A California biology teacher has been arrested for allegedly molesting seven students and sharing graphic photos online

as for "normalizing transgenders as people" -

they are people. no one i know of ever said otherwise. but if their overall numbers and impact isn't enough to warrant people stopping say bio-males competing against bio-females, then said behavior is simply not "normal". it's "not normal" to see a transgender compete against women. keep in mind this is what i gather from YOUR post. you seem to say no one should stop transgenders from competing because it simply isn't....um.... "normal". ergo, not an issue.

so - to be sure they are people. they have the same rights we all do. but part of that right is NOT accepting the behavior of others. you don't, why should those who disagree with you?

you don't have the right to be without criticism for the choices you make. if you feel otherwise, please cite that in our own bill of rights.

you can keep at the windmill, "don coyote" - but the end effect is you're trying to "normalize" how YOU feel at the expense of how others feel.

historically that has never worked out well.
YOU said disney was trying to NORMALIZE this behavior.

well, then you are saying IT IS HAPPENING cause hell, they're doing it.

What exactly are saying I said because I LINKED TO IT. Are talking about some other post where I said something about normalizing?

What I SAID is IN that post linked to where I said NORMALIZING TRANSGENDER PEOPLE.

Again - please define the behavior you are referring to because in the context of this conversation about a teacher molesting students, it is not making much sense
now you run around looking for people to say it's happening cause you say it's in very small numbers that shouldn't matter.


What exactly “shouldn’t matter”? We have laws in every state about adults molesting children, which includes teachers, and no one says “it shouldn’t matter”.
NOW - if these numbers are too small to matter, what the FUCK are you NORMALIZING? you are saying such small #'s are "normal"? that in itself is a contradiction to anyone not running around in an emo fit.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

the 1/3% YOU pointed out were actually the issue?

so do NOT sit there and tell me to explain the things YOU say. that's on you. i couldn't begin to put logic to your emotional rantings. they simply are oil and water.

Again, what the fuck are you accusing me of saying? I linked to the one post where I stated Disney is normalizing transgender PEOPLE and you seem to be taking that to imp,y sexual molestation of children.

i understand you feel strongly about things. i hate to break this to you, but we all do. your strong emotions are no more right than mine. or westwalls, or anyone else in here. its simply how WE feel but OUR feeling that way doesn't establish dominance of that thought.
And you and Westwall’s strong emotions on transgender people are no more right than mine or anyone else’s, I have as much right to express my opinion here as YOU DO.

if we don't pull it together and figure that out soon and learn to compromise, what hope do any of us really have? you won't take one side forcing views on you. the other side won't either.

now what?

That is the only part that makes sense here. Now what? This issue is 99% the product of politics.

In my OPINION, this is what I think.

It is impossible to have a rational discussion on this because it is all being instantly conflated with pedo.

Disney normalizing transsexuals as PEOPLE is not some hidden pedo agenda. They are responding to the current cultural climate of DEI as a business.

There are multiple issues being conflated here under one umbrella. What are the specific issues and can they be disentangled and are either or both sides going too far in how they are reacting?

What is appropriate and inappropriate to be taught and what is considered to be age appropriate?

Who should be the primary decision makers for a child’s medical care? Parent, doctor, politicians, combination?

What should teacher’s do when confronted by a child, speaking confidentially about something they do not feel safe confiding with their parents?

Normal puberty can begin as early as 9. With that in mind, what is “age appropriate”?

Should teachers be allowed to talk about same sex families or transgender people as normal people? How should they relate to a transgender or homosexual student?

Pick the question. Add some of your own.
and that is what i said. mostly an editorial site (ie, opinions only) and very short on news not corroborated by their "opinions".

just because you agree with them doesn't make their opinion any more valid than my own.
What exactly are saying I said because I LINKED TO IT. Are talking about some other post where I said something about normalizing?

What I SAID is IN that post linked to where I said NORMALIZING TRANSGENDER PEOPLE.

Again - please define the behavior you are referring to because in the context of this conversation about a teacher molesting students, it is not making much sense


What exactly “shouldn’t matter”? We have laws in every state about adults molesting children, which includes teachers, and no one says “it shouldn’t matter”.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

Again, what the fuck are you accusing me of saying? I linked to the one post where I stated Disney is normalizing transgender PEOPLE and you seem to be taking that to imp,y sexual molestation of children.

And you and Westwall’s strong emotions on transgender people are no more right than mine or anyone else’s, I have as much right to express my opinion here as YOU DO.

That is the only part that makes sense here. Now what? This issue is 99% the product of politics.

In my OPINION, this is what I think.

It is impossible to have a rational discussion on this because it is all being instantly conflated with pedo.

Disney normalizing transsexuals as PEOPLE is not some hidden pedo agenda. They are responding to the current cultural climate of DEI as a business.
does the current climate WANT this? it would appear not due to laws being enacted to stop it. you can't dismiss those not wanting it as "evil" or any other global stereotype you like to use. they are pushing it because their current management is in fact in this segment.

if we don't have enough transgenders in sports to warrant laws to stop them, how can we have enough to say our current culture *wants* this? we can't. this is a truth casualty you love to refer to.

There are multiple issues being conflated here under one umbrella. What are the specific issues and can they be disentangled and are either or both sides going too far in how they are reacting?

What is appropriate and inappropriate to be taught and what is considered to be age appropriate?

Who should be the primary decision makers for a child’s medical care? Parent, doctor, politicians, combination?
the parents. if they are failing in that activity, the local authorities can review their abilities as parents and take appropriate action. if a doctor or teacher sees a form of "abuse" - report it to local authorities and move along.
What should teacher’s do when confronted by a child, speaking confidentially about something they do not feel safe confiding with their parents?
talk to THAT CHILD about it with their parents in the end. if there is an issue with the relationship between them and their parents, that is on them. stop trying to fix "people" according to your own standards. you'd not accept a "far right" person teaching your child how to behave. don't expect anyone to allow that to their children.

Normal puberty can begin as early as 9. With that in mind, what is “age appropriate”?

Should teachers be allowed to talk about same sex families or transgender people as normal people? How should they relate to a transgender or homosexual student?

Pick the question. Add some of your own.
"can begin" - so you once again take the extreme and demand broad actions to deal with a "less than normal" happening. you see, there is also "delayed" puberty. so because we have some that are "early" and some that are "delayed" - why do you rush to deal with one extreme at the expense of the other? why not hold off til the "delayed" puberty timeframe?

should teachers be allowed to talk about it? well that is one question. but when they bring in guest transgenders to read to them and bring in transgender's to tell their story, isn't this above and beyond a teacher "talking" about it?

im sure for most teachers this has become very confusing and hard to deal with. but who forced the issue? a 2nd grader asking about transgenders or were they given the topic itself because a child may have asked?

deal with the one who is asking. don't make the rest a part of that.
you got confused?

you pointed to a VICE article as if it meant something.
i said they are an opinion / editorial site.
you said they are an opinion / editorial site.

what is the point of pointing to an opinion site in a discussion except to say someone agrees with you.

hey westwall - do you agree with me? if so, then i must be right.

is that how this works, Coyote ?
does the current climate WANT this? it would appear not due to laws being enacted to stop it. you can't dismiss those not wanting it as "evil" or any other global stereotype you like to use. they are pushing it because their current management is in fact in this segment.

What exactly is the current climate and how do we measure it? Do we measure it by legislation being passed by partisan state legislatures as “proof” of what the majority thinks or is it proof of the country’s deep divisions, gerrymandering and safe districts? I don’t know the answer so I will see if I can find some reputable polls.

I am very very selective, btw, in using the term “evil” btw. For example, I would use that term on Putin, but not people who are trying to change how we teach sexuality and gender in public schools. However there are areas where I disagree, strongly disagree or find just wrong. And one of those is when people start tarringthe entire public school teaching profession as (as one poster specifically stated) being infiltrared by pedos. I think we can agree that tarring an entire group by the actions of a few, is wrong and potentially dangerous (and that applies to both left and right) - can’t we? Dangerous in this case, in that pedo is the most abhorrent crime possible to most of us and implying the teaching profession is infested with pedos is waving a red flag to the torch and pitchfork mobs.

Right now, according to such far-right illuminaries as Carlson, Ingraham and MTG, anyone who objects to this legislation is a “groomer” and/pedo. I can draw a parallel to something you might be more sympathetic to and that is Obama, when anyone who criticized his legislation was labeled “racist” regardless of the reason for that criticism.

if we don't have enough transgenders in sports to warrant laws to stop them, how can we have enough to say our current culture *wants* this? we can't. this is a truth casualty you love to refer to.
Hold on, let’s be clear about something. I said here and elsewhere, that when it comes to adult sports biological males should not be competing against biological females. It isn’t a reason of numbers, it is a reason of fairness and the whole reason women were separated from men in athletics. I suspect a lot of people feel that way without opposing rights for transgender people.

In terms of K12, however, it is a different picture because until puberty it really doesn’t matter does it? Even after…does it matter in all sports? What if they taking puberty blockers? I think here the public support for such laws is less clear.

the parents. if they are failing in that activity, the local authorities can review their abilities as parents and take appropriate action. if a doctor or teacher sees a form of "abuse" - report it to local authorities and move along.

Who decides if they are failing and by what criteria? We have a state law passed that automatically labels treatment for transgender dysmorphia as “child abuse” despite the fact it is the currently accepted protocol by the medical establishment. So does a politician then decide and not the parent in concert with tbe child and doctor? What is worse is the law also encourages peop,e to report on neighbors if they a child is being treated. And this is not surgery which is almost never done before 18.

talk to THAT CHILD about it with their parents in the end. if there is an issue with the relationship between them and their parents, that is on them. stop trying to fix "people" according to your own standards. you'd not accept a "far right" person teaching your child how to behave. don't expect anyone to allow that to their children.

If you know a child’s parents are abusive and might well harm the child if he came out as gay or transgender, would you be willing to take that risk, especially if you as a teacher or school counselor might be the only adult this child feels he can confide in? That doesn’t mean you are telling the child how behave, it means you are offering the appropriate level of support to a child and that can cone from a “far right” teacher just as easily as it can a “far left” teacher. Why is there this assumption that a teacher can’t set aside political ideologies and deal compassionately and responsibly with child in front of him?

"can begin" - so you once again take the extreme and demand broad actions to deal with a "less than normal" happening. you see, there is also "delayed" puberty. so because we have some that are "early" and some that are "delayed" - why do you rush to deal with one extreme at the expense of the other? why not hold off til the "delayed" puberty timeframe?

The age I am quoting is not abnormal, it is one end of the range for NORMAL puberty to begin. Abnormal onset is below that age or over 14. If I understand you correctly, you are asking why we don’t hold off until later. Perhaps one reason is if you wait until 14, then kids are already figuring things out for themselves and it may not be accurate or what you want. It also leaves some kids floundering, not understanding what is happening to them, not sure how they feel, wondering if they are abnormal etc. Of course it would great if the parents handled it all but too many can’t or won’t, and result can be STD’s, teen pregnancies etc which we all pay for.

should teachers be allowed to talk about it? well that is one question. but when they bring in guest transgenders to read to them and bring in transgender's to tell their story, isn't this above and beyond a teacher "talking" about it?
As long as it isn’t sexually explicit and inappropriate for the age, why not? How is it any different than bringing in a guest from any of a number of groups of people? All this is doing is telling kids that these people are part of our community as well.

im sure for most teachers this has become very confusing and hard to deal with. but who forced the issue? a 2nd grader asking about transgenders or were they given the topic itself because a child may have asked?
Transgenders are hardly a societal secret anymore, so it could go either way. Kids are observant and curious….”Mommy, why is that lady so fat”…etc.

As far as introducing it…again, as long as it is age appropriate, so what?

deal with the one who is asking. don't make the rest a part of that.
But that child is part of the rest…not isolated from the rest.
What exactly is the current climate and how do we measure it? Do we measure it by legislation being passed by partisan state legislatures as “proof” of what the majority thinks or is it proof of the country’s deep divisions, gerrymandering and safe districts? I don’t know the answer so I will see if I can find some reputable polls.
you tell me. states are enacting laws to stop this and you say it's not happening enough to have TO create these laws. so what criteria are YOU using to measure it? "partisan state" is a copout answer because both sides are partisan to THEIR cause, refusing to give an inch to the other.

the rest we make up to justify that bit of stupidity.

again, you are the one who said disney was trying to normalize this. i replied to clarify and i never heard from you again. so, the onus is still on you to tell me how we don't have enough of this happening *to* enact legislation yet we do have enough *to* need to normalize it.

how did you measure that? my guess is how you happen to feel, not subjective numbers you give equal footing to. but that is my guess and i'm open to your answer.
I am very very selective, btw, in using the term “evil” btw. For example, I would use that term on Putin, but not people who are trying to change how we teach sexuality and gender in public schools. However there are areas where I disagree, strongly disagree or find just wrong. And one of those is when people start tarringthe entire public school teaching profession as (as one poster specifically stated) being infiltrared by pedos.
please cite the times you were against "tarring" the other side. it seems earlier this week you said YOU WHITE PEOPLE. how is that not doing the same thing you're upset about here?

until you practice what you preach, what you preach has very little value.

I think we can agree that tarring an entire group by the actions of a few, is wrong and potentially dangerous (and that applies to both left and right) - can’t we? Dangerous in this case, in that pedo is the most abhorrent crime possible to most of us and implying the teaching profession is infested with pedos is waving a red flag to the torch and pitchfork mobs.

Right now, according to such far-right illuminaries as Carlson, Ingraham and MTG, anyone who objects to this legislation is a “groomer” and/pedo. I can draw a parallel to something you might be more sympathetic to and that is Obama, when anyone who criticized his legislation was labeled “racist” regardless of the reason for that criticism.
they speak in extremes because you're trying to "normalize" these extremes. they speak out against it, the DOJ and Feds dive into local school districts and start pushing people around. did you not just demonize those concerned about these lessons?

we live in a time of hyperbole and extreme statements. people see black and white and ignore the billion shades of gray in between. to understand one side but fail to understand the other side will react in the same manner, only for a different set of beliefs, is setting yourself up for constant anger.
Hold on, let’s be clear about something. I said here and elsewhere, that when it comes to adult sports biological males should not be competing against biological females. It isn’t a reason of numbers, it is a reason of fairness and the whole reason women were separated from men in athletics. I suspect a lot of people feel that way without opposing rights for transgender people.
then what difference does it make if they pass laws to stop it? you don't want it happening anyway. again, i don't get your final desire of the topic when you play both sides at will.

i suspect they do. but its far easier to call them transphobes and hate them than to admit they have a point you just agreed to.
in terms of K12, however, it is a different picture because until puberty it really doesn’t matter does it? Even after…does it matter in all sports? What if they taking puberty blockers? I think here the public support for such laws is less clear.
who in their right mind would be taking puberty blockers in order to compete in sports? i am not going off on this goose chase with you.

Who decides if they are failing and by what criteria? We have a state law passed that automatically labels treatment for transgender dysmorphia as “child abuse” despite the fact it is the currently accepted protocol by the medical establishment. So does a politician then decide and not the parent in concert with tbe child and doctor? What is worse is the law also encourages peop,e to report on neighbors if they a child is being treated. And this is not surgery which is almost never done before 18.
"we have *A* state law... didn't you recently say we shouldn't tar an entire side for the actions of a few?

i think you did. deal with the state, not loop everyone into this one topic and pretend all feel this way.

If you know a child’s parents are abusive and might well harm the child if he came out as gay or transgender, would you be willing to take that risk, especially if you as a teacher or school counselor might be the only adult this child feels he can confide in? That doesn’t mean you are telling the child how behave, it means you are offering the appropriate level of support to a child and that can cone from a “far right” teacher just as easily as it can a “far left” teacher. Why is there this assumption that a teacher can’t set aside political ideologies and deal compassionately and responsibly with child in front of him?
how do you know? and because a limited set of people may react that way, we must treat it as a widespread problem.

hmmmm...back to the action of a few not being fair to apply to all.

unless of course it suits your argument. that duality really needs to end.

and if teachers would set it aside and listen to the parents, this wouldn't be an issue. where that is happening, it isn't an issue. where it IS an issue is where people make it one because the other side refuses to listen. but again, i have the DOJ and FBI calling concerned parents "terrorists". what reaction would you expect to have?

The age I am quoting is not abnormal, it is one end of the range for NORMAL puberty to begin. Abnormal onset is below that age or over 14. If I understand you correctly, you are asking why we don’t hold off until later. Perhaps one reason is if you wait until 14, then kids are already figuring things out for themselves and it may not be accurate or what you want. It also leaves some kids floundering, not understanding what is happening to them, not sure how they feel, wondering if they are abnormal etc. Of course it would great if the parents handled it all but too many can’t or won’t, and result can be STD’s, teen pregnancies etc which we all pay for.
the age im quoting is not abnormal either. just the other end of the spectrum. my question is, why do you push one instance as more important and needs to be dealt with over the other? you cite one extreme, i simply play devils advocate and cite the other and want to know why you're concerned about 1 persons mental health but not how a late bloomer may be ridiculed just as much for what they are going through.

and because parents are not doing it as you would doesn't mean they are not handling it. that's a pretty arrogant statement to imply only your methods are acceptable ways to handle this.

As long as it isn’t sexually explicit and inappropriate for the age, why not? How is it any different than bringing in a guest from any of a number of groups of people? All this is doing is telling kids that these people are part of our community as well.

Transgenders are hardly a societal secret anymore, so it could go either way. Kids are observant and curious….”Mommy, why is that lady so fat”…etc.

As far as introducing it…again, as long as it is age appropriate, so what?

But that child is part of the rest…not isolated from the rest.
that is up to the community to decide as a whole. not one segment who feels they are fighting for the rights of people who happen to share a similar mindset. the fact the teachers have to "sneak" around to do this and you're over there justifying it with mythical reasons speaks to why parents are tired of it and fighting back.

why tucker and others are calling it extreme verbiage. to them, it is regardless of how it is to you. if you want your viewpoints respected, the easiest way to accomplish that is to respect theirs.

that doesn't mean agree nor condone; but respect just the same.

i've yet to see either "extreme" side willing to do that. that's what extremes do.

and you're advocating "normalizing" these "extremes" and wondering why there is varied and constant push back.
you tell me. states are enacting laws to stop this and you say it's not happening enough to have TO create these laws. so what criteria are YOU using to measure it? "partisan state" is a copout answer because both sides are partisan to THEIR cause, refusing to give an inch to the other.

the rest we make up to justify that bit of stupidity.

again, you are the one who said disney was trying to normalize this. i replied to clarify and i never heard from you again. so, the onus is still on you to tell me how we don't have enough of this happening *to* enact legislation yet we do have enough *to* need to normalize it.

Ok…I am actually trying to have a real and respectful discussion with you on the ISSUES and I ask questions because I either don’t have an answer or want know your thoughts.

I am beginning to wonder if it is worth it, because in general you can’t have those kind of discussions here and I won’t put in the effort any more much of the time.

What I am trying to figure out FIRST is what YOU think I was saying Disney is trying to normalize and I linked to the exact post where I SAID Disney is trying to normalize transgender PEOPLE (ie people who are part of our inclusive community.

Do you agree that is what I said or do YOU think I said something else is being normalized?

how did you measure that? my guess is how you happen to feel, not subjective numbers you give equal footing to. but that is my guess and i'm open to your answer.
How about polls? We both know how polls can be set up to be misleading and biased or good and fairly accurate. That is better reading of public opinion laws passed where too often members are in safe districts.

please cite the times you were against "tarring" the other side. it seems earlier this week you said YOU WHITE PEOPLE. how is that not doing the same thing you're upset about here?

Sure. I gave an example here with calling people racist solely because they opposed Obama’s policies. Another example, tarring all Trump with the actions of the rioters who ransacked the Capitol. I have said (repeatedly) that out of the thousands who attended that rally, MOST stopped of violence and breaking the law, and left. Now, if you are going to continue make this about me, how about you?

By the way “you white people” isn’t a statement about anything with out some context, can you at least link to where I said that?

until you practice what you preach, what you preach has very little value.
Fair enough, I think the same applies to you.

they speak in extremes because you're trying to "normalize" these extremes. they speak out against it, the DOJ and Feds dive into local school districts and start pushing people around. did you not just demonize those concerned about these lessons?

WHAT extremes do you say I’m trying to normalize? You have yet to actually define it.

Pushing parents around, a few details here matter. These are not just parents wanting to heard. While there are plenty of parents involved with what is going on in there districts, these are people who are purposely disrupting meetings, not allowing any business to be done or anyone else to speak. In many cases they aren’t even locals or have kids in the schools. School officials and teachers have been assaulted, gotten death threats, been doxxed, had their families and children threatened by some of these people.

At what point is this not ok?

we live in a time of hyperbole and extreme statements. people see black and white and ignore the billion shades of gray in between. to understand one side but fail to understand the other side will react in the same manner, only for a different set of beliefs, is setting yourself up for constant anger.

True. And that applies to both sides.

then what difference does it make if they pass laws to stop it? you don't want it happening anyway. again, i don't get your final desire of the topic when you play both sides at will.

i suspect they do. but its far easier to call them transphobes and hate them than to admit they have a point you just agreed to.
I suspect it is far easier to call those who oppose some of this legislation pedos and groomers too, dontcha think.

Not sure what you mean by playing both sides. I understand both sides have legitimate concerns. You want me to take sides?

who in their right mind would be taking puberty blockers in order to compete in sports? i am not going off on this goose chase with you.

No one. You misconstrued what I said.

Will try to answer more later.

"we have *A* state law... didn't you recently say we shouldn't tar an entire side for the actions of a few?

i think you did. deal with the state, not loop everyone into this one topic and pretend all feel this way.

how do you know? and because a limited set of people may react that way, we must treat it as a widespread problem.

hmmmm...back to the action of a few not being fair to apply to all.

unless of course it suits your argument. that duality really needs to end.

and if teachers would set it aside and listen to the parents, this wouldn't be an issue. where that is happening, it isn't an issue. where it IS an issue is where people make it one because the other side refuses to listen. but again, i have the DOJ and FBI calling concerned parents "terrorists". what reaction would you expect to have?

the age im quoting is not abnormal either. just the other end of the spectrum. my question is, why do you push one instance as more important and needs to be dealt with over the other? you cite one extreme, i simply play devils advocate and cite the other and want to know why you're concerned about 1 persons mental health but not how a late bloomer may be ridiculed just as much for what they are going through.

and because parents are not doing it as you would doesn't mean they are not handling it. that's a pretty arrogant statement to imply only your methods are acceptable ways to handle this.

that is up to the community to decide as a whole. not one segment who feels they are fighting for the rights of people who happen to share a similar mindset. the fact the teachers have to "sneak" around to do this and you're over there justifying it with mythical reasons speaks to why parents are tired of it and fighting back.

why tucker and others are calling it extreme verbiage. to them, it is regardless of how it is to you. if you want your viewpoints respected, the easiest way to accomplish that is to respect theirs.

that doesn't mean agree nor condone; but respect just the same.

i've yet to see either "extreme" side willing to do that. that's what extremes do.

and you're advocating "normalizing" these "extremes" and wondering why there is varied and constant push back.
Ok…I am actually trying to have a real and respectful discussion with you on the ISSUES and I ask questions because I either don’t have an answer or want know your thoughts.

I am beginning to wonder if it is worth it, because in general you can’t have those kind of discussions here and I won’t put in the effort any more much of the time.

What I am trying to figure out FIRST is what YOU think I was saying Disney is trying to normalize and I linked to the exact post where I SAID Disney is trying to normalize transgender PEOPLE (ie people who are part of our inclusive community.

Do you agree that is what I said or do YOU think I said something else is being normalized?

How about polls? We both know how polls can be set up to be misleading and biased or good and fairly accurate. That is better reading of public opinion laws passed where too often members are in safe districts.

Sure. I gave an example here with calling people racist solely because they opposed Obama’s policies. Another example, tarring all Trump with the actions of the rioters who ransacked the Capitol. I have said (repeatedly) that out of the thousands who attended that rally, MOST stopped of violence and breaking the law, and left. Now, if you are going to continue make this about me, how about you?

By the way “you white people” isn’t a statement about anything with out some context, can you at least link to where I said that?

Fair enough, I think the same applies to you.

WHAT extremes do you say I’m trying to normalize? You have yet to actually define it.

Pushing parents around, a few details here matter. These are not just parents wanting to heard. While there are plenty of parents involved with what is going on in there districts, these are people who are purposely disrupting meetings, not allowing any business to be done or anyone else to speak. In many cases they aren’t even locals or have kids in the schools. School officials and teachers have been assaulted, gotten death threats, been doxxed, had their families and children threatened by some of these people.

At what point is this not ok?

True. And that applies to both sides.

I suspect it is far easier to call those who oppose some of this legislation pedos and groomers too, dontcha think.

Not sure what you mean by playing both sides. I understand both sides have legitimate concerns. You want me to take sides?

No one. You misconstrued what I said.

Will try to answer more later.
you are the one who said disney was trying to normalize this. you never said what "this" was or what you meant.

so far the rest is side noise. i'll get back to the rest of your post, but until i understand what you think disney should "normalize" we're never going to get very far.
you are the one who said disney was trying to normalize this. you never said what "this" was or what you meant.

so far the rest is side noise. i'll get back to the rest of your post, but until i understand what you think disney should "normalize" we're never going to get very far.
NORMALIZE WHAT EXACTLY? Why the hell won’t you give a straight answer? I LINKED TO WHAT I SAID WAS NORMALIZED. I repeated multiple times! Shall again?


I am not going to say it again. You answer.
NORMALIZE WHAT EXACTLY? Why the hell won’t you give a straight answer? I LINKED TO WHAT I SAID WAS NORMALIZED. I repeated multiple times! Shall again?


I am not going to say it again. You answer.
Yet you said that there was not enough transgenders competing in sports for example, to have to create laws for this activity.

in my mind, if there isn't enough activity to regulate it, how can there be enough to normalize it?
Or maybe teaching all, there is more to learning than reading, writing and math. On the other hand you have made up a new definition for “groomer” and label anyone who opposes your anti lgbtq legislation “groomers” and “pedos”.
You leftTARDS are so full of shit it isn't funny anymore.

There is NO anti-gay agenda, shit-for-brains.

There's only a PROTECT THE CHILDREN agenda.

And that, will be carried out, with or without your bleating.

The more you keep trying this crap the harder you're going to get smacked down.

You'll stop when it hurts. Trust me. You will.
Yet you said that there was not enough transgenders competing in sports for example, to have to create laws for this activity.

in my mind, if there isn't enough activity to regulate it, how can there be enough to normalize it?
First, you answer my question, then I'll answer.
You leftTARDS are so full of shit it isn't funny anymore.

There is NO anti-gay agenda, shit-for-brains.

There's only a PROTECT THE CHILDREN agenda.

And that, will be carried out, with or without your bleating.

The more you keep trying this crap the harder you're going to get smacked down.

You'll stop when it hurts. Trust me. You will.
Coyote doesn't believe in protecting children. Not as long as sexual deviants, pimps and Planned Parenthood want them for pleasure or $$$.

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