A 1 percenter tells the truth about "job creators"

As an entrepreneur and investor, I have started or helped start, dozens of businesses and initially hired lots of people. But if no one could have afforded to buy what we had to sell, my businesses would all would have failed and all those jobs would have evaporated.

There's the statement that gives the lie to the OP. The workers were hired on before the first sale was ever made. Yes, the success of the enterprise depended on people buying the product. But that came after people were hired.

Another fail from the failed leftist hacks.

You never heard of Henry Ford then? :eusa_eh: Got it.

No the question is whether you have any idea WTF you're babbling about. I already know the answer.
A 1 percenter tells the truth about "job creators"

Nick Hanauer, successful entrepreneur and one percenter, gave testimony on income inequality a few days ago before the U.S. Senate. His testimony in full should be posted in every break room in America:

My argument today is this: In the same way that it’s a fact that the sun, not earth is the center of the solar system, it’s also a fact that the middle class, not rich business people like me are the center of America’s economy.

I’ll argue here that prosperity in capitalist economies never trickles down from the top. Prosperity is built from the middle out. As an entrepreneur and investor, I have started or helped start, dozens of businesses and initially hired lots of people. But if no one could have afforded to buy what we had to sell, my businesses would all would have failed and all those jobs would have evaporated...


People need to wake up

Demand creates most jobs. No question about it. Never was. Never will be.

Innovators create new stuff that can be huge. Railroads. Cars. Internet. All changed life per se. But without utility - demand - all would be where the buggy whip industry is today. As the writer of your cite points out, the second part of the puzzle is affordability.

The market for the $5,000 mouse trap is small first because few need a mouse trap that complete vaporizes the mouse and disperses its atoms into the air, and second because most folks can't afford it.

The confluence of Otis Chandler and his sock puppet Ronald Reagan with Don Regan, Milton Friedman and the evangelical community has not worked out well for tens of millions of Americans. The malignancy of voodoo economics (Keynesian theory morphed by Madison Avenue/K Street into "supply side" aka "trickle down") has redistributed US wealth to the top 20%.

It actually pisses me off that the fucking Democrats go after the wealthy when the real problem are the fat-assed Vichy-grade bureaucrats managing the processes that fuel the machine pushing all of America's wealth to the top where, as those of us in the wilderness in the 1980s understood, it shall remain parked until policy changes to FORCE capital into play. How many reading this actually understand that 100% of the prosperity of the 1980s and 1990s was due to two policy malignancies: massive debt and asset inflation. Jesus. It about made me sick how easy that koolade went down with IMPORTANT people who understood that fundamentals rarely change, that had to doubt "new economy" horseshit, and in any event should have known better. Instead they took the money.

The combination of open borders, low interest rates and voodoo economics is literally killing the middle class. And nothing is on the horizon to change the direction or the pace of destruction.

Within one generation the US shall be a nation divided between the 20% to 33% protecting themselves at the expense of the 67%, and the 67% who do most of the non-pencil pushing work.

Hard to feel sorry for the 67%, about half of whom are locked down nutballs who deserve every inch of the ball bat up their asses. Hilariously, they have proved time and again to be too stupid to develop buyer's remorse. :cool:

EDIT: The halfwit nutball cocksucker "rabbi" negged this. What is amusing about that is the verifiable points of all of his posts in my time here do not equal what can be proved or disproved in this one post. Instead of a challenge, he takes the intellectual feeb's path. That tickles the hell out of me.
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Most 1% ers make their money from investments not creating jobs. Middle America creates most of the jobs with small businesses.

This thread is bogus
Producers create jobs. Consumers create incentives for producers to create jobs. It's a circular relationship, not linear. If one side is better off then both sides are better off.

I think the point is that giving tax breaks to the rich doesn't create jobs. What creates jobs is demand and that comes more readily by giving tax breaks to the middle class. It's basic economic theory that the first dollar is much more useful than the last.

Saying that "demand" creates jobs is like saying rain creates umbrellas. It's a stupid argument that's designed to make parasites who produce nothing somehow noble and useful. taking money away via taxation never created a single job. That's the bottom line. Government spending destroys jobs. It doesn't create them.
Most 1% ers make their money from investments not creating jobs. Middle America creates most of the jobs with small businesses.

This thread is bogus

How do you think jobs get created without investing? Do you believe stores and factories just pop up miraculously out of thin air because of "demand?"
Most 1% ers make their money from investments not creating jobs. Middle America creates most of the jobs with small businesses.

This thread is bogus

How do you think jobs get created without investing? Do you believe stores and factories just pop up miraculously out of thin air because of "demand?"

I'm talking about small business. They create the vast majority of the jobs. The rich certainly invest m9ney that then gets loaned out but they are not the job creators.
As an entrepreneur and investor, I have started or helped start, dozens of businesses and initially hired lots of people. But if no one could have afforded to buy what we had to sell, my businesses would all would have failed and all those jobs would have evaporated.

There's the statement that gives the lie to the OP. The workers were hired on before the first sale was ever made. Yes, the success of the enterprise depended on people buying the product. But that came after people were hired.

Another fail from the failed leftist hacks.

Huh? If the business fails, it doesn't matter when the people were hired, they no longer have a job! Like he said - evaporated!

As an entrepreneur and investor, I have started or helped start, dozens of businesses and initially hired lots of people. But if no one could have afforded to buy what we had to sell, my businesses would all would have failed and all those jobs would have evaporated.

There's the statement that gives the lie to the OP. The workers were hired on before the first sale was ever made. Yes, the success of the enterprise depended on people buying the product. But that came after people were hired.

Another fail from the failed leftist hacks.

Huh? If the business fails, it doesn't matter when the people were hired, they no longer have a job! Like he said - evaporated!


Yes, that's always true.
So what? The hiring precedes any sales made. Do you not understand that?
There's the statement that gives the lie to the OP. The workers were hired on before the first sale was ever made. Yes, the success of the enterprise depended on people buying the product. But that came after people were hired.

Another fail from the failed leftist hacks.

Huh? If the business fails, it doesn't matter when the people were hired, they no longer have a job! Like he said - evaporated!


Yes, that's always true.
So what? The hiring precedes any sales made. Do you not understand that?

Mertex doesn't seem to understand the principle that cause comes before effect.
A 1 percenter tells the truth about "job creators"

Nick Hanauer, successful entrepreneur and one percenter, gave testimony on income inequality a few days ago before the U.S. Senate. His testimony in full should be posted in every break room in America:

My argument today is this: In the same way that it’s a fact that the sun, not earth is the center of the solar system, it’s also a fact that the middle class, not rich business people like me are the center of America’s economy.

I’ll argue here that prosperity in capitalist economies never trickles down from the top. Prosperity is built from the middle out. As an entrepreneur and investor, I have started or helped start, dozens of businesses and initially hired lots of people. But if no one could have afforded to buy what we had to sell, my businesses would all would have failed and all those jobs would have evaporated...


People need to wake up

Demand creates most jobs. No question about it. Never was. Never will be.

Innovators create new stuff that can be huge. Railroads. Cars. Internet. All changed life per se. But without utility - demand - all would be where the buggy whip industry is today. As the writer of your cite points out, the second part of the puzzle is affordability.

The market for the $5,000 mouse trap is small first because few need a mouse trap that complete vaporizes the mouse and disperses its atoms into the air, and second because most folks can't afford it.

The confluence of Otis Chandler and his sock puppet Ronald Reagan with Don Regan, Milton Friedman and the evangelical community has not worked out well for tens of millions of Americans. The malignancy of voodoo economics (Keynesian theory morphed by Madison Avenue/K Street into "supply side" aka "trickle down") has redistributed US wealth to the top 20%.

It actually pisses me off that the fucking Democrats go after the wealthy when the real problem are the fat-assed Vichy-grade bureaucrats managing the processes that fuel the machine pushing all of America's wealth to the top where, as those of us in the wilderness in the 1980s understood, it shall remain parked until policy changes to FORCE capital into play. How many reading this actually understand that 100% of the prosperity of the 1980s and 1990s was due to two policy malignancies: massive debt and asset inflation. Jesus. It about made me sick how easy that koolade went down with IMPORTANT people who understood that fundamentals rarely change, that had to doubt "new economy" horseshit, and in any event should have known better. Instead they took the money.

The combination of open borders, low interest rates and voodoo economics is literally killing the middle class. And nothing is on the horizon to change the direction or the pace of destruction.

Within one generation the US shall be a nation divided between the 20% to 33% protecting themselves at the expense of the 67%, and the 67% who do most of the non-pencil pushing work.

Hard to feel sorry for the 67%, about half of whom are locked down nutballs who deserve every inch of the ball bat up their asses. Hilariously, they have proved time and again to be too stupid to develop buyer's remorse. :cool:

EDIT: The halfwit nutball cocksucker "rabbi" negged this. What is amusing about that is the verifiable points of all of his posts in my time here do not equal what can be proved or disproved in this one post. Instead of a challenge, he takes the intellectual feeb's path. That tickles the hell out of me.

He's a poster child for my signature.

It amazes me that anyone besides other such poster children even bothers with him. He's not even entertaining. Perfect candidate for being universally ignored.
There's the statement that gives the lie to the OP. The workers were hired on before the first sale was ever made. Yes, the success of the enterprise depended on people buying the product. But that came after people were hired.

Another fail from the failed leftist hacks.

It's not the initial hire that's as important as continued employment, expansion and the hiring of more employees. Sorry, but the only FAIL I see is yours. You seem to be more interested in scoring quick points than actually thinking about the logic of the situation.

You've described your post perfectly.

The hiring precedes the sales. Whether the business is successful or not is irrelevant to the decision to hire, which must come first.
Tax rates are one factor among many in the decision to start or expand a business. Obviously there is risk in doing both and if the net result is going to be 80% paid to the gov't then the businessman simply wont start or expand. Regulation is another. If a business is going to expose itself to possible jail time for the principles merely by operating then they probably will think about doing something else. If a regulation makes it arduous and expensive to hire, e.g. Obamacare, then they will probably do something else.

The only people who doubt this are people who have never started a business in their lives more complicated than yard sales on eBay.

While the whole post is sophomoric nonsense, the parts in red are some of the most hilariously uninformed bullshit ever published on the internet. Someone tried to credit you with being smart enough to score points, when all you've done is embarrass reason. Let's look at the worst of your nonsense one at a time.

1. Taxes are a usual cost of doing business; US rates are uniform enough to be a non-issue for people developing sound ideas.

2. The health care business is among the most profitable legal extortions on earth. Obamacare and all, it is expected to be in the top five job creators over the next ten years.

3. Everyone who understands that without demand, sales suffer, doubts your point.

4. After blabbermouthing it through 27,000 posts you have demonstrated little sense and earned less credibility on political issues than Larry Fine had on Quantum Mechanics.

5. Basically your posts are a combination trainwreck and clownshow.
He's a poster child for my signature.

It amazes me that anyone besides other such poster children even bothers with him. He's not even entertaining. Perfect candidate for being universally ignored.

I would neg you too but you're a scared little bitch and turned off your rep. Wonder why?
Lower taxes are better for everyone except the government.

The government extorts our money wastes it, exploits it, it's our money.

If any other entity made you give them money, took it before you even saw your paycheck, you would call them thieves.
Lower taxes are better for everyone except the government.

The government extorts our money wastes it, exploits it, it's our money.

If any other entity made you give them money, took it before you even saw your paycheck, you would call them thieves.

I've been waiting for years for someone to tell us how we can run a nation without money.

Seriously, I would love to know the solution.
Lower taxes are better for everyone except the government.

The government extorts our money wastes it, exploits it, it's our money.

If any other entity made you give them money, took it before you even saw your paycheck, you would call them thieves.

I've been waiting for years for someone to tell us how we can run a nation without money.

Seriously, I would love to know the solution.

Running the nation is one thing. Running a gigantic bloated welfare plunder-machine is another.
Lower taxes are better for everyone except the government.

The government extorts our money wastes it, exploits it, it's our money.

If any other entity made you give them money, took it before you even saw your paycheck, you would call them thieves.

I've been waiting for years for someone to tell us how we can run a nation without money.

Seriously, I would love to know the solution.

I think the problem is the waste and bullshit programs. A fair taxable amount would not seem unfair were it not continously squandered away on nonsense.

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