before you make fools of yourself like this.
He filed, as a black man living in a rough neighborhood, to protect himself from black youths.
Over all it has

And 97% of murders were from illegally purchased guns. All other crime is down. The threat of a gun helps reduce crime.

Crime Rates in Chicago Plummet After IL Implements Concealed Carry

Concealed Carry Soars 214%, Violent Crime Drops 21%

So you want Hawaii to have lots of shootings like other states? Weak gun laws working real well for FL...
They are having shootings. And constantly being ripped off over and over. Go read Big Island Thieves to get a taste on what goes on and how pissed they are.

And more guns has never helped. Crime has increased every year since WI and IL got concealed carry. How does their crime rates compare to gun full Fl?
You think crime went down in Chicago? Too funny!
Violent crime and murder up in IL.
Illinois Crime Rates 1960 - 2016
You forget the biggest liberal on it just died recently.
Read more here (I need to credit where I read it)

Ace of Spades HQ

Ninth Circuit Appeals Court: If Hawaii Restricts Citizens' Ability to Carry Concealed, Then There Must Be An Absolute Right to OpenCarry
—Ace of Spades
Huge ruling.

Hawaii sharply limits who can carry concealed -- basically, only people who have jobs in security and law enforcement can carry concealed.

The Ninth Circuit -- not the whole Ninth Circuit, which is a leftwing clownshow, but two of the three judges selected randomly to review the lower court's ruling here -- rules that people have the right to carry firearms (quoting the Supreme Court's MacDonald decision), and if the right to carry concealed is restricted by a state, that must mean that the other method of carrying, open carry, is absolute.

The court rules that the "right to keep and bear arms" is actually two rights: to "keep" arms is about storing arms on physical property, but to bear arms is to carry arms on one's person.

And it rules that Hawaii may not leave citizens with no way of exercising this latter right.


Kind of makes conservative lie that the 9th circuit court is a big liberal court the lie that it is.

Or it shows that liberals aren't against guns and aren't out to take them from everyone. Which exposes that lie conservatives have been screaming for years for the lie that it is.
Freedom isnt free.
If it was, it would always be available.
Lots of free countries have fewer guns and lower homicide rates.
And they dont have the freedom to own badass weapons.
I would rather stay here.
Why dont you move there instead of trying to change my culture and shit on my constitution?
Awe so you need big weapons to feel like a man. Cute.
No, my dick does that.
Do badass things make you feel like a man? Are you projecting? I just like to have fun. :dunno:
I don’t need things to be a man. And I would rather fewer died than I have fun. You might feel the same when you grow up.
Individuality and freedom is about as grown as you can get.
There are no “abolute rights” . All rights have limits .

What does "Congress shall make no law" mean?

What does Anton Scalia mean when he wrote --

District of Columbia v Heller - Justice Scalia

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

That is bullshit. Tradition is not in the Constitution.
Glad he isnt on the bench anymore.
What does “ well regulated” mean . If u want to cherry pick lines .

Hawaii ain’t congress by the way.
At the time the Constitution was written, it meant that a persons property should ready to roll. Properly maintained.
Not well regulated like the statists like to imagine.
Try again

Ok how about “militia “?

Geez . I agree we have a right to guns but don’t act as if the 2nd says “guns for everybody ! The government can’t do nothing about it !”
As long as it isnt impeding on someone else, what should they do about it?
Does the Constitution mean things it doesnt actually say?
Do you think its a metaphor or something?

Is this where u are a strict constitutionalist except when you don’t want to?

Strictly reading the 2nd it means we need an armed people for the army . Of course we have a standing army now . You could easily say only guard/military members have a right to own guns .

You could easily say anything you damn well please, but the US Constitution says otherwise.

Yeah we all know what the 2nd says . It’s really short as far as amendments go . Yet it’s still debated centuries after it was written.

Con says I have a right to free speech. Doesn’t mean I have a right to scream “I’ll kill you” outside your window at 2:00am .
There are no “abolute rights” . All rights have limits .

What does "Congress shall make no law" mean?

What does “ well regulated” mean . If u want to cherry pick lines .

Hawaii ain’t congress by the way.
At the time the Constitution was written, it meant that a persons property should ready to roll. Properly maintained.
Not well regulated like the statists like to imagine.
Try again

Ok how about “militia “?

Geez . I agree we have a right to guns but don’t act as if the 2nd says “guns for everybody ! The government can’t do nothing about it !”
A militia, by definition, is a group of civilians with guns. It's kinda hard to get a group of armed civilians together if civilians can't have guns, don't you think?
What does “ well regulated” mean . If u want to cherry pick lines .

From the link:
The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected.

Meaning of the phrase "well-regulated"
Not a mob...but a military/civilian corps of volunteers ready to defend against threats from without and within...including our own government.
As long as it isnt impeding on someone else, what should they do about it?
Does the Constitution mean things it doesnt actually say?
Do you think its a metaphor or something?

Is this where u are a strict constitutionalist except when you don’t want to?

Strictly reading the 2nd it means we need an armed people for the army . Of course we have a standing army now . You could easily say only guard/military members have a right to own guns .
Terminology has changed
The documents intent hasnt
You have to do better than this if you want to argue with me, timmy

Technology has changed also. The “arms” today are much more powerful.
So? What does that have to do with the second amendment?

It has to do with the “what the founders think “ card .

No, it has to do with what the founders wrote, and what the words meant when they wrote it.
That is for the state. Not for Chicago.

No matter how you look at it. 97% of gun crime is with illegal weapons. Not legal weapons.

For example Austin and North Lawndale, two of the city’s more dangerous neighborhoods, don’t have nearly as many concealed carriers as the more affluent neighborhoods.

One reason for this may be because Austin and North Lawndale have more criminals, and gang members are least likely to get permits for their weapons.

Another reason is because it is fairly expensive and time consuming to get a permit. To legally buy a gun and ammunition in Illinois, you must have pay $10 for a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card (FOID) and pass a background check. This card is issued by the State Police. In order to obtain a concealed carry permit at a cost of $150, you must conduct sixteen hours of training, the longest of any state, including three to four hours practicing at a gun range.

Sixteen hours and at least $160 is no small deal for the poor and working class who just want to protect themselves, and this doesn’t even include the cost for a firearm.

So while Chicago has seen a large increase in permits, it’s fair to say that the law is discriminatory to those who probably most need to legally carry.
Chicago Sees Increase in Concealed Carry Permits - USA Carry

Over all it has

And 97% of murders were from illegally purchased guns. All other crime is down. The threat of a gun helps reduce crime.

Crime Rates in Chicago Plummet After IL Implements Concealed Carry

Concealed Carry Soars 214%, Violent Crime Drops 21%

They are having shootings. And constantly being ripped off over and over. Go read Big Island Thieves to get a taste on what goes on and how pissed they are.

And more guns has never helped. Crime has increased every year since WI and IL got concealed carry. How does their crime rates compare to gun full Fl?
You think crime went down in Chicago? Too funny!
Violent crime and murder up in IL.
Illinois Crime Rates 1960 - 2016
Last edited:
So you want Hawaii to have lots of shootings like other states? Weak gun laws working real well for FL...
try Chicago, how are the gun laws there? do you even know?
They have concealed carry.
they do now, yes sir thank god gun crimes went down. McDonald was a resident of Chicago when he filed guess why? You leftist fks should really read before you make fools of yourself like this.
He filed, as a black man living in a rough neighborhood, to protect himself from black youths.
because the gun laws in the city limit wouldn't allow him to purchase one to defend his family. go fking figure the dems. Just so all you lazy fking leftists don't know, the dems had the city ban guns. and this is what they got Mr. McDonald at the SCOTUS.
Lots of free countries have fewer guns and lower homicide rates.
And they dont have the freedom to own badass weapons.
I would rather stay here.
Why dont you move there instead of trying to change my culture and shit on my constitution?
Awe so you need big weapons to feel like a man. Cute.
No, my dick does that.
Do badass things make you feel like a man? Are you projecting? I just like to have fun. :dunno:
I don’t need things to be a man. And I would rather fewer died than I have fun. You might feel the same when you grow up.
Individuality and freedom is about as grown as you can get.
Choosing fun over peoples lives is childish.

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