A Burning Question about the NYC attack and terrorism in general...


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen
It would seem, votes are far more important than dead Americans.
The religion is in desperate need of a modern Reformation, but because it falls into the "oppressed" side of the Left's "Oppressed/Oppressor" template, they're just not going to say anything.

They're going to do what they do for ALL "oppressed" groups, and that is keep standards low, spin for it, refuse to hold it accountable, and as a result enable its worst behaviors - no matter what damage is caused.

It's just what they do.
They're going to do what they do for ALL "oppressed" groups, and that is keep standards low, spin for it, and as a result enable its worst behaviors - no matter what damage is caused. It's just what they do.
This might be a step too far in me asking this, but...

But does that attitude make them indistinguishable from terrorists? Or does it not suggest some type of complicity in the matter?
about 3000 of their very own where murdered in one day.

That didn't wake them to the danger muslims pose to us and the world.

They literally do not care how many Americans suffer and die at the hands of muslims.
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen
I think a particular judge in Hawaii would find offense from this post.

They're going to do what they do for ALL "oppressed" groups, and that is keep standards low, spin for it, and as a result enable its worst behaviors - no matter what damage is caused. It's just what they do.
This might be a step too far in me asking this, but... But does that attitude make them indistinguishable from terrorists? Or does it not suggest some type of complicity in the matter?
Well, overall I think it just makes them ideologues. I think that, once a person is fully infected with an ideology, traditional reason and rational thought processes go out the window, whether that person is intelligent or not. Ideology distorts.
They're going to do what they do for ALL "oppressed" groups, and that is keep standards low, spin for it, and as a result enable its worst behaviors - no matter what damage is caused. It's just what they do.
This might be a step too far in me asking this, but...

But does that attitude make them indistinguishable from terrorists? Or does it not suggest some type of complicity in the matter?
they won't directly help, they will however do everything they can to prevent anyone else from stopping them.

in the land of splitting hairs....
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen
Elections have consequences, those that voted for Obama and Deblasio, deserve the misery that those liberals FORCED upon them. They love the Muslims who have come here by their policies, more than US citizens, now those families who have lost loved ones, need to sue the fuck out of both of them, for aiding and abetting the murders that happened by the Muslim..
Obama Uses The Office Of U.S. President To Openly Protects World Muslims
Obama in 32 seconds says as president he will fight stereotyping of Muslims wherever it occurs in the world. He also says that Muslims should be able to practice their religion however they see fit (Sharia.)
Sharia law calls for the murder of infidels, they have practiced this event many times. When will the US citizens say, "enough is enough"?
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen
Everything is a political OPPORTUNITY for the left. Whatever Trump says or does, it is called racism. Does not matter one bit to them. None of this dents any of them. Your letter is being read by robots who have no ability to think for themselves.

They are already twisting this to blame white American Christian policies. We already know they despise Israel. That includes American left wing "jews." Who, like the KAPOS that worked for he nazis, are not jews at all. They are the wolves in sheeps clothing. They are the absolute enemies to the land of Canaan. They, are the ones that control MUCH of the media and entertainment industry. Many of them are descendants of those that sympathized with the Bolshevik movement when they emigrated here from mother Russia in the early 20th century. Research Emma Goldman, for instance, or how the Rosenbergs gave the USSR the secrets making the bomb/.

Your letter is spot on, but will not dent the demented left. They are demented hypocrites who clearly hate the country. Nothing could be more clear.
Dear Democrats...

Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism when you resist any attempt to save lives by addressing the problem directly? Why bother when you're too consumed by your own political agenda? Does this not make your "thoughts and prayers" meaningless?

Spare me your sanctimony about "the Muslim ban". What happened in New York yesterday requires far more than "thoughts and prayers"; we need action, to weed out the radicals who distort their own faith to take innocent life. You want us to have sympathy on the refugees fleeing their war torn countries, but apparently none on the Americans that some of these wolves in sheep's clothing kill indiscriminately.

I've heard and seen enough. I've stopped short of labeling all of Islam as a dangerous ideology, mainly because I know Muslims that put some of the best practicing Christians in our society under a table. Christianity had to deal with its radical elements, so too should Islam. If not, that is what armed conflict is for. We will deal with its radical elements if it will not.

Do more than pray or mourn, stop standing in the way. Do your job and put the safety and welfare of the American citizenry first. Radical Islamic Terrorism is real. What will you do about it?


An upset American citizen
I think a particular judge in Hawaii would find offense from this post.


Correct. To bad that terrorist didn't decide to move to Hawaii.
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.
Obama's Muslim terrorist buddy was allowed to come into the US under a "diversity visa".

Fuck diversity. Fuck Muslims. Fuck bringing in Muslim shitheads because the Liberals hate White Christians.

Just think, that idiot Crooked Hillary ran on a platform to bring in a million more Muslims. Dumb bitch. Thank god she is not President.
Why send thoughts and prayers to victims of terrorism
Because one is a human being and is capable of having and expressing sympathy to another human being who's suffered the consequences of the loss or physical injury of a loved one (or themselves). Regardless of how or why it happened, the capacity for having and expressing sympathy for it having happened is an aspect of good character.
Except none of the countries on Trump's ban list ever carry out terror attacks in America. In fact he took Sudan off the list the very same day a Sudanese immigrant attacked us. It's nothing more than meaningless lip service for his supporters.

It doesn't matter. Trump could put a ban on every country where terrorists came from, and some Commie leftist activist judge will still try to stop him.

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