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A bunny out of the hat? Netanyahu: "Let settlers live as residents of 'Palestine'"

What is not being addressed is the fact these illegal settlements are built on lands Israel does not have sovereignty rights in.They illegally took these lands from Palestinians and build settlements unlawfully on these lands. They should dismantle these illegal settlements.
What is not being addressed is the fact these illegal settlements are built on lands Israel does not have sovereignty rights in.They illegally took these lands from Palestinians and build settlements unlawfully on these lands. They should dismantle these illegal settlements.

Palestine is not truly a sovereign state yet. It's government in Ramallah has partial recognition in the UN.
WB was turned over to Israel from Jordan. Israel has been trying to negotiate with the PA but Abbas can't or won't negotiate just make hardline ultimatums. He can't even form a unity government with G.

If they don't recognize Israel and make some peace they will loose half the WB and the mount.
Under international law, Israel is recognized as Occupier and Palestinians are recognized as the ones being occupied and the ones with sovereignty rights in the Occupied Territories of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.
What is not being addressed is the fact these illegal settlements are built on lands Israel does not have sovereignty rights in.They illegally took these lands from Palestinians and build settlements unlawfully on these lands. They should dismantle these illegal settlements.
In many, many cases the Israelis bought the land and are the deeded owners. Indeedy.
What is not being addressed is the fact these illegal settlements are built on lands Israel does not have sovereignty rights in.They illegally took these lands from Palestinians and build settlements unlawfully on these lands. They should dismantle these illegal settlements.

Did you read the OP or even understand what Netanyahu suggests?

Or are you just obsessive about seeing Jews expelled from their homes to see anything else?:cuckoo:
What is not being addressed is the fact these illegal settlements are built on lands Israel does not have sovereignty rights in.They illegally took these lands from Palestinians and build settlements unlawfully on these lands. They should dismantle these illegal settlements.
In many, many cases the Israelis bought the land and are the deeded owners. Indeedy.

From who did they buy the land? From the Ottomans? From the Brits?

Who OWNS the land in Palestine?
Israel is the only democratic, advanced-economy country where state or quasi-state agencies own the vast majority of the land area. An estimated 93 percent of the country’s total land area (excluding the occupied areas of the West Bank and Gaza) is owned by the state or by quasi-state agencies. Furthermore, Article 1 of Basic Law: Israel Lands stipulates that:

The ownership of Israel lands … shall not be transferred either by sale or in any other manner.

A combination of factors – Israel’s small geographic size; its growing population and commitment to absorption of immigration; its official “nation-building” Zionist ideology; and its security needs – has encouraged Israeli policymakers to retain the principle of national ownership and to harness land policies in order to achieve national goals. Today, however, these ideological justifications are no longer immune from criticism, as the Committee discussions demonstrated.


Israel Lands: Privatization or National Ownership?
Your last sentence is the final conclusion.

Since they don't want Jews in Palestine, they gonna expose themselves to be bigger racist than all over Israel's combined. They will call for ethnic cleasing and expulsion, which will be our winning card.

A year ago.. he said the citizens of Palestine would be called Palestinians regardless of their religion...

In May, 2011 and again in July, 2013 Abbas made clear that his country should be Judenfrei. In typical, both-sides-of-the-mouth style, others then came forward to deny that intent. Such is the difficulty of dealing with the Palestinians.
A source in the Prime Minister's Office told reporters Sunday that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu believes that if a Palestinian state is established in Judea and Samaria, Jewish settlers who wish to remain in that state should be allowed to do so.

The source said that Netanyahu believes that there is no reason for the Palestinian state, if it is created, to be “mono-ethnic.”

The source explained that the idea is a continuation of Netanyahu's statement in his speech at Davos, Switzerland, on Friday, in which he made clear that he does not intend to evict Jews from any communities in Judea and Samaria.

Bibi Floats Idea: Settlers to Live under PA Rule - Middle East - News - Israel National News



The PA made this suggestion over a year ago.

Link and we can then see that you are LYING
Economics Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) quickly shot down the idea in a Facebook post.

“The idea that Jewish communities will live under Palestinian sovereignty, as expressed by the Prime Minister's Office, is a very grave matter, and it reflects a panicked loss of values,” said Bennett. "2,000 years of longing for the Land of Israel did not transpire so that we could live under Abu Mazen's rule”

The idea “pulls the ground out from beneath our settlement of Tel Aviv” as well, he stated.

Bennett called on Netanyahu to immediately deny that the idea reflects his policy.

Two hawkish Likud MKs also warned against Netanyahu's idea. Deputy Minister of Transportation, MK Tzipi Hotovely, said that “a diplomatic plan that relegates the Jewish settlement enterprise to Palestinian sovereignty will not receive political backing in Likud. The commitment not to uproot settlements is not enough. It is important that Israeli sovereignty be maintained.”

Deputy Defense Minister MK Danny Danon rejected the plan and said: “Whoever thinks that Jews will live under Palestinian control in Judea and Samaria is invited to try and visit Gaza today and understand the meaning of 'tolerance' in the Middle East.”

Danon added: “In areas where the military will not be present and bear responsibility – no Jew will enjoy security. We will not abandon the settlers behind enemy lines.”

The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel warned against implementing the idea and said that it will lead to a bloodbath. “One of the basic civil rights is the right to life,” stated Forum Director Nahi Eyal. “No one has a moral and legal right to hand over responsibility for the security of Israel's citizens to Palestinian policemen and murderers whom the government released from jail in recent months.”

Netanyahu's plan is unlikely to be accepted by Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas, in any case, since Abbas has vowed not to allow a single Jew to live in "Palestine."

This says it all, and you posted it sha

Netanyahu's plan is unlikely to be accepted by Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas, in any case, since Abbas has vowed not to allow a single Jew to live in "Palestine
I am not sure I understand this???

"Israelis" or "Jews"?

Arab affairs expert Dalit Halevy explained that when Abbas speaks of “Israelis”, he in fact means “Jews." She pointed out that the PA refers to all of the Arabs who live in what they term “Palestine” – including “Israeli Arabs” – as Palestinians. There is, therefore, no distinction in the PA's approach between “Palestinians” and “Arabs,” and similarly no distinction between “Jews” and “Israelis,” when speaking of residents of the territory of the Land of Israel (“Palestine”).

It is very simple the HoAP use various terms when they refer to the Jews, they can be Jews, Israelis, Zionists, Zionist entity, Ashkenazi's, juden and a whole host of other terms that are collectively swear words in Arabic. They are interchangeable so if the don't want to be seen as anti semitic they will say Zionists or Zionist entity when they really mean JOOOOOS
Your last sentence is the final conclusion.

Since they don't want Jews in Palestine, they gonna expose themselves to be bigger racist than all over Israel's combined. They will call for ethnic cleasing and expulsion, which will be our winning card.

A year ago.. he said the citizens of Palestine would be called Palestinians regardless of their religion...

True but he had his fingers crossed behind his back and really meant that the muslims would be the rulers and the Christians the slaves, while the Jews would be ethnically cleansed from the world.
I am not sure I understand this???

"Israelis" or "Jews"?

Arab affairs expert Dalit Halevy explained that when Abbas speaks of “Israelis”, he in fact means “Jews." She pointed out that the PA refers to all of the Arabs who live in what they term “Palestine” – including “Israeli Arabs” – as Palestinians. There is, therefore, no distinction in the PA's approach between “Palestinians” and “Arabs,” and similarly no distinction between “Jews” and “Israelis,” when speaking of residents of the territory of the Land of Israel (“Palestine”).

It is very simple the HoAP use various terms when they refer to the Jews, they can be Jews, Israelis, Zionists, Zionist entity, Ashkenazi's, juden and a whole host of other terms that are collectively swear words in Arabic. They are interchangeable so if the don't want to be seen as anti semitic they will say Zionists or Zionist entity when they really mean JOOOOOS

Bad language is generally considered bad form in the Arab world. Language is pretty specific. Your claims are YOUR claims... Sadly, you don't know the bloody difference.

Where did your family live for the past 2,000 years.
"The kind of state that we want to have, that we aspire to have, is one that would definitely espouse high values of tolerance, co-existence, mutual respect and deference to all cultures, religions. No discrimination whatsoever, on any basis whatsoever," Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad said in 2009. "Jews to the extent they choose to stay and live in the state of Palestine will enjoy those rights and certainly will not enjoy any less rights than Israeli Arabs enjoy now in the State of Israel." (In turn, it would also be difficult for Israel to demand Palestinian immigration policies that allow Israelis to become residents or citizens if Israel would not allow the same right to Palestinians.)

Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Just another iran all over again, the Jews would be stripped of their rights and property faster than water runs of a sheet of glass. This says it all when he says the Jews will be denied the right to move around freely and take up residence in Israel if they want. It is the HoAP that don't want the Jews in the M.E not the Jews that don't want the muslims.

In turn, it would also be difficult for Israel to demand Palestinian immigration policies that allow Israelis to become residents or citizens if Israel would not allow the same right to Palestinians.
What is not being addressed is the fact these illegal settlements are built on lands Israel does not have sovereignty rights in.They illegally took these lands from Palestinians and build settlements unlawfully on these lands. They should dismantle these illegal settlements.

Try again as the settlements are built on land that the Jews own and have title to, the group who are taking land that is not theirs are the HoAP's
Under international law, Israel is recognized as Occupier and Palestinians are recognized as the ones being occupied and the ones with sovereignty rights in the Occupied Territories of East Jerusalem and the West Bank and Gaza.

Find and post the section of International Law that says this, but first read the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan and see what that says.
What is not being addressed is the fact these illegal settlements are built on lands Israel does not have sovereignty rights in.They illegally took these lands from Palestinians and build settlements unlawfully on these lands. They should dismantle these illegal settlements.

Try again as the settlements are built on land that the Jews own and have title to, the group who are taking land that is not theirs are the HoAP's

Hey, bozo ... the State owns all the land.. I posted a link for you from the Jewish Virtual Library.

Are you really old?

Where did your family live for the past 2,000 years?
What is not being addressed is the fact these illegal settlements are built on lands Israel does not have sovereignty rights in.They illegally took these lands from Palestinians and build settlements unlawfully on these lands. They should dismantle these illegal settlements.
In many, many cases the Israelis bought the land and are the deeded owners. Indeedy.

From who did they buy the land? From the Ottomans? From the Brits?

Who OWNS the land in Palestine?

From the ottoman landlords primarily, then from arab land owners in Palestine who had failed as farmers. Most of these transactions were carried out before the mandate came into existence. The itinerant farm workers relied on the Jewish farms for their existence and knew that if there was ever an Israel they would be destitute and forced to return to their country of origin.

Now Israel own under 10%, the Jews own about 2% and most of the rest is owned by Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. leaving 12% that is disputed but claimed by the HoAP
Israel is the only democratic, advanced-economy country where state or quasi-state agencies own the vast majority of the land area. An estimated 93 percent of the country’s total land area (excluding the occupied areas of the West Bank and Gaza) is owned by the state or by quasi-state agencies. Furthermore, Article 1 of Basic Law: Israel Lands stipulates that:

The ownership of Israel lands … shall not be transferred either by sale or in any other manner.

A combination of factors – Israel’s small geographic size; its growing population and commitment to absorption of immigration; its official “nation-building” Zionist ideology; and its security needs – has encouraged Israeli policymakers to retain the principle of national ownership and to harness land policies in order to achieve national goals. Today, however, these ideological justifications are no longer immune from criticism, as the Committee discussions demonstrated.


Israel Lands: Privatization or National Ownership?

While land outside of Israel is owned in part by individual Jews who bought the land before the mandate. This land can be bequeathed to the state of Israel and the HoAP can do nothing about it.

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