A California biology teacher has been arrested for allegedly molesting seven students and sharing graphic photos online

You call us sick but we have proof that public schools protect these freaks yet you disagree with my post and then call us sick.

Check the mirror sweetie.
When you cast a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps loudest probably got hit. A lot of yelping here.
coming from the side that makes up shit to be worried about, this is funny.
How many are stuffed under your bed now? Commies, Antifa, BLM,Trannies and now Dem Pedos. You are running out of realestate.
Yeah, we listened to the pedophiles saying they were coming for our children.

You are surprised when parents take action?

What planet do you live on?
Yup so you have to make up crap demonizing teachers because a few are perverts like any other occupation. Great job. Get out the torches and pitchforks. Truth is always the first casualty here.
Thinking is not a value for Democrat supporters.
How many are stuffed under your bed now? Commies, Antifa, BLM,Trannies and now Dem Pedos. You are running out of realestate.

See if this resonates.

There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not prosperity, not individuality, not tranquility.
Race, Class, and Gender.

“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

“A hundred years ago, kids in classrooms were taught the color of their skin was their most important characteristic — and if they looked a certain way, they were inferior. Today, kids again are being taught that the color of their skin defines them — and if they look a certain way, they’re an oppressor.” Tim Scott Text of Sen. Tim Scott's GOP response to Biden speech

It is long past time for you to rebel against what your party has become.

Are you this easy to manipulate?????

Have you ever read a book, any history.....

Do you know what a false flag project is, the Reichstag Fire....????

Here's a recent example:
1. We've all seen the videos of how peaceful Trump supporters were in the Capitol on Jan 6th.....I'll provide them for any one who hasn't seen them.....

.....and the reports of Leftist agents provocateurs who did actual rioting and damage......I'll provide those as well if you need same.....and students of history recognize the same ploy as the Reichstag Fire, also by Nazis, the folks with whom the Democrats share so very many interests and methhods.

2. The same ideologists have been smearing the Canadian truckers, .....

Nazi flag at 'Freedom Convoy' spurs bill to ban hate symbols

https://www.thestar.com › news › canada › 2022/02/07
NDP MP introduces a bill to prohibit hateful symbols, but Bernie Farber, a supporter of the move in principal, concedes there would be ...

3. But Toronto Sun journalist Joe Warmington points out it is one more false flag attempt to quash protests against the totalitarians.

"Fox News segment suggests fascist symbols at Canadian trucker convoy are false flags​

Joe Warmington: Nazi and Confederate flags at Ottawa trucker rally “were most likely props that were put in to try to quell this thing. ... I smell a rat.”
JOHN ROBERTS (ANCHOR): So, there's a lot of pejoratives that are being thrown around about the people who are involved in these protests, but what is the real situation on the ground? We want to bring in Joe Warmington, he's a reporter for the Toronto Sun, and he has made his way from Toronto, where he is normally based, up there to Canada's capital of Ottawa. So, Joe, we were saying that early on in these protests there were some swastikas that were displayed. I have seen a picture of one fella who was carrying a Confederate Flag, that brush has been used to paint literally everybody who is involved in this protest. But, what is the real story and what are you seeing on the ground there in Ottawa?

JOE WARMINGTON (TORONTO SUN REPORTER): Well, the capital of Canada right now is "Truckistan," really. I mean, you can see it. They have even got their own watch tower over my shoulder, and basically there is no answer for it. As far as these horrible hate flags, I mean, those were most likely props that were put in to try to quell this thing and, you know, obviously that didn't work, and really nothing has worked.

...I think it's kind of textbook to do something like that. The flags themselves, the ones that you referred to, were nowhere near all of this, they were in other parts of town. Nobody really saw them outside of social media. So, I smell a rat on that. I don't see anything like that. There's no hate here that I've seen. There's no danger here that I've seen. There's no violence here that I've seen. It's a, you know, a party atmosphere and it is what it is. I mean, it's got under the skin of the prime minister, he has no answer for it, and of course when you have no answer for it, you are going to have to come up with things and that's all that was."

Fox News segment suggests fascist symbols at Canadian trucker convoy are false flags


Exactly the same for Trump supporters on Jan 6.

The Democrats/Left lie about everything.

Wake The Heck Up!!!!!!!!!
How many are stuffed under your bed now? Commies, Antifa, BLM,Trannies and now Dem Pedos. You are running out of realestate.
never said they were. you are projecting to me so you can make up reasons to be mad.

proved my point.
Yup so you have to make up crap demonizing teachers because a few are perverts like any other occupation. Great job. Get out the torches and pitchforks. Truth is always the first casualty here.
a few cops are bad, defund them all
a few white people are racist, so everyone is
we just want this one statue taken down
my rights are violated, burn buildings n loot

the left started this game. people react. it's called human nature
Yup so you have to make up crap demonizing teachers because a few are perverts like any other occupation. Great job. Get out the torches and pitchforks. Truth is always the first casualty here.
and you left the conversation last time I asked.

if it's just a few, why the push by Disney n more to "normalize" this behavior?

"normalize" being your word.

you seem to poof when you put yourself in contradictions.
The private Christain schools seem to lead the pack.

Dr. David Smock

(AP) — A doctor charged with 11 felony sex abuse crimes involving children at a Missouri boarding school has pleaded not guilty to three of the charges. Dr. David Smock, a longtime physician at Agape Boarding School, entered the plea Thursday in Greene County Court. His preliminary hearing was scheduled for Feb.Jan 14, 2022

Missouri Boarding School Doctor Says Not Guilty to 3 Charges

Yup, faggots and child molesters are everywhere. We should up the penalty to public hanging if we want to deter this behavior. But I somehow doubt the left will agree.
Yup so you have to make up crap demonizing teachers because a few are perverts like any other occupation. Great job. Get out the torches and pitchforks. Truth is always the first casualty here.

Oh? Please link to where I claim all teachers are bad. I specifically reference the PEDO's, and other sexual perverts who have infiltrated the educational system.

You lie worse than Trump ever did.
Oh? Please link to where I claim all teachers are bad. I specifically reference the PEDO's, and other sexual perverts who have infiltrated the educational system.

You lie worse than Trump ever did.
they say it doesn't exist.
you prove it does
they shift to "only a few" and while a good mantra, they only need 1 person doing something to go into an upheaval.

it's bullshit.
and you left the conversation last time I asked.

if it's just a few, why the push by Disney n more to "normalize" this behavior?

"normalize" being your word.

you seem to poof when you put yourself in contradictions.
I am not on all the time.

Normalize what behavior specifically? Teachers having sex with students?

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